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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的LAL的LRS猎人扩展 Mod,由LRS制作。djshsj1634在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: LRS Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 699 KB 更新时间: 2019-03-19 23:44:53 发布时间: 2019-03-19 23:44:53




这是我的第一个mod,它是为个人使用而创建的,因为我想用Hunterborn,Frostfall,iNeed和其他沉浸/生存类型mod开始一个新游戏,但我没有感觉任何当前选项Live Another Life非常适合我想要的。来自LAL的野营选项很接近,但我玩的沉浸式和难度模式使得在较冷的气候下开始只有一个帐篷是一个真正的挑战,轻描淡写。我想在一个温暖的地区和一个真正的家庭而不是只有一个帐篷的起始位置。没有像湖景庄园那样的奇特。我是一个可怜的猎人,为了生存而杀人,而不是一个富有的土地所有者出去寻找奖杯。一旦我从剥皮和卖毛皮上赚到钱,我就能“升级”到帐篷里,这样我就可以更好地装备我的角色,让他在寒冷的山区生活。




到目前为止,我发现只有一个轻微的不兼容性是跟随者mod of the Green。如果安装了那个mod,有两个动物头骨稍微漂浮在机舱旁边的地面上。如果您使用该mod,可以从控制台禁用它们。在粉碎,批处理和合并之前,我已经在我的加载顺序中得到了~260 esp,并且一切都正常,只有一个例外。


首先是对Arthmoor的巨大感谢!如果没有他的Alternate Start  -  Live Another Life Mod,我显然无法创建这个mod。我也无法通过他为LAL创建扩展的精彩教程来创建它。我还需要赞扬YouTube上的DarkFox127,我在制作此视频时遵循了许多视频。


Mod Description

You'll start outside of a cabin in the forest west of Falkreath with your dog Ulf by your side and a bow on your back.  You soon learn your cabin is locked and your hunting partners have took off on another hunt without you.  Track them down and retrieve the key to gain access to your new home.

This is my first mod and it was created for personal use as I wanted to start a new game as a hunter with Hunterborn, Frostfall, iNeed, and other immersion / survival type mods, but I didn't feel any of the current options for Live Another Life really fit what I wanted.  The camping option from LAL was close, but the immersion and difficulty mods I play with make starting in that colder climate with only a tent a real challenge to put it lightly.  I wanted a starting location in a warmer area and a real home instead of only a tent.  Nothing fancy like Lakeview Manor though.  I'm a poor hunter killing to survive, not a rich land owner out for a trophy hunt.  I can "upgrade" to a tent once the money I make from skinning and selling pelts allows me to better equip my character for life in the cold mountains.

About me

As stated in the mod description, I created the mod for my personal use.  After I was finished I liked it and decided to share it.  I'm not a modder and don't plan on releasing any more mods or upgrades / improvements to this one, but if anyone finds anything that I messed up or you would like to see done differently please let me know and I'll do my best.


Only one minor incompatibility I have found so far is with the follower mod Song of the Green.  There are two animal skulls that float slightly above the ground next to the cabin if that mod is installed.  They can be disabled from the console if you are using that mod.  Before smashing, batching, and merging I've got ~260 esp's in my load order and everything is working fine together with that one exception.

Thanks and Credits

First and foremost a huge thanks to Arthmoor!  I obviously wouldn't have been able to create this mod without his Alternate Start - Live Another Life Mod.  I also wouldn't have been able to create this with his great tutorial on creating extensions for LAL.  I also need to give credit to DarkFox127 on YouTube whose many videos I followed while creating this.




制作野生动物MOD | 上古卷轴5 Emfy半链甲牧师长袍MOD | 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 光玻璃盔甲MOD | 龙腾世纪:起源 高级战术修正补丁 | 《真三国无双6 with 猛将传》光剑美人盾MOD | 9位NPC |


  • 制作野生动物MOD
  • 上古卷轴5 Emfy半链甲牧师长袍MOD
  • 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 光玻璃盔甲MOD
  • 龙腾世纪:起源 高级战术修正补丁
  • 《真三国无双6 with 猛将传》光剑美人盾MOD
  • 9位NPC