霸主 - 成为一个邪恶的巫妖

资源大小:168 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的霸主 - 成为一个邪恶的巫妖 Mod,由mrx16制作。249118256在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: mrx16 Mod版本: 1.10.2 Mod大小: 168 MB 更新时间: 2018-10-04 13:01:15 发布时间: 2018-10-04 13:01:15



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***新的东西包括:为巫妖增加了更多支持的香草护甲,添加了世界物品:Ginnungagap,修复了一些虫子,添加了Lich Priest Robes。有关详细信息,请查看更改日志和图像相册***

竞赛表 - 请在发布论坛或评论之前阅读此内容

简介 - 关于mod

功能 - 概述了mod添加的内容


F.A.Q - 问题和答案(我不会回答任何问题!)

Custom Lich Race - 简要概述

霸王Perk树 - 描述和用法

拼写和动力列表 - 描述和用法

杂项物品 - 这个mod添加的一些项目的快速概述




霸王魔法是一个mod,主要目的是将霸王带入天际。 Mod增加了超过350种:法术(带有滚动和工作人员变体),许多独特物品,武器,装甲,位置,任务都具有独特的模型,声音和使用所有基于称为“霸王”的轻小说系列。我尽力使所有的法术和物品尽可能地成为香草,同时使它们与他们的小说类似。这包括拼写版本的价格,伤害和法术力费用,所有这些都基于香草原始数据。例如。最昂贵的香草拼写是“火焰风暴”,每次使用费用为1426 magica。这个mod中最昂贵的法术花费大约1600 magicka。损失和价格相同。



2.Features - mod添加的内容






新的振作树 - 有自己的要求和奖金的霸王 - 就像香草振作树一样



Ainz Ooal礼服戒指允许玩家在纳扎里克墓前自由移动

3个新任务将介绍玩家到Nazarick Tomb,Overlord Perk Tree及其技能和World Item位置

新随从:潘多拉的演员 - 基于动漫角色的40-100级随从

新随从:Albedo - 基于动漫角色的40-100级随从

新随从:Nabe - 冒险家,来自动漫的女佣级别的20-63级随从之一










Ainz Ooal的工作人员目标:可以施放7种不同法术的工作人员:掌握心脏,更大的复活,地狱火焰,Judecca的霜,魅力物种,现实斜线和召唤原始火元素(lvl 90)。最后一个法术只对员工有用。

完整的,可制作的Raven Black Hero Armor(由Momon the Adventurer使用)+ Two / One Handed Raven Black Sword(Momons Weapon)

完整的,可制作的黑暗板甲(旧版的妈妈的盔甲 - 遗产)



完整,可制作的Evileye Armor套装,有不同的版本。还有一个古老的版本,强大的附魔只能通过一个愿望获得

完整,可制作的Hermes Trismegistus - Albedo's Armor




其他物品和护甲:射击之星戒指(5种不同)(希望获得明星力量),Ainz Ooal礼服戒指,嫉妒面具,潘多拉的演员面具,潘多拉的演员护甲,仅为巫妖赛的亡灵幻象戒指

世界物品:世界救世主 - 一个强大的俱乐部,在您使用它时会变得更强大

世界物品:十亿刀片 - 一种武士刀,可以创造每次击中的余像,造成额外伤害。可以升级

世界物品:贪婪和慷慨 - gauntelts,虽然装备商店杀死敌人的水平,可以在以后交换技能升级。查看下面的项目描述章节以获取更多信息

世界物品:卡路里石:消耗的食物项目为HP \ SP \ MP增加+400点。可以在skyforge多次制作。需要大量的矿石


。 。 。还有更多!


下载并安装SKSE64 for SkyrimSE。下载此mod并将zip存档解压缩到skyrim目录中的/ Data文件夹中。使用SKSE启动器启动游戏,并按照mod顺序启用mod


你会把这个mod转换成:Oldrim(基地天际/传奇)/ Xbox / PS /手机/冰箱等吗?

号我只拥有特别版。将此mod转换为任何其他平台的可能性为0.00%。我不是一个真正的模特。我的意思是我首先为自己的乐趣创造mods。我上传它们希望至少还有一个人也能享受它们。我永远不会做一个我个人永远不会玩的mod \转换\ use \ enjoy。将它转换为oldrim,我不拥有和玩的版本只不过是一件苦差事(甚至不能给我任何回报)这是我在制作mod时不需要的东西。我再说一遍 - 把这个mod转换成oldrim的机会是0.00%





1. mod是否与x mod兼容?





如果你想扮演Lich Race - 在改变香草装备的mod之后加载mod。在所有情况下,mod应低于mods,以改变香草魔法效果,使其完全无需“问题”




好吧,我不太擅长建模。充其量我可以使用现有的模型将它们转换为天际并对它们进行纹理化(就像我已经对它们做的那样)。如果你给我一个免费模型的链接或自己做一个,我把它放入mod。除此之外 - 抱歉。但如果你知道如何:)你可以随时提供帮助:)


每个咒语都可以作为咒语/滚动从香草商人手中购买。您还可以在Solstheim的员工附魔师工作。只要你有黑檀木打击,装甲/武器就可以在任何锻造中使用。您也可以使用[更大创建项目]获取它们。所有物品也可以(很少)被发现为平整的战利品。如果你只是想测试一下我包含了一个bat文件[overlorditems]。在游戏中打开控制台并输入:[bat overlorditems]来获取所有内容。但首先编辑文件并将“xx”更改为正确的mod加载顺序值。例如2c。

Ainz Ooal Gown的工作人员可以在70级的工作人员魔法师制作.Shooting Star Ring - 在Skyforge的80级







10.如何进入Nazarick Tomb,获得所需的钥匙和Ainz Ooal Gown戒指?


11.我在所有5所学校都获得了100分并获得了积分,但是当我尝试学习新的Overlord Perk时,它告诉我我不符合要求!11!1修复哟s *** mod





阅读下面的mod描述的“Lich Race - Overview”部分。你的大多数问题应该在那里得到解答。

5.新的巫妖赛 - 概述








- 你从一开始就是“亡灵”。

- 你不能成为吸血鬼或狼人(因为你已经死了

- 虽然我尝试了我最好的制作香草服装适合比赛(见画廊中的图像)有些套装会在穿着时显示人体皮肤(不是那么多)







Tulius将军和Penicus Oculatus胸甲和手套

Stormcloak Chestplate(包括sleevless ver)

















视力攻击(AoS) - 在游戏中被称为“恐惧怪物”默认禁用。您可以通过在开始时添加幻象拼写“Feared Monser On Off”来启用它

激活后,您将收到一个名为“Undead Illusion Amulet”的护身符。如果你不穿它,每个人(不包括你的“朋友”)都会攻击你。你将被视为一个魔术般的骨架。如果你想走遍人类住区,你需要不断地穿上这个护身符。

如果您认为它很麻烦或者由于某种原因它会使一个任务或两个无法玩(例如那些从Cidra Mine或者Party中删除你身体上的所有物品的任务),请禁用该功能



你得到那些技能奖励:+20魔法,+ 5:改变,幻觉,毁灭。









启用该功能后装备Undead Illusion Amulet然后将其取消装配。只有在第一次激活该功能时才需要这样做。左上角的消息应显示为通知您安全或其他人不安全。

6.Perk List


例如。 Dark Arts Perk要求你在所有5所魔法学校中拥有10项技能。其他所有特权都有这种要求但更高。霸王(振作21号)需要在所有5所学校中获得100项技能才能学习。



Mithridatism:对毒药具有完全免疫力或+ 30%药剂能量(仅限巫妖赛)

亡灵祝福:完全免疫疾病或+ 30%迷人力量(仅限巫妖赛)












黑暗焦点:选择:你的一个统计数据HP / SP / MP将再生2倍,但其他2个将再生20%慢



亡灵强化:选择:你的一个属性HP / SP / MP将获得+80点提升但其他2将减少25点

亡灵创造:你可以制作射击之星戒指,Ainz Ooal礼服的工作人员,地狱火焰之杖,黑暗灵魂之杖。否则你将无法制作这些



只有在获得第21号权利后才能使用的法术 - 霸王:




Astral Smite




创建Super Tier Undead:Karstaag

创建Super Tier Undead:Reaper

创建Super Tier Undead:原始火元素


创建Super Tier Undead:Primal Ice Elemental

创建Super Tier Undead:Primal Star Elemental

创建Super Tier Undead:Primal Air Elemental






























Magic Boost:60年代脚轮Magicka增加了80分

Stamina Boost:60年代脚轮Stamina增加80点
















更强的抵抗力:对于60秒施法者而言,其具有+ 50%的魔法抗性和+ 15%的抗伤害能力





(lvl.50)黑洞:向目标发射黑洞。如果目标是50升或更低,它会使他蒸发。如果目标比施法者低15+级别 - 蒸发。否则会带走一半的健康



(lvl.60)Astral Smite:施法者杀死必需品(只有他们)

(lvl.40)Reality Slash:强大的斜线,分裂现实本身造成巨大伤害

(lvl.30)Ia Shub-Niggurath:召唤一个造成巨大伤害并将目标射向空中的旋风



(lvl.45)高级魔法免疫:30秒施法者获得+ 80%魔法抗性

(lvl.50)黑暗智慧:对于30s施法者可以在物品上加上+1附魔,但永久牺牲10 MP













(lvl.10)邪恶的召唤者:Hagraven:召唤lvl.20 hagraven为240s


(lvl.20)邪恶的召唤者:Wispmother:召唤lvl.30 wispmother 240s


(lvl.20)Raise Kin:召唤4只lvl.30只猎犬,持续260s









(lvl.40)创建中间级别亡灵:召唤等级50:1H draugr霸主,2H draugr霸主,阴影280s

(lvl.45)邪恶的召唤者:Lurker Vindicator:召唤lvl.55 lurker 400s


(lvl.60)复活:复活任何目标(不复活!它的目标永远不会死亡)。成本是:目标lvl * 1000金币或如果你在施法时没有足够的金币,你会永久牺牲20HP。

(lvl.70)创建Super Tier Undead:Karstaag:召唤等级为90的Karstaag



(lvl.70)制造Super Tier Undead:原始空气元素:召唤lvl.87空气元素400s。只有来自ainz的愿望或升级员工






(lvl.35)Grand Reanimation:复活任何尸体为你而战,直到它死亡


(lvl.70)制造超级级亡灵:元素军:一次召唤所有5个原始元素 - 通过使用Ainz升级后的工作人员从愿望中获得



乌利尔:火球造成30dmg。每20升的伤害在lvl 100增加40到230 dmg。只有非亡灵可以使用




Vermin Bane:立即杀死任何昆虫/虫类敌人




Shard Buck Shots:向你的对手射出许多小冰块


(lvl.45)魔鬼的方面 - 地狱火地幔:在施法者周围制造一个火焰爆炸冲击波,推动敌人并制造一个120秒的火斗篷



(lvl.35)Gravity Maelstrom:一个重力球,吸引其路径上的所有目标造成伤害
















Stamina Essence:显示你的目标耐力






聚焦魔法:提升你的盟友魔法力量60s(+ 200 MP,MPregen,50%魔法抗性,20%法术强度)









亡灵祝福:只能通过[星星的愿望]获得。 Toggable探测不消耗法术力的不死生物






再生:每秒再生20 HP至400点







(lvl.55 + 450baseMP)抓住希思:粉碎你的对手壁炉杀死他。在科学的背后:你和敌人之间的差距为20升:敌人死亡,你需要40%dmg(如果敌人的马力比你少)或60%dmg(如果更多)。 20到0 lvl的差异:敌人死亡,你需要100%dmg的敌人HP或98%的HP被采取(如果敌人的HP多于你)。如果敌人比你更高级别:A:有更多HP:目标需要60%dmg,你90%dmg B:比你少HP:两者都需要90%dmg给HP

(lvl.45 + 300baseMP)真死亡:使你瞄准的任何不死敌人蒸发。确切的科学背后:如果敌人是50或更低,它会被汽化。如果敌人比玩家低15级以上它会被汽化(例如玩家是lvl80敌人是6级 - 敌人死亡,即使它高于lvl50)



(lvl.70 + 500baseMP)所有生命的目标都是死亡:每天一次杀死任何东西

(lvl.70)万神殿:召唤6级80级守门员(2x 1H,2x 2H,2x弓箭手),持续480s





[护甲:M + F]由Momon使用的全套黑暗护甲 - 基于香草乌木护甲的LEGACY版本。 (回火+工艺+附魔)

[护甲:M]妈妈使用的全套乌鸦黑色护甲 - 动漫中看到的定制模型(脾气+工艺+附魔)


[护甲:M]全套Ainz长袍(加上古代版本,带有强大的附魔来自一颗星星)。 (回火+工艺+附魔)

[工作人员]许多工作人员变异的霸王法术。当您学习了法术时,工作人员可以在Staff Enchanter制作

[Staff-Base] Ainz Ooal礼服的工作人员在工作人员附魔师制作了7个强大的法术。需要lvl70和一个霸主特权


[武器] Raven Black(Great)Sword - 由Momon使用。回火+工艺+附魔


[戒指] Ainz Ooal礼服戒指 - 你可以用它在Nazarick地板之间传送。可以从坟墓中的Nazarick Guardian手中掠夺所需的钥匙

[护甲:M + F] Evileye面具,Ainz面具(2个变种),嫉妒面具,潘多拉的演员面具


[武器]世界物品:十亿刀锋:一个武士刀,每次击中时,每次击中都会增加(创造余像)'x'次伤害。基本属性为:6个残像和10个伤害(总共+60 dmg)。完全升级的武士刀每次击中1000dmg

[工作人员] Ginnungagap:世界物品,射出一个黑暗的射弹,产生巨大的爆炸造成伤害并推开任何敌人

[护甲:M + F]贪婪和慷慨:gauntelts,虽然装备,存储杀死的敌人等级(杀戮必须由玩家进行)。存储的等级可以交换技能升级(所有18个技能+ 3个玩家统计数据)。基本上如果你杀死敌人等级10你将获得10点。你需要大约8200点从15-100完全升级任何技能(我确保每项技能需要大约相同的点数)。对于8000点,您可以自己添加+30 HP / SP / MP

[护甲:F]爱马仕Trismegistus - Albedos护甲 - 乌木级护甲

[护甲:F] Nabe的冒险家服装 - 任何锻造都可以制作

[护甲:M]潘多拉的演员Outfir - 不耐烦。仅适用于NPC

[护甲:M + F]古代北欧套装:任何用黑檀木锻造的锻造品。只有在扮演Lich Race时才能精雕细琢

[护甲:M + F]邪恶巫妖套装:任何锻造精雕细琢。只有在扮演Lich Race时才能精雕细琢

[护甲:M + F]邪恶巫妖牧师套装:任何锻造精雕细琢。只有在扮演Lich Race时才能精雕细琢

[食物]卡路里石 - 在任何级别的skyforge制作。可以多次制作。需要6种类型的锭(5x800 + 1x200)来制作。



Ainz Ooal Gown(基本)法术杖:地狱烈焰(2x dmg),Judecca冰霜(2x dmg),Grasp Heart,原始火元素,魅力物种(高达lvl 200),更大的复活(高达lvl 200),现实斜线(500dmg)

Ainz Ooal礼服的工作人员(升级)法术:凝固汽油弹(2x dmg),冰霜Judecca(4x dmg),Grasp Heart(100%杀伤几率),Reality Slash(1000dmg),复活(无惩罚),Elemental Army(全部5元素),质量恢复(高达lvl 200)



缩略图作者:https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i = 626821

原始面具模型创建者和mod:KaranVess(/ users / 2153641)(Instanity Mask mod)



我使用的模型作为Albedos Armor进一步改进的基础:https://sketchfab.com/models/fae77a96ff4f48f7a5080723e890f2a4 by Lee Hess - license - Creative Commons

Momon的乌鸦黑色护甲套装 - GHPurple的模型和纹理:https://sketchfab.com/models/baaa545c02ff47aa937665a40cdf5e72

作者亲自授权通过电子邮件回复使用Momon's Armor模型。请查看他的个人资料,了解更多超棒的霸王模特!




Looking for help with the mod (models, textures, animations, locations, quests etc). If you are an overlord fan (you dont have to tho) and know a little bit about modding in general (would be nice if more than me) and have some spare time consider becoming a co-author of this mod!

***RELEASE v1.10.2 is up!***

(remember to unequip any mod item you have before updating)
If you like this mod please think about giving an endorsement. It really helps :)

Please check out the image gallery to better see what this mod adds (doesnt show everything though). There are more than 5 pictures and some show interesting stuff !

***New stuff includes: Added more supported vanilla armor for Lich, added World Item: Ginnungagap, fixed some bugs, added Lich Priest Robes. For more details check change-log and image album***

Table of Contets - please read this before posting in forums or comments

Introduction - about the mod

Features - overview of what the mod adds

Installation and Requirements

F.A.Q - questions and answers (I wont answer any question that is here!)

Custom Lich Race - brief overview

Overlord Perk Tree - description and usage

Spell and Power list - description and usage

Misc Items - quick overview of some of the items this mod adds

Credits, donations etc.


 Hey there! This is my first mod that isn't a simple texture swap so If you'll find any bugs make sure to report them!
Overlord Magic is a mod which main purpose is to bring Overlord into Skyrim. Mod adds over 350: spells (with scroll and staff variants), many unique items, weapons, armors, locations, quests all with unique models, sounds and uses all based on the light novel series called "Overlord". I tried my best to make all the spells and items as vanilla as possible and at the same time make them similar to their novel counterparts. That includes spell tome prices, damage and mana costs, all based on vanilla raw data. Eg. Most expensive vanilla spell is "Fire Storm" and costs 1426 magica per use. Most expensive spell in this mod costs somewhere around 1600 magicka. Same scaling goes for damage and prices.
Almost all spells are, like the name suggest, for a Overlord like character build. In other words most spells are master level and have high requirements to use (like having level 50 for example). Almost all are mid/end game spells, but there are a few low tier ones too!
Spell powers mostly focus on alteration, illusion and conjuration and are either altering your opponents values, summoning powerful minions or crushing their hearts.

2.Features - what the mod adds

132 spells (29 conjuration, 52 alteration, 12 restoration, 21 destruction, 18 illusion)

3 powers

new, fully playable custom race: Lich (based on skeleton model) with its own visuals and abilites

many vanilla armors are supported by the new race (shows bones instead of human skin)

21 new unique perks with 42 perk points/levels to spend

new perk tree - Overlord with own requirements and bonuses - works exactly like vanilla perk trees

Location: Great Tomb Of Nazarick. Players own dungeon with over 11 floors/dungeons and over 60 manequins, chests, display cases for player to use (near Anvangurde)

5 high quality custom summonable monsters (Primal Elementals)

Ring Of Ainz Ooal Gown allowing player to freely move around the Nazarick Tomb

3 new quests that will introduce the player to the Nazarick Tomb, Overlord Perk Tree and its skills and World Item locations

New follower: Pandora's Actor - a level 40-100 follower based on its character from anime

New follower: Albedo - a level 40-100 follower based on its character from anime

New follower: Nabe - adventurer, one of the maids - level 20-63 based follower from the anime

scroll and staff versions of spells

spell tomes, scrolls in vanilla vendors

all staffs craftable

all spell powers, mana usage and tome prices balanced for vanilla skyrim magic

custom scripts that don't lag the game

a variety of different spell effects not seen elsewhere

custom sound effects for some spells

custom projectiles and other effects for some spells

scrolls, staffs and spell tomes available as loot

Staff Of Ainz Ooal Goal: a staff that can cast 7 different spells: Grasp Heart, Greater Reanimation, Hell Flame, Frost Of Judecca, Charm Species, Reality Slash and Summon Primal Fire Elemental (lvl 90). Last spell is unique only to the staff.

Full, craftable set of Raven Black Hero Armor (as used by Momon the Adventurer) + Two/One Handed Raven Black Sword (Momons Weapon)

Full, craftable set of Dark Plate Armor (old version of Momon's armor - legacy)

Full, craftable set of Nabe's adventurer clothes

Full, craftable set of Ainz Robes with different versions. Has also an ancient version with powerful enchants only obtainable through a wish

Full, craftable set of Evileye Armor with different versions. Has also an ancient version with powerful enchants only obtainable through a wish

Full, craftable set of Hermes Trismegistus - Albedo's Armor

Full, craftable set of Ancient Nordic Armor, ONLY for Lich Race

Full, craftable set of Evil Lich Robes and Evil Lich Priest Robes, ONLY for Lich Race

Full set of Pandora's Actor Outfit

Misc items and armor: Shooting Star Ring (5 variants) (Wish Upon A Star Power), Ring Of Ainz Ooal Gown, Mask Of Envy, Pandora's Actor Mask, Pandora's Actor Armor, Undead Illusion Ring for Lich Race ONLY

World Item: World Savior - a powerful club that grows stronger as you use it

World Item: Billion Blades - a katana that creates afterimages of each hit dealing additional damage. Can be upgraded

World Item: Avarice and Generosity - gauntelts that while equipped store killed enemies levels which can be later exchanged for skill upgrades. Check item description chapter below for more info

World Item: Caloric Stone: a food item that when consumed adds +400 points to HP\SP\MP. Can be crafted multiple times at skyforge. Requires lots of ores

World Item: Throne of Kings: located in Nazarick Throne Room. When player sits on it recives a 16 minute boost in stats

. . . and much, much more!

3.Installation & requirements

Download and install SKSE64 for SkyrimSE. Download this mod and unpack the zip archive into /Data folder in skyrim directory. Launch the game using SKSE launcher and enable the mod in mod order ingame


0. Will you convert this mod to :Oldrim(base Skyrim/Legendary)/Xbox/PS/mobile/fridge etc?
No. I only own Special Edition. There is 0.00% chance for this mod to be converted to any other platform. I am not a real modder. By that I mean I create mods first and foremost for my own enjoyment. I upload them in hopes that at least one more person will enjoy them too. I will never make a mod\conversion that I personally would never play\use\enjoy. Converting it to oldrim, version I do not own and play would be nothing more than a chore (that wouldnt even give me anything in return) and this is something Im not looking for when making mods. I'll repeat - chance to convert this mod to oldrim is 0.00%
Below technical reasons if you dont care for my personal ones:
PS4: this console doesnt support mods that edit textures\meshes etc. This mod does it so its not compatible at all and never will be.
Xbox: this mod uses SKSE which is only avaliable for PC and will never be on Xbox due to technical limitations. Because of that this mod wont be converted to it
Oldrim: would require from me to re-rig all meshes and rewrite a few scripts. Basically I would need to redo the mod from scratch. Not gonna happen

1. Is the mod compatible with x mod?
Almost all items this mod adds use custom effects and resources and do not edit vanilla data. In other words this mod should be compatible with most other mod out there. Still its advised to load this mod last or near the end as it does alter some vanilla data like vanilla magic effect requirements used by overlord perk.

2. Ordinator?
Yes and no. All spells use vanilla perk benefits BUT those perks are also being used by ordinator so they do get benefits like extra damage or less magic cost. But that's about it. Will I add compatibility patch? I think not. There isn't anything to add other than spell cost/damage which already is supported.

3. Load order?
If you want to play as the Lich Race - load the mod after mods that alter vanilla equipment. In all cases the mod should be below mods that alter vanilla magic effects to fully work without "problems" 

4. Will you add x spell or modify it?
If you feel like this mod is missing something, or some spells/items could work different/better then please share your thoughts in the [Forums/Suggestions] section. I always watch and read it. If your suggestion is good Ill always consider adding it.

5. This mod lacks visuals/models for x stuff. Will you add them? I want them custom models!
Well I'm not too good at modelling. At best I can use existing models to convert them into skyrim and texture them (like I did with some already). If you give me a link to a FREE model or make one yourself them Ill put it into the mod. Other than that - sorry. But you can always help if you know how :)

6. How can I get the new spells etc?
Every spell can be bought from vanilla merchants as a spell tome/scroll. You can also craft staffs at the staff enchanter in Solstheim. Armor/weapons are craft-able at any forge as long as you have ebony smiting. You can also aquire them using [Greater Create Item]. All items can also (rarely) be found as leveled loot. If you just want to test the stuff I included a bat file [overlorditems]. In game open the console and type : [bat overlorditems] to get everything. But first edit the file and change the "xx" to the correct mod load order value. Eg 2c.
Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown can be crafted at the staff enchanter at level 70.Shooting Star Ring - level 80 at Skyforge

7. I found a bug!
Report it in the [bugs] section and I'll look at it.

8. Will you add x to the mod?
Perhaps. I already added most of what I could but there are some things that could be added still. If x is in my reach, as in I know how to add it and have necessary skills I may do it (if it wont require tremendous amount of work that is)

9. Is the new perk tree (Overlord) compatible with other mods that alter\add new perks?
Yes. Its completely standalone perk like werewolf or vampire perk tree. No mod will have any effect on it and no mod will be affected by it

10. How do I enter the Nazarick Tomb, get the required keys and Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown?
First time you launch the mod a few quests will be added. One of them is "Reclaim what is yours". Just follow it. The Nazarick Guardian you have to kill has all the necessary items. Really most of your problems would be gone if simply checked once in a while the added quest.

11. I have 100 points in all 5 schools and perk points to spare but when I try to learn a new Overlord Perk it tells me I don't meet the requirements!!11!1 Fix yo s*** mod
Read the requirements when you download, read the file description, read the first few sentences. Everywhere it is said that SKSE IS NEEDED! Install SKSE and properly use it then it will work. Seriously guys please read before you post those questions

12. I'm trying to use [create super tier undead ] spells like Karstaag, Primal Fire elemental etc. but they wont work???
Some of the creatures have a very large hitbox or simply a huge model. Because of that they require very big open field to be summoned. This is something coded into their race files and I wont change it to make this mod more compatible with others (since it would be a vanilla change). Try using the spell in an big open field and point the cursor and the centre of it. That's something you have to deal with. Sorry. Just some of those creatures were never intended to be summon-able by design 

Read the "Lich Race - Overview" part of the mod description below. Most of your questions should be answered there.

5.New Lich Race - Overview

This is a new race called "Lich". It is based on a skeleton model, although heavely modified and fit to "human" skeleton and animations.
Race can be chosen on character creation menu like any other one. Below a few questions and answers:

Reminder: if you have any issues, want some other armors to be supported or you want to change how the new race works post it in forum thread

1. What are the available customization options? 
You can choose gender, weight and eye colours (4 variants: red, green, blue, purple). The reason why you cant fully change the shape of skull is due to problems with game stability. Plus I think that the skeleton of human body doesnt differ THAT much it would need extensive customizations. BUT I may add them in the future

2. What about playability? Can I normally play the game with this race? Are there any drawback\functions that are not present?
This is a fully playable race like any other. You wont have problems playing or doing any quests with it but those that require Vampire\Werewolf since you are already undead and cant become one. In other words drawbacks of this race are: 
-you are "undead" from the very start.
-you cannot become a vampire or werewolf (because you are dead already
-although I tried my best making vanilla clothing fit the race (see the image in gallery) there are some sets that will show human skin when worn (not that many tho)

3. Clothing/Armorus/Spells etc. Can I use them? 
All wearable equipment can be worn by this race. It goes without saying that clothing that already covers your whole body is no issue to wear.
From clothing\armors that expose your skin while wearing (eg. imperial sets) I made some of them include a version for a skeleton. You can see them in image gallery.
This includes those armors:

Dragonplate Chest

Light, Medium, Heavy Imperial Chestplates and Gauntlets

General Tulius and Penicus Oculatus chestplats and gauntlets

Stormcloak Chestplate (sleevless ver included)

Orcish Chestplate

Steel Chestplate (both versions with(out) pauldrons)

Prisoner Set

Iron Set (both versions)

Savior's Hide

Nightindale Gloves

Thieves Guild Chestplates and Gloves (all obtainable variants)

All Fur/Bandit Sets

Farmer Gloves (basic normal gloves)

Armors that will still show human skin when worn includes (most common examples):

all kinds of leather, hide and scale armor

some boots and gloves

vampire robes (female) and vampire outfit

Of course all modded armors will show skin too. If you want custom armors to be supported ask their own authors for it. I cant support every single piece out there. Its impossible
Spells, foods, activators, doors etc: all can be used

4. The "Attack On Sight" function. What it is and how it works.

Attack On Sight (AoS) - called "Feared Monster" in game is by default disabled. You can enable it by casting illusion spell "Feared Monser On Off" that is added to you at the start
When activated you will recieve an amulet called "Undead Illusion Amulet". If you wont wear it everyone (excluding your "friends") will attack you. You will be treated like a conjured skeleton. If you want to walk around human settlements you NEED to wear that amulet constantly.
Disable the function if you think its bothersome or for some reason it makes a quest or two unplayable (eg. those quests that remove all items from your body like Cidra Mine or The Party one)

5. What are the race traits, stats, bonuses etc?
At game start you have: 90 HP, 105 SP, 115 MP and slightly higher stamina and mana regeneration that other races.
You get those skill bonuses: +20 conjuration, +5:alteration, illusion, destruction.
Starting spells, abilities: Spells: Frostbite, Flames, Fear, Conjure Familiar, Raise Zombie, Healing, Feared Monster On Off
Traits: undead status from very start, immune to paralysis, 100% disease and poison resistance, 25% weakness to fire

6. Compatibility and other stuff 
For those who want to know: to make a race playable eg. ability to wear any armor I would have to manually add my new race to EVERY SINGLE vanilla armor/cloth etc list. This would make this mod uncomatible with anything that modifies vanilla armors.
The workaround was to make this "Lich" race inherit those things from "Manakin" race. In other words what manakins can wear this race can too. the drawback is that all those modified armors I listed above (eg. iron) will appear with skeleton bones while on a manakin.
Also I still had to manually edit a few lines of "code". I had to add my race to all: amulets, rings and those custom modified armors. 
This means that if a mod that edits those vanilla lines is loaded after this one you wont be able to see wearing rings, amulets and human skin will show on listed armors. But other than that visual drawback everything will be fine.

7. I enabled the AoS function but no one attacks me despite not wearing the special amulet?
After enabling the function equip the Undead Illusion Amulet and then unequip it. You need to do it only the first time you active the function. A message in top left corner should show up informing you about either being safe or unsafe from others.

6.Perk List

This perk tree works exactly like other vanilla ones. To learn a perk you need to have at least one perk below it. You also need a perk point to spend and necessary skill level in magic. The exact skill requirements are nicely described in a book guide in-game that is aquired through a quest, so dont worry. It very easy.
Eg. Dark Arts Perk requires for you to have 10 skill in all 5 magic schools. Every other perk has this kind of requirement but higher. Overlord(perk no.21) needs 100 skill in all 5 schools for it to be learned.
In game there are 2 books: one guides you through the perks and the other one allows you to learn any perk you want and show you what you already have learned.

Dark Arts: you can use create tier undead spells with full potential

Mithridatism: full immunity to poison OR +30% potion power (Lich Race Only)

Undead Blessing: full immunity to disease OR +30% enchanting power (Lich Race Only)

Submersion: infinite water breathing

Necromancer: 5 levels: can summon and command 1 to 5 additional creatures

Feather Falling: 5 levels: from 10% to 50% fall damage reduction

Elemental Barrier: 3 levels: each grants +20 to ice and shock resistance but at the same time gives -20 to fire resistance

Widen Magic: 4 levels: can summon creatures 10 to 100% further from the player than normal

Arcane Wisdom: 3 levels: 10% to 30% magic cost reduction from all 5 schools

Arcane Power: 5 levels: all magic spells from 5 schools are 20% to 100% more powerful (deal more damage and/or last longer)

Readjustment: choose: either 20% faster shout recovery but 20% slower weapon swing or the other way around

Boneman: choose: either you move 20% faster or you get additional 300 carry weight but move 10% slower

Undead Aura: choose: detect dead and life ring (no mana cost) OR despair aura III spell that can be casted instantly and can make all creaturs 50lvl below to flee

Negative Protection: choose: either full immunity to ALL energy drain effects and spells (like vampire drain spells) OR full immunity to force push spells and effects and 0 stagger damage OR all telekinesis based spells and abilites are 2 times more powerful/deadlier

Dark Focus: choose: one of your stats HP/SP/MP will regenerate 2 times faster BUT other 2 will regenerate 20% slower

Unholy Protection: choose: 30% damage reduction but -15% magic resistance or the other way around (30% magic resistance but take 15% damage more melee damage)

Dark Wisdom: all 18 vanilla skills are learned 30% faster (stacks with other vanilla perks and powers like this)

Undead Strengthening: choose: one of your stats HP/SP/MP will get +80 point boost but other 2 will be reduced by 25 points

Undead Creation: you can craft Shooting Star Ring, Staff Of Ainz Ooal Gown, Staff of Hell Flame, Staff of Dark Soul. Otherwise you wont be able to craft these

Instant Death Magic: 3 levels: increase instant kill chances from 5% to 15% for spells like Cry Of Banshee or Despair Aura V

Overlord: you can use spells listed below. You also get spell tomes for : Cry Of Banshee, Pantheon and The Goal Of Life Is Death. You cant get those 3 spells/powers otherwise

Spells you can use ONLY after acquiring perk no.21 - Overlord:

Black Hole

Perfect Warrior

Wish Upon A Star

Astral Smite

The Goal of All Life is Death

Dark Soul


Create Super Tier Undead: Karstaag

Create Super Tier Undead: Reaper

Create Super Tier Undead: Primal Fire Elemental

Create Super Tier Undead: Primal Earth Elemental

Create Super Tier Undead: Primal Ice Elemental

Create Super Tier Undead: Primal Star Elemental

Create Super Tier Undead: Primal Air Elemental

Elemental Army


Hell Flame

Cry of Banshee

Grasp Heart

True Death


Fallen Down

Vermilion Nova

Greater Thunder

7.Spell list

*in-game description of spells is more accurate*

*some spells require certain level to cast*


Critical Hit Immunity: 60s of immunity and 100% crit chance for caster

Disease Immunity: 60s of immunity

Electric Immunity: 60s of immunity

Fire Immunity: 60s of immunity

Ice Immunity: 60s of immunity

Paralysis Immunity: 60s of immunity

Poison Immunity: 60s of immunity

Rabbit Foot: for 80s luck is increased by 10% (eg. lockpick, pickpocket chance and every other luck based activity


Implosion: for 60s next time caster is hit a implosion is created pushing and damaging target

Slow: target moves 25% slower for 45s

Damage Boost: for 30s caster deals 2 times damage

Haste: for 45s caster moves 30% faster

Health Boost: for 60s casters Health is increased by 80 points

Magic Boost: for 60s casters Magicka is increased by 80 points

Stamina Boost: for 60s casters Stamina is increased by 80 points

Widen Magic: for 60s all target location spells (like conjuration) have 2 times the range

All Appraisal Magic Item: for next 30s learning an enchantment wont destroy and item

Waterwalking: for next 30s caster can walk on water


(lvl.30)Bless of Magic Caster: for 60s spells are 20% more powerful/last longer

Reinforce Armor: for 60s caster gains 400 armor points

Wall of Protection from Arrows: for 60s caster is fully immune to bow/crossbow damage

Create Fortress: summons one of few mighty towers... or a tent

(lvl.30)Spell Absorption: for 30s all spells that hit the caster have 50% of their duration/power

(lvl.15)Teleportation Rune: summons a rune that can teleport the caster to all cities and misc. locations

Field of Force: grab target in mid air

Force Explosion: create a force push that pushes enemies in front of you

Greater Break Item: lvl% chance to destroy all targets items

Greater Steal Item: lvl% chance to steal all targets items and transfer them into Abyssal Storage Chest A

Shockwave: creates an explosion around caster and pushes enemies

Greater Resistance: for 60s caster has +50% magic resistance and +15% damage resistance

(lvl.30)Maximize Triple Magic: for 10s next spell casted is tripled (eg 3 incinerate projectiles are launched at once)

Teleportation: moves player to aimed location. Can inflict fall damage

Time Stop: enemy hit by this spell freezes in time unable to move

Creation: Abyssal Storage: summon 1 of 3 storage chests to store your items permanently


(lvl.50)Black Hole: sends a black hole into a target. If target is 50lvl or less it vaporizes him. If target is 15+ levels lower than caster - vaporizes. Otherwise takes away half of its health

(lvl.60)Perfect Warrior: turns you into a perfect warrior for 240s. Sets your warrior skills to 160, gives you 80% damage reduction and a bound sword BUT doesn't grant any warrior specific perks. You CANT use magic/spells at all for the duration of the spell

(lvl.80)Wish Upon A Star: choose one of over 30 powerful wishes

(lvl.60)Astral Smite: caster kills essentials (and only them)

(lvl.40)Reality Slash: powerful slash that splits reality itself dealing huge damage

(lvl.30)Ia Shub-Niggurath: summon a cyclone that deals huge damage and launches the target into air

(lvl.30)Greater Teleportation: teleports anywhere caster point at. No fall damage is taken

(lvl.40)Aegis: for 30s caster takes 90% less damage from any source

(lvl.45)High Tier Magic Immunity: for 30s caster gains +80% magic resistance

(lvl.50)Dark Wisdom: for 30s caster can put +1 enchant on item but sacrifices permanently 10 MP

(lvl.40)Gate: create 2 points you can later teleport to via a summoned portal

(lvl.45)Greater Full Potential: for 60s caster gains +10 to all 18 skills

Creation: Bend Time: Choose from 4 options: midnigh, morning, noon or evening. This spell does not advance time to next day but changes the current day's time.

(lvl.30)Silent Time Stop: for 15s slows down time and makes caster etheral

(lvl.40)Time Accelerator: for 10s everything around caster stops. Caster cant deal physical damage

(lvl.40)Walls Of Jericho: ultimate defense. Summon a barrier that blocks everything

(lvl.45)Time Reverse: for next 60s next hit (non-lethal) damage on caster is negated

(lvl.45)Create Greater Item: create enchanting tables etc and/or armors, weapons, bow in exchange for gold


Magic Arrow: fires a magic arrow at target dealing damage


(lvl.10)Evil Lord Summons: Hagraven: conjure lvl.20 hagraven for 240s

(lvl.15)Evil Lord Summons: Frost Troll: conjure lvl.25 frost troll for 240s

(lvl.20)Evil Lord Summons: Wispmother: conjure lvl.30 wispmother for 240s

(lvl.10)Create Low Tier Undead: summons a level 20: boneman, mistman, shade, skeleton for 260s

(lvl.20)Raise Kin: conjure 4 lvl.30 dead hounds for 260s

(lvl.20)Wall of Skeletons: conjure 16 lvl.4 skeletons


(lvl.30)Evil Lord Summons: Dwarven Centurion: conjure lvl.40 centurion for 280s

(lvl.35)Evil Lord Summons: Gargoyle Sentinel: conjure lvl.40 gargoyle for 280s

(lvl.35)Evil Lord Summons: Werewolf: conjure lvl.45 werewolf for 280s

(lvl.35)Evil Lord Summons: Werebear: conjure lvl.45 werebear for 280s

Thousand Bone Lance: summon huge amount of bone lances at your enemy

Obsidian Sword : summon a obsidian sword that fires at your target

(lvl.40)Create Middle Tier Undead: summon a level 50: 1H draugr overlord, 2H draugr overlord, shade for 280s


(lvl.45)Evil Lord Summons: Lurker Vindicator: conjure lvl.55 lurker for 400s

(lvl.50)Dark Soul: targets 15lvls or more below you have their souls trapped. Has a chance to either fully heal caster or give 1 full grand soul gem (black/normal)

(lvl.60)Resurrection: resurrects any target (not reanimates! its like target never died). The cost is: targets lvl * 1000 gold or if you dont have enough gold at cast time you sacrifice 20HP permanently.

(lvl.70)Create Super Tier Undead: Karstaag: summons a level 90 Karstaag for 400s

(lvl.70)Create Super Tier Undead: Reaper: summons a level 90 Reaper for 400s

(lvl.70)Create Super Tier Undead: Primal Fire Elemental: conjure lvl.90 fire elemental for 400s. Only from staff of ainz

(lvl.70)Create Super Tier Undead: Primal Air Elemental: conjure lvl.87 air elemental for 400s. Only from wish or upgraded staff of ainz

(lvl.70)Create Super Tier Undead: Primal Star Elemental: conjure lvl.100 star elemental for 400s. Only from wish or upgraded staff of ainz

(lvl.70)Create Super Tier Undead: Primal Earth Elemental: conjure lvl.93 earth elemental for 400s. Only from wish or upgraded staff of ainz

(lvl.70)Create Super Tier Undead: Primal Ice Elemental: conjure lvl.87 ice elemental for 400s.

(lvl.30)Greater Reanimation: reanimate any corpse to fight for you for 240s

(lvl.50)Mass Resurrection: reanimate all corpses around you (up to 100) for 240s

(lvl.35)Grand Reanimation: reanimate any corpse to fight for you until it dies

(lvl.60)Create High Tier Undead: summons a level 70: dragon priest, wrathman for 360s

(lvl.70)Create Super Tier Undead: Elemental Army: summon all 5 primal elementals at once - obtained from wish OR by using upgraded staff of Ainz


Uriel: fireball that deals 30dmg. Every 20lvls the damage increases by 40 up to 230 dmg at lvl 100. Only usable by non-undead


Acid Splash: splash of acid that deals moderate damage


Vermin Bane: instantly kills any insect/bug type enemy

Crystal Dagger: shoots a huge crystal shard that deals lots of damage

Energy Drain: drain 60 points of MP, HP and SP from your opponent at once

Napalm: spread the fire at ground or your opponent dealing huge damage

Shard Buck Shots: shoot a stream of many small ice shards at your opponent

Frost of Juddeca: freezes all targets (like ice form shout)


(lvl.45)Aspect of the Devil - Hellfire Mantle: creates a firely explosion shockwave around caster pushing enemies and creates a fire cloak for 120s

(lvl.45)Greater Thunder: shoot huge thunderbolts dealing large damage

(lvl.50)Vermilion Nova: shoot white flames at targets dealing huge damage

(lvl.35)Gravity Maelstrom: a ball of gravity that sucks all targets on its path dealing damage

(lvl.30)Dragon Lightning: shoot out a bolt of lightning in a shape of dragon head dealing huge damage

(lvl.30)Chain Dragon Lightning: shoot out a bolt of lightning in a shape of dragon head dealing huge damage and then moving to next target

(lvl.45)Hell Flame: small, slow ball of fire. When hits the target it deals tremendous damage over the span of 15 seconds

(lvl.45)Big Fireball: good old fireball that deals lots of damage. Also lot bigger than normal

(lvl.30)Stream of Lava: spray your target with super hot lava like fire

(lvl.45)Creation: Freezing Land: create a wave of freezing wind that freezes all your opponents in range and deals damage over time

(lvl.30)Meteor Fall: summons a meteor rain

(lvl.45)Absorption: a cloak that absorbs HP,SP, MP of all enemy targets within distance[

(lvl.70)Fallen Down: a pillar of energy that obliterates everything in touches over large area


Discern Enemy: shows your targets level

Dark Vision: for 120s see at night like during day (many times better than vanilla night vision)

Health Essence: shows your targets health

Mana Essence: shows your targets magicka

Stamina Essence: shows your targets stamina

Counter Arrow: shoot an arrow that can disarm your opponent


Presence Search: shows the difference in power between you and opponent

Power of Gaia: animals help you in combat


Focus Magic: Boost your ally magic powers for 60s (+200 MP, MPregen, 50% magic resistance, 20% spell power)

Greater Rejection: cancel enemy spells

(lvl.30)Mist Form: become etheral for 15s

Despair Aura III: Instantly inflict fear on targets up to lvl.80. Perk reward only


(lvl.40)Mass Hold Species: all targets in area are slowed down to a point they cant move at all for 30s

(lvl.30)Charm Species: all creatures in area stop fighting you for 60s

(lvl.30)Ultimate Disturb: your friends and commanded npc's get 100% magic resistance but cant use any spells themselves

(lvl.45)Despair Aura V: 50% any target will flee, 40% it will be paralyzed, 10% instant death (100% for at leat one effect to take place)

(lvl.30)Erase Presence: invisibility, muffle, sneak skill boost and more. Enemies stop looking for you if they already were

Undead Blessing: only obtainable by [Wish Upon A Star]. Toggable detect undead that doesn't consume mana


Cure Disease: cures all diseases

Cure Poison: removes all active poison\damage effetcs


Regeneration: each second regenerates 20 HP up to 400 points

Translocation Damage: all damage you receive takes away your MP, not HP for 60s

Brilliant Radiance: laser like attack that deals huge damage to undead only enemies

(lvl.35)Greater Magic Shield: while active negates up to 160 magic damage. If caster takes melee damage it is transformed into mana loss instead. When disspelling has 50% chance to push away enemy or freeze them


Death: kills any target (without side effects) that is 40+ levels lower than caster

(lvl.45)Force Sanctuary: a ward that while active reduces any and all damage caster receives. Caster cannot attack during that time

Purifying Javelin: shoots a light made javelin dealing huge damage to undead only

(lvl.55+450baseMP)Grasp Heath: crushes your opponents hearth killing him. Behind the doors science: 20lvl+ difference between you and enemy : enemy dies and you take either 40% dmg (if enemy had less hp than you) or 60% dmg (if more). 20 to 0 lvl difference: enemy dies and you take either 100% dmg of enemys HP or 98% of your HP is taken (if enemy had more HP than you). If enemy is higher level than you: A: has more HP : target takes 60% dmg, you 90% dmg B:less HP than you: both take 90% dmg to HP

(lvl.45+300baseMP)True Death: vaporizes any undead enemy you target. Exact science behind: if enemy is lvl 50 or below it gets vaporized. If enemy is 15+ levels below player it gets vaporized (eg player is lvl80 enemy is lvl 60 - enemy dies, even though its above lvl50)

(lvl.40)Greater Lethal: fully restores your HP, MP, SP points


(lvl.70+500baseMP)The Goal Of All Life Is Death: once a day kill anything in sight

(lvl.70)Pantheon: summons 6 level 80 Keepers (2x 1H, 2x 2H, 2x Archer) for 480s

Cry Of Banshee: only via [Wish Upon A Star]. 40% chance to insta kill opponents

8.Misc Items Description

This section will introduce you to some of the items that are added to this mod. Almost all can be crafted, tempered and enchanted. There are also a few more items ingame that are not listed here 

[Armor: M+F]Full Set of Dark Plate Armour as used by Momon - LEGACY version based on vanilla ebony armor. (Temper+Craft+Enchant)

[Armor: M]Full Set of Raven Black Armour as used by Momon - custom model as seen in anime (Temper+Craft+Enchant)

[Armor: F]Full Set of Vampire Armour (plus Ancient version with powerful enchants from Wish Upon A Star).(Temper+Craft+Enchant)

[Armor: M]Full Set of Ainz Robes (plus Ancient version with powerful enchants from Wish Upon A Star). (Temper+Craft+Enchant)

[Staff]Many staff variants of overlord spells. Staffs can be crafted at Staff Enchanter when you have learned given spells

[Staff-Base]Staff Of Ainz Ooal Gown with 7 powerful spells to cast crafted at Staff Enchanter. Requires lvl70 and one of overlord perks

[Staff-Upgraded]More powerful version of base staff. Can be crafted from base staff

[Weapon]Raven Black (Great)Sword - as used by Momon. Temper+Craft+Enchant

[Ring]Shooting Star Ring (base verions and 4 with Wish Spell. After making a wish the ring looses one of its 3 gems to indicate a wish being made

[Ring]Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown - you can use it to teleport between Nazarick floors. Can be looted from the Nazarick Guardian in from of the Tomb along with required keys

[Armor: M+F]Evileye Mask, Ainz Mask (2 variants), Mask Of Envy, Pandora's Actor Mask

[Weapon]World Item: World Savior: a club that deals 20 damage to health, magica, stamina. After each succesful hit this damage increases by 30 up to 6000!. After you kill 200 opponents with this weapon it will be destroyed. Every 20 kills the club will permanently take from you 6 HP (to a total of 60 HP after 200 kills).

[Weapon]World Item: Billion Blades: a katana that multiplies (creates afterimages) each hit by 'x' times dealing 'y' damage each hit. Base stats are: 6 afterimages and 10 damage each (so a total of +60 dmg). Fully upgraded katana deals 1000dmg each hit

[Staff]Ginnungagap: world item, shoots a dark projectile that produces a huge explosion dealing damage and pushing away any enemy

[Armor: M+F]Avarice and Generosity: gauntelts that, while equipped, store killed enemies levels (the killing blow MUST be made by the player). The stored levels can be exchanged for skill upgrades (all 18 skills + 3 player stats). Basically if you kill an enemy level 10 you will get 10 points. You need around 8200 points to fully upgrade ANY skill from 15-100 (I made sure each skill requires around the same number of points). For 8000 points you can add yourself +30 HP/SP/MP

[Armor: F]Hermes Trismegistus - Albedos Armour - ebony level armor

[Armor: F]Nabe's Adventurer Clothes - can be crafted at any forge

[Armor: M]Pandora's Actor Outfir - not craftable. Only for NPC

[Armor: M+F]Ancient Nordic Set: crafted at any forge with ebony smithing. Can only be crafted if playing as Lich Race

[Armor: M+F]Evil Lich Set: crafted at any forge. Can only be crafted if playing as Lich Race

[Armor: M+F]Evil Lich Priest Set: crafted at any forge. Can only be crafted if playing as Lich Race

[Food]Caloric Stone - crafted at skyforge at any level. Can be crafted multiple times. Requires 6 types of ingots (5x800 + 1x200) to craft.

[Object]Throne of Kings located in Nazarick Throne Room. When sit it gives a 200 point boost in stats for 16 minutes. Only for 40+ level players

Staff Info 
Staff Of Ainz Ooal Gown (Basic) spells: Hell Flame (2x dmg), Frost Of Judecca (2x dmg), Grasp Heart, Primal Fire Elemental, Charm Species (up to lvl 200), Greater Reanimation (up to lvl 200), Reality Slash (500dmg) 
Staff Of Ainz Ooal Gown (Upgraded) spells: Napalm (2x dmg), Frost Of Judecca (4x dmg), Grasp Heart (100% kill chance), Reality Slash (1000dmg), Resurrection (no penalties), Elemental Army (all 5 elementals), Mass Reanimation (up to lvl 200) 
Most base items can be crafted at any forge as long as you have a required smithing perk. Most require ebony+ to craft/temper. Some items (specified) can only be crafted at skyforge (and/or also need from you overlord perk to have learned) 


Thumbnail author: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=626821
Original mask model creator and mod: KaranVess (/users/2153641) (Instanity Mask mod)
Overlord Anime and Wikia for idea and spell knowledge :)
Overlord Robes base model: https://sketchfab.com/models/e62df306954144fbb613c6fc3b04e682
Model used by me as a base for further impovements on Albedos Armor: https://sketchfab.com/models/fae77a96ff4f48f7a5080723e890f2a4 by Lee Hess - license - Creative Commons
Momon's Raven Black Armour Set - model and textures by GHPurple : https://sketchfab.com/models/baaa545c02ff47aa937665a40cdf5e72
Permissions were given personally by the author to use the Momon's Armor model via email response. Please check out his profile for more awesome Overlord models!
MihalMods for primal elementals models (permissions were given from author)
ExileDragneel for help with Pandora's Outfit model




龙珠:超宇宙2 v1.09MOD整合包v3 | 人际关系MOD | 饥荒:联机版 回城卷MOD | 魔兽争霸3 1.24乱界决神正式版 v1.0.1 | 《上古卷轴5:天际》高清药罐:Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons HD MOD | 上古卷轴5:天际 超级玛丽喷火龙随从 |


  • 龙珠:超宇宙2 v1.09MOD整合包v3
  • 人际关系MOD
  • 饥荒:联机版 回城卷MOD
  • 魔兽争霸3 1.24乱界决神正式版 v1.0.1
  • 《上古卷轴5:天际》高清药罐:Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons HD MOD
  • 上古卷轴5:天际 超级玛丽喷火龙随从