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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Daedric和Dragonbone武器和装甲修订 Mod,由MateDeVita制作。lhc53168在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: MateDeVita Mod版本: 0.1 Mod大小: 13.9 KB 更新时间: 2018-09-30 19:37:06 发布时间: 2018-09-30 19:37:06




该mod影响基础游戏中的所有基本(非独特)项目 - 未受影响的项目和在游戏中产生的魔法变体。它还会影响一些看似在基础游戏中遵循Daedric武器统计数据的神器。




更好的吸血鬼NPC - 对Heartsblood和Draconis武器应用相同的变化。

Summermyst - 对新添加的魔法Daedric项目应用相同的更改。

Zim的Immersive Artifacts - 将两个mod的变化结合到一些Daedric工件中。

该mod与编辑Daedric Weapons&Armors统计数据的mod不兼容(它不会使你的游戏崩溃,但只有你的加载顺序中较低的mod将适用,除非你用合并的补丁来解决这个问题)。

它应该适用于大多数只能重新构造/重新构造项目的mod,例如Unique Uniques和LeanWolf的Better-Shaped Weapons。



mod转发来自Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch。虽然USSEP并不是严格要求运行mod,但我仍然建议安装它,因为它是一个很好的错误修正集合和一个伟大的modder团队的产品。

该mod还需要Cutting Room Floor,内容恢复模式和每个Skyrim玩家应该考虑安装的另一个mod。


打开SSEdit。当系统提示您选择插件时,右键单击并单击“选择无”。然后勾选Daedric和Dragonborn Revised.esp(如果您正在使用它,也可以选择Daedric和Dragonborn Revised(ZIA Patch).esp),然后按OK。

完成后台加载程序后,在左侧窗格中展开Daedric和Dragonborn Revised.esp

找到条目DA08EbonyBlade(应在表格ID 0004A38F下)并左键单击它。

在右侧窗格中,找到显示KWDA - 关键字的行,并在其下方放置一堆关键字行。在标题为Daedric和Dragonborn Revised.esp的专栏中,在这些行中找到CRFExemptArtifactKeyword [KYWD:0101A409]的条目。右键单击它,然后单击“删除”。如果您正在使用补丁,请在Daedric和Dragonborn Revised(ZIA Patch).esp专栏中执行相同的操作。

在左侧窗格中右键单击Daedric和Dragonborn Revised.esp,然后单击Clean Masters。现在,如果您正在使用补丁,请对Daedric和Dragonborn Revised(ZIA Patch).esp执行相同操作,然后再次右键单击Daedric和Dragonborn Revised(ZIA Patch).esp并单击Add Masters。找到Daedric和Dragonborn Revised.esp并双击它(或勾选旁边的复选框并按OK)。






If you're like me and just love the look of Daedric armor and weapons, you've always had to make a trade-off for function or form between Daedric and Dragonbone... No longer. This mod makes Daedric weapons and armor the (very slightly) better option stat-wise by simply inverting weapon damage stats between the corresponding Daedric and Dragonbone weapons and lowering the weight of Daedric armor pieces to that of their Dragonplate counterparts (Daedric base armor rating is already slightly higher).

The mod affects all basic (non-unique) items in the base game - both the unenchanted ones and the enchanted variants that spawn in game. It also affects a few artifacts which appear to follow Daedric weapon stats in the base game.

The stat edits this mod makes are small so they should not negatively impact game balance.


The mod also has compatibility patches for:

Better Vampire NPCs - Applies the same changes to Heartsblood and Draconis weapons.

Summermyst - Applies the same changes to the newly added enchanted Daedric items.

Zim's Immersive Artifacts - Combines the changes of both mods to some of the Daedric artifacts.

The mod is otherwise incompatible with mods that edit Daedric Weapons & Armors stat-wise (it won't crash your game but only the mod that's lower in your load order will apply unless you resolve this with a merged patch).

It should work fine with most mods that only retexture/remodel the items, such as Unique Uniques and LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons.

It also will not work on completely new items (such as those added by Weapons of the Third Era) even if they are made of Daedric material. Again, it won't cause problems or crashes, it just won't apply to the new weapons.


The mod forwards changes from Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch. While USSEP isn't strictly required to run the mod, I still recommend installing it as it's a great collection of bugfixes and the product of a great team of modders.

The mod also requires Cutting Room Floor, a content-restoring mod and another mod every Skyrim player should consider installing.

If you do not have CRF installed and don't want to install it, you can manually edit this mod to work without it, using SSEdit:

Open SSEdit. When prompted to choose a plugin, right click and click on Select None. Then tick Daedric and Dragonborn Revised.esp (also tick Daedric and Dragonborn Revised (ZIA Patch).esp if you're using it), then press OK.

Once the Background loader is finished, in the left pane expand Daedric and Dragonborn Revised.esp

Find the entry DA08EbonyBlade (should be under Form ID 0004A38F) and left click on it.

In the right pane, find the row that says KWDA - Keywords and has a bunch of Keyword rows below it. In the column titled Daedric and Dragonborn Revised.esp find the entry in these rows that says CRFExemptArtifactKeyword [KYWD:0101A409]. Right click on it and click Remove. Do the same in theDaedric and Dragonborn Revised (ZIA Patch).esp column if you're using the patch.

In the left pane right click on Daedric and Dragonborn Revised.esp and click Clean Masters. Now if you're using the patch as well, do the same forDaedric and Dragonborn Revised (ZIA Patch).esp, then right click on Daedric and Dragonborn Revised (ZIA Patch).esp again and click Add Masters. Find Daedric and Dragonborn Revised.esp and double click it (or tick the checkbox next to it and press OK).

Exit SSEdit, make sure the plugin (or both of them) is checked to be saved (no other plugin should be listed). Then press OK.

Load Order

You should be fine if you just use LOOT to sort your plugins for you. Basically, make sure you're loading each patch after both the corresponding mod plugins.




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  • 上古卷轴5:天际 重婚MOD,想娶多个老婆?进来看看!
  • 飞行魔法
  • 我的世界 1.8.9华夏图腾MOD
  • 侠盗猎车手5 史密斯34老爷车MOD
  • 辐射4 Azar的马尾辫MOD
  • 荡妇羞辱—女性歧视——— Misogynist Fallout4 Comments