





在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的合并NPC大修变得容易。 Mod,由sattyre制作。笛子0530在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: sattyre Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 0.96KB 更新时间: 2020-06-11 15:11:04 发布时间: 2020-06-11 15:11:04


由于某些NPC检修可能需要使用Tes5Edit / SSEedit / Xedit,因此本教程并不适用于“初学者”。尽管严格来说不必使用Xedit,但为了最大的利益,请按自己的最大能力对游戏进行修补,这将有助于创建稳定的游戏环境。 NPC修补程序可以在使用Xedit进行合并之前,使用补丁进行合并的过程中,或者在完成合并过程之后(也可以使用Xedit)进行。


该系统适用于Skyrim或Skyrim SE和Mod Organizer 2用户。虽然它可以与其他Mod Manager一起使用,但我只能保证Mod Organizer 2中的结果。在所有Mod Manager中,一致的是资产的设置和esp加载顺序。在任何mod管理器中,资产文件夹和esps的加载顺序必须保持一致,以避免出现黑屏错误。另外,请注意,这需要具有64位功能的Mod Manager,因为zEdit是64位程序。

我使用Mod Organizer 2,目前有35个NPC大修,以及10个左右的RS Children补丁。如果我对所有补丁都使用补丁,那么仅在NPC上就可以轻松使用60多个esp插槽。 USSEP,AI大修,切割室地板等的修补程序。那么该怎么办?简单。合并到一个esp。它困难吗?不,实际上不是。只要您小心并按照资产和esps的加载顺序进行操作,它们就可以正常工作。请注意,同一次大修的多个修补程序将仅使用最后一个修补程序,而不管是否合并。对于Pan的NPC有一个裁剪室地板补丁,然后对Pan的NPC也有一个AI大修补丁,将只使用最后一个补丁的编辑内容,在这种情况下为AI大修。因此,如果单个模块需要多个补丁,则需要使用xedit(Tes5Edit或SSEedit也称为Xedit)对其进行编辑,或者找到必要的组合补丁。仅使用了一个npc的最后一条记录,因此多个补丁程序具有同一npc的多个记录,因此将被加载顺序中最低的补丁程序覆盖。这是我通常直接使用xedit修补mod的主要原因。您经常可以找到已经存在一段时间的较流行的mod的组合补丁,但是较新的大修并不总是随附预制补丁,因此学习使用Xedit是改装的必要部分。


QUASIPC-Qwinn的统一自动化自动安装补丁集。 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18369





zEdit是由matortheeternal创建的,并且是由matortheeternal创建的Merge Plugins的后继者。有些人已经有了合并插件,但是我不建议将其用于NPC检修,因为我无法保证结果,而且它不具备zEdit \ zMerge的多功能性。




在使用时,MO-2用户可以下载并安装Hide Plugins:https://github.com/deorder/mo2-plugins/tree/1.0.1

一个很棒的小工具,用于在合并后隐藏插件。可以设置为使用可选文件夹或插件下MO-2s设置图标中的mohidden功能。然后可以通过工具图标进行访问以使用。注意。可选文件夹区分大小写。将其安装到Mod Organizer 2的plugins文件夹中。如果MO-2仍处于活动状态,请将其关闭并重新启动。


设置的这一部分全部与您的偏好有关。设置它们的顺序与您和您的喜好有关。喜欢某项NPC大修吗?将其放在MO-2左窗格中NPC大修列表的底部。通常,您可以确定同一位作者进行的任何NPC检修都不会冲突,因此它们出现的顺序也无关紧要。如果为Ussep \ Usleep预装了NPC检修,则它始终是我推荐的方法。如果您没有使用非官方补丁,那么您应该这样做,我真的不能强烈推荐它。按照需要的顺序对NPC大修进行排序后,就可以继续了。请记住,左列表是底部的收藏夹。

现在,您可以为NPC大修重塑创建轮廓。在配置文件中,复制您的游戏配置文件,并将其命名为NPC Overhaul Retextures Merge。复制游戏资料的原因仅仅是为了保持您当前的资产加载顺序或优先级。禁用所有与NPC大修或NPC补丁及其主文件不直接相关的Mod。只需突出显示所有内容,右键单击并选择“禁用”即可解决问题。 USSEP,Cutroom Room Floor和AI大修是典型的npc补丁母带,虽然不是唯一的,但需要激活。

如果您在右窗格中查看,则应该仅看到与NPC大修,NPC补丁及其母版有关的esps。如果看到其他esp将其停用,则只有必要的NPC esps。您所有的NPC esps必须位于所有主文件的下方,并且其顺序与左侧面板中的NPC资产完全相同。您的NPC大修的任何补丁都必须直接位于正在补丁的大修之下,否则您将获得黑脸。这主要适用于右窗格中的esps,但是由于修补程序可能具有npc资产,因此请确保它也适用于左侧的资产窗格。



单击zEdit,它将带您进入主窗口。更改下拉zEdit,使其显示为zMerge。确保游戏下拉列表指向您想要的游戏。 (Skyrim或Skyrim SE)单击开始按钮。



1:Mod Manager-如果您不是MO-2用户,则应说Mod Organizer 2或您合适的Mod Manager。


3:Mod Manager路径-这需要指向具有Mod Organizer.exe的文件夹

4:Mod Manager的mod路径-这需要指向Mod Organizer放置您的mod的文件夹。默认情况下,这是\ Mod Organizer \ Mods。


合并输出路径-与上面的4相同,即Mod Manager Mods路径




在详细信息选项卡中,突出显示“新合并”并键入-NPC Overhaul Retexture Merge-。


打开“插件”选项卡,您将看到所有NPC esps和master。仅突出显示NPC大修和任何p









完成合并后,请勿删除。 ZMerge中的X。

转到您的游戏配置文件,然后单击左窗格顶部的工具图标,而不是Mod Organizer顶部的工具图标,然后单击刷新。转到左侧窗格的底部,您将看到新的NPC大修合并。激活它,并将其放置在NPC列表的底部,或者放置在Mod列表的底部。合并的esp应该保持非常接近加载顺序的底部。我的NPC合并具有563个活动esp,esl和esm的列表,优先级为487,然后使用xedit编辑它以修补USSEP,Cutting Room Floor和它需要的任何其他修补,而我最终合并的补丁位于563 esps中的558。 。当然,这将取决于您自己的加载顺序,但通常应在底部的10 esp插槽内。

现在是时候使用隐藏插件了。转到MO-2顶部的拼图图标,然后单击鼠标左键。向下滚动以隐藏插件,然后再次单击鼠标左键。现在,您应该会看到一个带有“ NPC大修”重合并纹理的框。右键单击它,然后选择禁用。这将隐藏所有esp合并到您的NPC Overhaul Retexture合并中,同时仍保持资产处于活动状态。最后一部分非常重要。为合并停用资产会给您带来黑脸漏洞。幸运的是,只需重新激活受影响的模块即可解决此问题。





加载顺序。 Mod A将Aela作为NPC。 Mod B也有Aela。 Mod A的资产加载先于Mod B的资产,这意味着Mod B的Aela会覆盖Mod A中的Aela资产。现在,我们转到esp加载顺序。 Mod B的esp在mod A的esp之前加载,因此mod A覆盖mod B,包括Mod B的Aela。所以现在我有来自模式B的资产,但是来自模式A的esp的facegen信息和Aela的黑脸。资产和特别是装载顺序很重要。只要资产和esp依次被覆盖,那么100个mod中有多少Aela都没关系。仅使用了最后一个。

解决方案是使左窗格资产和右窗格esp彼此镜像,以使Mod A的资产排在第一位,而Mod A的esp也排在第一位。在两个窗格中,Mod B将排第二,Mod C将排在第三,依此类推。对于Mod A的任何修补程序都需要在Mod A的esp之后直接出现,但仍被认为是Mod A

补丁放置:Mod补丁通常具有npc的面部数据。如果包含此类数据的任何修补程序尚未在合并中,则都必须在NPC大修merge.esp之上。如果您使用了捣碎或粉碎的补丁,这些补丁也可能包含facegen数据。通常,通过修补NPC大修,smash可以很好地完成工作,但它并不总是正确的。我验证Bash和Smash的NPC选项卡中的所有数据,然后根据需要进行编辑。如果Bash和smash仍然存在问题,则可以将“ npc”选项卡的全部内容“合并复制并覆盖”,从合并到捣碎或粉碎的补丁中,这在加载顺序中最低。


资产覆盖。这也是造成黑脸错误的常见原因,并且与上面的加载顺序问题密切相关,但有所不同。 Mod中使用了许多类型的资产,尽管其中一些资产可能会被NPC大修使用,但它们不仅限于NPC大修。因此,来自mod的更改您的人物胡子的mod资产可能会与NPC大修冲突,并覆盖某些NPC资产,从而导致某些NPC出现黑脸错误。




造成黑脸错误的较不常见原因可能来自其他来源,包括比赛记录。如果您脸色黝黑并且找不到原因,这可能是罪魁祸首。天际esp的比赛记录与Dawnguard esp的比赛记录不同。大部分都是一样的,但是头部可能不同,并且由于NPC依赖记录的顺序是一定的,因此当NPC从Dawngaurd寻找头部但获得天际的头部时,会导致黑脸虫。这种黑脸虫会影响某个种族和/或性别的所有NPC。如果只有布列塔尼女吸血鬼有黑脸虫,那么这可能就是原因。造成黑脸虫的种族记录可能会影响任何种族,并分别影响男性和女性。在种族和性别的任何组合中都有可能出现黑脸虫,并且还包括男性和女性的吸血鬼。任何更改或包含比赛记录的mod都可能是造成这种情况的原因。可能的修补程序是更新负责任的mod或转发来自USSEP或Dawnguard的适当记录。始终建议Mod作者修复这些类型的错误。




Tannin和开发人员@ Mod Organizer 2.哇,这真是一个绝对令人愉悦且功能强大的工具。我什至不知道想要的一切。




matortheeternal感谢您提供的出色工具。 zEdit,Mator Smash。没有你,天际将更少。






Because some of the NPC Overhauls may require the use of Tes5Edit/SSEedit/Xedit, this tutorial is not meant for Beginning Modders.  While the use of Xedit is not strictly necassary, patching your game to the best of your ability is in your best interest and will help in creating a stable gaming environment.  NPC patching can be done before the merge process with Xedit, during the merge process with the use of patches or after the merge process is finished, again with Xedit.  
Patching prior to merging requires every NPC overhaul to be patched independently, and while more labor intensive to start with, it will only ever need to be patched once.  Patching after will require additional patching everytime you recreate your Merge.  The easiest option of course, is to use combination patches during the merge for any and all NPC overhauls in your merge.

This system is for Skyrim or Skyrim SE and Mod Organizer 2 users.  While it may work with other mod managers, I can only vouch for results in Mod Organizer 2.  What will be consistent across all mod managers is the setup of assets and esp load orders.  The asset folders and the load order of the esps must stay consistent in any mod manager to avoid the black face bug.  Also, be aware that this requires a 64bit capable mod manager as zEdit is a 64bit program.
I use Mod Organizer 2 and currently have 35 NPC overhauls, as well as 10 or so RS Children patches.  If I used patches for all of them, I could easily have over 60 esp slots used up on NPCs alone.  Patches for USSEP, AI-Overhaul, Cutting Room Floor, and so on.  So what to do?  Simple.  Merge them down to one esp.  Is it difficult? No it really isn't.  So long as you are careful and follow load order for both the assets and the esps, they will all turn out just fine.   Be aware that multiple patches for the same overhaul will only use the last patch, regardless of whether you merge or not.  Having a cutting room floor patch for Pan's NPCs followed by an AI-Overhaul patch also for Pan's NPCs, will only use the edits from the last patch, in this case AI-overhaul.    So If you need multiple patches for a single mod, you will need to edit them with xedit, (Tes5Edit or SSEedit are also known as Xedit.) or alternatively, find the necessary combination patches.  Only the last record for an npc is ever used, so multiple patches have multiple records for the same npc and therefore are overwritten by the lowest patch in the load order. It is the primary reason I generally patch a mod directly with xedit.  You can often find combination patches for the more popular mods that have been around for awhile, but newer overhauls don't always come with premade patches so learning to use Xedit is a necessary part of modding.

A good patching source can be found below.
QUASIPC - Qwinn's Unified Automated Self Installing Patch Compendium. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18369 
While not the only source of npc overhaul patches, it is the largest that I am aware of.

While zMerge can read an archive, I have always had the best success when using loose files during merging.  I always unpack any npc overhauls that come in archives.  I can't actually think of any such archives, but I thought it best to mention here for the sake of clarity.

The first thing you need to know, is that load order for both the esps and the asset folders are extremely important.  If you don't have your load orders consistent across all panels you will end up with the black face bug.  I say all panels, because if you follow my directions, you will be creating a profile to use exlusively for merging NPC overhauls.  That means that you will need to have consistency in two left hand panels as well as the right hand panel you are merging your esps in.  Your two left hand panels would be your merge profile panel and your default gaming profile panel where you would normally play the game from.

The first thing you need to do is get zEdit if you don't already have it.   Get the latest copy.  You can get it here: https://github.com/z-edit/zedit/releases
zEdit was created by matortheeternal, and is the successor to Merge Plugins, also created by matortheeternal.  Some people will already have merge plugins, but i don't recommend using it for NPC overhauls as I can't garantee the results, and it just doesn't have the versatility of zEdit\zMerge.  
One of the beauties of zMerge and profiles is how easy it is to rebuild your merge.  Don't like a particular overhaul, or you're swapping out AI-overhaul for Immersive Citizens and need to get rid of it's patches, simply rebuild your merge without the patches.  Found a great overhaul and want to include it into your merge.  Easy. Just include it and rebuild your merge.  
I learned this system from the pages of Lexy's LOTD,  DarkLadyLexy's Legacy of the Dragonborn.  It totally revolutionized the way I mod, and while the system is virtually the same as the one they use,  I will break it down a little more and explain the process so you can customize your npc overhaul to your liking successfully.
While you are at it, MO-2 users can download and install Hide Plugins:  https://github.com/deorder/mo2-plugins/tree/1.0.1  
A great little utility for hiding plugins after a merge.  Can be set to use an optional folder or the mohidden feature in MO-2s settings icon under plugins.  Then it is accessed through the tools icon for use.  Note.  the optional folder is case sensitive.  Install it into your plugins folder of Mod Organizer 2.  If MO-2 is still active, close it and restart.

The next step is to order your NPC overhauls as you want them to appear in game.  They should all be placed together under a titled Separator so they are easier to find and sort.  If you like one particular mod author over another, place those ones lower in the list which gives them a higher priority. This is your asset load order.  Asset load order is of particular importance with NPC overhauls as many NPCs will be covered by multiple overhauls and the assets from lower mods will overwrite the same assets in mods higher in the list.  
This part of the setup is all about your preferences.  What order you set them up in is all about you and what you like.  Love a certain NPC overhaul?  Place it at the bottom of your NPC overhaul list in the Left pane of MO-2.  You can usually be sure that any NPC overhauls by the same author won't conflict, and so it won't matter what order they appear in.  If an NPC overhaul comes prepatched for Ussep\Usleep, it is always the one I recommend getting.   If you aren't using the Unofficial patch, you should be and I really can't recommend it strongly enough.  Once you are done with sorting your NPC overhauls in the order you like, you are ready to continue.  Just remember Left list is favorites at the bottom.

Now you can create a profile for your NPC Overhaul Retexture.  In Profiles, copy your game profile and call it NPC Overhaul Retextures Merge.  The reason to copy your game profile is simply to maintain you current asset load order or priority.  Disable all mods that are not directly related to your NPC overhauls or npc patches and their master files.  Just highlight them all, Right click and Disable selected will do the trick.   USSEP, Cutting Room Floor  and AI-overhaul are typical npc patch masters, though not the only ones, and will need to be active.
If you look at your right pane you should only see esps related to NPC overhauls, NPC patches and their masters.  If you see other esp's deactivate them so you have only your necessary NPC esps.  All your NPC esps need to be below any master files, and in exactly the same order as the NPC Assets in the left panel.  Any patches for your npc overhauls need to be directly below the overhaul they are patching or you will get black faces.  This mostly applies to the esps in the right pane, but because it is possible for a patch to have npc assets, make sure it also applies to the assets pane on the left.

NOTE:  Make sure you Click on the backup buttons in both the left and right panes of MO-2 so it remembers both load orders, otherwise you will have to redo your load order whenever you want to rebuild your merge.

NOTE:  Remember that any load order of assets and esps must be reflected in all three panes.  Left assets pane of your game profile and both the left assets and right esp panes of your Retexture profile.

Click on zEdit and it will bring you to the main window.  Change the drop down zEdit so it reads zMerge.  Make sure the game dropdown is pointing to the game you want.  (Skyrim or Skyrim SE)  Click on the start button.

At the top right of the next page, you will see three cubes, a gear icon, and a question mark.  Click on the gear icon and open it.  

click on Integration settings.  Make sure that the dropdown boxes on the right are all pointing to the appropriate folders or instance.  It should read from top to bottom
1: Mod Manager - should say Mod Organizer 2 or your appropriate mod manager if you aren't a MO-2 user.
2: MO-2 instance - Mine says portable, but if you set up MO to use instances it may read as the name you named your MO instance at setup.
3: Mod Manager Path - this needs to point to the folder that has your Mod Organizer.exe
4: Mod Manager mods path - this needs to point to the folder that Mod Organizer places your mods in.  By default this is \Mod Organizer\Mods.

Click on Merge Settings.
Merge output path - should be the same folder as 4 above, the Mod Manager Mods path
Under the Integrations title bar, make sure only the box beside "Disable plugins" is checked
click OK.

You are now at the main merge window.  At the bottom of the window click Create Merge.
In the details tab, highlight New Merge and type - NPC Overhaul Retexture Merge - .  
change the merge method to read,  Clean - Merge down (improved)
Open the plugins tab and you will see all your NPC esps and masters.  Highlight only the NPC overhauls and any patches and click on toggle selected.  Make sure no master files are checked.  
Note: If one of your esps won't accept a checkmark, it is probably because it is missing a master file.  You will have to close zMerge and activate the correct master file in your assets pane and\or the esp pane and then reopen zMerge.

Open the Load order tab and place a check mark on "use game load order"

Open the Data tab and  make sure Handle NPC voice data is checked.  No other actions are required in this tab.

Click ok.  
You will now see your merge details in a box in the window.
In the top right corner you will see three buttons.  Build  Edit  Delete.
Press the build button and wait for zMerge to create your build.
Do NOT delete the merge when it is done.  X out of zMerge.

Go to your game profile and click on the tools icon at the top of the left pane, Not the one at the top of Mod Organizer, and  click refresh.  Scoll to the bottom of the Left pane and you will see your new NPC Overhaul merge.  Activate it and place it either at the bottom of your NPC List or alternatively, at the bottom of your Mod list.  This merged esp should  stay very close to the bottom of your load order.  With a list of 563 active esp's, esl's and esm's my npc merge has a priority of 487  I then edit it with xedit to patch for USSEP, Cutting Room Floor and any other patching it requires and my final merged patch sits at 558 of 563 esps.  This will of course depend on your own load order, but normally it should be within around 10 esp slots of the bottom.  

Now it is time to use Hide Plugins.  Go up to the puzzle icon at the top of MO-2 and left click.  Scroll down to hide plugins and left click again.  You should now see a box with your NPC Overhaul retexture merge.  Right click on it and select disable. This will hide all the esp's merged into your NPC Overhaul Retexture merge while still keeping the assets active.  This last part is very important.  Deactivating the assets for your merge will give you the black face bug.  Happily this is fixed simply by reactivating the affected mods.

You are now done.  Enjoy your merged NPCs.

If and when you want to rebuild your merge, simply unhide all the esps associated with your merge and switch to your Merge profile.  You may have to hit the esp panes, restore backup button to return your esp's to the proper order.


There are several possiblities as to why people get the black/greyface bug.  Probably the most common reason is load order/asset order conflicts.

Load order.  Mod A has Aela as an NPC.  Mod B also has Aela.  Mod A's assets load before Mod B's assets, meaning that Mod B's Aela overwrites the assets of Aela in mod A.  Now we move over to esp load order.  Mod B's esp loads before mod A's esp, so mod A overwrites, mod B, including Mod B's Aela.  So now I have assets from mod B, but facegen information from mod A's esp and a black face on Aela.  Asset and esp load order matters.  As long as assets and esp's are overwriting in sequence, it doesn't matter how many Aela's there are in 100 mods.  Only the last one is ever used.
The solution to this is to make the left pane assets and the right pane esp's mirror each other so that Mod A's assets are first in line and Mod A's esp is also first in line.  Mod B would be second in both panes, Mod C would be third, etc.  Any patch for mod A need to come directly after Mod A's esp, but is still considered Mod A

Patch Placement:  Mod patches often have face data for npcs.  Any patch containing such data needs to be above the  NPC overhaul merge.esp if it isn't already inside of the merge.  If you use a bashed or a smashed patch, these can also contain facegen data.  Normally smash does a pretty good job with patching NPC overhauls, but it doesn't always get it right.  I verify any data in the NPC tabs of both Bash and smash and edit as required.  If you continue to have issues with Bash and smash, you can, "copy as over-ride with overwriting," the entire content of your npc tab from the merge into the bashed or smashed patch, which ever is lowest in the load order.
Asset overwrites.  This is also a common cause of the black face bug and is very much related to the load order issue above, with some differences.  There are many types of assets used in mods, and while some of those assets may be used by NPC overhauls, they are not limited to NPC overhauls.  So assets from a mod that change your characters mustache may conflict with an NPC overhaul and overwrite some NPC assets causing the black face bug on some NPCs.  
    The solution is to move the offending mod above the NPC overhauls so it is no longer overwriting them.  Or alternatively deleting or disabling the offending mod.  The conflicts tab in your various NPC overhauls will tell you which files are being overwritten by or are overwriting another mod. 

File corruption.  File corruption also causes black face bug.  Usually it is a simple matter of reinstalling the mod, though sometimes the source file is corrupted and requires a fresh download and reinstall.  If there are no file conflicts and load orders are good, this is likely the cause and the easiest to verify.

Less common causes of the black face bug can come from other sources including race records.  If you get black faces and you can't find a cause, this could be the culprit.  Race Records from the skyrim esp are different then the race records from the Dawnguard esp.  Most of it is the same, but head parts can be different, and because NPCs are relying on records to be in a certain order, when npc's are looking for head parts from Dawngaurd but getting skyrim headparts, it can cause the black face bug.  This type of black face bug affects all npcs of a certain race and or sex.  If only female breton vampires have the black face bug then this is likely the source.  Race records causing the black face bug can affect any race and can affect both male and females seperately.  It is possible to have the black face bug on any combination of race and sex and also includes vampires, both male and female.  Any mod that alters or contains race records could potentially be the cause of this. Possible fixes are updating the responsible mod or forwarding the apropriate records from USSEP or Dawnguard.  It is always recommended that the Mod author fix these kinds of errors.

Thanks to all the Modders out there who keep giving us new content.
GamerPoet for his fantastic tutorials
Lexy's LOTD for the fantastic guide.  You guys taught me so much.
Tannin and the Developers @ Mod Organizer 2.  Wow what an absolutely delightful and powerful tool.  Everything I never even knew I wanted.
Elminster, Sharlikran, sheson and company for Xedit.  Where would we be without you guys.
The USSEP team for fixing all the bugs Bethesda didn't.
All the Developers hanging out on discord answering questions,  there are far too many of you to name.
matortheeternal  Thanks for the great tools. zEdit, Mator Smash.  Skyrim would be less without you.
Pandorable for her great NPC overhauls and her understanding when I mess up.  
wellden for his patience and great insights.
Nexus and all the members for a great community.





S-Club WM ts4 Blush 201702-腮红 | 潘多丽的NPC SE - 盐和风纹理 | v1.27遗弃之世v1.5 | 我的世界 1.11.2 斯诺达工艺MOD | 符文永久发光效果1.31版 | 我的世界 1.7.2生存翅膀MOD |


  • S-Club WM ts4 Blush 201702-腮红
  • 潘多丽的NPC SE - 盐和风纹理
  • v1.27遗弃之世v1.5
  • 我的世界 1.11.2 斯诺达工艺MOD
  • 符文永久发光效果1.31版
  • 我的世界 1.7.2生存翅膀MOD