




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的CAW的iWant RND Mod,由DaemonPrime制作。pengchao0414在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: DaemonPrime Mod版本: 1.02 Mod大小: 4.77MB 更新时间: 2020-03-04 21:59:51 发布时间: 2020-03-04 21:59:51




















应按以下顺序按需要应用补丁(Lexy的LOTD版本应使用“现实之水2” /“香草水”以外的所有补丁):


适用于CACO.esp的iWant RND

iWant RND for CACO with Frostfall.esp

iWant RND for CACO with Frostfall和Falskaar.esp

iWant RND for CACO with Frostfall和Wyrmstooth.esp

iWant RND for CACO with Frostfall和LOTD.esp

通过Vanilla Water.esp为CACO的iWant RND(不包括在Lexy的LOTD中)

CAW的iWant RND,带有逼真的Water Two.esp(不包括Lexy的LOTD)

带有大教堂水Overhaul.esp的CAW的iWant RND(可选补丁)

Lexy的LOTD.esp为CACO提供的iWant RND



与iWant RND窗口小部件一起使用。




我遇到的挑战是CACO由Wabbajack建造时与Lexy紧密集成。 CACO虽然很棒,但没有可视化的需求指示器。由于我的个人军械库中装有iWant RND Widget,所以我已经习惯了何时饿着肚子。我考虑撤出CACO,但这将比我想要的还要多。然后,我再次寻找了CACO / RND补丁,但没有找到完整的补丁。像iWant RND Widgets一样,我认为是时候解决问题了,开始工作。



ingle Lexy修补程序,但是从长远来看,它决定要更整洁,因此我不得不重新检查每一项,最终证明对发现一些错误有用。









确定狼人mod是否需要打补丁并在需要时实施。 Lexy并没有什么冲突,但是狼人的喂食有可能影响其他模组。


iWant RND小部件


A unification of Realistic Needs and Diseases (RND)’s eat, drink, and sleep mechanics with Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul (CACO)’s food, inebriation, item distribution, and effect changes.


Design philosophy
RND and CACO complement each other in their core strengths (needs / alchemy improvements) but conflict in some areas (food / alcohol).  The design selected for this project removes those conflicts from RND thus allowing CACO to use it’s expanded food items and distributions within RND’s system while relying on RND to perform its core functions (needs and diseases).

In Game
RND will operate mostly like it originally did with the following changes:

No items introduced by RND will be found.  This includes food, drinks, waterskins, and camping supplies.

Inebriation will be handled by CACO rather than RND

Special dialogues will no longer be present to buy or refill water from an innkeeper

Cooking over an open fire without a cooking pot has been removed

There is no longer a water refill or boiling mechanic

Cow milking has been removed

The sugarball should not be given to the player if you have SkyUI

The sugarball menu has NOT been updated so it will still contain options removed from the MCM.  Using it should not break anything but using some of the options could introduce item paths not accounted for in the project.

CACO should operate entirely as designed except:

CACO’s basic needs (hunger and fatigue) system should be disabled.  While technically it won’t break anything, debuffs from each system (RND and CACO) could applied until you eat or sleep.

Load Order
Patches should be applied as needed in the following order (all patches except Realistic Water Two/Vanilla Water should be used for a Lexy’s LOTD build):


iWant RND for CACO.esp

iWant RND for CACO with Frostfall.esp

iWant RND for CACO with Frostfall and Falskaar.esp

iWant RND for CACO with Frostfall and Wyrmstooth.esp

iWant RND for CACO with Frostfall and LOTD.esp

iWant RND for CACO with Vanilla Water.esp (Exclude in Lexy’s LOTD)

iWant RND for CACO with Realistic Water Two.esp (Exclude in Lexy’s LOTD)

iWant RND for CACO with Cathedral Water Overhaul.esp (Optional patch)

iWant RND for CACO with Lexy’s LOTD.esp

Other RND patches *should* work but may break the internal consistency of CACO if they’re not patched to account for it.  Other CACO patches should work but may not contain or may overwrite RND effects.  The RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp plugin can be placed anywhere in the load order before any of its patches as all conflicting records have been removed.

Works with iWant RND Widgets.

Because no one did it for me.  Seriously, I checked on and off over the years from LE to SE and never found a suitable solution to the problem.

Following a recent hardware upgrade (thanks 2600k, you served me well), I decided to reinstall Skyrim.  After debating whether to migrate my old working-but-fragile install or build new, I decided to give Lexy’s guide a go.  It is an awesome guide and the result has been rock solid with an internal consistency I like (without the endless hours of manual record patching to get it).  I found I didn’t have the fortitude for a full manual build this time around so I decided to give Wabbajack at try.  It proved to be an awesome time saver.  Once you have a good grasp of manual modding, I recommend giving it a whirl when you want to get running quicker.

The challenge I ran into was that CACO is tightly integrated into Lexy’s when built by Wabbajack.  CACO, while great, doesn’t have visual indicators for needs.  Since I had iWant RND Widgets in my personal arsenal, I had kind of gotten used to seeing when I was hungry.  I looked into pulling out CACO but that was going to be more work than I wanted.  I then looked for CACO / RND patches (again) and didn’t find anything complete.  Like iWant RND Widgets, I decided it was time to solve the problem and went to work.

I realized that cutting conflicting parts out of RND was going to be the most sustainable path over time.  Since the original RND was static and public domain, I decided to begin there and build things so that future changes would be minimal if CACO evolves.  As a side benefit, this version of RND could, in principle, be used for any future food overhaul since basically just the needs engine remains.

The actual patching work, how can I put it...SUCKED.  This probably explains why no one did this already.  It wasn’t too bad once I got into a rhythm but compared to simple drag and drop xEdit patching, it took a bit of effort.  First I had to find each food item in CACO.  Then, for those items, I had to add the RND and Frostfall effects.  Some of this was drag and drop from the mentioned sources but most of the items had no reference material built so manual adding of effects, not to mentioned deciding which effect seemed appropriate for each item, had to be done.  I originally piled all this into a single Lexy patch but decided it was cleaner and better in the long run to break it out so I had to revisit each item, which ultimately proved useful in finding some errors .

Hopefully this narrative helps you understand what goes into building a mod and triggers an interest to make some part of the game, big or small, just a little bit better.

This project was originally developed in February 2020.

Potential improvements

Testing!  I’ve done some, but I am one and you are many.  Please test and log bugs you find.

Update the script rnd_sugarballscript.psc so the non-MCM configuration matches the MCM.  The current state might allow introduction of RND items through paths closed off by the MCM edits.

Review all scripts to determine which plugin items can be removed.  All the item, dialogue, and likely other record types could be removed if they’re not referenced anywhere in the scripts.  This would further streamline the plugin.

Update CACO patch to disable and remove CACO hunger and fatigue options.  This is an unaddressed overlap but one easily controlled by the user.

Determine if werewolf mods require patching and implement if needed.  Nothing in Lexy’s conflicted but there is an edit to werewolf feeding that could impact other mods.

My other Mods

iWant RND Widgets





v1.31宝马BMWX6M50dMOD | v1.27a遗弃之世v1.3 | FemFeet为每个人重新设计了SSE端口 | 总体优化 | Genius Moon Child Necklace 月亮项链 | 模拟人生4 红黑风格50x40大宅MOD |


  • v1.31宝马BMWX6M50dMOD
  • v1.27a遗弃之世v1.3
  • FemFeet为每个人重新设计了SSE端口
  • 总体优化
  • Genius Moon Child Necklace 月亮项链
  • 模拟人生4 红黑风格50x40大宅MOD