





在3DM Mod站下载怪物猎人:世界最新的(FE3H)遗物武器包 Mod,由Skyward27制作。a6697854在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Skyward27 Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 9.21MB 更新时间: 2020-09-11 06:49:31 发布时间: 2020-09-11 06:49:31




This mod is a weapon pack featuring ports of the main relic weapons from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Included are ports of:

Sword of the Creator (Replaces Witcher sword and shield)

Aymr (Replaces the guild palace hammer)

Areadbhar (Replaces guild palace insect glaive)

Failnaught (Replaces guild palace bow)

The weapons all come with custom efx made by AsteriskAmpersand designed to mimic the effects from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The sword and shield replacement has a customized Witcher bubble shield to make it more like a bubble shield from Smash Bros.


To install, extract the nativePC folder from the included zip and place it in the root directory of MHW (next to the game's exe). I am also leaving vortex as an installation method, but I do not use it and I do not recommend using it, so I will not offer assistance to those who install this way.

To change what weapon each mod replaces, look up the weapon you are trying to replace here and then replace all instances of the model id in the given folders (including the folders themselves) with the model id of the weapon you want to replace.

For instance if I wanted to put the glaive model over the Demonlord Cudgel, wherever the number 027 comes up in the "rod" folder, I would replace it with 022.

Note that the sword and shield cannot be moved. The witcher sword and shield has special properties that do not allow it to be easily transferred to other models.

Required/Recommended Mods
Stracker's Loader is required for the efx and the custom pendant placements.

While not required, this mod is intended to be a companion to my Female Byleth mod.

All copyright for Fire Emblem and all related characters belongs to Nintendo\Intelligent Systems.

Thank you to KuroKairaku at VG-Resource for ripping Sword of the Creator, Areadbhar, and Failnaught.

Thank you to Shiny Aegislash for ripping Aymr.

Thanks to AsteriskAmpersand for developing the tools needed to mod the game as well as making the efx for all the weapons.

Thank you JodoZT for the tex converter and chunk tool.

Thank you to zStatykz for showing me the proper method for porting the three houses models to MHW.

Thank you to my friends at EdPogs stream for helping me with the pictures.

Thank you to everyone in the MHW modding and MHW after dark discords for helping.





自制新女武将头像MOD(1.02版) | 恶魔盔甲(男女装) | 作弊地图编辑器MOD | 核武修改--突破属性上限、修正个性、突破个性加成上限、忠诚全满、全方位内政、超高机动力、全个性英 | 国色天香 | 冰雪女王艾莎 |


  • 自制新女武将头像MOD(1.02版)
  • 恶魔盔甲(男女装)
  • 作弊地图编辑器MOD
  • 核武修改--突破属性上限、修正个性、突破个性加成上限、忠诚全满、全方位内政、超高机动力、全个性英
  • 国色天香
  • 冰雪女王艾莎