在3DM Mod站下载怪物猎人:世界最新的 怪物猎人Mod管理工具 MHW Mod Manager V1.41 汉化版 Mod,由BoltMan制作。◕小莫◕在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Mod作者: BoltMan Mod版本: 1.41 Mod大小: 更新时间: 2018-12-27 13:36:53 发布时间: 2018-10-23 11:52:20
新版管理器: https://mod.3dmgame.com/GMM/161
- 将下载的压缩包解压到任何位置,然后运行“MHW_ModManager.exe”即可打开程序
- 该工具支持.zip,.7z,.rar等格式的压缩包文件。
- 确保压缩包里面的第一个文件夹是“nativePC”。
- 将从网上下载的压缩包拖拽到软件里面来,即可看到Mod
- 选择即可安装Mod到游戏中
I finally got fed up with trying to track down loose mod files referencing the original installs and clicking through a million folders to uninstall all the mod specific files, sheesh. So i figured i could easily knock something up to solve the problem in about a day or so,, and then it took 3 days... But that's not so bad anyway and i think the result works fairly well. I started working on this before i even knew what "Vortex" was and i guess if ya like that better then, whatever. but i made this and well no reason not to upload it. its a much simpler manager if you don't want to use vortex anyway, and might have some nice features it doesn't have.
Hope ya like, thanks for checkin' it out anyway.
-You can extract the files anywhere and use it but it works best if you place them in your monster hunter world game folder. if you don't, you'll have to change the folder manually after loading the program up. Just make sure the ModManagerData folder stays by the program executable.
-This program requires that you keep a mod cache of all the mod archives (.zip, .7z, .rar, etc..) for mods you have installed. (this is mostly managed for you unless you want to manually organize it).
-You can drag files to the list to add them to the mod cache. alternatively you can place them inside folders inside the mod cache folder to categorize them, if the program is open while you do this you'll probably need to hit re-scan mod cache afterwards.
-Automatically install and uninstall all or manually selected parts of a mod archive.
-Track which files of what mods are installed
-Display what mods modify what files
-A hopefully user friendly interface
-Game agnostic: would work on any game that uses a similar mod structure.
Want to contribute?
The repository for this project is run by the nice UncleClapton
You can find it here.
If you are a mod author:
Could you please structure your mods to always have a full folder path for all the files rather than have people try and navigate to specific folders themselves?
You can have readme's and other files at the base of the archive as I've added an option to ignore files at the top level but it would be nice if you could make your mod easily compatible with this manager, thanks!
Only really works with mods that have a full folder structure for where they belong, or have files that go directly into nativePC, which thankfully most mods are already like that.
Its a simple program, its not going to automagically update your mods for you by checking the nexus or whatever.
As i said i kinda just made this in a few days and was working pretty fast ykno, i absolutely do not have enough hubris to say this program is bug free. And any mishaps that cause harm to your mod installs and cache are not of my responsibility.
That being said i have tested it and it has worked fine in all situations I've thrown at it.
If you are concerned about your mods, please back up your nativePC folder.
I'm not super interested in continuing work on this that much, just wanted to make something that worked nicely and be done with it.
But if there's enough desire for a certain feature request or something i might think about it.
However there is an open source repository that anyone can contribute at.
Anyway, any questions, comments, ideas, and bugs reports are welcome in the comments.
【GMM】Gloss Mod Manager 一款综合性的现代化游戏模组管理器 | Cheat Engine (CE修改器) 7.6 汉化版 | 荒野大镖客2 线下内置修改器[RDR2 Native Trainer(RNT)] v0.951 | OpenIV 4.1版本 中文汉化版 | GTA5最强ENB(画质补丁)——REDUX_1.16 | Unity Mod 管理工具(Unity Mod Manager) 0.21.2汉化版 | ReShade 6.2.0 汉化版 | 怪物猎人Mod管理工具 MHW Mod Manager V1.41 汉化版 | 只狼 FPS上限解锁补丁+无边框模式 v1.2.5汉化版 | Script Hook RDR2 | GTA5线下修改器1.50【支持名钻赌场豪劫DLC】 | Script Hook V |