混乱 - Perk大修彻底改变

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的混乱 - Perk大修彻底改变 Mod,由FerrisTheRed制作。zhaoxue246在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: FerrisTheRed Mod版本: 1.02 Mod大小: 214 KB 更新时间: 2018-08-30 20:46:30 发布时间: 2018-08-30 20:46:30


Minor update: The big old Real Life has been giving me a runaround this week, so updates (like me documenting more perk descriptions down below) keep getting pushed back. I'll post updates when I can get to it, but in the meantime, sorry for the slowdown!

This amalgamation of perk tree replacers was born from the decision that one perk overhaul mod was not enough for my Skyrim. I set out to melt together my favourites and reshape them to more-or-less fit the constellations that represent each perk tree, and this is the result.

This overhaul forms its core from EnaiSiaion 's Ordinator and TheThirdRace 's TTRSO , with the Magic skills' trees significantly expanded via steelfeathers' Path of Sorcery and rounded out with built-in support for reaperix 's Elemental Destruction Magic.
Elemental Destruction Magic was patched in with some reference to DrMonops' patch with Path of Sorcery and Studio5 's patch with Ordinator. Their patches helped me learn how to modify what I wanted out of the other mods' content.

The "Ferris Perks.esp" has the core mods as masters. Installation order should be:
<main Skyrim .esm files>
. . .
. . .
Elemental Destruction.esp
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
Elemental Destruction - Ordinator Patch.esp (recommended for its updates to EDM's and Ordinator's assets, but shouldn't be strictly necessary)
Ferris Perks.esp
. . .

TTRSO comes in a merged or a modular version, but which one you choose shouldn't make a difference. I used the modular version in making this; if you choose modular, all the .esp files should be deactivated, and only the TTR_Skill_Overhaul.esm should be activated. With the merged version, it shouldn't be much different - just make sure the .esm is activated and you should be good to go.

For users curious about compatibility with NSO: I've learned from MrSkyrimBro that using Wrye Bash to redirect master references from Ordinator and Elemental Destruction Magic to NSO's file instead seems to work mostly as normal. From how that's set up I would imagine Mayhem overwrites NSO's merged changes to the Thief perk tree, but that can be solved with some fenangling with xEdit (creating a patch plugin simply copying NSO's changes and loading it after Mayhem). As I don't have access to NSO, I can't test or confirm this myself.

Details on the perk trees can be found below, but first, some acknowledgements.

Mayhem has been posted with permission from EnaiSiaion, TheThirdRace, steelfeathers, and reaperix. Without their mods this one would have no reason to exist, and without their permission it would have no right to. So a huge thanks to all the mod authors referenced here!
These were all mods that I became enamoured with upon trying them out and seeing them in action, and I couldn't bear having to choose between them. You've each made something great enough that I just had to have all of it, and that's incredible.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————




Elemental Destruction Magic修改了一些参考DrMonops的补丁与Path of Sorcery和Studio5的补丁与Ordinator。他们的补丁帮助我学习如何修改我想要的其他mods的内容。

“Ferris Perks.esp”拥有核心模型作为主人。安装顺序应该是:

<主Skyrim .esm文件>

。 。 。


。 。 。


Presator - Skyrim.esp的特权


Elemental Destruction - Ordinator Patch.esp(建议更新EDM和Ordinator的资产,但不一定非必要)

Ferris Perks.esp

。 。 。

TTRSO采用合并或模块化版本,但您选择哪一个不应该有所作为。我使用模块化版本来制作它;如果选择模块化,则应停用所有.esp文件,并且只应激活TTR_Skill_Overhaul.esm。使用合并版本,它应该没有太大的不同 - 只要确保.esm被激活,你应该好好去。

对于好奇与NSO兼容的用户:我从MrSkyrimBro那里了解到,使用Wrye Bash将Masterator和Elemental Destruction Magic中的主参考重定向到NSO的文件似乎很正常。从设置的方式来看,我会想象Mayhem会将NSO的合并更改覆盖到Thief perk树上,但这可以通过一些使用xEdit的fenangling来解决(创建一个补丁插件只需复制NSO的更改并在Mayhem之后加载它)。由于我无法访问NSO,因此我无法自行测试或确认。







第一人称视角MOD | v1.24次元之战v1.3修复版 | 上古卷轴5:天际 XPMS兼容骨骼v1.93a 汉化版 | 神界:原罪2 v3.0.143.909敌人随机获得BUFF MOD | 混乱 - Perk大修彻底改变 | -Skyrim VR主菜单增强器 |


  • 第一人称视角MOD
  • v1.24次元之战v1.3修复版
  • 上古卷轴5:天际 XPMS兼容骨骼v1.93a 汉化版
  • 神界:原罪2 v3.0.143.909敌人随机获得BUFF MOD
  • 混乱 - Perk大修彻底改变
  • -Skyrim VR主菜单增强器