在3DM Mod站下载骑马与砍杀最新的Prophesy of Pendor Banners Reimagined 横幅 Mod,由Brujoloco制作。xiaoqh615在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Mod作者: Brujoloco Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 3.12 MB 更新时间: 2019-01-19 21:53:24 发布时间: 2019-01-19 21:53:24
Prophesy of Pendor Banners Reimagined 横幅
Pop 3.8.X的用户:只需更换std_bannersX.dds文件即可让我的所有横幅都能正常工作PoP 3.8.X和我的编辑中的那些,因为流行音乐的新版本都有很长的横幅所以不需要ini。因此,如果您拥有POP 3.8.x或更高版本,只需获取名为std_banners.dds的.dds文件并替换它们,无需执行任何其他操作,以前的版本仍需要执行.ini调整和额外文件。
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几年前,我决定将所有Pendor Banners重新想象成适合我对世界及其在Taleworld论坛中的传说的解释。
这是最初的主题:https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,285542.0。 html
我花了好几天创建它们并且自从PoP 3.4以来一直在使用它们,这是3.7的包更新,其中包括一个简单的安装和用于PoP 3.7
的模块化Module.ini 横幅都是特定于PoP的,我为此付出了痛苦。每个Pendorian文化的横幅都是独一无二的。
D Shar将具有适当的几何图案,例如与Ravenstern Lords相同。在一个标准游戏中,由于对特殊领主对Sarleon的仇恨相关仇恨,Rane及其男爵将一直运动Thrice Impaled Lion。
它们也与游戏中的Heraldic Surcoats相匹配,并且在图形引擎中尽可能地与人体可能相匹配,以便在纹章盾中正确显示。
我已经为Pendor 3.706添加了一个修改过的module.ini如果你有其他任何版本或想在不同的模块中使用它们做可选步骤
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module.ini :load_module_resource = std_banners
load_module_resource = std_banners_default
load_module_resource = std_flags_vertical
load_resource = banners
load_resource = map_flags
load_resource = map_flags_b
load_resource = map_flags_c
load_resource = map_flags_d (仅限Warband!)
load_module_resource = banners
load_module_resource = map_flags
load_module_resource = map_flags_b
load_module_resource = map_flags_c
load_module_resource = map_flags_d(仅限Warband!)
load_mod_resource = banners
load_mod_resource = map_flags
load_mod_resource = map_flags_b
load_mod_resource = map_flags_c
load_mod_resource = map_flags_d(仅限Warband!)
scan_module_textures = 1
2)继续将* .brf文件放在模块的resources文件夹中
3)将* .dds文件放在模块的textures文件夹中。
http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic ,33372.msg859746.html
Users of Pop 3.8.X: You can get all my banners to work by simply replacing the std_bannersX.dds files in PoP 3.8.X with the ones in my compilation, as newer versiosn of pop have all long banners so no need for the ini. SO IF YOU HAVE POP 3.8.x or higher just grab the .dds files called std_banners.dds and replace them , no need to do anything else, prior versions still need to do the .ini tweak and extra files.
Years ago I decided to reimagine all of Pendor Banners to something that suited my interpretation of the World and its lore in the Taleworld Forums
This is the original thread: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,285542.0.html
I spent several days creating them and have been using them since PoP 3.4, this is a package update now for 3.7 that includes an easy installation and modded Module.ini for PoP 3.7
The banners are all specific to PoP and I took pains for the banners to be unique for each of the Pendorian Cultures.
The D Shar will have proper geometrical patterns for example and same with the Ravenstern Lords. In a standard game Rane and its baron will always sport the Thrice Impaled Lion due to the lore related hatred of that particular lord towards Sarleon.
They are also matched to Heraldic Surcoats within the game and as humanly possible within the graphic engine centered to display properly in heraldic shields.
Besides the vertical banners 3d model the textures are ALL my work and I would appreciate if you use them elsewhere to credit me please :)
Enjoy them!
1) Place the module.ini in your module folder
I have added a modified module.ini for Pendor 3.706 if you have any other version or want to use them in a different module do the optional step
How to Modify Module.ini
You must add the following lines to module.ini in your mod's root folder:
load_module_resource = std_banners
load_module_resource = std_banners_default
load_module_resource = std_flags_vertical
If module.ini includes any of these lines they need to be removed or disabled start the line with the # sign to comment out the line).:
load_resource = banners
load_resource = map_flags
load_resource = map_flags_b
load_resource = map_flags_c
load_resource = map_flags_d (Warband ONLY!)
load_module_resource = banners
load_module_resource = map_flags
load_module_resource = map_flags_b
load_module_resource = map_flags_c
load_module_resource= map_flags_d (Warband ONLY!)
load_mod_resource = banners
load_mod_resource = map_flags
load_mod_resource = map_flags_b
load_mod_resource = map_flags_c
load_mod_resource = map_flags_d (Warband ONLY!)
Also make sure that this line is present:
scan_module_textures = 1
2)Proceed to place the *.brf files in the resources folder of your module
3)Place the *.dds files in the textures folder of your module.
Credit to Yellowmosquito for his brf template for vertical banners
The Modified textures are all my work and the original thread can be found here
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