在3DM Mod站下载骑马与砍杀最新的MB Warband Advanced 增强功能和更好的图形 Mod,由Dynamite Jewduh制作。123yang123在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Mod作者: Dynamite Jewduh Mod版本: 2.2 Mod大小: 588mb 更新时间: 2019-02-16 14:33:32 发布时间: 2019-02-16 14:33:32
MB Warband Advanced 增强功能和更好的图形
Twitch Stream:http://www.twitch.tv/kewl_tv
Steam Group:http
://steamcommunity.com/groups/mountbladelivestream/我的Steam名称:Dynamite Jewduh
确保你启动Mount&Blade:Warband with the WSELoader,在线见!
MB Warband高级!新闻(10/30/14)
- 已上载新版本的mod 2.2。已重命名模块的名称,以访问旧的保存文件,只需将文档中的保存文件夹重命名为MB_Warband_Advanced。的!一直在拿出名称来支持新的专用服务器!! 服务器的名称是_NA_WBA_。希望看到你们在那里,合作社的活动正在进行中,所以加入蒸汽集团或服务器参与。对不起最近的所有更新。本周我有很多停工时间,并希望得到我想要添加的所有内容。以后再见!
- 在多人合作社中与其他人一起在线加入或主持单人战斗。
- 导出和导入伴侣的能力。
- 新的派系名称更具历史性,反映了贵族头衔。
- 选择一名同伴在战斗中扮演指挥官。
- 形成和更好的AI。
- 加入领主军队作为士兵,并在队伍中上升。
- 为领主配备设备。
- 更好的图形
- 通过更好的声音和战斗的氛围来聆听战场。
- 城堡围攻有多个梯子。
- 沉浸在新的热闹小酒馆。
- 竞争激烈的在线多人游戏中的随机天气。
- 从你的村庄征兵。
- 建造一个营房,让你资助你的驻军从你的城镇或城堡招募部队。
- 当你成为国王时执行领主并处理你的行为的惩罚。
- 放弃你的誓言,宣布独立于你的君主。
- 为你的王国选择一种文化。
- 为你的封臣选择贵族头衔。
- 捐赠给您的村庄,以建立关系和繁荣。
- 在你的城堡胸部存放denars。
- 玩家派系部队。
- 新装甲。
- 新马。
- 雷阵雨。
- 新发型
- 更好的锦标赛选择。
- 战略上使用更大的盾牌来抨击你的敌人。
- 多人游戏模式的新地图。
- 添加了Madmin管理工具,以便在多人游戏中获得更好的竞争力。
- 火箭。
- 为地图设计师提供更多场景道具。
Madmin Key Map
- 管理员消息(u) - 允许您向所有玩家发送服务器消息。
- 强制推动(o) - 将你周围小范围内的所有玩家击倒在地,并产生一团烟雾; 当你不知道是谁开始它时,有助于阻止团队成员而不踢他们或打破团队战斗。
- 可自定义的Admin Armor(i) - 按下此键后,您将使用您在下次生成时在配置文件中选择的管理装甲生成。
- Banhammer(;分号) - 有时玩家需要一点点强硬的爱,有时,你想要亲自提供。banhammer是一种超级快速武器,可以在玩家被击中时暂时禁用它们。
- 淡出(k) - 淡化你的玩家并在其他地方重生你。对于使用管理装甲进行重生很有用。
- 欢呼(米) - 让你的球员欢呼; 不是很有用,但很有趣!
- 嘲讽(,逗号) - 让你的球员欢呼; 不是很有用,但很有趣!
Dedicated Server: _NA_WBA_
Twitch Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/kewl_tv
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/mountbladelivestream/
My Steam Name: Dynamite Jewduh
Make sure you launch Mount & Blade: Warband with the WSELoader, See you online!
MB Warband Advanced! News (10/30/14)
- New version of mod 2.2 has been uploaded. The name of the module has been renamed, to access your old save files just rename your save folder located in your documents to MB_Warband_Advanced. The ! has been taking out the name to support the new dedicated server!! The name of the server is _NA_WBA_. Hope to see you guys there, coop campaign is in the works so join the steam group or server to participate. Sorry for all the updates lately. I had a lot of down time this week, and wanted to get everything I wanted to add done. See you guys later!
- Join or host singleplayer battles online with others in multiplayer co-op.
- The ability to export and import companions.
- New faction names to be more historic and reflect the titles of nobility.
- Choose a companion to play as the commander during battles.
- Formations and better AI.
- Join a lords army as a soldier and work your way up through the ranks.
- Equip lords with equipment.
- Better Graphics
- Hear the battlefield with better sounds and ambience of the battle.
- Castle sieges have more then one ladder.
- Be immersed in the new lively taverns.
- Random weather in the competitive online multiplayer.
- Levy troops from your villages.
- Build a barracks which allows you to fund your garrison to recruit troops from your town or castle.
- Execute lords when you become king and deal with the penalty of your actions.
- Renounce your oath, and declare independence from your liege.
- Select a culture for your kingdom.
- Select titles of nobility for your vassals.
- Donate to your villages to build relations and prosperity.
- Store denars in your castle chest.
- Player Faction troops.
- New armors.
- New horses.
- Thunderstorms.
- New hairstyles
- Better tournament options.
- Strategically use bigger shields to bash your enemies.
- New maps for multiplayer modes.
- Madmin admin tools added for better competitive play in multiplayer.
- Fire arrows.
- More scene props for map designers.
Madmin Key Map
- Admin Message (u) - allows you to send a Server message to all players.
- Force-push (o) - Knocks all players within a small radius around you to the ground and creates a cloud of smoke; useful for stopping teamkillers without kicking them or breaking up team fights when you don't know who started it.
- Customizable Admin Armor (i) - After pressing this key, you will spawn with admin armor you chose in the config file next time you spawn.
- Banhammer (; semicolon) - Sometimes players need a little tough love, and sometimes, you want to deliver that personally. The banhammer is a super-fast weapon that will temporarily ban players when they are hit.
- Fade out (k) - fades your player out and respawns you somewhere else. Useful for respawning with admin armor.
- Cheer (m) - Makes your player cheer; not very useful, but fun!
- Taunt (, comma) - Makes your player cheer; not very useful, but fun!
Battle Time(Co-op) Instructions
When you encounter a battle:
1. Choose "Give me time to save" if you did not save the game IMMEDIATELY before the battle (also clears the battle setup file so you can setup the battle again). Then rejoin the encounter.
2. Choose "Setup multiplayer battle" to play the battle in multiplayer mode. This will prepare the multiplayer admin panel with the settings for the current battle.
3. Choose "Quit game (will not save)" when you are ready to continue to the battle in multiplayer mode.
4. Go to multiplayer mode.
5. Choose "Host a game" (if you are using a dedicated server, click join a game and login as the admin and open the admin panel).
6. Choose "Start Map" to begin the battle, or "Load Battle" if necessary.
7. Choose a faction and choose a hero troop if you don't want to spawn as a regular soldier.
8. Select which groups of troops you want to command.
9. After the host and all clients have chosen a hero to play as, the host can click "Start battle".
10. Players can change equipment with the main party inventory before the battle starts or equip weapons from the chest after spawning.
11. When one team has been defeated, use the menu option "End Battle" to save results.
After the battle:
1. Load the saved game that you saved right before the battle.
2. Encounter the same party that you did when you started the battle. Because you saved before the first encounter, this second repeated encounter is the only one that is actually used.
3. Choose "Use multiplayer battle results" this will inflict casualties to your party and any parties that were in the battle.
4. Continue playing singleplayer until you fight again.
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