SSE引擎修复(skse 64插件)

资源大小:290 KB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的SSE引擎修复(skse 64插件) Mod,由aers - Nukem制作。NovenX在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: aers - Nukem Mod版本: Mod大小: 290 KB 更新时间: 2018-10-17 18:41:13 发布时间: 2018-10-17 18:41:13



Skyrim特别版的WIP skse64插件,用于修复游戏引擎的问题。包括meh321错误修复LE的端口。

注意:此插件包含与SSE修复程序中包含的类似修复程序以及Double Perk Apply修复程序。您可以使用它而不是它们。



如果要使用内存管理器补丁,则“_preload.txt”文件必须位于目录中,因此如果您的Mod Manager警告您,请确保添加该文件。

通过将第2部分zip解压缩到Skyrim SE文件夹(两个dll应该与SkyrimSE.exe等一起)来安装它



如果您的性能比使用此mod的SSE Fixes差,您可以在其旁边安装SSE Fixes,它将自动优先。 :)


树LOD Alpha更新缓存/全局表单查找缓存 - 这解决了主要的性能瓶颈,应该在不同区域不同程度地提高您的帧率。它等同于SSE修复中的修复。

Double Perk Apply - 修复在加载时对单元格中的NPC应用两次的perk效果

慢速相机移动 - 在慢速时间效果期间固定在静止时相机移动缓慢

固定垂直外观灵敏度 - 固定垂直相机移动灵敏度,与固定时的FPS相关联

水流定时器 - 水流速度与游戏的时间尺度相关;修复解耦,并允许您自定义水流速度

树的思考 - 水中的树LOD反射被打破;此修复程序也包含在ENB中,但我已将其包含在此处,以供不使用ENB的人使用

Snow Sparkle - 雪花闪光效果在没有适当的雪花闪光设置的网格上处理不当,导致未定义的行为(vanilla SSE)和CTD(带内存补丁)

Mod-added声音类别音量节省 - 在基础游戏中,如果您在游戏音量设置菜单中添加声音类别,则不会保存对音量的更改;这个补丁添加了一个新的ini,它将跟踪这些音量变化并在游戏开始时加载它们。用于添加声音类别的音频大修模块。

Max Stdio - 将最大打开文件设置为2048而不是默认值512;这应该修复99.9%的案例中的错误保存损坏错误

预防性杀手 - 与相同。默认情况下禁用,因为大多数人不应该需要它

保存 - 通过快速保存修复错误+在禁用游戏TAA / DOF时保存屏幕截图为空白。启用TAA / DOF时自动禁用自身。感谢Nukem研究这个bug的渲染器方面。还包括禁用快速保存LE插件的等效补丁,默认情况下禁用该插件。

SKSE64孤立的cosave清洁器 - 将在发射时删除孤立的cosaves(即使它们的基础保存仍然存在的cosaves)。将根据保存目录中的文件数量帮助导致保存/加载菜单屏幕上出现一些故障的SkyUI错误



当问题在skse / skee中修复时可能会删除这些内容(可能在下一版本中)。

skse64自定义菜单鼠标指针 - 修复鼠标指针未显示在skse自定义菜单中;有关示例,请参阅AddItemMenuSE / UIExtensions

skse64额外的附魔vtbl - 修复添加附魔额外数据;请参阅Loot&Degradation或XtendedLoot,现在应该正确添加此修复的附魔

skee(RaceMenu / NiO)/ xpmsse 4.3+在保存负载时崩溃 - 已修复


内存管理器 - 相当于LE Skyrim / SSE修复程序中的“使用OS分配器”。要求雪花SPARKLE补丁是活跃的。

BSReadWriteLock - 替换默认的Skyrim互斥锁;类似于SSE修复的互斥锁选项





meh321 - 研究树LOD功能(SSE修复),错误修正LE和端口权限

sheson - skse插件预载器,用于LE和meh

Nukem - 形成缓存代码,对树LOD alpha东西的额外研究,指向我的水流计时器,树反射修复,互斥体,jemalloc内存管理器,实际上几乎所有东西,道德支持:^)

himika - 来自libskyrim(LE)的分散表实现,以及大量的研究函数/变量名称

kassent - 来自各种skse插件源代码的有用信息

Kole6738 - cosave清洁理念+代码


来源可在Github上找到。 虽然我打算调查一些其他已知的错误,但没有承诺。 如果您想要追踪错误并理论化修复或甚至自己实施,请随时做出贡献; 我愿意为将来的游戏更新保留它。

预加载器可以在这里找到,但不需要更新。 tbb.dll是Intel的Threaded Building Blocks库。


SSE Engine Fixes

A WIP skse64 plugin for Skyrim Special Edition to fix issues with the game engine. Includes ports of meh321's bug fixes LE.

NOTE: This plugin includes a comparable fix to the one included in SSE Fixes as well as the Double Perk Apply Fix. You can use it instead of them.


Install the Part 1 zip as you would any SKSE plugin, be that through your mod manager or directly to your data folder.

The "_preload.txt" file is required to be in the directory if you want to use the memory manager patch, so if your Mod Manager warns you about it, make sure it gets added.

Install the Part 2 zip by extracting it to your Skyrim SE folder (the two dlls should be alongside SkyrimSE.exe, etc)

You can turn individual fixes on/off in the ini file in the plugin directory.

If you are having performance issues, infinite loading screens, or freezes with the form cache fix, try enabling MemoryManager. This is the equivalent of "UseOSAllocators" and may help. You can also try BSReadWriteLock. It may be worth trying both of these regardless to see if they have any effect on your performance.

If you have worse performance than SSE Fixes using this mod, you can install SSE Fixes alongside it and it will take priority automatically. :)


Tree LOD Alpha Update Caching/Global Form Lookup Caching -  this fixes a major performance bottleneck and should increase your framerate to varying degrees in different areas. it is equivalent to the fix that was in SSE fixes.

Double Perk Apply - fixes perk effects applying twice to NPCs in your cell on load

Slow Time Camera Movement - Fixes slow camera movement when stationary during slow time effects

Stationary Vertical Look Sensitivity - Fixes vertical camera movement sensitivity being tied to your FPS while stationary

Waterflow Timer - water flow speed is tied to the game's timescale; fix decouples it and allows you to customize your water flow speed

Tree Reflections - Tree LOD reflections in water are broken; this fix is also included in ENB but I've included it here for people who don't use ENB

Snow Sparkle - The snow sparkle effect is improperly processed on meshes that don't have proper snow sparkle settings, leading to undefined behavior (vanilla SSE) and CTDs (with memory patch)

Mod-added Sound Category Volume Saving - In the base game if you add a sound category to the in-game volume settings menu, changes to the volume won't get saved; this patch adds a new ini that will track these volume changes and load them on game start. For audio overhaul mods that add sound categories.

Max Stdio - sets max open files to 2048 instead of the default 512; this should fix the false save corruption bug in 99.9% of cases

Precache Killer - same as disabled by default since most people shouldn't need it

Saves - fixes bugs with quicksaving + save screenshots being blank when ingame TAA/DOF are disabled. automatically disables itself when TAA/DOF are enabled. Thx to Nukem for researching the renderer side of this bug. Also includes an equivalent patch to the disable quick saves LE plugin, which is disabled by default.

SKSE64 orphaned cosave cleaner - will delete orphaned cosaves (cosaves that still exist even though their base saves dont) on launch. will help with SkyUI bug that causes some glitches on save/load menu screen based on number of files in your save directory

For more details on the bugs you can see the README on Github.


This stuff will be removed when the issues are fixed in skse/skee (probably at next release of those).

skse64 custom menu mouse pointer - fixes mouse pointer not showing up in skse custom menus; see AddItemMenuSE/UIExtensions for an example

skse64 extra enchantment vtbl - fixes adding enchantment extra data; see Loot&Degradation or XtendedLoot which should now properly add enchantments with this fix

skee(RaceMenu/NiO)/xpmsse 4.3+ crash on save load - fixed


Memory Manager - equivalent of "Use OS Allocators" on LE Skyrim/SSE Fixes. REQUIRES SNOW SPARKLE PATCH TO BE ACTIVE. 

BSReadWriteLock - replaces default Skyrim mutex; similar to mutex option on SSE Fixes

These are optional for a reason. You can try them if you are having weird loading screen/performance issues, but there's no reason to enable them unless this is the case.


Fixes can be enabled/disabled in the .ini. The tree reflection fix is disabled by default, so you will want to enable it if you don't use ENB. 


meh321 - research into tree LOD function (SSE fixes), bugfixes LE & port permissions
sheson - skse plugin preloader for LE alongside meh
Nukem -  form cache code, additional research for the tree LOD alpha stuff, pointing me at the waterflow timer, tree reflection fix, mutex stuff, jemalloc memory manager, actually just about everything, moral support :^)
himika - scatter table implementation from libskyrim (LE), plus tons of research function/variable names
kassent - useful information from the source code of various skse plugins 
Kole6738 - cosave cleaner idea+code

Source & Contributing

Source is available on Github. While I intend to look into some other known bugs, no promises. If you feel like tracking down a bug and theorizing a fix or even implementing one yourself, feel free to contribute; I'm willing to maintain it for future game updates.

Preloader can be found here but shouldn't need updating. tbb.dll is Intel's Threaded Building Blocks library.




真实NPC射击精准度 - Realistic Ranged Accuracy for NPCs V1.3 | SSE引擎修复(skse 64插件) | 我的世界 1.8.9蚁人MOD | 《上古卷轴5:天际》凹凸不平的雪地MOD | 侠盗猎车手5 布加迪凯龙和威航可改装MOD | 求生之路2 德拉古诺夫MOD |


  • 真实NPC射击精准度 - Realistic Ranged Accuracy for NPCs V1.3
  • SSE引擎修复(skse 64插件)
  • 我的世界 1.8.9蚁人MOD
  • 《上古卷轴5:天际》凹凸不平的雪地MOD
  • 侠盗猎车手5 布加迪凯龙和威航可改装MOD
  • 求生之路2 德拉古诺夫MOD