
资源大小:367 KB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的狼叫声 Mod,由Barking Mad studios - Jorrvaskr制作。litangjin在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Barking Mad studios - Jorrvaskr Mod版本: 2.0 Mod大小: 367 KB 更新时间: 2018-11-07 19:17:12 发布时间: 2018-11-07 19:17:12


Wolf Howl Fix




新闻2018-07-22:如果您使用的是非官方天际特别版补丁(USSEP)4.1.4或更高版本,它现在包含此修复=所以不再需要使用此mod“Wolf Howl Fix”了。

可以安全地删除Wolf Howl Fix中的修复文件,并继续玩游戏保存(它只是一个替换器动画文件,USSEP现已接管替换)。



该修复程序是9个修复文件的一部分,由于它干扰了新的官方DLC,Creation Club Nix-Hound mod,因此必须从版本4.1.3b中的USSEP中删除。最初的9个文件也不再需要了,因为其中8个已经正式修复了香草游戏文件。

..然而即使贝塞斯达应该有固定的狼嚎叫 - 那仍然没有固定。

由于与CC Nix Hounds的无法解决冲突,USSEP 4.1.3b不再包括原始的9个修复文件。当时人们认为所有九个文件都存在冲突 - 所以这个mod出生时暂时上传了Wolf Howls再次工作所需的单个修复文件。现在已经确定这个单独的修复实际上并没有与任何东西冲突,它已经再次包含在USSEP 4.1.4及更高版本中。



自动安装/卸载 - “Wolf Howl Fix”是一个松散的文件替换器,可以轻松安装您喜欢的mod管理器。


天际特别版\ Data \ meshes \ actors \ canine \ animations \ wolf_idle_spice.hkx





A - 不,看到我上传的MP4视频,我回到完全香草的设置(没有安装mod),并删除游戏BSA以确保我将安装所有最新的vanilla文件然后我在蒸汽中执行验证缓存将所有更新的文件下载到正式版v1.5.39.08,替换掉我删除的文件。然后在使用修复程序之前和之后进行测试

在Bug修复中看到v1.5.39.08的Dev Notes“狼已经重新获得了嚎叫的能力” - 显然他们忘了这样做,或者如果你安装了CC Nix Hounds并且还修复了它???,所以给他们带来怀疑的好处也许是他们安装了Nix Hounds进行了测试而忘了测试没有..或者他们只是在吸烟,谁知道......

...我所知道的是这个修复文件仍然需要制作狼AHWOOOO! :)。



请参阅USSEP Changelog for v303“动画修复”


贝塞斯达 - 为了山的foo



Wolf Howl Fix

Wolves no longer howling at the moon, they raise their snout to the moon, but no sound emits.
This mod fixes that issue.

NEWS 2018-07-22 : If you are using Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (USSEP) version 4.1.4 or above, it now includes this fix = So no need to use this mod "Wolf Howl Fix" anymore.
The fix file from Wolf Howl Fix can be safely removed, and continue playing your game save (its just a replacer anim file, which USSEP has now taken over replacing).

I will leave this mod up in case there are people who do not use USSEP and its thousands of vanilla game fixes for whatever reasons. Personally I would recommend using USSEP instead :P

History of this mod :

The fix was part of 9 fix files which had to be removed from USSEP in version 4.1.3b due to it interfering with a new official DLC, Creation Club Nix-Hound mod. The original 9 files were also mostly not needed anymore, because 8 of them have been officially fixed in the vanilla games files ..

.. However even though Bethesda are supposed to have fixed wolves howling aswell -That is still not fixed.

USSEP 4.1.3b did not include the original 9 fix files anymore due to the unresolvable conflict with CC Nix Hounds. And at the time it was believed that all nine files were in conflict - And so this mod was born temporarily uploading the single fix file still required for Wolf Howls to work again. Now it has been determined that this individual fix is not actually in conflict with anything, it has been included once again in the USSEP 4.1.4 and above.


Automated Install / uninstall - "Wolf Howl Fix" is a loose file replacer which will easily install with your favourite mod manager.

Or manually install it to :
Skyrim Special Edition \ Data \ meshes \ actors \ canine \ animations \ wolf_idle_spice.hkx

To uninstall, again use your mod manager, or manually delete the same file.


Q - Didn't Bethesda fix this in an official fix ?

A - No, see the MP4 Videos I uploaded, I went back to a completely vanilla setup (no mods installed), and deleted the games BSAs to ensure I would get all the newest vanilla files installed then I did a Verify Cache in steam to download all updated files to official version v1.5.39.08 which replaced the ones I deleted .. Then tested before and after using the fix

See the Dev Notes for v1.5.39.08 in the Bug Fixes "Wolves have regained the ability to howl" - Clearly they forgot to do this, or maybe if you have CC Nix Hounds installed aswell that also fixes it???, so giving them the benefit of the doubt maybe they tested with Nix Hounds installed and forgot to test without .. Or maybe they were just smoking something , who knows ...

... all I know is this fix file is still required to make wolves AHWOOOO! :).

Credits :

Thanks to Sialivi, for providing the original fix files for the Unofficial Patch Project.

See the USSEP Changelog for v303 "Animation fixes"

Thanks to Arthmoor (UPP Team leader) for allowing the file to be independantly uploaded.

Bethesda - For the mountain of foo

And many thanks to all the community members who contribute to the Unofficial patch.




凯贝琉斯-本体-KIBELIUS OUTFIT | 辐射4 强健的旅行者服装MOD | No Sneak Screams | (圣约村和平)Covenant with scripting | 斯泰拉套装--黑沙游侠套装 | 浪漫互动不会被拒绝 |


  • 辐射4 强健的旅行者服装MOD
  • No Sneak Screams
  • (圣约村和平)Covenant with scripting
  • 斯泰拉套装--黑沙游侠套装
  • 浪漫互动不会被拒绝