Septim HD

资源大小:5.71 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Septim HD Mod,由Crypton制作。yy5860851在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Crypton Mod版本: 1.3 Mod大小: 5.71 MB 更新时间: 2018-12-28 17:01:12 发布时间: 2018-12-28 17:01:12


Septim HD


SeptimHD.esp和Scripts \ septimhdquestscript.pex


一旦你完成Unbound(Helgen),快递员最终会找你。使用Alternate Start时应该没有问题。 Septims没有重量,也没有游戏内的价值,因为它不被视为获取免费“黄金”的“欺骗脚本”。



也就是说,这可能会或可能不会对你很友好,可能会或可能不会打破你自己的沉浸感。然而,在一个充满魔法和龙的世界以及所有其他童话世界中,我会发现很难相信他们不能按下硬币。 Dwemer似乎在他们的创作中做了出色的工作,所以假装是从他们那里偷走了一些技术。这一切都与透视有关,而我尊重他人的感觉,我在自己的游戏中分享了我喜欢的东西,而我却没有。


**请注意,如果您为Legacy Skyrim手动安装,则需要使用Alternates \ oldrim \中的文件替换文件。

如果您安装了可选的插件,我建议使用像Jaxonz Positioner这样的mod来帮助装饰你的家。


Septim HD

This is simply an HD replacement for the default Septim without breaking default design.

SeptimHD.esp and Scripts\septimhdquestscript.pex

This is just added cosmetic value to your game meant for your viewing or cluttering errr.. decorating needs. Want to decorate your home and drop some coins around for immersion? Here ya go!

Once you complete Unbound (Helgen) a courier will eventually seek you out. Should be no issues when using with Alternate Start. The Septims have no weight and no in-game value as to not be considered a 'cheat script' by getting free 'Gold'.

The plugin is 100% optional. If you have another coin texture you like better and just want the added decorating option, simply install the SeptimHD.esp to your Data folder and septimhdquestscript.pex to your Scripts folder. 

Some may feel this breaks immersion and/or lore because of the coin being too "pristine" for the technology based in the game.

That said, this may or may not be lore friendly to you and may or may not break your own immersion. However, in a world of magic and dragons and all those other fairy tales, I would find it hard to believe they cannot press a coin. Dwemer seem to do a fantastic job in their creations so pretend it is some technology stolen from them. It is all about perspective and I while I respect others feeling on it, I shared what I like in my own game when I did not have to.

Quite simply, don't use it if it ruins your immersion or your lore based game play.

** Note that if you are installing manually for Legacy Skyrim, you will need to replace files using the files from Alternates\oldrim\.

If you install the optional Plugin I recommend a mod like Jaxonz Positioner to aid in decorating your home.




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