





在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的[ESL插件]来自AE/SE弓箭手的福音!部位伤害! Mod,由Tossapn制作。无在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Tossapn Mod版本: 2.1.1 Mod大小: 654.42KB 更新时间: 2023-04-08 09:30:20 发布时间: 2023-04-05 12:12:33


注意!需要以下模组作为前置(原作者标的) SKSE(这个不必多说吧) Address Library for SKSE Plugins https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32444 powerofthree's Tweaks https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51073


顾名思义,就在类如头部的地方造成更多伤害(颈部也可以) 还有其他地方,比如手,脚等等,这些都可以在作者给的.ini文件里调整 不过我看不懂,只能交给你们了


Introduction Getting tired of enemy taking dozens of arrows to the head and still standing? With this mod, now you can teach them the pain of getting hit in the head.

Arrows that hit the player and NPCs can now do different damage and effect depending on the hit location. Any enchantments on the weapon also become stronger with location damage multiplier.

There are two INI presets to choose from

INI - Simple(简单模式) Head: 2.0x damage, 25% chance of knockdown and 50% chance of stagger. (1.5x against heavy helmet or when under the effect of dragon hide spell) Neck: 1.5x damage, bleeding. Arms: 1.0x damage, Reduced physical damage and magical skills. 15% chance of silence. 15% chance of disarm. (The player is not affected by disarm because it's no fun trying to find your weapon dropped in a dark cave, re-favorite, re-set hotkey and re-equip it.) Legs: 1.0x damage, Reduced movement speed. 25% chance of stagger. Other: 1.0x damage, no special effect.

INI - Complex(复杂模式): For version 1.3 or newer. Penetration chance scale with incoming damage vs max HP.

New feature in v2.0 The target is treated as wearing full light armor when under the effect of non-master armor spell or full heavy armor when under the effect of master armor spell.(Dragon Hide)

Head - Heavy Helmet (50%): Deflect arrow, 1.5x damage, 15% chance of knockdown and 35% chance of stagger. Head - Default: 2.0x damage, 25% chance of knockdown and 50% chance of stagger. (Also used when the helmet protection failed to proc)

Neck - Heavy Cuirass (50%): Deflect arrow, 1.2x damage and 50% chance of bleeding. Neck - Light Cuirass (35%): 1.35x damage and 75% chance of bleeding. Neck - Default: 1.5x damage, bleeding.

Body - Heavy Cuirass (15%): Completely block damage and deflect arrow. Body - Heavy Cuirass (50%): 0.5x damage and deflect arrow. Body - Light Cuirass (35%): 0.75x damage. Body - Default: 1.0x damage.

Arms - Heavy Gauntlets (50%): 0.75x damage, 50% chance of reduced physical damage and magical skills. 5% chance of silence. 5% chance of disarm. Arms - Light Gauntlets (35%): 0.85x damage, Reduced physical damage and magical skills. 15% chance of silence. 15% chance of disarm. Arms - Default: 1.0x damage, Reduced physical damage and magical skills. 15% chance of silence. 15% chance of disarm. The player is not affected by disarm because it's no fun trying to find your weapon dropped in a dark cave, re-favorite, re-set hotkey and re-equip it.

Legs - Heavy Boots (50%): 0.75x damage, 50% chance of reduced movement speed. 15% chance of stagger. Legs - Light Boots (35%): 0.85x damage, 75% chance of reduced movement speed. 20% chance of stagger. Legs - Default: 1.0x damage, Reduced movement speed. 25% chance of stagger.

Shield (50%): Completely block damage and deflect arrow passively even when not actively blocking with it.

Other: 1.0x damage, no special effect.

Note that the special effect chance scale with the damage done by default. You need to do at least 25% of the target's max HP in damage to have the maximum chance described above. This can be changed in the INI.






传奇技能奖励 你还在为技能满级而担心吗?!有了它就可以成为无限变强的龙裔了! | N网有名龙骨武器(Dragonbone Weapons) 个人汉化 | 弓箭玩法大修-Archery Gameplay Overhaul | [ESL插件]来自AE/SE弓箭手的福音!部位伤害! | 【纯翻译文件!!】沉浸式图标 - B.O.O.B.I.E.S (aka Immersive Icons) - 2.1.1 个人翻译 | 箭矢大修AE版(SE不兼容)-ABT AE - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks Anniversary Edition |


  • 传奇技能奖励 你还在为技能满级而担心吗?!有了它就可以成为无限变强的龙裔了!
  • N网有名龙骨武器(Dragonbone Weapons) 个人汉化
  • 弓箭玩法大修-Archery Gameplay Overhaul
  • [ESL插件]来自AE/SE弓箭手的福音!部位伤害!
  • 【纯翻译文件!!】沉浸式图标 - B.O.O.B.I.E.S (aka Immersive Icons) - 2.1.1 个人翻译
  • 箭矢大修AE版(SE不兼容)-ABT AE - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks Anniversary Edition