





在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的元素毁灭魔术Redux Mod,由reaperix制作。cice在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: reaperix Mod版本: 2.0 Mod大小: 12.70MB 更新时间: 2020-06-18 14:32:27 发布时间: 2020-06-18 14:32:27








现在,通过在游戏开始时运行的一次性脚本,法术书集已添加到法术书等级列表中。 (增强兼容性)




在Farengar房间里,Whiterun的Dragonsreach中有新的作弊箱子。 (包含EDM添加的所有咒语图谱和五线谱)


EDM Redux仅添加法术和几个可制作的五线谱。它不会影响游戏的其他部分。




碎石-喷溅的岩石和污垢。 (新手)

岩石爆炸-发射一块小石头。 (学徒)

大地符文-在岩石和尘埃的爆发中爆炸。 (学徒)

石笋-从地面或墙壁上发出岩石尖刺,以在10英尺半径内造成破坏。它可以阻挡敌人几秒钟。 (熟练)

岩石披风-围绕施法者旋转的尘土和岩石披风。 (熟练)

巨石-发射一块大石头。 (专家)

地球墙-喷在地面上时会形成锯齿状的岩石屏障。 (专家)

*地震法术可能会在以后的更新中添加,当我在Skyrim SE的游戏中对其进行测试时,它对我不起作用。



急流-喷水。 (新手)

水球-发射小球水。 (学徒)

水符文-在爆发时爆炸。 (学徒)

间歇泉-发射中型水球,撞击后会产生间歇泉,并损坏15英尺半径内的目标。 (熟练)

雨披-将施法者包围在水的披风中。 (熟练)

洪流-发射大水球。 (专家)

水墙-喷在地面上时会形成破坏水的屏障。 (专家)

潮汐波-召唤巨大的水波。释放之前,瞄准45度角将使波进一步传播。 (主)



阵风-一阵风。 (新手)

和风-吹一阵风。 (学徒)

风符文-风爆发时爆炸。 (学徒)

龙卷风-发射旋风,可以在击中多个目标时穿过物体,但移动缓慢且范围有限。 (熟练)

旋风披风-将施法者包围在风中。 (熟练)

暴风雨-阵阵大风。 (专家)

风墙-喷在地面上时会形成有害风的破坏屏障。 (专家)

飓风-发射大型龙卷风,有80%的机率吹走15英尺半径内的任何东西。 (主)


召唤地球宇航员-学徒级咒语,召唤一个地球宇航员为施法者而战。 (学徒)

召唤风宇航员-一种熟练的法术,召唤风宇航员为施法者而战。 (熟练)

召唤水技师-召唤水技师为施法者而战的专家级法术。 (专家)

Earth Thrall-永久召唤地球宇航员。 (主)

风之怒-永久召唤风宇。 (主)

洒水-永久召唤一名水技师。 (主)



注意:一旦您在相应的魔术技能中处于专家级,那么由EDM添加的MASTER级别的法宝书将弹出在卖方销售清单中。这是由于默认Vanilla Skyrim中存在一个限制,该限制中没有MASTER级别100的咒语书目等级列表。 (它们是通过任务获得的,而不是基础游戏中的卖方)


在Farengar房间的Whiterun的Dragonsreach中。 (包含EDM添加的所有咒语图谱和五线谱)







答:可能的原因是角色的毁灭魔法等级太低。 这些咒语与《天际》中的所有其他咒语一样被对待,并且只有在您的角色满足最低破坏魔法等级要求时,才能购买这些咒语。


元素破坏魔法由reaperix制造。 所有的功劳归功于reaperix来创建这个出色的mod。


Elemental Destruction Magic Redux

Adds earth, water, and wind as new types of destruction magic. Besides dealing the same amount of health damage as their vanilla counterparts, each new type of destruction magic has a unique secondary effect as well. Water spells stop enemy Magicka and Stamina regeneration for several seconds, earth spells stop Health regeneration and have a chance to stagger targets, and wind spells have a chance to blow targets away. This mod contains 29 new spells, including 23 destruction spells and 6 conjuration spells. You can increase their power of spells added by EDM through the vanilla perks. Earth, water, and wind spells benefit from the Augmented Flames, Augmented Frost, and Augmented Shock perks respectively. 

How is Elemental Destruction Magic Redux different than the standard version of Elemental Destruction Magic?

No new perks or edits to perks.

No enchanted weapons or armors.

No direct edits to leveled lists.

Spell tomes are now added to spell tome leveled lists via a one-time script that runs at the start of the game. (enhances compatibility)

No edits to NPCs or leveled NPCs.

No edits to vanilla Skyrim races, skeletons, and creatures.

Vendors will sell EDM master-level spell tomes without you having to complete master-level spell quests.

New cheat chest in Whiterun's Dragonsreach in Farengar's room. (contains all spell tomes and staves added by EDM)

These changes enhance compatibility and make this mod essentially compatible with all other mods made for Skyrim.
EDM Redux adds only spells and a couple of craftable staves. It does not touch other parts of the game.

New Spells Added by Elemental Destruction Magic:

Earth Spells
Scales with fire associated enchantments, perks, and resistances.

Gravel - A spray of rocks and dirt. (Novice)          
Rock Blast - Launches a small stone. (Apprentice)
Earth Rune  - Explodes in an eruption of rocks and dirt. (Apprentice)
Stalagmite  - Raises a rocky spike from the ground or walls to deal damage in a 10-foot radius. It can obstruct enemies for a few seconds. (Adept)
Rock Cloak  - A cloak of dust and rocks that rotate around the caster.     (Adept)
Boulder - Fires a large stone.   (Expert)
Wall of Earth - Creates a barrier of jagged rocks when sprayed on the ground. (Expert)
*Earthquake spell may be added in a future update, it wasn't working for me when I tested it in-game for Skyrim SE.

Water Spells
Scales with frost associated enchantments, perks, and resistances.

Rapids - A spray of water. (Novice)
Waterball - Launches a small orb of water. (Apprentice)
Water Rune - Explodes in an eruption of water. (Apprentice)
Geyser - Fires a medium size ball of water that creates a geyser on impact and damages targets within a 15-foot radius. (Adept)
Rain Cloak - Surrounds the caster in a cloak of water. (Adept)
Torrent - Fires a large orb of water. (Expert)
Wall of Water - Creates a barrier of damaging water when sprayed on the ground. (Expert)
Tidal Wave  - Summons a huge wave of water. Aiming at 45-degree angle before release the wave will allow it to travel further. (Master)

Wind Spells 
Scales with shock associated enchantments, perks, and resistances.

Gust - A spray of wind. (Novice)
Zephyr - Fires a gust of wind. (Apprentice)
Wind Rune - Explodes in an eruption of wind. (Apprentice)
Tornado - Fires a whirlwind that can pass through objects while hitting multiple targets, but moves slowly and has a limited range. (Adept)
Whirlwind Cloak - Surrounds the caster in wind. (Adept)
Tempest - Launches a large gust of wind. (Expert)
Wall of Wind - Creates a damaging barrier of hazardous wind when sprayed on the ground. (Expert)
Cyclone - Fires a large tornado that has an 80% chance to blow away anything within a 15-foot radius.  (Master)

Conjuration Spells

Conjure Earth Atronach - An apprentice level spell that summons an earth atronach to fight for the caster.  (Apprentice)
Conjure Wind Atronach - An adept level spell that summons a wind atronach to fight for the caster. (Adept)
Conjure Water Atronach  - An expert level spell that summons a water atronach to fight for the caster. (Expert)
Earth Thrall -  Summons an earth atronach permanently. (Master)
Wind Thrall - Summons a wind atronach permanently. (Master)
Water Thrall - Summons a water atronach permanently. (Master)

Spell and Staff Acquisition 

Spell Tomes for the new spells can be purchased from any merchant that normally sells destruction/conjuration spell tomes. For example, Faralda at the College of Winterhold carries all of the new spells as long as your character's destruction skill is high enough. Staves can be crafted.

Note: The MASTER level spell tomes added by EDM will pop-up in vendor sell lists once you are EXPERT level in the respective magic skill. This is due to a limitation found in default vanilla Skyrim where there are no MASTER level 100 spell tome leveled lists. (they are obtained via quest not vendor in the base game)

There is also a cheat chest in Whiterun's Dragonsreach in Farengar's room. (contains all spell tomes and staves added by EDM)


Q: How do I get the spells/staves? 

A: Refer to the above section entitled Spell and Staff Acquisition 

Q: Is this mod compatible with my other spell mods or overhauls? 

A: This mod should be compatible with essentially every other mod made for Skyrim.

Q: Why are vendors not selling the spell tomes for the new spells? 

A: A possible reason is that your character's destruction magic level is too low. These spells are treated like all other spells in Skyrim and will only be made available for purchase once your character meets the minimum destruction magic level requirement. 


Elemental Destruction Magic was made by reaperix. All credit goes to reaperix for creating this fantastic mod.
I obtained permission to make this revised version of EDM from reaperix.





瞬间变高富帅、白富美,自带手机变 | Woodsnow丝袜高跟CBBE-HDT BODYSLIDE | 死或生5:最后一战 特工衣服改造MOD[DLC版] | 无塑料 - 自然美(预设) | The Notice Board SE | 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 天际植物大修MOD |


  • 瞬间变高富帅、白富美,自带手机变
  • Woodsnow丝袜高跟CBBE-HDT BODYSLIDE
  • 死或生5:最后一战 特工衣服改造MOD[DLC版]
  • 无塑料 - 自然美(预设)
  • The Notice Board SE
  • 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 天际植物大修MOD