召唤法术 - 重新制作

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的召唤法术 - 重新制作 Mod,由esuriddick制作。SMALLYUAN在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: esuriddick Mod版本: 1.1 Mod大小: 6.63 KB 更新时间: 2019-03-14 23:10:35 发布时间: 2019-03-14 23:10:35


召唤法术 - 重新制作

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这个模式背后的目标是给魔术师更多的死灵法师的感觉,同时保持与香草天际一样的进步感。最后,它试图回答我遇到的一些问题,例如:(1)幽灵狼?为什么不是猎犬呢? (2)射手骨人?为什么他不需要武器以防他需要在近距离内为自己辩护? (3)一个基本上是施法者的迷雾者?但为什么我没有得到一个可以给我足够时间施放自己法术的生物呢?





 - 熟悉的名字改为“死亡猎犬”。

 - 熟悉的外表和行为被改变以匹配“死亡猎犬”(继承了死亡猎犬的霜冻能力)。

 - 更改了法术和相应的大部分,提到它是一只死亡猎犬。

Conjure Boneman

 - 每次召唤时,它都会从Draugr武器池中获得一个随机的1H近战武器。


 -  Flaming Familiar的名字改为“Plague Carrier”。

 -  Flaming Familiar的外观和行为被改变以匹配“死亡猎犬”(继承了死亡猎犬的霜冻能力)。

 - 必须创造一种新的效果,以便对瘟疫携带者实施更“令人作呕”的方面。

 - 改变了与Flaming Familiar相关的脚本,以便将爆炸改变为“瘟疫”爆炸(使用的爆炸来自爆炸毒蜘蛛,因此就损坏而言,它们也是相关的)。

 - 更改了咒语和相应的大部头,提到它是瘟疫携带者。


 -  Mistman的名字改为“Wrathman”。

 -  Mistman的外表和行为被改变以匹配“Wrathman”之一。

 - 更改了咒语和相应的大部头,提到它是一个Wrathman。

 - 所有Mistman的法术都被删除了。

 - 每次召唤时,它都会从Draugr武器池中获得随机的2H近战武器。与原始的召唤之怒法术提供的武器相比,这些武器更弱。


 -  Wrathman的名字改为“守护者”。

 -  Wrathman的外表和行为被改变以匹配“守护者”之一。

 - 更改了咒语和相应的大部头,提到它是守护者。

 - 与游戏中的原始守护者不同,这个守护者的高度设置为1(对1.5)。

 - 为了防止在守护者死亡/未兵的情况下产生任何不可开发的黑色粘性,创建了原始种族的精确副本,但是使用了与其相关的不同的法术和脚本。

 - 每次召唤时,它都会从Dragonbone类中获得一个随机的2H近战武器。

召唤Dremora Lord

 -  Dremora Lord的名字改为“Reaper”。

 -  Dremora Lord的外表和行为被改变以匹配“收割者”之一。

 - 改变了咒语和相应的大部头,提到它是一个收割者。

 - 删除了与Dremora Lord相关的所有派别。

 - 与游戏中的原始收割者不同,此收割者的高度设定为1.1(对比1.3)。

 - 每次被召唤,它都会得到一个结霜的乌木战斧。

 - 由于收割者没有高等级护甲(如Dremora Lord)并且保持强度高于守护者,所以生命值从345增加到1200(600或更低会导致他死亡而不是召唤守护者)。

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 - 天际特别版

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第一种方法:NMM /其他Mod Manager(推荐)

使用Nexus Mod Manager下载并安装,简单而干净。




3.复制.esp文件并将其粘贴到Skyrim / Data文件夹中。




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收割者不会受到死灵法术的影响:由于收割者正在取代Dremora Lord,它也可以获得与Dremora Lord相同的特权(你可以看到影响Dremora Lord HERE的特权)。

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Summoning Spells - Remade
Authors: esuriddick
This mod's development should be considered as closed (unless a bug appears).

0. Index
1. Features
2. Requirements
3. Installation / Uninstallation
4. Known Issues
5. Incompatibilities

1. Features
The goal behind this mod was to give more of a necromancer feeling to a conjurer, while keeping the same sense of progress as in vanilla Skyrim. In the end, it tries to answer a few issues that I had with it, such as: (1) a ghost wolf? Why not a death hound? (2) an archer boneman? Why didn't he get a weapon in case he needs to defend himself in close range? (3) a mistman that is basically a caster? But why didn't I get a creature that can give me enough time for me to cast my own spells?

This mod does not add any new spell, script, or mesh. Every change that was made used existing assets and modified only vanilla references, with the exception of the specific cases stated below. It should be noted that these changes will also affect NPC's summoning spells. The changes made to the names and models only affect the summoned versions of the creatures.

It should be noted that all tests were made in a fully vanilla skyrim (no mod besides this one).

The following changes were made (levels and stats were kept as they were unless stated otherwise):

Conjure Familiar
- Name of the Familiar was changed to "Death Hound".
- Familiar's appearance and behaviour was altered to match the one of a "Death Hound" (inherited a Death Hound's frost abilities as well).
- Changed the spell and the respective tome to mention that it is a Death Hound.

Conjure Boneman
- Every time it is summoned, it will get a random 1H melee weapon from the Draugr weapons' pool.

Conjure Flaming Familiar
- Name of the Flaming Familiar was changed to "Plague Carrier".
- Flaming Familiar's appearance and behaviour was altered to match the one of a "Death Hound" (inherited a Death Hound's frost abilities as well).
- A new effect had to be created in order to implement a more "sickening" aspect to the Plague Carrier.
- Script associated to the Flaming Familiar was changed in order for the explosion to be altered to a "plague" explosion (explosion used was taken from a Exploding Poison Spider, so in terms of damage they are also related).
- Changed the spell and the respective tome to mention that it is a Plague Carrier.

Conjure Mistman
- Name of the Mistman was changed to "Wrathman".
- Mistman's appearance and behaviour was altered to match the one of a "Wrathman".
- Changed the spell and the respective tome to mention that it is a Wrathman.
- All Mistman's spells were removed.
- Every time it is summoned, it will get a random 2H melee weapon from the Draugr weapons' pool. These weapons are weaker when compared to the ones provided by the original Conjure Wrathman spell.

Conjure Wrathman
- Name of the Wrathman was changed to "Keeper".
- Wrathman's appearance and behaviour was altered to match the one of a "Keeper".
- Changed the spell and the respective tome to mention that it is a Keeper.
- Unlike the original Keeper in the game, the height of this Keeper was set at 1 (vs 1.5).
- In order to prevent any unlootable black goo from spawning when the Keeper dies/unspawns, an exact copy of the original race was created but with a different different spell and script associated to it.
- Every time it is summoned, it will get a random 2H melee weapon from the Dragonbone class.

Conjure Dremora Lord
- Name of the Dremora Lord was changed to "Reaper".
- Dremora Lord's appearance and behaviour was altered to match the one of a "Reaper".
- Changed the spell and the respective tome to mention that it is a Reaper.
- Removed all the factions that were associated to the Dremora Lord.
- Unlike the original Reaper in the game, the height of this Reaper was set at 1.1 (vs 1.3).
- Every time it is summoned, it will get a frost enchanted Ebony Battleaxe.
- Since the Reaper does not have high tier armor (like the Dremora Lord) and to keep it stronger than the Keeper, health was buffed from 345 to 1200 (600 or lower would lead to his death vs. a summoned Keeper).

2. Requirements
- Skyrim Special Edition

3. Installation / Uninstallation
FIRST METHOD: NMM/Other Mod Manager (Recommended)
Download and install with the Nexus Mod Manager, simple and clean.

SECOND METHOD: Manual (Not Recommended)
1. Download the file manually.
2. Extract the contents of the mod's zip file to your desktop.
3. Copy the .esp file and paste it in the Skyrim/Data folder.
4. Activate the mod in Skyrim.

If you are already in the middle of a playthrough, just be sure, before installing, not to have any conjured creatures in the same cell as you, or that you have one of the spells equipped. Your current spells should be changed automatically with no issue.

To uninstall, just be sure that no conjured creature is in the same cell as you or that you have the spells equipped on one of your hands. Removing the mod should revert the spells to their vanilla version.

4. Known Issues

Boneman sometimes drops his weapon before leaving: This is an intended effect in vanilla Skyrim, as you can check HERE.

Reaper is not affected by the Necromancy perk: Since the Reaper is replacing a Dremora Lord, it also benefits from the same perks as the Dremora Lord (you can see the perks that affect the Dremora Lord HERE).

5. Incompatibilities
As far as I'm aware, given the changes made, it should be compatible with most mods unless if these creatures are changed. To override those mods, let this mod load after the other ones.




窗户18 | 环世界 b18星界军派系MOD | 魔兽争霸3 HurtWorld1.3 | 魔兽争霸3 v1.28动漫混乱战争Ver 97 | 辐射4 反叛者迷彩服装包MOD | HQD纱衣服2K重绘10套 |


  • 窗户18
  • 环世界 b18星界军派系MOD
  • 魔兽争霸3 HurtWorld1.3
  • 魔兽争霸3 v1.28动漫混乱战争Ver 97
  • 辐射4 反叛者迷彩服装包MOD
  • HQD纱衣服2K重绘10套