
资源大小:1.96 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的塔尔莫行动 Mod,由Gr8Zomb制作。健康游戏在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Gr8Zomb Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 1.96 MB 更新时间: 2019-12-23 14:59:06 发布时间: 2019-12-23 14:59:06


6个藏身处,3个在塔姆瑞尔,3个在索尔斯特海姆。是的,我使用了一些基本布局,因为每个藏身处共有5个房间,共有6个位置,然后实际上是最后一个老板塔,几乎像一场全面的战争。该Mod变得越来越难。我本来是为自己制作的,并允许我的一个朋友(phatbassanchor)对此进行一些测试,我们都看到它可能会变成很酷的东西,所以我开始切换一些内容并将一些内容混合在一起它的味道。人体模特是预先准备好的,也不尽相同,还会增加一些香料和风味。每个地点都有自己的监狱,里面有囚犯,还有一间库房,里面有很多东西(以“泰米尔”为主题)。当您破坏他们的藏身处时,您将获得足够的战斗力。总督的房间里有他上司在塔尔莫尔语中的来信,这也带您进入下一个位置。一切都从里弗伍德开始,在沉睡巨人身上留下一个音符,从他们的音符开始。清除所有天际位置后,也前往索尔斯特海姆。间谍将被Redoran抓住,后者将在Tamriel完成后开始向Solstheim进攻。最终版本已使用SSEedit清理过,并已通过新的和开发的字符进行了测试。我放置的一个藏身处也被搬走了,以避免与Helgen Reborn发生任何冲突,而phatbassanchor确实也向我指出,该mod也将是一个很好的补充。在phatbassanchor的帮助下,它没有已知的冲突。




Bethesda for Creation Kit和所有工具也都可以创建这样的mod。


6 Hideouts, 3 in Tamriel, 3 in Solstheim.  Yes I used a few basic layouts cause each hideout has 5 rooms in total with 6 locations and then actually a final boss tower that is almost like full blown war.  The mod gets progressively harder.  I was originally making this for myself and allowing a friend of mine (phatbassanchor) too have a few tests of this and we both saw that it could be turned into something cool so I started switching out a few things and mixing some stuff around too give it flavor. Mannequins are pre-dressed and also not all the same too add some spice and flavor too things.   Each location has it's own prison with prisoners and also a Treasury with loads of goodies (Thalmor themed).  You'll get plenty of combat as you go thru busting up their hideouts.  The Governor's rooms have letters from their superiors in Thalmor tune which leads you too the next location.  It all starts in Riverwood with a note at the Sleeping Giant, from their just follow the notes.  After all Skyrim locations are cleared head too Solstheim. A spy will be getting caught by the Redoran which will start the Solstheim side after Tamriel is finished.  The final version has been cleaned with SSEedit, has been tested with new and developed characters as well.  One hideout I had placed was moved too avoid any conflicts with Helgen Reborn and phatbassanchor did note too me that it would be a great addition too that mod.  With phatbassanchor's help it has no known conflicts.

Note: The second Solstheim location marker may be tough, fast traveling too the location mentioned in note does sync it up.  It is very close too the location mentioned and has a map marker once you discover it.

Special thanks
phatbassanchor with extensive testing  and edits.
Bethesda for the Creation Kit and all the tools too create mods like this.




J Frill Crop Top_J 褶边白色上衣 | 上古卷轴5 物理女巫套装MOD | 《上古卷轴5:天际》戒指项链无限佩戴MOD | 死或生5:最后一战 虎妈兽化格斗4珍妮一段爆MOD | 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 莱雅娜MOD | 收获日2 自由开启上帝模式MOD |


  • J Frill Crop Top_J 褶边白色上衣
  • 上古卷轴5 物理女巫套装MOD
  • 《上古卷轴5:天际》戒指项链无限佩戴MOD
  • 死或生5:最后一战 虎妈兽化格斗4珍妮一段爆MOD
  • 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 莱雅娜MOD
  • 收获日2 自由开启上帝模式MOD