





在3DM Mod站下载博德之门3最新的Mod制作者多功能工具 Mod,由ShinyHobo制作。Iceriny在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: ShinyHobo Mod版本: v0.10.0 Mod大小: 11.50MB 更新时间: 2023-09-02 19:53:11 发布时间: 2023-08-24 20:25:14


BG3 Modder's Multitool


从未打包的工作区快速生成《博德之门3》MOD .Pak包 的实用工具。

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[collapse title="ChangeLog"] 2023.9.2 * 0.10.0正式版发布

  • 现在你可以自动更新了,但如果你本来就登录不了github的话。。。。


  • 直接通过github的fork,相当于官方汉化了,现在工具可以切换中英文。其实早就汉化完了,但是和作者一直在解决一些大大小小的bug,拖到现在,然而其实现在依然是预发布版本,但起码目前来看一切正常了。
  • 应该是汉化了全部的文本,当然,divine.exe的提示并不包括。
  • 新版本可以在右下角配置按钮选择语言。
  • 重点:现在的新版本将破坏你之前的索引,你需要清除索引,并重新开始建立索引,现在的索引速度比之前快了50%还要多。
  • 还有很多其他变化,进到工具里自己看吧!


  • 加了两行代码,重新编译了下,现在能读取到游戏文件夹中的Chinese.pak文件了。


  • 修复了部分UI问题。
  • 调整了部分文本显示。
  • 一些我也忘了的细枝末节。 [/collapse]


  • 自动打包、压缩并生成元数据
  • 自动将以example.lsf.lsx和example.lsb.lsx命名的文件分别转换为example.lsf和example.lsb。这意味着您无需再手动转换文件,然后将其复制到各自的目录中。
  • 支持依赖关系和多重打包(在同一工作区内有多个修改,以及多个工作区)
  • 一键提取全部或部分游戏资源的实用工具。完整的提取可能需要一个多小时,但会将所有提取的文件放在与应用程序相同目录下的一个文件夹中。
  • 未打包文件索引程序
  • 索引搜索功能
  • 文件预览
  • 从索引搜索器中打开(并自动转换)文件
  • UUID和翻译后字符串句柄生成器
  • 直接启动游戏
  • 游戏对象浏览器(统计数据、属性、图标、模型以及模型文件)
  • 大规模LSX文件转换
  • Colada模型转换
  • .wem => .ogg文件转换和播放

[collapse title="英语原文"]

  • Automatically paks, zips, and generates metadata
  • Automatically converts files named like example.lsf.lsx and example.lsb.lsx to example.lsf and example.lsb, respectively. This means you no longer have to manually convert files and then copy them into their respective directories.
  • Supports dependencies and multipaks (multiple mods in the same workspace, and multiple workspaces)
  • Utility for extracting some/all game assets at once. It can take more than an hour for the complete set, but will place all the extracted files in a folder in the same directory as the application
  • Unpacked file indexer
  • Index search functionality
  • File previews
  • Open (and automatically convert) files from index searcher
  • UUID and TranslatedString handle generator
  • Launch game directly
  • GameObject Explorer (stats, attributes, icon, model, and model files)
  • Mass LSX converter
  • Colada model conversion
  • .wem => .ogg file conversion and playback [/collapse]



    By clicking on the "Index" button, you will be able to create an index of all unpacked .pak files you have in your UnpackedData directory. Double-click the Index button to begin indexing. After indexing, open an Index Search window, type your keywords into the search bar, and hit Enter (or "Search Files") to get results within a matter of seconds. Double click a listing to open it; hover for a file preview (matching lines only).

Don't hit the "Index Files" button more than once unless you want to reset your index and start from scratch. The old index has to be completely deleted to generate a new one. Unpacking all files and indexing them should result in an index around 450 MB, and will take roughly 10 minutes to generate. Audio, video, image, and model files do not have their contents indexed, only their file names.

GameObject Exploration

Clicking the GameObject Explorer button will open a new window allowing to look at GameObjects such as characters and weapons in a more human friendly manner. As long as you have the necessary game .paks unpacked, it will automatically generate connections between things such as stats, icons, and translations in a hierarchal format. It is possible to search for GameObjects on multiple fields as well as within individual objects through the Stats tab property grid.

In order to use this feature, ensure that you have followed the following steps:

  1. Unpack at least the English, Gustav, Icons, Models, Shared, and Textures paks (wait for all console windows to close and completion message to show before continuing)
  2. Decompress (DO NOT DELETE .lsf FILES)
  3. Index
  4. GameObject Explorer (will take 20+ minutes to organize gameobjects and build a cache)

If you don't follow the above steps exactly, it will generate an empty cache and display nothing. To troubleshoot, deleting the cache and reindexing will fix most issues.

The model viewer tab allows you to view the model associated with a given object (characters, items, scenery, and TileConstructions). This process automatically converts the .GR2 file to a .dae collada file in the same directory. The Model Files tab will list the files used to generate the model; hovering over the name of a model will provide you with the full pak file path and clicking it will open both the containing folder to the file as well as the default program associated .dae files on your system ie. Notepad++.

Making mod paks

  • Run bg3-mod-packer.exe
  • Select the location of your LSLib 1.15.9 (or higher) divine.exe
  • Drag and drop your unpacked workspace into the large blue box to generate an info.json file and .pak with the same name as your workspace.

Padme4000 has created a tutorial here on how to use this tool to create mods in more depth.

meta.lsx template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <version major="4" minor="0" revision="0" build="49"/>
    <region id="Config">
        <node id="root">
                <node id="Dependencies"/>
                <node id="ModuleInfo">
                    <attribute id="Author" type="LSWString" value="ModderName"/>
                    <attribute id="CharacterCreationLevelName" type="FixedString" value=""/>
                    <attribute id="Description" type="LSWString" value="Some description text"/>
                    <attribute id="Folder" type="LSWString" value="ModFolder"/>
                    <attribute id="GMTemplate" type="FixedString" value=""/>
                    <attribute id="LobbyLevelName" type="FixedString" value=""/>
                    <attribute id="MD5" type="LSString" value=""/>
                    <attribute id="MainMenuBackgroundVideo" type="FixedString" value=""/>
                    <attribute id="MenuLevelName" type="FixedString" value=""/>
                    <attribute id="Name" type="FixedString" value="Mod Name"/>
                    <attribute id="NumPlayers" type="uint8" value="4"/>
                    <attribute id="PhotoBooth" type="FixedString" value=""/>
                    <attribute id="StartupLevelName" type="FixedString" value=""/>
                    <attribute id="Tags" type="LSWString" value=""/>
                    <attribute id="Type" type="FixedString" value="Add-on"/>
                    <!-- Get new UUID from -->
            <attribute id="UUID" type="FixedString" value="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>
            <attribute id="Version" type="int32" value="1"/>
                        <node id="PublishVersion">
                            <attribute id="Version" type="int32" value="268435456"/>
                        <node id="Scripts"/>
                        <node id="TargetModes">
                                <node id="Target">
                                    <attribute id="Object" type="FixedString" value="Story"/>

Correct folder structure of mod workspace:


If you do everything correctly, you will get a .zip of the same name as your mod directory immediately next to it, containing your pak(s) and info.json metadata file. It is compatible with ShadowChild's Candor Mod Manager

Linux Users

I have been told that Bottles is a good resource for running this application under Linux

Baldur's Gate 3 Modder's Multitool is unofficial fan content, not approved/endorsed by Larian Studios. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC and Larian Studios Games ltd.





5e Spells 汉化 (支持繁體顯示) | Mod制作者多功能工具 | 吟游诗人子职:魅力学院[GlamourBard] | PF2e 法术 汉化 (暂时AI汉化 | 支持繁體) | 5e镜像术改良 [Mirror Image Improved][5e Mirror Image] | 【实用工具】翻译者的快速本地化实用工具 |


  • 5e Spells 汉化 (支持繁體顯示)
  • Mod制作者多功能工具
  • 吟游诗人子职:魅力学院[GlamourBard]
  • PF2e 法术 汉化 (暂时AI汉化 | 支持繁體)
  • 5e镜像术改良 [Mirror Image Improved][5e Mirror Image]
  • 【实用工具】翻译者的快速本地化实用工具