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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的沉浸式和极端大修 Mod,由magickman12制作。zilingpan在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: magickman12 Mod版本: 0.8 Mod大小: 315 KB 更新时间: 2018-11-23 20:49:48 发布时间: 2018-11-23 20:49:48
















IEO首先结合了我的两个其他mod,“Skyrim Perk Extravaganza(SkyPE)”和“Skyrim Extreme”。第一个mod为游戏添加了数十个新的特权,旨在帮助你充分充实你的角色,第二个创建是为了让游戏以新的方式变得更加困难。然后我结合了我的个人改装版,改变了盔甲和游戏玩法的其他几个方面。所以,这个mod的许多主要方面已经被其他玩家和我自己测试了好几年。未发表的部件已经测试了很长一段时间。我仍然有想要添加和微调的想法,也许还有一些未知的错误需要修复,所以IEO将继续是一项正在进行的工作,直到下一个ES游戏问世




































正常的h / m / s再生已大大减少,但食物提供了长期奖励以增加它们。酒精让大多数人喝得足以摔倒,但有一个种族似乎不受其影响。有水可以解渴,恢复体力。保持充足

手......你需要它。顺便说一句,如果你在路上遇到Honningbrew Mead的那些家伙,你可能会看到酒精的影响,但只有当你找到它们时它们仍然喝醉了。







通过改变他们的运动速度,尺寸,h / m / s,再生率,携带重量以及对新沉浸式效果的抵抗力,即每场比赛都变得更加独特。诺德不会因饮酒而受到惩罚,而且红卫兵可以整天跑步而没有任何耐力损失。



















虽然您应该使用Wrye Bash或其他管理器来合并此mod中的级别列表,但您也可以通过添加未包含在EIO中的项目来丢失此mod的一些重点。 例如,尽管在大多数情况下从商店采取了锁定,我总是在商店中找到锁定,因为我的补丁从另一个mod重新引入它们。


此mod不会与其他改变特权,护甲和武器,法术,水平列表,种族,成分,魔法效果和各种游戏设置的mod相兼容。 如果你喜欢其中一个方面的另一个mod的设计,你可以把它放在这个方面之下。


Immersive and Extreme Overhaul

It's not for milk-drinkers

CHANGES 8/25/18
·       Add two-effect potions to levelled lists. Why should the Dragonborn be the only one making them?
·       Lockpicks are much more rare, but may still be foundon bandits.
·       Balanced spell costs to be more inline with vanilla.
·       Fixed bug in some spells that made them dangerous even after the proper perk was picked.
·       Reworked and balanced the Alchemy and Conjuration perk trees.
·       Now, the more powerful a spell is, the longer it takes to charge. Generally, the charge time on spells Novice to Master goes
like this: 0 seconds, .5 seconds, 1 second, 1.5 seconds, and 2 seconds for Master level spells. Shock spells can be charged quicker than this rate.
Necromancy and conjuring spells have a longer than normal charging time due to the time it takes for the summoned to arrive.
·       Reweighed and repriced silver household items inpreparation of future update.

Thank you for checking out my mod page. This mod has been a joy to create and I hope you have a lot of fun playing it. It’s purpose is to make Skyrim more…extreme and a bit more immersive, as well. You will encounter challenges in gameplay that you haven’t yet in Skyrim and will have to rethink much of the way you play in order to survive. It changes almost everything, but it is only the beginning. I will be expanding upon it in the future to add more to your gameplay.
IEO started out by combining two of my other mods, “Skyrim Perk Extravaganza (SkyPE)” and “Skyrim Extreme”. The first mod added dozens of new perks to the game that were designed to help you fully flesh out your character and the second was created to make the game more difficult in new ways. I then combined my personal mods that changed the armor and several other aspects of gameplay. So, much of the major aspects of this mod has been playtested by other players and myself for several years. The unpublished parts have been tested for quite a while, as well. I still have ideas to add and fine-tuning to do and maybe some unknown bugs to fix, so IEO will continue to be a work in progress until the next ES game comes out

Magic is dangerous
If you cast a spell without having the discipline to control it, you may not get the result you want. You could just get some odd effect, the opposite effect or something dangerous. Here are some examples:
You cast a spell to increase your one-handed skill and it works sometimes, but other times it makes you fumble!
You cast a fireball at an enemy, but are surprised to see the flames heal your enemy rather than harm them!
You make a group of bandits run away in fear, but as you loot their chests, they come back at you invisible!
All adverse effects happen randomly if you don't have the discipline to cast them. Spells with duration can switch from positive and negative effects for the whole duration.
Over 100 perks to choose from
I have imported my new perks and perk trees from my mod,SkyPE, while also improving many of them. New perk trees include Daedric, Role-Playing, Stamina, Mysticism, Crime, Hated Enemy, Monstrous, Factions, Classes, Human Races, Elf Races, Beast Races, Athletics, and Dragonborn. Perks
are no longer made available depending on just skill level. Some become available by attribute levels, quests completed, # of dragon souls absorbed, #
of people killed, items stolen, # of potions created or items enchanted, and a number of other requirements.
Healing is weak
Healing spells are about half the power of vanilla Skyrim,but there is a certain quest that can restore most of their power. Healing and other restorative potions are still strong, but they work over time. You should make sure you are prepared for combat because you will have to rely less on healing.
Alchemy is challenging again
Every ingredient has wholly different effects, and many neweffects, too. All have been balanced and will make the game more immersive. Most importantly, it is now IMPOSSIBLE to create a potion with both beneficial and harmful effects with just two ingredients. It is also possible to harvest
more than one ingredient from plants and creatures, even without perks.
Armor is immersive
Armor is more cumbersome. Bigger pieces like cuirasses offermore protection and smaller pieces like boots and gauntlets offer less. Heavy
armor offers substantially more protection than light, but without being overpowered.
Weapons are immersive
Weapon material and type now bestows advantages anddisadvantages to enhance your play style. For instance, Elven weapons are light and quick, Orcish weapons do more critical hits, and Dwarven weapons do more stagger. Axes do more critical hits and maces/hammers do more stagger. Bows and ammunition have many changes, as well. For instance, different arrows have different ranges, speeds and gravity.
New spells
The first wave of new spells fortify your skills orattributes, or those of your companions. You can also damage those of your enemies.
Dragons are more powerful.
Dragons now cause a lot more damage and are much harder tokill, particularly considering they no longer have a weakness to damage caused
by the Dragonborn.
Food and drink are immersive
Normal h/m/s regeneration has been reduced greatly, but foodprovides long-term bonuses to increase them. Alcohol gets most people drunk enough to fall down, but there is one race that seems to not be affected by it. There is water to quench your thirst and restore stamina. Keep plenty on
hand…you will need it. BTW if you run into those guys with the Honningbrew Mead on the road, you will probably see the effects of alcohol, but only if they are still drunk when you find them.
Attributes affect everything
Running low on magicka can make you pass out. Low stamina makes your attacks weak. Low health makes you take more damage. You will lose
stamina while running. These penalties affect everyone, including NPC’s.
Races are unique
Every race is made much more unique by varying theirmovement speeds, sizes, h/m/s, regeneration rates, carry weight, and resistances to the new immersive effects, ie. Nords do not suffer penalties from drinking alcohol and Redguards can run all day without any stamina loss.
There are many new types of potions and poisons. Existing potions have been rebalanced and renamed to stack with their specific types in your inventory. 
Immersive Enchantments
Pre-enchanted items now consider the item and theenchantment. In vanilla Skyrim, many heavy gauntlets fortify alchemy, but how is wearing a bulky set of dwarven gloves going to even let you handle those delicate herbs and flowers? Now, enchantments will be a bit more realistic to what they are placed on. In another example, if you wear an amulet of one of the Divines, then you will receive a stronger bonus if you have never completed a Daedric quest because of the animosity between the two factions. Also, enchantment restrictions to specific pieces of armor are removed. 
Merchants now have more varied gold and what they sell depends upon where they are. If they are near a mine, then they will have more items made from that ore. If they are near particular plants and animals, then they will have more from them. If a merchant has dialogue concerning their stock, then their stock will actually reflect the dialogue, for instance since Risaad’s caravan travels from Markarth to Whiterun, they will sell a large amount of silver items made from the silver mine in that city, as well as a items that come from the Reach, including hagraven claws, Forsworn gear, and native flora like juniper.  

Several things will continue to be added in game for immersion. You will come across something now and then that adds to the world. For example, the dead khajiit that is found with a dead horse on the road to Markarth now has a story.   

Creature hordes
I’ve changed some levelled lists to include large groups ofcreatures like packs of wolves and swarms of spiders. You don’t know fear until a dozen or more frostbite spiders are bombarding you with their poison spit and your character is running around trying to dodge them all. They are thankfully
Plus much more!
Please see the detailed Read Me for more information.

Although you should use Wrye Bash or another manager to merge the levelled lists in this mod, you can also lose some of the focus of this mod by adding items that aren't included in EIO. For example,  despite having taken lockpicks from stores in most cases, I always find lockpicks in stores because my patch reintroduces them from another mod.

This mod will not be compatible with other mods that alter perks, armors and weapons, spells, levelled lists, races, ingredients, magic effects and various game settings. If you prefer another mod's designs in one of these aspects, you could place that below this one.




玛丽罗斯 - 戴维服装 | 无限同班框架,可设置弹药无限动力装甲不损坏跟随距离 | 求生之路2 尼尔机械纪元2B小姐姐非官方服装MOD | [汉化] 更多其他发型 v1.6 | 神界:原罪2 v3.0.160.028新的剑武器外观MOD v1.2 | 饥荒 巨人统治DLC宝石转换升级MOD |


  • 玛丽罗斯 - 戴维服装
  • 无限同班框架,可设置弹药无限动力装甲不损坏跟随距离
  • 求生之路2 尼尔机械纪元2B小姐姐非官方服装MOD
  • [汉化] 更多其他发型 v1.6
  • 神界:原罪2 v3.0.160.028新的剑武器外观MOD v1.2
  • 饥荒 巨人统治DLC宝石转换升级MOD