Simple Trainer for GTA V

资源大小:2.31 MB




在3DM Mod站下载侠盗猎车手系列最新的 Simple Trainer for GTA V Mod,由sjaak327 制作。xucunrong在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: sjaak327 Mod版本: 8.5 Mod大小: 2.31 MB 更新时间: 2018-09-11 16:51:52 发布时间: 2018-09-11 16:51:52


各种选项适用于任何培训师,世界上最简单的速度表,KM / H或MP / H或两者,60个传送选项,可使用trainerv.ini定制,12个车辆产卵选项分配给热键,也可定制使用trainer.ini,可以使用菜单生成所有其他车型。您可以在您输入的每辆车中强制使用默认电台,或者在使用移动无线电时,可以在游戏中配置并使用trainer.ini您可以使用菜单更改播放器型号。






Various options normal to any trainer, the world's simplest speedometer, either in KM/H or MP/H or both, 60 Teleporting options that can be customized using the trainerv.ini, 12 vehicle spawning options assigned to hotkeys, which also can be customized using trainer.ini, all other car models can be spawned by using the menu. you can force a default station in each vehicle you enter, or when using the mobile radio, both configurable in game and using the trainer.ini You can change your player model using the menu. 

It also features time and weather options, and a bunch of car options Also any predefined teleport slot can be customized in game, overwriting the predefined values 

The trainer also includes bodyguard /ped spawning, any model can be spawned, any weapon can be given , defaults in trainer.ini, these can also be altered using the bodyguard menu in game. In additional to bodyguards, also drivers, combat peds and peds and drivers that attack the player can be spawned. Normal peds can be given a total of ten tasks. You can assign the same tasks to the last spawned ped. You can set the bodyguards to follow you in a car. You can also select a specific ped and do stuff on the selected ped. 

The trainer includes the mobile radio, which works outside of the car, all features that are available with the normal radio, also work with the mobile radio. 

Trainer.ini contains the defaults section, where you can set certain settings to be enabled on game start. 

More information and installation instructions available in the ReadMe. 




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