
资源大小:13.3 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的 雪精灵重型盔甲基于真正的轻精灵盔甲和轻型精灵盔甲 Mod,由DiaboliHellscream制作。571在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: DiaboliHellscream Mod版本: 0.8-Beta Mod大小: 13.3 MB 更新时间: 2018-10-01 22:47:42 发布时间: 2018-10-01 22:47:42






装甲在他的4个部分中都有与Daedric Armor相同的装甲等级(没有盾牌或用于此Beta版本的武器),是的,它是重装甲。未来可能会制作一个轻型和服装版本(如果这个mod没有推下来)。除了表冠之外,盔甲可以与普通精灵盔甲相同的方式制作和回火,除了表冠之外,它可以更早,因为它只需要铁锭。

我建议你不要在游戏中过早制作这种盔甲,因为它可能在开始时有点OP。如果你像我一样,不想从一开始就扮演一个Falmer(雪精灵)和角色扮演作为一个falmer,那么你可以从一个基本的falmer盔甲开始,然后转移到Falmer Heritage盔甲。





RefurbMadness,令人敬畏(以及我最喜欢的所有Nexus装甲之一,因为它是男性为数不多的轻薄护甲模型之一)Light Elven Armor for Men。从这里我拿了皇冠网,因为我觉得它很性感和美观。可悲的是,对于这个版本没有丁字裤/树干盔甲,如果mod作者不起诉我或1.0版本的东西!

CaBaL120,是迄今为止在Nexus上传的最佳质感模型,即aMidianBorn装甲。从这一次开始,我采用了aMidianBorn Elven Armor黄金版,并对整体纹理进行了编辑,以使它们变白。我是一个油漆工具SAI用户,我不知道如何使用Photoshop,我最好的工具是我的旧wacom笔和桌子,所以我尽我所能不羞辱这美丽的纹理,同时使它像雪一样可靠。如果你还没有下载AmidianBook,那么我不知道你是怎么玩天际的。


我发现了一个bug /故障/某些东西不起作用,wtf?





您只需输入控制台命令:帮助“Falmer Heritage”并使用控制台获取它。除此之外,你总是可以使用这个很棒的mod,它将在Falmer Heritage部分!



女/ Oldrim版?






This armor mod is my first attempt ever of making a mod, so if there is any bug, glitch or issue please comment. So far this is my eight try on this armor (still "beta") so I decided to upload it, share it, expecting to someone to find it useful. 

As I mentioned early I don't consider this mod completely mine, as I used many other modders assets. All the credit to them. 

This set is based on the long forgotten Snow Elves, some of the first inhabitants of Skyrim, lost besides their mutated offspring the modern falmer, which now lurks in the abandoned dwemer ruins. 

The armor has the same armor rating of the Daedric Armor in each of his 4 parts (No shield or weapons for this Beta build), and yes, it's a heavy armor. Might make a light and a clothing version in the future (If this mod is not putt down). The armor can be crafted and tempered in the same way of the regular elven armor, except for the crown, which can be made even earlier as it only needs iron ingots. 

I'll recommend not make this armor too soon in your game, as it could be a little OP at the beginning . If you are like me and wan't to play a Falmer (snow elf) and roleplay as a falmer from the beginning then you could start with a basic falmer armor before moving to the Falmer Heritage armor. 

How Lore friendly is it? Well... It's an elven armor and it's white, it's as lore friendly as it can! 

This mod was made using the following mods (not necessary for this mod, but I totally recommend to install them just for their individual awesomeness) as a base and I wan't everyone who likes this armor to give their kudos and donations to these talented and extraordinary modders (if you wan't to). I personally wan't to thank each of them for their awesome work which inspired me to make this mod. All the credit to them. I checked all three of the mod pages and it seems they don't mind if we use their mods for making stuff as long as it's not just a reupload and we give credit, so here it is!<3 

Letstryagain, for the Truly Light Elven Armor (male), from which I took the armor, boots, and gauntlets meshes which are top notch and should have been the vanilla elven armor right from the beginning. 

RefurbMadness, for the awesome (and one of my favorite armors from all the Nexus because it's one of the few skimpy armor mods for males) Light Elven Armor for Men. From here I took the crown mesh, as I thought it was so sexy and aesthetic. Sadly as for this version there is no thong/trunks armor, if the mod authors doesn't sue me or something it will be on the 1.0 version! 

CaBaL120, for the best texture mod ever uploaded in the Nexus, the aMidianBorn armors. From this one I took the aMidianBorn Elven Armor golden version and edited the textures overall in order to make them white. I am a Paint Tool SAI user, I have no idea of how to use Photoshop and my best tool was my old wacom pen and table, so I tried my best to not dishonor this beautiful texture while making it as snow withe as posible. If you haven't downloaded AmidianBook yet then I don't know how are you even playing Skyrim. 


I found a bug/glitch/something is just not working, wtf?
Please put all the details in the comment section, I promise I'll check it before the next update!

I don't like the model/texture/etc, wtf?
The models are awesome, I know it because they're not mine. As for the textures I might have made a wrong creative decision, if CaBal120 doesn't tell me to not use their textures anymore because I am a shame as an digital artist then I can promise I will make alternative textures! So far I could add an All-White texture, making the leather and mail parts snow white as well.

I don't want to mess with your horrible crafting method, it sucks/doesn't make sense, wtf?
You can just type in the console command: Help "Falmer Heritage" and use the console to get it. Besides that you can always use this awesome mod , it will be at the Falmer Heritage section! 

Who's the character on the screenshots? 
It's a character I made using an altmer and Enhanced Character Edit in order to make him look like a real falmer. If someone want's it I will upload the ECE preset in the next build!.

Female/Oldrim version?
Sorry but this one will be a No, I don't play female characters and there is a lot of female armor mods. Let us the male players have so fun too :( But might, but very unlikely. As for an Oldrim version this will not be posible as for now because I only play Special Edition. 

If you have any other question feel free to ask!:)
And sorry for all the typos and bad English, it's my secondary language so I'm trying my best. If you find a typo in game please tell me as soon as posible!




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  • Ambient FX 1.1.1
  • 上古卷轴5 敌人遭遇战MOD
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