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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的训练员Galore Mod,由tjhm4制作。h8j6590在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: tjhm4 Mod版本: 0.1.0 Mod大小: 359 KB 更新时间: 2018-10-06 23:20:30 发布时间: 2018-10-06 23:20:30










培训师Galore取代并扩展了香草训练系统,几乎任何NPC都可以训练你,允许一个NPC训练你多种不同的技能(以及每种技能的不同熟练程度)并允许你训练你的次数想要每个级别。您可以选择使用Community Uncapper来防止通过练习提高技能(如香草中所发生的那样),使Trainers Galore完全取代了练级系统。


培训师Galore为所有要求培训的NPC添加了一个新的对话选项(“我正在寻找培训,你能帮忙吗?我会付钱。”)。如果你选择它,游戏会检查NPC类,以确定他们提供哪些技能训练以及他们可以在技能方面训练你的水平(有四个级别;学徒,熟练,专家和主人)。然后提供可用的训练选项(例如“Smithing [master]”),您可以选择您想要训练的技能。如果您选择一项技能,将会发生以下三种情况之一:(1)如果您超出了技能水平训练师他们将解释他们没有什么可以教你,(2)如果你没有足够的钱,训练师会拒绝教你,(3)如果你有金牌和NPC有技能那么你的技能水平将增加一个,您将失去培训费用的金额。








专家750 75

熟练500 50

学徒250 25







SkyUI如果你想要MCM,但Trainers Galore可以使用或不使用它。







培训师Galore的功能取决于零香草记录,因此在一般意义上它与所有东西兼容 - 没有其他mod安装会打破它。但是有些情况可能会改变一些事情:

培训师Galore编辑了香草培训系统,将其关闭。如果你有另一个mod也可以编辑这个系统,它可能会重新打开它。这不会打破Trainers Galore系统,你只需要提供两种培训。或者,如果香草系统保持关闭状态,您将看不到您安装的其他mod的任何效果。


3.训练师Galore使用NPC课程来确定NPC可以训练你的技能。如果一个mod改变NPC类,那么他们提供的训练将相应地改变。如果一个mod添加新的类,那么Trainers Galore将不会识别它们并且NPC将不再提供训练。


然而,培训师Galore的工作非常独立,因为它使得黄金比以前更有用,因为它更难以关闭允许玩家无法快速获得黄金的任何漏洞。出于这个原因,我建议将它与Complete Alchemy和Cooking Overhaul以及其他类似的mod一起使用,以关闭制作工具。




2.在从一个技能级别转换到下一个技能级别时添加迷你任务。 (例如,一旦你完成了单手训练,你就必须用单手武器杀死20个敌人才能训练专家)。


感谢几位r / skyrimmods用户对这个mod的草图给出了反馈。还要感谢RogueRifler,Gold的创造者是XP,它激励我制作这个mod。


LE version available here.

Virtually all NPCs are now trainers and can train you various levels of proficiency in multiple skills.
There is no cap on how often you can train per level and you can optionally turn off vanilla skill leveling for a "training only" system.
MCM allows players to adjust the cost of training as well as level caps for different trainers.
Uses existing dialogue for a seamless fit into vanilla Skyrim.
Compatible with everything.


Trainers Galore replaces and expands the vanilla training system, allowing almost any NPC to train you, allowing a single NPC to train you in multiple different skills (and to different levels of proficiency in each skill) and allowing you to train as many times as you want per level. You can optionally use the Community Uncapper to prevent skill improvement through practice (as happens in vanilla) making Trainers Galore a total replacement of the leveling system.

How it works
Trainers Galore adds a new dialogue option to all NPCs asking for training ("I'm looking for training, can you help? I'll pay."). If you select it, the game checks the NPCs class to determine which skills they offer training in and to what level they can train you in the skill (there are four levels; apprentice, adept, expert and master). The training options available are then presented (e.g. "Smithing [master]") and you can choose what skill you want training in. If you select a skill one of three things will happen: (1) if you are beyond the skill level of the trainer they will explain they have nothing to teach you, (2) if you don't have enough money the trainer will refuse to teach you, and (3) if you have the gold and the NPC has the skill then your skill level will increase by one and you will lose the amount of gold the training costs.

Let's start with Belethor, owner of the general goods store in Whiterun. His class is Pawnbroker. Being skilled in persuading customers to part with their goods for a low price he offers master training in speechcraft, and being a bit of a sleaze he offers expert training in lockpicking and adept training in pickpocket, he also has basic abilities in self defense and so is an apprentice trainer in one handed weapons.

On the other side of town is Irileth, the Jarl's bodyguard. She's a Nightblade. She offers master training in destruction and sneak, expert training in one handed and alteration, and adept training in light armor.

Costs and caps
Both the cost of training and the training caps for different levels of trainers can be configured through the MCM. The default values are as follows:

level cost cap 
master 1000 none
expert 750 75
adept 500 50
apprentice 250 25

Note that the cost is dependent on the trainer, not on the student (you). So, training with a master trainer will be expensive regardless of your level. As such, apprentice trainers are actually better for low level characters because they are cheaper. As you get better though you will have no choice but to train with the more expensive trainers.

Who's excluded?
Although almost all NPCs are trainers there are four exceptions: (1) NPCs with unique voices, this is because they lack too much of the required dialogue, (2) children, again they lack lots of dialogue, but it also makes sense that they don't train adults, (3) generic guards, they have the dialogue but I figured they would be too busy to train passers by, and (4) hostile enemies like bandits, they might actually be able to train you if you can calm them down somehow, but I haven't tested this.


Skyrim + all DLC.
SkyUI if you want the MCM, but Trainers Galore will work with or without it.

Download and install the mod
If you want to disable skill leveling through use, then download the Skill Uncapper and set all the skill exp gain mults to 0.

Performance impact


Trainers Galore's functionality depends on zero vanilla records, so in a general sense it is compatible with everything - no other mod you install will break it. But here are some scenarios that might change things:

1. Trainers Galore edits the vanilla training system to turn it off. If you have another mod that also edits this system it might turn it back on. This won't break the Trainers Galore system though, you will just have both kinds of training available. Alternatively, if the vanilla system remains turned off you just won't see any effects of the other mod you installed.

2. Lockpicking, uniquely, brings skill XP that cannot be entirely turned off by the skill uncapper because you get some flat bonus XP for breaking a lockpick. Trainers galore sets this bonus XP gained to 0. This is to allow you use the uncapper to entirely turn off skill gain through practice. If another mod edits this value then the bonus lockpicking XP will come back.

3. Trainers Galore uses NPCs classes to determine what skills NPCs can train you in. If a mod changes an NPCs class then the training they offer will change accordingly. If a mod adds new classes then Trainers Galore won't recognize them and that NPC will no longer offer training.

Synergistic Mods

Trainers Galore works pretty much stand-alone, however, because it makes gold more useful than before it makes it more important to close any exploits that allow players to acquire gold unreasonably fast. For this reason I recommended using it alongside Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul or another similar mod that closes the crafting exploit.

Future Plans

The mod is already fully functional, but depending on feedback here are my current future plans:
1. Add more diversity to the dialogue. This is contingent on finding more lines that are relevant to skills that are voiced by lots of actors.
2. Add mini quests when transitioning from one skill level to the next. (e.g. once you finish adept training in one handed you must go kill 20 enemies with one handed weapons before you can train to expert).


Thanks to several r/skyrimmods users who gave feedback on a sketch of this mod. Thanks also to RogueRifler, the creator of Gold is XP, which inspired me to make this mod.




银魂 - 坂田银时 | 《远行星号》大型MOD Minimash v1.91 | 辐射4 迷你飞行器背包MOD | 真三国无双7 with 猛将传 凌统/步练师学院风DLC | 死亡谷 - 阿拉莫海的水下城镇+小行星袭击 | 模拟人生4 v1.31春装碎花抹胸长裙礼服MOD |


  • 银魂 - 坂田银时
  • 《远行星号》大型MOD Minimash v1.91
  • 辐射4 迷你飞行器背包MOD
  • 真三国无双7 with 猛将传 凌统/步练师学院风DLC
  • 死亡谷 - 阿拉莫海的水下城镇+小行星袭击
  • 模拟人生4 v1.31春装碎花抹胸长裙礼服MOD