





在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的记得我的老路-古代北欧神庙 Mod,由XutzBR制作。nnf0130在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: XutzBR Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 52.83KB 更新时间: 2020-03-23 17:03:41 发布时间: 2020-03-23 17:03:41



请记住,The Old Ways I是XutzBR最初的mod的移植版,旨在以绝妙的方式改善游戏玩法。它在铁绑定巴罗(Ironbind Barrow)的旁边增加了一座神庙,该神庙专门用于龙崇拜的动物图腾。它包含9个神rine,每个神its都有自己独特的增益,与神的各自属性有关。神社的行为就像香草的神社,因此一次只能获得一个祝福。








索尔·福克斯(Shor the Fox):堕落的人类英雄是古代北欧万神殿的主要神灵。在Atmorans的描述中,Shor是嗜血的但又狡猾的战士神,在北欧神话中,他是第一个领导人类对抗Mer的人。伊斯格摩和沃夫哈斯紧随其后。在福克斯的标志下,格挡效果提高20%,您的轻型和重型装甲技能提高20%。

鹰凯恩(Kyne the Hawk):《人类之母》,《风暴女神》,《索尔的战士寡妇》。北欧猎人最崇高的敬意是,男人和野兽的母亲都教会我们尊重她的创造。那些受到她打招呼的人用弓箭造成的伤害提高15%,其耐力恢复速度提高20%。

Tsun the Bear:鲸骨桥的守护者,Shor的Shield-Thane和北欧的审判之神。那些想要进入索夫加德的英勇殿的人将不得不在公平战斗中面对熊。作为另一个勇士神的模样,那些被熊祝福的人将更快地学习勇士技能10%,并且获得+10的史密斯技能。




狼马拉(Mara the Wolf):像母狼一样,北欧人对马拉(Mara)的解释是严格的母亲,会尽一切努力保护幼崽。凯恩的女仆,索尔的后妃和家族之爱女神将受她保护的人的恢复法术提高20%。













既然没有其他神能提供与贼有关的增益,谁能比“骗子”更好呢? 从技术上讲,他也是北欧万神殿的一部分。

4)“ buffs有点不强大吗?”

那将取决于每个玩家的意见和他的mod选择。 但是我个人认为它们不是,因为低级玩家不会那么容易地访问它们...


我不是原始作者,而只是获得了将其移植到SE的权利的搬运工。 结果我无法提供任何支持,但是从我的测试来看,它与原始版本完全一样。 无论如何,我将打开“评论”部分。 不要忘记认可原始的mod!


Remember The Old Ways I is a port of the original mod by XutzBR that aims to improve gameplay in a lore-friendly way. It adds a temple, just next to Ironbind Barrow that is devoted to the animal totems of the Dragon Cult. It contains 9 shrines, each with its own unique buff that is related to the god's respective attributes. The shrines act just like vanilla ones, so you can only have one blessing at a time.

The blessings are well-balanced, so they're neither useless nor overpower. Because of its percentage values, these buffs are useful both in early and late game.

If you are more deeply interested in the pantheon's lore, I suggest reading Shor son of Shor. And if even more interested, you can dig in the Imperial Library or in the TES Lore.

Experienced in adventures, the fellow dovah probably know that nothing comes for free, so sharpen your sword before entering the temple. You should also 
know that you can't just go around exploring Nordic ruins without a torch, especially this one one.

Alduin, The Dragon: Head of the Dragon Cult, although not of the Ancient Nordic Pantheon, also known as the "World-Eater", believed himself and his kin to be the superior beings of all creation. For that, and also for his ferocity and power, he became worshiped by many of the Ancient Nords. Those under his blessing will do +20% damage to men, Mer and Beastfolk.

Shor the Fox: The fallen god-hero of mankind is the chief deity of the Ancient Nordic Pantheon. Depicted by the Atmorans as a bloodthirsty but also cunning warrior-god, Shor was the first - in Nordic mythology - who led men against Mer; Ysgramor and Wulfharth after him. Under the sign of the Fox, blocking is 20% more effective and your Light and Heavy Armor skills are increased by 20. 

Kyne the Hawk: Mother of Men, Goddess of Storm, Warrior-Widow of Shor. Held in the highest esteem by Nordic hunters, the mother to both man and beast teaches us to respect her creations. Those under her sign do 15% more damage with bows and their stamina regenerate 20% faster.

Tsun the Bear: Keeper of the Whalebone Bridge, Shield-Thane of Shor, and the Nordic God of Trials. Those who seek entry into the Hall of Valor in Sovngarde will have to face the Bear in fair combat. As befitting of another warrior-god, those blessed by the Bear will learn Warrior abilities 10% faster and also gain +10 to their Smithing skill.

Stuhn the Whale: Brother of the Bear and also a Shield-Thane of Shor. He showed men how to take, and the benefits of taking, prisoners of war 
and, unlike his Temple Divine version, Stendarr, is the God of Ransom. As a true warrior-god he fought against the Aldmeri pantheon and by his blessing, one-handed and two-handed weapons do 15% more damage.

Jhunal the Owl: The Father of Language and Mathematics, God of Runes, Wisdom and Knowledge. He fell out of favor with the Nords, but mages still praise him in high esteem. Although part of the pantheon, the sign of the Owl is hard to find among war-born Nords. But even out of favor, Jhunal's few followers will find it 10% easier to learn the skills of a Mage and be granted +10 to their Enchanting skill.

Mara the Wolf: Like a mother-wolf, the Nordic interpretation of Mara is the strict mother that would do anything to protect her pups. The Handmaiden of Kyne, Concubine of Shor, and Goddess of Familial Love grants those under her protection are 20% more effective Restoration spells.

Dibella the Moth: Another Goddess of Love, albeit the sexual side of love. She also symbolizes life, rebirth, and death. Ashes to ashes, like a moth that breaks from chrysalis, she sheds her dead skin to emerge as something beautiful and new. Followers of the Moth are more persuasive and are 20% more effective with their Speechcraft skill.

Orkey the Snake: The Trickster God, he is a variant of Malacath and an enemy god of the Nords. Described as the God of Mortality, because according to legend he somehow tricked the Atmorans, who until then lived as long as Mer, to give up their longevity. Those under the protection his protection deceive almost as well as he and find it 10% easier to learn Thief Skills and be granted +10 to their Alchemy skill.


Shrines with unique buffs - obviously.

Lightable braziers - just equip the flames spell and fire them up. Until you do so, don't forget a torch!

Safe storage - The temple is NOT a player home, but every container inside is safe.

1) "Why can't I access the shrine of The Dragon?"
Because the bridge that should connect it with the rest of the temple was removed by the former priest, as it say in the Journal page in a shelf nearby. And actually you can access the shrine, but you must have the Whirlwind Sprint shout.

2) "Why there's a shrine dedicated to Alduin if he is the antagonist of the whole story?"
The Dragon is the major deity of the Dragon Cult, which is the theme of the Temple.

3) "Okay, I now understand why there's a shrine to Alduin, but why is there one devoted to Orkey, an enemy god to the Ancient Nords?"
Since there was no other god suitable to give thief-related buffs, who better to do so than the "Trickster"? He is also technically part of the Nordic pantheon as well.

4) "Aren't the buffs a little overpower?"
That will depend on the opinion of each player and his mod selection. But I personally think they're not, since a low level player wouldn't get access to them so easily...

I am not the original author, just a porter who obtained the rights to port this to SE. I can't provide any support as a result, but from my testing this works exactly as the original. I'll leave the Comments section open regardless. Don't forget to endorse the original mod!





蛤蟆功 | 《无双大蛇Z》和谐妲己MM贴图MOD原始下半身去裤裤版 | 黑科技开关 截止避难所DLC6全据点无限空间+水食物电防御幸福度10000的黑科技开关 增加仅建造空间无限版本 | Wolverine V [.NET] 1.1 [BETA] | 全面战争:战锤2 神佑蜥蜴人无限招募MOD | 消逝的光芒 真实的枪械伤害MOD |


  • 蛤蟆功
  • 《无双大蛇Z》和谐妲己MM贴图MOD原始下半身去裤裤版
  • 黑科技开关 截止避难所DLC6全据点无限空间+水食物电防御幸福度10000的黑科技开关 增加仅建造空间无限版本
  • Wolverine V [.NET] 1.1 [BETA]
  • 全面战争:战锤2 神佑蜥蜴人无限招募MOD
  • 消逝的光芒 真实的枪械伤害MOD