夏季 - 天际普遍'Mursive机械扩展和重新校准

资源大小:2.74 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的夏季 - 天际普遍'Mursive机械扩展和重新校准 Mod,由Destructor36制作。hy816在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Destructor36 Mod版本: 0.6 Mod大小: 2.74 MB 更新时间: 2018-09-07 16:23:50 发布时间: 2018-09-07 16:23:50




这个mod的权限是开放的 - 希望在他们自己的创作中使用这个mod的部分或全部的用户欢迎这样做。

SU'MMER是Skyrim的游戏扩展,具有全面的范围和独特的“通用”设计理念。 SU'MMER包括12个模块,每个模块旨在通过引入新的游戏机制来扩展动力不足的游戏系统或平衡过度制动的游戏系统。









问题:比以前的Elder Scrolls游戏更多,天际遭受缺乏法术多样性的困扰,旧的收藏,甚至通用的主要法术消失只会被无聊的火/冰/冲击/治疗法术等级所取代。虽然“天际”为这张桌子带来了许多有趣的新魔术原型,但其中很多只有作为呐喊才能为玩家所用。



解决方案:死灵术在“上古卷轴”的传说中一直占据着显着位置,但在实践中基本上与任何其他形式的咒语无法区分。现在你可以从死者身上收获肉体和骨头,用于新的法术,使不死的诅咒永不过期,不计入你的召唤限制,让你领导死者的军队,包括Draugr,Skeletons和Skeletal Dragons 。











Speechcraft ======================














坠落伤害更加逼真 - 你可以从短暂的坠落中获得足够的伤害,以防止你轻易地从山上跳下来,并且大多数角色将从超过几个故事的高度坠落














虽然SU'MMER经过校准以更好地平衡香草游戏和奖励技能训练,但不喜欢其应用限制的玩家可以根据自己的喜好自定义每个功能。如果你有一个更好地完成某个功能的mod,你可以完全关闭冲突的功能。配置通过SkyUI MCMenu进行,每个游戏模块都有单独的页面。此页面还允许您在整个香草级别列表中分发SU'MMER的添加项目,以便添加的内容将出现在全世界范围内,而不会从您加载的那一刻开始保存。还有一键选项可以通过向角色添加SU'MMER的法术,特权和物品来测试任何个人特征。


从表面上看,SU'MMER是一个非常友好的模式,它对以前的Elder Scrolls游戏点头,同时改善了Skyrim对他们的公式所做的改变。大多数包含的法术都是从之前游戏的传说中直接撕掉的,而那些不适合通过命名约定和使用vanilla资产的游戏。绑定装甲,门户和矮人自动机等物体的新资产从现有网格和纹理拼凑而成。


从平均玩家的角度来看,也许是最不明显的特征,我希望SU'MMER的这个方面将对mod的耐用性和适应性产生影响,并将作为其他模型的概念证明。几乎所有添加游戏元素的mod都会使用在播放器上运行的脚本魔术效果来跟踪他们的动作并做出相应的响应。这些效果可以应用于其他演员以赋予它们相同的效果,但游戏脚本和引擎中的许多缺陷限制了这些魔法效果在实践中可以轻松实现的效果。许多mod通过使用以播放器为中心的脚本来弥补这一点,这些脚本无法在不添加复杂的基于任务的跟踪系统的情况下扩展到其他参与者。因此,许多mod实现仅适用于播放器的元素,而有些则使用特定于播放器的脚本拐杖。 SU'MMER做了(据我所知)没有其他mod做的事情并且使用创新的脚本方法以不假设效果在播放器上运行的方式实现所有包含的游戏系统(除非本质上以玩家为中心的系统如此屏幕和控制器效果和技能进步)。虽然这些技术中的许多技术效率低于传统的基于任务的脚本编写方法,但我希望这种设计能为SU'MMER开辟新的方式,与ASIS和EtherealCoder的Ether Dynamics Advanced AI等mod进行交互,扩展现有游戏系统NPC,以及即将推出的在线多人游戏模式,如Tamriel Online和Skyrim Together,分散了玩家在世界上的角色。


SKSE SE Build 2.0.7+



通过Nexus Mod Manager下载“下载(NMM)”按钮


从URL或下载的存档中下载并安装Mod Organizer


手动下载,解压缩文件并将内容(SU'MMER.esp,SU'MMER.bsa,SU'MMER.bsl和SU'MMERecalibrated.esp)直接放入'Skyrim / Data'文件夹


如果在安装松散文件版本时出现有关替换以下任何脚本的警告,则很可能安装了较旧或相同的“Brawl Bug Fix”mod,或者包含这些修复程序的众多其他mod之一。那些使用Enai Siaion的“现代争吵错误修复”的人可以安全地被覆盖,因为脚本是相同的。那些使用较旧版本的版本,例如jonwd7的'Brawl Bugs Patch'通常也可以安全覆盖,因为新版本解决了比以前更多的争吵bug。如有疑问,请查阅覆盖的mod页面或自述文件。










如果使用具有竞争功能的任何mod,请将它们加载到SU'MMER下方并停用MCM中的冲突功能。特别是对于闪避,陷阱和多跟随模式,它应该足以让竞争模块分别覆盖动画树,陷阱激活器和DialogueFollowerQuest - 这些是mod触及的唯一香草形式。如果要构建合并的补丁,如果要覆盖任何功能,请从补丁中排除SU'MMER - 无论如何都要在运行时触发所有对级别列表的编辑,如下所述。

遇到与其他随从系统mod冲突的用户应下载可选的“SU'MMER No Followers”。将.esp加载到SU'MMER下方以及任何其他随从mods之上。在SU'MMER之后加载时,某些mod可能在没有补丁的情况下兼容。



要卸载,请检查主配置窗口中的“卸载SU'MMER”选项并退出菜单。这将从角色中删除特权,停用某些功能,并从水平列表中删除SU'MMER项目(在运行此选项之前,您无需单独取消选中“分发”选项)。与任何mod一样,这并不能使安全或推荐卸载mod中间游戏,特别是如果你有分布式项目或正在使用为NPC添加效果的功能,例如'inter-NPC parrying'。





这是引擎的问题。加载插件保存然后重新加载,它们应该开始出现。此外,对话条件或优先级可能会阻止它们出现。如果试图乞求,请确保你的衣服实际上有'ClothingPoor'关键字(带有这个关键字的香草衣服包括衣衫褴褛的长袍,而不是'粗糙'物品 - 非官方补丁也将其添加到其他几件衣服中)。如果没有出现争吵和抢劫选项,则可能是由于任务优先级或场景。所有新的说服尝试都设置为中等(50)优先级,并且不会在场景期间运行,因此当某些任务正在运行或某些字符正在交互时它们可能不可用。




由于他们的插槽设置方式,这仅适用于某些项目(据我所知,只是Fur Gauntlets)。为了兼容性编辑一个vanilla项目记录超出了这个mod的范围,所以这将保持原样,因为它只发生在少数项目上。 Kryptopyr的'Weapons and Armour Fixes Remade'旨在解决其中的一些问题,尽管我自己没有测试过。 (撰写本文时不适用于特别版)


确保没有安装另一个道奇mod,它会覆盖SU'MMER对动画树的编辑或触发新动画以使用'Sprint'按钮。由于闪避的脚本处理,此功能也容易出现帧率问题:如果您遇到严重的脚本滞后或无法以最低~20 fps的帧速率运行Skyrim,则躲避动画可能无法正常播放。








Enai Siaion的现代斗殴Bug修复,包含在此mod中


Bethesda论坛,Reddit的R / ModdingSkyrim和R / SkyrimModders社区,以及在那里提供帮助和指导的所有用户

非常感谢GkSanchez和Reddit的R / ModdingSkyrim社区的其他人帮助了西班牙语翻译





SU’MMER: Skyrim Universally ‘Mursive Mechanical Expansion & Recalibration

Classic Edition available here.

Permissions on this mod are open - users who wish to use part or whole of this mod in their own creations are welcome to do so.

SU’MMER is a gameplay expansion for Skyrim with a comprehensive purview and unique ‘universal’ design philosophy. SU’MMER comprises 12 modules, each of which aims to either expand an underpowered game system or balance out an overpowered one through the introduction of new gameplay mechanics.

Melee Combat  ======================

Problem: In Skyrim, the best defense is usually a good offense, and timing counts for next to nothing. Against the game’s flailing, predictable foes, heavy weapons suffer little from their slowness, blocking is a dull affair, and dual-wielders and spellswords who are not even afforded that luxury must resort to button-mashing and kiting to end fights before defense is needed.

Solution: Timed dodging provides a high-risk/high-reward alternative to blocking and increases the pace and mobility of combat. Just tap the sprint button while moving sideways or backwards with a fist, weapon, or spell raised. Utilizes unused vanilla dodge animations.

Solution: Parrying opens up defensive options to dual-wielders and spellswords, and helps to balance the strength and staggering power of two-handed weapons by penalizing their sluggishness and predictability. Swing a weapon or fist within an instant of your opponent’s, and your own will be treated as a block, staggering the opponent and mitigating damage.

Marksmanship  ======================

Problem: An overpowered skill, marksmanship provides an irresistible advantage against the game’s bumbling AI opponents, which has sent countless diverse and promising Dragonborn down the well-worn path of stealth archery.

Solution: To make archery more difficult, stamina will drain and the screen (and controller) will shake while drawing bows or loading crossbows, making aiming more difficult and encouraging careful shot timing to conserve stamina. Shake strength is configurable, and is optionally extendable to spellcasting and melee weapons.

Magic ======================

Problem: Moreso than previous Elder Scrolls games, Skyrim suffers from a lack of spell diversity, with old favorites and even generic staple spells having disappeared only to be replaced by boring gradations of fire/ice/shock/healing spells. While Skyrim brings a number of interesting new magic archetypes to the table, a great many of them are available to the player only as shouts.

Solution: Legacy spells bring back the best of Morrowind and Oblivion, including Alteration spells like Jump, Slowfall, and Mark & Recall, Conjuration spells summoning classic bound weapons and armor, Destruction spells that drain attributes and resistances or inflict pure magicka damage, and Illusion spells that silence enemies’ casts and provide Sanctuary against incoming blows. Restoration may have benefited the most from the addition of classic stat and resistance buffs, reflection and absorption spells from the deprecated school of Mysticism, and offensive spells that afflict the living with poison.

Solution: New spells draw on Skyrim’s expanded palate of shouts and scripting advances to create entirely new playstyles for mages. Fling opponents through the air and distract them with suspicious noises, teleport through space and manipulate the timescale, bring dead allies back to life, change the weather at will, and hold time itself in your hand. These spells are presented in as lore-friendly a way as possible, and will particularly benefit those who roleplay non-Dragonborn characters using mods to disable the main quest or dragons but still wish to use the powers afforded by shouts.

Solution: Necromancy has always featured prominently in Elder Scrolls lore, but been essentially indistinguishable from any other form of Conjuration in practice. Now you can harvest flesh and bones from the deceased to use in new spells that raise undead thralls which never expire and don’t count towards your summon limit, allowing you to lead an army of the dead, including Draugr, Skeletons, and Skeletal Dragons.

Alchemy ======================

Problem: The mechanics of potion consumption fundamentally imbalance combat in favor of the player. With minimal advance planning and the ability to pause time in menus, you can grind your way through most enemies by slugging down any number of potions whenever your stats dip.

Solution: Every action now has an inverse and proportionate reaction. Potion effects are followed after their expiration by toxic aftereffects that impair the skills or stats buffed by the original potion, encouraging careful timing and strategic consumption. However, tolerance towards these effects builds with Alchemy skill and receives an immediate buff through Poison Resistance, potions of which can even be used as buffers to diminish the toxicity of other potions throughout the duration of the Resistance potion. Just beware the crash thereafter...

Stealth ======================

Problem: At the end of the day, stealth in Skyrim is a two-trick pony, boiling down to an exercise in staying out of sight when you’re outgunned and abusing sneak attack multipliers when you’re not.

Solution: Disguises provide an alternative to invisibility and evasion. Actors will recognize you as a member of numerous factions, including the Legion, Stormcloaks, Thalmor, Forsworn, Guards, and more when sufficiently adorned in their clothing or armor. Incidentally, your clothing must be chosen more carefully in public as you level up your skills and wear it more comfortably; you can no longer walk into Solitude dressed in full Stormcloak garb without provoking a furor.

Solution: Pacifists who prefer not to kill will find their preferences better-accommodated, as foes can now be knocked out with a fist, shield, special spell, or the blunt of a weapon. Unconscious foes can be looted and dragged, and will revive after a random period of several hours or when struck by a weapon or spell.

Lockpicking  ======================

Problem: A skill with no bar to entry and little sense of progression, lockpicking makes it possible for any meat-fingered brute with enough lockpicks to crack ancient chests and reinforced doors alike with minimal patience and no training.

Solution: Lockpicking requirements prevent you from cracking locks above a configurable skill level, so practice is now essential for thieving characters. Not to exclude anyone, mages who invest in Alteration will have access to new unlock and lock spells that scale to their skill level, and even pure warrior types will be able to crack simpler locks with enough force from a weapon.

Speechcraft ======================

Problem: Beyond securing better prices and ensuring success in the few minimally-consequential persuasion opportunities sprinkled throughout the game’s quests, Speechcraft offers few advantages in the way you interact with the world. Additionally, pacifist characters are essentially out of luck in the merciless world of Skyrim, where downed enemies proclaim their submission before popping up to stab you in the back.

Solution: Contextual persuasion opportunities open up new gameplay options and even personalities to the player. Beg for money while wearing ragged clothing, rob passers-by while you weapon is drawn, or instigate a brawl with an insult and your raised fists. Be careful how you use these tools though; powerful actors may see through these threats and attack preemptively, and weak ones may be so intimidated that they sound an alarm against you.

Solution: Pacifists will now find that downed foes actually yield. Slightly-less-pacifist (or just more-pragmatic) characters will find that these foes can also now be robbed for their equipment, recruited as followers, or told never to show their faces again, useful if they’re the target of a bounty or assassination quest or seem too eager to stick around your newly liberated hideout.

Solution: You can now recruit up to 7 followers and 7 animals. You can also set a maximum party limit that applies jointly to followers and animals. As your party grows, you will learn shouted commands that can direct all your followers in a growing radius simultaneously.

Crafting  ======================

Problem: Beyond improving weapons and armor, crafting has little to offer in combat. Crafting progression is reflected only in other armor and weapon skills, and it’s easy for hours sunk melting down iron daggers to be invalidated throughout the early game when you level up and start finding gear made from newer, more powerful materials.

Solution: The ubiquitous traps placed throughout the gameworld, such as bear traps, pressure mines, and tripwires, can now be crafted, deployed, and picked up at will. New recipes make it possible to enhance traps with new offensive properties, such as frenzy, paralysis, or good-old-fashioned explosions.

Solution: For more academically-minded smiths, the remnants of the Dwarven civilization laying strewn about Skyrim’s ruins can now be used to craft portable Dwarven Automata, including Spiders, Spheres, Ballistas, and Centurions, which can be stored in your inventory and deployed in combat. For non-enchanters in particular, this offers an alternative sink for the hundreds of otherwise-useless soul gems you acquire in your travels.

Recalibration ======================

An optional module with a few gameplay adjustments that play well with the other modules and serve to offset some of the benefits afforded by the new features, but that edit too many vanilla objects to merit inclusion in the main mod.

Carry weight of 100 for races, 150 for vampires

No longer start the game with 'Flames' and 'Healing' spells

Movement, swimming, and horse speeds have been decreased

Fall damage scales more realistically - you take enough damage from short falls to prevent you from easily jumping your way down mountains, and most characters will die falling from a height of more than a few stories

Light, noise affect stealth more

Enemies search longer when alerted

Crime alarm radius has been decreased

Animals, monsters, bandits, spouse, and housecarls won't report crimes

Animals and creatures are less aggressive

Carriages cost more

Speech checks are harder

Gold has weight

Dead body collision can be used as an alternative to the 'Knockout' drag feature

While many of these features exist in other mods, SU’MMER offers a polished and coherent all-in-one gameplay package, and was made with a particular design philosophy that emphasizes adaptability over all. While it looks similar on the exterior to other large-scale gameplay mods, its execution makes it different under the hood.

Compatibility ======================

While SU’MMER will expectedly step on the toes of any mods that add similar features, it alters very few vanilla records and will play nicely with most other mods, even ones that change game settings, perks, AI, and more.

Customizability ======================

While SU’MMER is calibrated to better balance the vanilla game and reward skill training, players who dislike the limitations it applies have the ability to customize every feature to their liking. If you have a mod that does a certain feature better, you can turn off the conflicting feature altogether. Configuration is conducted through a SkyUI MCMenu, with individual pages for each gameplay module. This page also allows you to distribute SU’MMER’s added items throughout vanilla leveled lists so that added content will appear throughout the world, without baking into your save from the moment you load. There are also one-click options to test any individual feature by adding SU'MMER's spells, perks, and items to your character.

Coherence ======================

On its surface, SU’MMER is a lore-friendly mod that makes nods to previous Elder Scrolls games while improving the changes that Skyrim has made to their formulae. Most of the included spells are ripped straight from the lore of previous games, and those that aren’t fit in through naming conventions and the use of vanilla assets. New assets for objects like bound armors, portals and Dwarven Automata were cobbled together from existing meshes and textures.

Universality ======================

Perhaps the least visible feature from an average player’s perspective, I hope this aspect of SU’MMER will make a difference on the durability and adaptability of the mod, and will serve as a proof of concept to other modders. Almost all mods that add gameplay elements make use of scripted magic effects running on the player to track their actions and respond accordingly. These effects can be applied to other actors to confer the same effects on them, but many foibles in the game’s scripting and engine limit what these magic effects can easily do in practice. Many mods compensate for this by using player-centric scripting that cannot be extended to other actors without adding complex quest-based tracking systems. As such, many mods implement elements that apply only to the player, and some make use of player-specific scripting crutches. SU’MMER does what (as far ask I know) no other mod does and uses innovative scripting methods to implement all of the included game systems in ways that does not assume the effect is running on the player (barring intrinsically player-centric systems like screen and controller effects and skill advances). While many of these techniques are less efficient than more conventional quest-based scripting methods, it is my hope that this design will open up new ways for SU’MMER to interact with mods like ASIS and EtherealCoder's Ether Dynamics Advanced AI that expand existing game systems to NPCs, and the forthcoming crop of online multiplayer mods like Tamriel Online and Skyrim Together that decentralize the player’s role in the world.


SKSE SE Build 2.0.7+

SkyUI (for MCM Menu)


Download with the ‘Download (NMM)’ button through Nexus Mod Manager


Download and install with Mod Organizer from the URL or the downloaded archive


Download manually, unzip file and place contents (SU'MMER.esp, SU'MMER.bsa, SU'MMER.bsl, and SU'MMERecalibrated.esp) directly into the ‘Skyrim/Data’ folder

Those looking for a modular version should toggle off undesired features in the MCMenu. Modular .esp's are included in the "Loose Files" download for the Classic Version , and can be converted for Special Edition and uploaded without the need for permission.

If a warning about replacing any of the following scripts appears when installing the loose files version, you most likely have an older or identical ‘Brawl Bug Fix’ mod installed, or one of the numerous other mods that include these fixes. Those that use Enai Siaion’s ‘Modern Brawl Bug Fix’ can be safely overwritten, as the scripts will be identical. Those that use an older version such as jonwd7’s ‘Brawl Bugs Patch’ are generally safe to overwrite as well, as the new versions resolve more instances of the brawl bug than do the previous. Consult the overwritten mod’s page or readme if in doubt.


If using any mods with competing features, load them below SU'MMER and deactivate the conflicting feature in the MCM. For dodge, trap, and multi-follower mods in particular, it should be enough to let the competing mod overwrite the animation trees, trap activators, and DialogueFollowerQuest respectively - these are the only vanilla forms touched by the mod. If building a merged patch, exclude SU'MMER from your patch if you want any features to be overwritten - all edits to leveled lists are triggered at runtime anyway, as described below.

Users who experience conflicts with other follower system mods should download the optional "SU'MMER No Followers." Load the .esp below SU'MMER and above any other followers mods. Some mods may be compatible without the patch when loaded after SU'MMER.

To maintain compatibility, this mod makes no direct edits to the game's leveled lists. To distribute SU'MMER items like spell tomes, staves, scrolls, traps, and dwarven automata throughout the game world, open the MCM, check the 'Distribute SU'MMER Items' button, and close the menu. You will receive a confirmation message onscreen when the script is done distributing/removing the items. You can later un-check the option to remove these items from the leveled lists, but this will not remove any instances that have recently loaded or are in persistent inventories.

If you wish to test individual features, you can use the testing functions in the MCMenu to add items, perks, and spells from the mod directly to your character.

To uninstall, check the 'Uninstall SU'MMER' option in the main configuration window and exit the menu. This will remove perks from your character, deactivate certain features, and remove SU'MMER items from leveled lists (you do not need to separately un-check the 'distribute' option before running this). Like any mod, this does not make it safe or advisable to uninstall a mod mid-playthrough, especially if you have distributed items or are using features that add effects to NPCs, such as 'inter-NPC parrying.'

Bugs and Troubleshooting

A specific gameplay feature isn't working

The MCM menu provides access to debug modes that will print notifications to the screen so that you can see what the main scripts are doing for each feature. Try to reproduce the bug with the debug feature on and note any messages that appear irregular in the comments, i.e. repeatedly or with illogical values.

New persuasion topics don't appear on any actors

This is a problem with the engine. Save with the plugin loaded then re-load and they should start appearing. Additionally, it may be that dialogue conditions or priorities are preventing them from showing up. Make sure that your clothing actually has the 'ClothingPoor' keyword if trying to beg (vanilla clothes with this keyword include the Ragged Robes, but not the 'Roughspun' items - the Unofficial Patch adds it to several other clothes as well). If brawling and robbery options don't appear, it may be due to quest priorities or scenes. All new persuasion attempts are set to medium (50) priority and will not run during scenes, so they may not be available when certain quests are running or certain characters are interacting.

Characters casting Bound Armor spells appear transparent along with the armor

This visual bug can occur on the first time casting Bound Armor spells, but will usually resolve itself by removing and replacing the armor, recasting the spell, or reloading. Alternatively, this may be due to an interaction with an ENB or texture replacer.

Casting the bound shield spell removes characters' gauntlets

This only occurs for certain items (just the Fur Gauntlets, as far as I know) due to the way that their slotmasks were set. It would be outside the scope of this mod to edit a vanilla item record for compatibility, so this will remain as-is, as it only occurs on a small minority of items. Kryptopyr's 'Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade' purports to solve some of these issues, though I haven't tested it myself. (Not available for Special Edition at the time of writing)

The Dodge animations are not playing properly

Make sure you don't have another dodge mod installed that is overwriting SU'MMER's edits to the animation trees or triggering a new animation to play with the 'Sprint' button. Due to the scripted processing of dodges, this feature is also susceptible to framerate problems: if you experience significant script lag or cannot run Skyrim at a framerate of minimum ~20 fps, dodging animations may not play properly.

My followers aren't processing orders properly

This bug affected earlier versions of SU'MMER but has been largely resolved since v0.2. If followers' dialogue options are disappearing or commands are not processing, attempt to use the 'Reset Followers' feature in the MCM, then re-recruit your followers. If this issue is persisting from an earlier version after you update, try using console commands to reset your followers' factions and AI packages before you re-recruit them.

I have some other bug not mentioned here

Turn on the debug mode for the relevant feature, note what messages you see, where and when, and post a comment here.



Jaxonz for their MCM Helper

Enai Siaion for their Modern Brawl Bug Fix, which is included in this mod

Proksi for open-sourcing Action Combat, which was a starting point for this mod’s parrying feature

The Bethesda forums, Reddit’s R/ModdingSkyrim and R/SkyrimModders communities, and all of the users who provided help and guidance there

Many thanks to GkSanchez and others on Reddit's R/ModdingSkyrim community who helped with the Spanish translation


I’ll frequently go long periods of time without the time and/or motivation to update my mods, and like any mod author, there’s no guarantee that I won’t drop off the face of the internet someday. However, the last thing I want to do is leave a mod orphaned to restrictive permissions or the expectation of my blessing for its use. Permissions for this mod are open: you can upload this mod to any site, make changes to and/or publish separately any of the component plugins included in the archive, or publish altered versions of the the complete mod under your name, no credit required. The only restriction is that you can NOT derive payment, through crowdfunding or otherwise, for recognizable redistributions or edits of this mod.

All graphical assets in this mod have been adapted from Bethesda’s marketing and in-game assets. Treat them as you would any other asset from the vanilla game.




阴谋盔甲 | 银行钞票 | 套索 | 北欧的RaceMenu预置 | 星球探险家 重装未来运兵车MOD | 夏季 - 天际普遍'Mursive机械扩展和重新校准 |


  • 阴谋盔甲
  • 银行钞票
  • 套索
  • 北欧的RaceMenu预置
  • 星球探险家 重装未来运兵车MOD
  • 夏季 - 天际普遍'Mursive机械扩展和重新校准