MLU Katana制作补丁

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的MLU Katana制作补丁 Mod,由Crazydude323制作。kirrasa在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Crazydude323 Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 1.51 KB 更新时间: 2019-02-19 13:50:39 发布时间: 2019-02-19 13:50:39


这个mod只是lautasantenni的Katana Crafting和ChocolateNoodle的Morrowloot Ultimate的简单补丁。

Morrowloot Ultimate可以改变某些材料类型的伤害,金币值,暴击伤害,有时甚至是重量和速度。更具体地说是Dragonbone,Glass,Ebony,Daedric和Stalhrim。因为这些武器的伤害值都发生了变化,所以没有任何理由使用Katana Crafting增加的武器。使用此补丁,所列出的Katanas(以及Dai-Katanas,Tantos和Wakizashis)类型的损坏值与MLU所做的更改一致。


与普通剑相比,Katana Crafting中列出的所有类型的武器现在可以造成相应的伤害和爆击伤害。

现在,来自Katana Crafting的所有类型的武器都具有金币值,以匹配MLU所做的更改。他们中的一些人有点不稳定,但我把所有的东西都算出来了,而且如果你只有没有MLU的Katana Crafting,它们的比例也是相同的。



这个补丁不接触MLU的任何武器;它完全不受影响。同样,MLU没有触及其损坏值的任何材料类型,例如Steel和Elven,都没有改变他们的Katana Crafting对应物。


This mod is just a simple patch for Katana Crafting by lautasantenni, and Morrowloot Ultimate by ChocolateNoodle.

Morrowloot Ultimate changes the damage, gold value, crit damage, and sometimes weight and speed of certain material types. More specifically Dragonbone, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, and Stalhrim. Because these weapons all had their damage values changed, there isn't any reason whatsoever to use the weapons added by Katana Crafting. With this patch, the damage values of the listed types of Katanas (and Dai-Katanas, Tantos, and Wakizashis) are brought in line with the changes MLU makes.


All weapons of the listed types from Katana Crafting now deal the appropriate amount of damage, and crit damage, compared to the normal swords.

All weapons of the listed types from Katana Crafting now have gold values to match the changes made by MLU. Some of them are a little wonky, but I math'd everything out, and the ratios are the same as what they would be if you just had Katana Crafting without MLU.

The weapons of the listed types that had Weight changes have been brought closer to the weights you would expect when compared to the changes MLU makes.

All weapons of the listed types have had their speeds, and reach for Wakizashis, corrected to proper values (including Dragonbone being slower and Glass being faster, as per MLU).

This Patch does NOT touch any of the weapons from MLU; it was left completely untouched. Similarly, any material types whose damage values weren't touched by MLU, such as Steel and Elven, did not have their Katana Crafting counterparts changed.




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