





在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的帝国龙鳞护甲 Mod,由Roadhouse699制作。yang123465在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Roadhouse699 Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 30.93MB 更新时间: 2020-07-30 17:19:53 发布时间: 2020-07-30 17:19:53



除了笑话,此mod包括一个胸甲(重新编织,重新纹理),护手(重新编织,重新纹理),靴子(重新纹理),一个兜帽(重新纹理),一个盾牌(由NordwarUA制作的网) ,重新纹理化)一把剑(NordWarUA的网眼,重新纹理化),一个钉头锤(重新网格化,重新纹理化)和一把匕首(NordWarUA的新刀鞘,重新纹理化)。

它们可以使用“龙史密斯”(用于装甲)或“乌木史密斯”(用于武器)的特权在铁匠锻造厂制作,主要使用龙鳞和皮革部件,具有较高的防护等级(至少用于轻型装甲) ,并使用乌木武器和龙鳞盔甲关键字与True Mod Armor等其他mod集成。



答:就我个人而言,我不再玩传奇版,但在特别版问世之后,我玩了很长时间。虽然我会继续在两个版本上发布mod,但不要指望我制作的每个mod都会在Skyrim LE上发布。它具有一些优点,但是它的运行在大多数情况下都是正确的。已经移植了许多mod,而许多mod却很不容易移植。








答:好吧,为了过去,我将发表一个有争议的声明:无需更换Creation Engine。它需要在许多领域进行无数的错误修正,但是Bethesda除了PR之外没有其他合理的理由来更改它。






答:公平地说,大多数认为CE已过时的人的资格是他们已经安装了一些装有Vortex或MO2的mod,并且可能运行了DyndoLOD或FNIS。回想一下,现实是,《辐射4》和《天际》中的大多数非CK可修复的错误都是由于贝塞斯达对2010 Havok引擎的实施效果很差而导致的,这就是为什么他们为Starfield更改了动画引擎的原因。 《辐射76》中的大多数错误都来自于他们试图在从未打算用于多人游戏的引擎中制作多人游戏的事实。 《天际》和《辐射4》中的某些错误已硬编码到CE中,但事实证明其中许多错误是可修复的。其他人没有经过硬编码,可以在CK中修复,因此之所以我们拥有Arthmoor的非官方补丁,是因为时间/金钱的限制,Bethesda可能未修复它们。目前,Creation Engine年龄的主要问题主要与它如何加载单元有关,这似乎是2002年设计固有的。




答:曾经在《超越天际》不和谐中找到它。天哪,我会在Tanya Howard各处购买Skyrim。我要她在弗利特伍德·麦克演唱会上勾引我,然后称我为简陋。你知道吗?对于所有要求在改进的随从对话和Amorous Adventures之间打补丁的人,当FoxFingers向AA添加Tanya Howard浪漫弧时,我会做一个。


答:小心,我可能会决定制作另一个房屋MOD,使其变成次要任务MOD,并抛出一些游戏参考资料,因为我认为这很有趣,然后将其转换为主要任务MOD,但无法取出游戏参考资料,并且出来,然后零期制作公司(Zero Period Productions)发挥作用,在社区中赢得了良好的声誉。噢,我的上帝为什么我要让19位配音演员通过录音来记录这一点?






我要说的是,如果您超重或体重不足,则应该为自己着想解决此问题。如果您的性别/身高/年龄处于健康的体重,则应该采取一些措施来保持该体重或进一步改善体重。我承认,多年来,健身行业已经变成了一个绝对的笑话-很多笨蛋说他们在不到4年的时间内没有类固醇就增加了50磅的瘦肌肉,有很多庸医谁会骗你出售他们的产品(例如,您可能会在Youtube上看到这个白痴的一些广告。他基本上被称为健身世界的笨蛋,您不应该听他说的话),在那里很多疯子会使整体健身过度复杂化,并提倡完全危险的事情。我建议的几个人-是要告诉您真相而不是试图向您出售产品-如果您想听取我的建议,是杰夫卡瓦列雷(Jeff Cavaliere),尽管事实上,他还是健身行业最聪明的人之一他过去曾使用过假砝码,加拿大健美运动员格雷格·杜塞特(Greg Doucette)尖叫着人们不了解基础科学并且绝对不是医生,而詹姆斯·林格(James Linker)则是非常聪明的英国绅士,如果您从头开始,可以帮助您解决废话。向健身界的其他人学习。




Every time I play Skyrim, I generally wind up wanting to wear different late-game armor, but not wanting to wear anything from vanilla or anything that's already been made. You think your pre-game modding process is tough with you installing 150 mods with Vortex and occasionally commenting "this doesnt work plz help" on mod pages? I make a bunch of my own stuff for every playthrough in CK, outfitstudio, and GIMP. 

Jokes aside, this mod includes a Cuirass (re-meshed, re-textured), Gauntlets (re-meshed, re-textured), Boots (re-textured), a Cowl (re-textured), a shield (mesh by NordwarUA, re-textured) a sword (mesh by NordWarUA, re-textured), a mace (re-meshed, re-textured), and a dagger (new scabbard by NordWarUA, re-textured). 

They can be crafted at a blacksmith forge with the "Dragon Smithing" (for armor) or "Ebony Smithing" (for weapons) perks, use mostly dragon scales and leather components, have high-tier protection (for light armor, at least), and use ebony weapon and dragonscale armor keywords for integration with other mods such as True Armor.

Q: Will you be releasing a version for Legendary Edition?
A: I don't play Legendary Edition anymore, personally,  but I did for a long time after Special Edition came out. While I will continue to release mods on both editions for a while, don't expect every single mod I make to come out on Skyrim LE. It has some advantages, but its run it's course for the most part. A lot of mods have been ported, and many of the ones that haven't are very easy to port.

Q: I've discovered a very minor issue with this mod! Please patch it IMMEDIATELY!
A: If there are bugs in this (don't really see how there would be), I'll patch it when I have a good number to fix instead of constantly uploading patches to the Nexus.

Q: Can I make a Caliente's Breast and Butt Enlarger conversion of this?
A: Go ahead.

Q: Why did you take down so many of your old mods?
A: They kinda sucked and were all around pointless. Plus, the FAQs for them aren't really how I want to present myself on the internet anymore. I have no intention to start actually taking myself seriously, but a lot has happened in my life since then and looking back at those description pages, a lot of the things I said in them are things I couldn't even imagine saying at this point in my life. People were finding them, commenting on them, and expecting me to stand by jokes I made 3 years ago.

Q: Man, your new descriptions are boring as fuck. I miss brash, unruly, 18-year-old Will who regularly referenced masturbation and got into arguments with himself about games.
A: Alright, alright, for old time's sake, I'll make a controversial statement: The Creation Engine doesn't need to be replaced. It needs countless bugfixes in a lot of areas, but Bethesda has no legitimate reason to change it other than PR.

Q: ...Have you played any of Bethesda's games in the past 10 years? They're completely broken.
A: I've spent about 4000 in CK and what I've seen in is that-

Q: 4000 hours? Jesus Christ, find a woman.
A: Find a woman that isn't from a slooty follower mod, Nexus guy. And that 4000 hours is from like 5 years of doing this and occasionally leaving my laptop on with CK running while I went to class or the gym or something. 

Q: So basically you're not as qualified as you say you are?
A: In all fairness, the qualifications of most people who say the CE is obsolete are that they've installed a few mods with Vortex or MO2 and maybe ran DyndoLOD or FNIS. Back to point, the reality is that most of the non-CK-fixable bugs in Fallout 4 and Skyrim result from Bethesda implementing the 2010 Havok engine very poorly, which is why they're changing the animation engine for Starfield. Most of the bugs in Fallout 76 come from the fact that they tried to make a multiplayer game in an engine that was never intended to be used for multiplayer. Some of the bugs in Skyrim and Fallout 4 were hardcoded into the CE, but many of them proved fixable. Others weren't hardcoded and could be fixed in CK, hence the reason why we have Arthmoor's unofficial patches, and were likely not fixed by Bethesda because of time/money constraints. The primary issue with the Creation Engine's age at this point in time mostly relates to how it loads cells, which seems to be inherent to the 2002 design. 

Q: So basically, you're simping for Todd Howard now?
A: Basically.

Q: I don't even know what to say about that picture. Where did you even get it?
A: Found it on the Beyond Skyrim discord once. God, I'd buy Skyrim all over Tanya Howard. I want her to seduce me at a Fleetwood Mac concert and then call me a degenerate. You know what? For all the people who requested a patch between Improved Follower Dialogue and Amorous Adventures, I'll make one when FoxFingers adds a Tanya Howard romance arc to AA. 

Q: You're disgusting. Wait a minute... you're disgusting! We've got Will from 2017 back, everyone! He's finally talking about fucked up shit in FAQs again!
A: Careful, I might decide to make another house mod that turns into a minor quest mod and I throw some game references because I think it's funny, then turn it into a major quest mod but can't take the game references out and it comes out super cringe, and then Zero Period Productions plays through it and it gets decent renown around the community and OH MY GOD WHY DID I MAKE 19 VOICE ACTORS SIT THROUGH RECORDING THAT GODAWFUL SCRIPT?!

Q: Hey... I like Valley of Outcasts...
A: Remember, I've heard every line of dialogue in it like 10 times now. It's hard for me to play through.

Q: Also, you've attributed so many of the bugs in Valley Of Outcasts and The Last Refuge to the game engine...
A: Yeah, but they'd be easily fixable if Bethesda would stop storing so much shit in save games and storing more stuff in masters, plugins, and the game itself.

That's all I have for this mod page. For my hardcore description readers who stayed to the end, the advice I have for you today is this: Take care of your body. Your overall health, which is most affected the exercise you get and the food you eat, really has an indirect effect on everything in your life, when you think about it - that said, I'm not going to sit here and say that you've won life if your body looks good. 

What I am going to say is that if you're overweight or underweight, you should be trying to fix that for your own sake. If you're at a healthy weight for your sex/height/age, you should be doing something to maintain that or improve it further. I'll admit, the Fitness Industry has turned into an absolute fucking joke over the years - there are a lot of dickheads who say they gained upwards of 50 pounds of lean muscle in 4 or less years without steroids, there are a lot of quacks who will lie to you to sell their products (you might see some ads from this idiot on Youtube, for example. He's basically known as the dunce of the fitness world and you shouldn't listen to a word he says), and there are a lot of lunatics that will over-complicate fitness as a whole and promote outright dangerous things. A couple people I'd recommend - that are going to tell you the truth instead of trying to sell you a product - if you want to take my advice are Jeff Cavaliere, who's one of the smartest people in the fitness industry despite the fact that he's used fake weights in the past, Greg Doucette, a Canadian bodybuilder who screams about people not understanding basic science and is definitely not a doctor, and James Linker, a very smart English gentlemen who can help you navigate through the bullshit if you start to branch out to learning from other people in the fitness world.

I guarantee you, though - getting in better shape than you are now is generally very likely to improve the way you feel in general, both physically and emotionally - even though it's not everything. Even if your're underweight/overweight now and very happy and confident in your own skin (that's awesome), imagine how far you'd go if you were in better shape. 

Thanks for sticking around to the end, I appreciate you.





欧洲卡车模拟2 v1.27堵车MOD | 我的世界 1.8.9调皮萌兔MOD | 魔兽争霸3 守护宿舍316v1.1B地图 | 减少魔术物品销售和现实水平减少的商品库存-西班牙语 | 我的世界 v1.12工具腰带MOD | 欧洲卡车模拟2 车辆运输半挂车MOD |


  • 欧洲卡车模拟2 v1.27堵车MOD
  • 我的世界 1.8.9调皮萌兔MOD
  • 魔兽争霸3 守护宿舍316v1.1B地图
  • 减少魔术物品销售和现实水平减少的商品库存-西班牙语
  • 我的世界 v1.12工具腰带MOD
  • 欧洲卡车模拟2 车辆运输半挂车MOD