





在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的移动迷人 Mod,由SkylerModder制作。yamazakiq在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: SkylerModder Mod版本: 0.9.0 Mod大小: 116.38KB 更新时间: 2020-06-22 14:29:28 发布时间: 2020-06-22 14:29:28



Mobile Enchanting是我(未完成的)魔术大修模块Magnus Magic的独立衍生产品,其中包含我为该Mod开发的扩展的附魔系统。有了这个模组,您现在就可以以与Morrowind类似的方式在旅途中附魔。还添加了新的附魔系统,使您可以使用灵魂宝石对五线谱进行附魔,消除五线谱以消除其结界,并解除五线谱以学习其法术(在此过程中摧毁法杖)。


附魔物品:此功能使您可以从任何地方打开标准的奥术附魔菜单。但是,根据您的附魔技能水平,通过此方法创建的结界的力量会受到惩罚。技能等级为0时,结界的惩罚降低50%,并且从那里的惩罚变弱,直到达到技能等级100为止,此时惩罚被消除(0%)。这样做的目的是使事情更类似于Morrowind的风格(该游戏有机会根据您的技能来进行结界,而Arcane Enchanters只会给您100%的成功率),并且还避免使Arcane Enchanters过时,以使您有理由继续使用它们(直到您达到技能等级100)。

附魔法杖:此功能可让您使用灵魂宝石而不是心石来打开菜单,从任何地方附魔五线谱。所需的灵魂宝石与员工的附魔能力相对应。例如。一个火焰法杖的容量为500,因此需要一个较小灵魂宝石,其容量也为500。注意:默认情况下,配方是隐藏的,并且仅在您知道相应的咒语且没有正确类型的法杖时显示。此外,尚未添加(但尚未)允许使用Azura's Star迷人的五线谱的配方,因为它们可能需要SKSE来实施。







这个mod还包括一个为法杖附魔的错误修正;在基础游戏中,如果您能够以某种方式在前往索尔斯特海姆之前访问一名工作人员附魔,则您会得到令人讨厌的xp附魔,这是因为实际上没有意在使xp附魔(95%)的特殊特权(DLC2StaffEnchantingMult)被附魔。已添加到您的帐户,因为仅在您首次前往Solstheim时才添加。此mod通过自己的特权实现xp错误修复,而替代了香草特权,因此xp速率始终是正确的。但是,这不适用于在Myrwatch创建俱乐部内容中添加的Staff Enchanter,因为它具有不同的基础对象,并且我不拥有该CC,因此无法为此打补丁。希望我能在某个时候获得该CC,以便我可以解决该错误。









此mod已作为普通ESP文件而不是ESLified ESP文件发布,因为它包含一个新单元(用于存储上述功能使用的迷人工作台的调试单元),并且由于引擎错误,如果它是ESL根据我被告知的内容。如果将来这种情况改变了,我可以ESLify mod,但是现在我不会。


使用Mod Manager,例如Mod Organizer 2。


确保您没有配备此MOD的任何功能,然后使用控制台停止该MOD的任务(ME_UtilityQuest)并删除其特权(ME_UtilityPerk),然后保存游戏并退出游戏并删除该MOD。你也让我伤心。 y你不喜欢; _;我很努力地走了很远...















What is this mod?

Mobile Enchanting is a standalone spin-off from my (unfinished) magic overhaul mod Magnus Magic, containing the expanded enchanting systems I developed for that mod. With this mod, you can now enchant items on-the-go in a way similar to Morrowind. New enchanting systems have been added as well, allowing you to enchant staves with soul gems, dispel staves to remove their enchantment, and disenchant staves to learn their spell (destroying the staff in the process)..

The new mobile enchanting systems are accessed via a set of Lesser Powers that are automatically added to the player:

Enchant Item: This power allows you to open a standard Arcane Enchanter menu from anywhere. However, the strength of the enchantments created via this method suffer a penalty depending on your Enchanting skill level; at skill level 0, the penalty is 50% weaker enchantments, and the penalty weakens from there until you reach skill level 100 at which point the penalty is removed (0%). This was done to make things more similar to Morrowind's style (that game has a success chance for enchanting based on your skill and the Arcane Enchanters simply gave you a 100% success rate), and to also keep from making Arcane Enchanters obsolete so that you have a reason to continue using them (until you reach skill level 100).

Enchant Staff: This power allows you to open a menu to enchant staves from anywhere, using soul gems instead of heart stones. The soul gems required correspond to the enchantment capacity of the staff. E.g. a Staff of Flames has a capacity of 500 and thus requires a Lesser Soul Gem which also has a capacity of 500. Note: Recipes are hidden by default and only show if you know the corresponding spell and have an unenchanted staff of the correct type. Also, recipes to allow enchanting staves with Azura's Star have not been added (yet) as they will likely require SKSE to implement.

Dispel Staff: This power allows you to open a menu to dispel staves from anywhere, removing the staff's enchantment and thus giving you back an unenchanted staff. Certain special/unique staves cannot be dispelled.

Disenchant Staff: This power allows you to open a menu to disenchant staves from anywhere, teaching you the staff's spell but destroying the staff in the process - similar to item enchanting. Certain special/unique staves cannot be disenchanted.

Note: For immersion, your weapons/spells must be sheathed so that your hands are "empty" in order to use the above powers.
Note #2: Due to engine limitations on crafting menus, these powers cannot be used while you are in combat.
Note #3: Staff enchanting/dispelling/disenchanting is only available for vanilla staves, currently. Compatibility patches will be required to add recipes for staves from other mods.

Enchanting XP bugfixes and adjustments:
This mod also includes a bugfix for Staff Enchanters; in the base game if you were somehow able to access a staff enchanter before going to Solstheim you would get obscene amounts of enchanting xp due to the fact that a special perk (DLC2StaffEnchantingMult) meant to nerf enchanting xp (by 95%) has not been added to you since it is only added when you travel to Solstheim for the first time. This mod implements the xp bugfix via its own perk and blanks out the vanilla perk instead, so that the xp rates are correct at all times. However, this does not apply to the Staff Enchanter added in the Myrwatch creation club content as it has a different base object and I do not own that CC so I cannot make a patch for it. Hopefully I will get that CC at some point so I can address that bug.

Also in regards to enchanting XP, note that all of the above enchanting methods allow you to gain enchanting xp. As a result of the amount of xp sources being increased, I have opted to further nerf staff enchanting xp by 60% of the vanilla rate. This is because as you are now able to dispel staves and get back an unenchanted staff whenever you want, enchanting staves has become much easier and thus generating enchanting xp becomes easier as well. Also note that disenchanting/dispelling a staff generates 87.5% less xp (1/8th of the amount) than enchanting a staff. These values may be subject to change if further testing and usage shows an adjustment to be necessary; I welcome feedback on this matter in the comments section.

Other bugfixes:

A bugfix for Soul Gems that ensures all fully filled soul gems becomes the "filled" object variant (and thus can't be emptied when dropped on the ground) has been included with this mod to ensure they function correctly with the staff enchantment recipes which require fully filled soul gems.

A small, likely inconsequential bugfix for the Unenchanted Destruction Staff has been included which sets its "Enchantment Amount" value to 0 (its default is 500) in order to match all the other unenchanted staves which have a value of 0 for that setting.


Most of this mod is custom content so it will not explicitly conflict with other mods. However, if you have any mods that tamper with the DLC2StaffEnchantingMult perk I advise you to place this mod after such mods in your load order so that you do not experience erroneous changes in staff enchanting xp.


This mod has been released as a normal ESP file instead of an ESLified ESP file as it contains a new Cell (a debug cell for storing the enchanting workbenches used by the powers above) and due to an engine bug could create problems if it were an ESL according to what I have been told. If this changes in the future I may ESLify the mod, but for now I will not.


Use a mod manager, such as Mod Organizer 2.


Make sure you don't have any of the powers from this mod equipped, then use the console to stop the mod's quest (ME_UtilityQuest) and remove its perk (ME_UtilityPerk), then save your game and exit the game and remove the mod. Also you make me sad. y u do dis ;_; i tried so hard and got so far...


This mod is for personal use only. All other uses of this mod require my permission. I expressly forbid the mod being re-uploaded anywhere, modified or unmodified, without my permission. If someone has asked me for and obtained permission to use this mod in some regard then that information will be noted in the "Users that have been granted permissions" section below, specifying the username and what permission they were granted. If you do not see someone's username in that section then they have not been granted permission and you should report them and inform me about who it is and what they have done via Personal Message.

Users that have been granted permissions:


And that's all there is to this mod. Enjoy!

I spent a lot of time and effort making this mod, so please consider helping me out:

My other mods:
Unleveled Items
College of Winterhold Shop Fixes
Reusable Lightning Attractors
Gemstone Recovery

My other other mods:
Birds Aren't Real





上古卷轴5:天际 v2.1魔兽世界盗贼 汉化版 | 自杀小队Deadshot | 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 面罩头盔改进MOD | 来自权利的游戏里的一把钢剑-兼容 | 火影忍者:究极忍者风暴革命 鹿丸&丁次&宁次MOD | 无人深空 紫色扭曲隧道特效MOD |


  • 上古卷轴5:天际 v2.1魔兽世界盗贼 汉化版
  • 自杀小队Deadshot
  • 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 面罩头盔改进MOD
  • 来自权利的游戏里的一把钢剑-兼容
  • 火影忍者:究极忍者风暴革命 鹿丸&丁次&宁次MOD
  • 无人深空 紫色扭曲隧道特效MOD