在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的反法师之路 Mod,由Drazhar753制作。zc6412569在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Mod作者: Drazhar753 Mod版本: 1.5.5 Mod大小: 156 MB 更新时间: 2018-09-01 21:04:11 发布时间: 2018-09-01 21:04:11
“有几种方式可以描述这个人。法师的杀手,卖刀,恶人的刺客,吸血鬼的祸害,甚至是亲戚都适用于这个男人或女人。你看,为了有效地捕杀法师,你必须成为一个。的确如此。是一个残酷的讽刺,要摧毁你讨厌你必须拥抱它的东西。法师猎人并不高贵,也不是虐待狂。有些人把他们的专长卖给出价最高的人,有些人遵守荣誉准则。他们追捕那些会牺牲的人他们的死亡率或道德,以获得他人的权力。无论是吸血鬼,hagravens,briarhearts还是流氓法师。无论成本如何,他们用刀片和咒语清除可怜的土地。 - 一位年老,残废的学者。
前往并探索一个隐藏的土地的一小部分,被称为Serathi Boglands隐藏在东部裂谷和morrowind之间的山区。发现并激活神社,让您逐步获得额外津贴。你唯一必须交换的是你的经验(振作点数)。你可以进入的这个区域的少量是相对荒凉的生活,但不要毫无准备,期待一场战斗。
Wombburn等级1 - 使你获得暗影之印,使你的魔法再生效率提高55%,但你对所有魔法的抵抗力提高20%。
Wombburn等级2 - 进一步深入阴影,使你的魔法再生效率降低5%,但你对所有魔法的抵抗力提高5%。
Wombburn等级3 - 进一步深入阴影,使你的魔法再生速度提高5%,但使你对所有魔法的抵抗力提高5%,并使你获得Darkcaster能力,在被法术击中后,将能量储存为额外魔法和魔法再生或用它来愈合。
暗影掌握等级1 - 赋予你两个反法师的能力; Occulent Sight和Psionic Blades。
暗影掌握等级2 - 使你获得两个反魔法能力;沉默和魔法比特武器。
暗影掌握等级3 - 赋予你两个反法师的能力; Ignite Magicka和Devour Magic。
暗影掌握等级4 - 赋予你两个反法师的能力; Spell Steal和Shadow Step。
暗影掌握等级5 - 授予你一个反法师能力反魔法区
虚空礼物等级1 - 授予你精华字体能力,暂时将你的魔法部分转移到目标中。
虚空礼物等级2 - 授予你Void Shatter能力;当施放在敌人身上时,会消耗你的黑暗冲锋并根据他们总共缺少多少魔法来造成伤害。
虚空礼物等级3 - 使用Essence字体转移的魔法增加20%。还允许您使用较弱的Void Shatter而不会产生任何暗电荷。
Mage Ire Rank 1-3 - 使点燃魔法燃烧的魔法物质增加10%,使你的反魔法编织物增加5%
恶意逆掠等级1 - 使法术偷取法术持续时间延长25秒,并使吞噬魔法恢复的生命值提高20%
恶意逆流等级2 - 使法术偷取法术的持续时间延长25秒,并使吞噬魔法恢复的生命值恢复20%。同时授予你Psionic Sentry法术
层叠阴影等级1 - 将反魔法区域的成本降低30%。也将沉默的持续时间增加到7秒。
级联阴影等级2 - 授予你镜像法术并将沉默的持续时间增加到10秒。此外,沉默现在会对10级或低于你的敌人造成恐惧,持续3秒。
Psionic Blades - 将你的魔法变成你手臂上的刀片,切割成敌人的心灵,就像他们的肉体一样。刀刃将燃烧你的敌人的魔法,并且在阻挡时允许最多50点的伤害(随着你的改变技能而增加)刀刃根据你的改变技能造成伤害x2。还允许您在进行攻击时将能量投射为能量波。这个法术必须是双重的,如果你用任何一只手装备东西,它将被驱散。 - 现在还需要30个最大魔法来维持法术。
反魔法区域 - 在施法者周围创建一个无效区域,这使得所有在其内部的人几乎不受各种形式的魔法影响。球体的界限现在阻挡了传入和传出的魔法射弹。在它的半径范围内铸造几乎是不可能的,并且magicka大大减少了。
黑暗修补 - 消耗暗黑施法者授予你的黑暗冲锋来治疗你。第一次充电是20%,第二次是40%,第三次充电是总生命值的60%。
Occulent Sight - 当你现在看到以太的大多数形式的魔法时,你的眼睛会发出不祥的光芒。无论是挥舞魔法,还是魔鬼(吸血鬼,但不是不死生物)或具有高魔法的生物。添加了检测位于容器周围或容器中的附魔物品的功能。在释放之前保持热键略长,以检测魔法物品,而不是关闭/打开
吞噬魔法 - 吞噬目标的微小魔法效果,恢复健康。如果目标是敌人,那么该法术将吞噬有益的魔法。如果目标是中立或友方,则该法术会吞噬负面效果。
增强武器 - 点燃魔法 - 使用“点燃魔法”属性附魔你的武器,燃烧5%的目标魔法,并将142%的燃烧魔法物作为伤害。
精华字体 - 将你的魔法能力的一部分转移到目标,10秒后或如果目标死亡,魔法将恢复。
Ignite Magicka - 点燃50%的敌人魔法,造成150%的魔法被烧毁。燃烧的魔法每增加10%的法师等级。
Shadow Dancer - 启用或禁用Shadow Step的使用。点击指定的热键,Shadow Step允许您在任何方向上大约3英尺的闪烁,但不能通过障碍物闪烁。如果它们在你的十字准线和范围内,那么在释放之前保持稍长的热键会让你默默地在敌人后面眨眼。
沉默 - 使敌人沉默,暂时切断他们的魔法供应并打断他们当前的咒语。任何魔法燃烧效果都会消除沉默。
反击法术 - 反击投掷对手。相反,任何攻击性法术都会被施放回来,而有效法则则被施放
虚空碎片 - 消耗你的黑暗冲锋并燃烧敌人,使其不能从总容量中消失。每级黑暗冲锋都会使伤害倍增+1。
镜像 - 为自己创造两种幻想;复制所有当前磨损的装备。这些将根据你挥舞的东西配备绑定武器,并将跟随你使用一个包,使他们留在你的任何一个侧翼。持续30秒,他们将与敌人交战并造成少量伤害,他们也不是很强硬,用它们分散注意力!重铸此法术将破坏现有图像。
灵能哨兵 - 放置一个灵能哨兵,通过墙壁授予哨兵和周围生物的施法者视野。当一个演员靠近时,他们会点亮红色表示他们在范围内并且哨兵可以被引爆,靠近哨兵的敌人会受到健康伤害(基于改变)。爆炸也会消除魔法,减少他们的魔法抗性1分钟,并使他们的速度减慢30秒。一次最多可放置3个哨兵。按住扳机键1秒钟以上,立即强行对所有哨兵进行爆炸。
模糊的形式 - 每次着陆的近战攻击都有20%的几率创造另一个镜像。一次最多1个。
Grim Reach - 双倍的反魔法区域的大小和半径
Psionic Blades
折射 - 阻挡时的病房现在会将魔法弹射向他们的脚轮。
Meld - 当配备灵能刀片潜行和静止时,转向隐形。移动或站立将打破隐形,6秒冷却时间。在融合的同时,使用你的左侧攻击技能会发射一个强化冲击,它可以穿过多个敌人,造成x2普通灵能射线的伤害,并降低他们的魔法抵抗力,减少一半你的改变技能并抵抗他们的伤害。你改变技能的一半x4。使用强力爆炸将耗费你的50点魔法并打破融合,使其冷却20秒而不是6秒。
分裂 - 你的psi光束现在将从目标中分离出来,对附近的敌人造成25%的伤害。
法术抢断 - 恢复到旧版本的法术,一时间偷取对手装备法术并装备镜像手/电源插槽。
Stalwart Sentry - 减少一次可以拥有的哨兵数量。每当敌人在哨兵的射程和视线范围内施放咒语时,哨兵将向施法者发射一道能量箭。处理对他们的健康和耐力的伤害:所造成的伤害将根据您的改变技能进行缩放。
暗影打击 - 在前方暗影步中短暂的一瞬间,你的下一次近战攻击会使你的对手受到暗影毒害。
黑暗浪涌 - 在任何方向踩着阴影后,有机会将你的移动速度提高25%,持续12秒。
延续阴影 - 在任何方向踩着阴影后,有可能隐形3秒。
这个mod需要SKSE,Dawnguard DLC和Dragonborn DLC。
Anti-Magic in Skyrim
"There are several ways to describe this individual. Slayer of mages, sellsword, assassin of the wicked, the bane of vampires, even kinslayer applies to this man or woman. You see, to effectively hunt mages, you must become one. Indeed it is a cruel irony, to destroy that which you hate you must embrace it. Mage Hunters are not noble, nor are they sadistic. Some sell their expertise to the highest bidder, some live by a code of honor. They hunt those that would sacrifice their mortality or morals to obtain power over others. Be them vampires, hagravens, briarhearts or rogue mages. With blade and spell, they purge the land of the wretched, no matter the cost to themselves." - An old, crippled scholar.
Travel to and explore a small part of a hidden land known as the Serathi Boglands hidden in the mountains between the eastern rift and morrowind. Discover and activate a shrine, granting you progressive access to the perks. The only thing you must exchange is your experience (perk points). The small amount of this area you gain access to is relatively desolate of life, however do not come unprepared, expect a fight.
I highly suggest getting one of the mods that allow you to block whilst dual-wielding to use with this mod, as one of the spells equips you with dual-wielded anti-magic weapons and blocking with them will enable a ward.
Thank you to Hirostormwolf for the video of my mod, however it is now outdated.
The Perks
Wombburn Rank 1 - Grants you the Mark of Shadow, stunting your magicka regeneration by 55% but increasing your resistance to all magic by 20%.
Wombburn Rank 2 - Delve further into the shadow, stunting your magicka regeneration by 5% but increasing your resistance to all magic by 5%.
Wombburn Rank 3 - Delve further into the shadow, stunting your magicka regeneration by 5% but increasing your resistance to all magic by 5% and grants you the Darkcaster ability, which upon being hit by a spell, stores the energy as bonus magicka and magicka regeneration or use it to heal.
Shadow Mastery Rank 1 - Grants you two Anti-mage abilities; Occulent Sight, and Psionic Blades.
Shadow Mastery Rank 2 - Grants you two more Anti-magical abilities; Silence, and Magic Biter weapon.
Shadow Mastery Rank 3 - Grants you two Anti-mage abilities; Ignite Magicka, and Devour Magic.
Shadow Mastery Rank 4 - Grants you two Anti-mage abilities; Spell Steal, and Shadow Step.
Shadow Mastery Rank 5 - Grants you one Anti-mage ability Anti-Magic Zone
Gifts of the Void Rank 1 - Grants you the Essence Font ability to temporarily transfer a portion of your Magicka into a target.
Gifts of the Void Rank 2 -Grants you the Void Shatter ability; when cast at an enemy, consumes your Dark Charges and deals damage based on how much magicka they are missing from their total.
Gifts of the Void Rank 3 - Increases the magicka transferred with Essence Font by 20%. Also allows you to use a weaker Void Shatter without any dark charges.
Mage Ire Rank 1-3 - Increases the magicka burned by ignite magicka by 10% and your Anti-Magic Weave by 5%
Spiteful Backdraft Rank 1 - Increases the duration of spells stolen by Spell Steal by 25seconds, and the health percentage regained from devour magic by 20%
Spiteful Backdraft Rank 2 - Increases the duration of spells stolen by Spell Steal by 25seconds, and the health percentage regained from devour magic by 20%. Also grants you the Psionic Sentry spell
Cascading Shadows Rank 1 - Reduces the cost of Anti-Magic Zone by 30%. Also increases the duration of Silence to 7 seconds.
Cascading Shadows Rank 2 - Grants you the Mirror Image Spell and increases the duration of Silence to 10 seconds. In addition, silence will now cause fear on enemies that are 10 levels or lower than you for 3 seconds.
The Spells
Psionic Blades - Form your magicka into blades along your arms that cut into your enemies' mind as much as their flesh. The blades will burn your enemies' magicka, and allow warding for up to 50 pts of damage when blocking (increased with your alteration skill) The blades deal damage based on your alteration skill x2. Also allows you to project the energy as an energy wave when power-attacking. This spell must be dual-wielded, and will be dispelled if you equip something in either hand. - It also takes 30 of your maximum magicka to maintain the spell now.
I highly suggest getting one of the mods that allow you to block whilst dual-wielding to use with this spell
Anti-Magic Zone - Creates a nullified zone around the caster, which makes all who are within it's bounds almost impervious all forms of magic. The bounds of the sphere now block incoming and outgoing magical projectiles. Casting is near impossible within it's radius, and magicka is greatly reduced.
Dark Mending - Consumes your Dark Charge granted by Dark Caster to heal you. First charge is 20%, second 40% and third is 60% of your total health.
Occulent Sight - Your eyes glow ominously as you now see most forms of magic upon the aether. Be it wielded magic, daedra (vampires too, but not undead) or a creature with high magicka. Adds the ability to detect enchanted items lying around or in a container. Hold the hotkey slightly longer before release to detect magical items, instead of toggling off/on
Devour Magic - Devours minor magic effects from the target to restore health. If the target is an enemy then the spell will devour beneficial magic. If the target is neutral or friendly, the spell instead devours negative effects.
Enhance Weapon - Ignite Magicka - Enchants your weapon with "Ignite Magicka" properties, burning 5% of the targets magicka and dealing 142% of the burned magicka as damage.
Essence Font - Transfer a portion of your magicka capacity to the target, After 10 seconds or if the target dies, the magicka will be restored.
Ignite Magicka - Ignite 50% of the magicka of an enemy, dealing 150% of the magicka burned as damage. The magicka burned is increased by 10% per perk rank of Mage Ire.
Shadow Dancer - Enables or disables your use of Shadow Step. Tapping the assigned hotkey, Shadow Step allows you to blink roughly 3 feet in any direction, but not through obstructions. Holding the hotkey slightly longer before release will instead lets you blink behind an enemy silently if they are in your crosshair and within range.
Silence - Silence an enemy, temporarily cutting off their magicka supply and interrupting their current spell. Any magicka-burn effects will dispel Silence.
Counter Spell - Counters a casting opponent. Any aggressive spells are instead cast back on them, while beneficial spells are instead cast
on you. This includes shouts.
Void Shatter - Consumes your Dark Charge and burns an enemy for magicka missing from their total capacity. Each level of Dark Charge multiplies the damage by +1.
Mirror Image – Create two illusions of yourself; copying all your currently worn gear as well. These will be equipped with bound weapons based on what you are wielding, and will follow you using a package that makes them stay on either of your flanks. Lasting 30 seconds, they will engage enemies and deal small amounts of damage, they are also not very tough, use them as a distraction! Recasting this spell will destroy existing images.
Psionic Sentry – Places a psionic sentry, granting the caster vision of the sentry and creatures around it through walls. When an actor draws close, they will light up red indicating that they are within range and the sentry can be detonated, enemies that are close to the sentry take health damage (based on alteration). The explosion will also dispels magic, reduce their magic resistance for 1 minute, and slow their speed for 30seconds. Up to 3 sentries can be placed at once. Hold the trigger key for more than 1 second to force detonation on all your sentries at once.
The Upgrade shrine
Each of these upgrades will cost a daedra heart. They can be removed without cost, or swapped for another daedra heart.
Mirror image
Blurred Form - Each of your landed melee strikes have a 20% chance of creating another mirror image. Maximum of 1 at a time.
Anti-magic Zone
Grim Reach - Doubles' the size and radius of your Anti-magic Zone
Psionic Blades
Refraction - The ward when blocking will now deflect magical projectiles back at their casters.
Meld - When sneaking and stationary with psionic blades equipped, turn invisible. Moving or standing up will break the invisibility, 6 second cooldown. While melded, using your left power attack will fire a Empowered Blast, which will pierce through multiple enemies dealing x2 the amount of damage of a regular Psionic beam, as well as lower their magic resist by half of your alteration skill and their damage resist by x4 of half your alteration skill. Using the empowered blast will cost 50 of your magicka and break meld, causing it to be on cooldown for 20 seconds instead of 6.
Split - Your psi-beams will now split off of the target, dealing 25 percent damage to nearby enemies.
Counter Spell
Spell Steal - Revert back to the older version of the spell, stealing the opponents equipped spells for a time and equipping them to the mirrored hands/power slots.
Psionic Sentry
Stalwart Sentry - Reduce the number of sentries you can have at once to one. Whenever an enemy casts a spell within range and line of sight of the sentry, the sentry will fire a bolt of energy at the caster. Dealing damage to their health and stamina: The damage dealt is scaled with your alteration skill.
Shadow Step
Shadow Strike - For a brief moment during your forward Shadow Step, your next melee attack will afflict your opponent with shadow poison.
Dark Surge - After shadow stepping in any direction, chance to gain a 25 percent boost to your movement speed for 12 second.
Lingering Shade - After shadow stepping in any direction,chance to turn invisible for 3 seconds.
Future Plans
More upgrades
This mod requires SKSE, the Dawnguard DLC, and the Dragonborn DLC.
As of 1.0, should not be any incompatability issues as this mod no longer edits any vanilla settings.
Drop the contents of the .zip into your data folder and check it in the skyrim launcher/mod loader of choice. Please ensure to check the readme.
Updating to 1.5
Unfortunately if you have any other version in your save game, there is no way to update without many problems. This update will require a fresh save or new game.
I'd advise from removing this mod from a save it is baked into, but if you do then be sure to open the console with the tilde (`) key and type 'stopquest AM_WeaponSpellsHandlerQuest', 'AM_MirrorImageHandler' and 'AM_ShrineHandlerQuest' without the inverted hyphens. In addition, use the console to remove all the perks from your character, as not doing this will leave your character with some stats permanently altered. After that, simply remove the .esp and bsa file.
将.zip的内容放入数据文件夹,然后在所选的skyrim启动器/ mod加载器中进行检查。请务必查看自述文件。
我建议从保存它中删除这个mod,但如果你这样做,那么一定要用代字号(`)键打开控制台并输入'stopquest AM_WeaponSpellsHandlerQuest','AM_MirrorImageHandler'和'AM_ShrineHandlerQuest'而不是倒置的连字符。此外,使用控制台可以移除角色中的所有特权,因为不这样做会使角色永久性地改变一些属性。之后,只需删除.esp和bsa文件。
上古卷轴5:天际 白雪汉化UNPB+BBP服装整合包V3.0 | 欧洲卡车模拟2 v1.28超真实德邦物流MOD | 反法师之路 | 眼线3 | 电梯 | 模拟人生4 暴力特征MOD |