全速Chaurus Hunters SE

资源大小:15.7 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的全速Chaurus Hunters SE Mod,由gg77制作。as454563884在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: gg77 Mod版本: 4.6 Mod大小: 15.7 MB 更新时间: 2019-11-22 21:09:38 发布时间: 2019-11-22 21:09:38


充满飞行的Chaurus猎人SE 6个飞行坐骑鲜血/爬行动物/鹅卵石/沼泽/泥炭沼泽Chaurus Hunters + Flying Scrib围绕着位于西部城楼与怀特朗之间的兽人小屋。您也可以使用7只可召唤的飞行坐骑-大黄蜂

此mod与新的Skyrim Script Extender 64(SKSE 64)(ALPHA BUILD)配合使用...这些生物可以真正飞向天空...

(您必须下载“当前SE版本”:“ 7Z存档”。您可以忽略文件夹“ src”,但将文件夹“数据”和其他文件放在... Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Skyrim特别版中)

注意:您必须使用“ skse64_loader”启动Skyrim SE





Grommok est un or orque qui vit dans und cabaneprèsde Blancherive。


C’est aussi un bucheron,qui利用le bois pour son feu,mais aussi pour fabriquer des petits jouets,que son fils Junior collectionne…

如果坐骑消失(无法拆卸):请耐心等待几秒钟,或者使用滚轮或FAST TRAVEL缩小

要使用可召唤坐骑,您必须在Dragonsreach / Fort Dragon(怀特朗)的Farengar Secret-Fire或与其他“ Spell Vendor”(例如:Blue Palace / Palais中的Sybille Stentor)处购买“ Spell tome:Summon XXXX” bleu在寂寞中)。


您可以随时轻松解散!和另一个“法宝书:解散召唤的飞行Chaurus Hunter”

控件(使用SKSE 64)

->->->->->->如果您拥有SKSE 64,则可以真正飞行!<-<-<-<-<-<-<-








您必须安装召唤的Chaurus Hunter,然后再下飞机并重新安装,然后再飞行!

感谢Supertin / FeuerTin的视频:

->->->->->->->->->->->->-> <-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<- <-<-



1)您必须将文件夹“数据”放在“ ... \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Skyrim特别版”中



3)(仅当您下载了其他Mods“ Summon ...”时),您必须一个一个地安装传票(我的其他Mods“ summon”)!获取书籍(我所有的mod都是STANDALONE!)

您可以在Dragonsreach / Fort Dragon(Whitherun / Blancherive)的Farengar Secret-Fire中找到“ Spell tome:召唤XXXX”,或与其他Spell Vendor(例如:Blue Palace中的Sybille Stentor / Solitude中的Palais Bleu)一起找到。


4)您可以在Skyrim.ini(用户/ Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim特别版)中放入以下设置(您可以复制/粘贴以下内容):


fVanityModeMaxDist = 2000.0000

fVanityModeMinDist = 10.0000

fMouseWheelZoomMinDelta = 0.0050

fMouseWheelZoomSpeed = 0.8000

fMouseWheelZoomIncrement = 0.01

fMinCurrentZoom = 0.001



马库斯·利伯蒂(Markus Liberty)的兽人小屋套件中的兽人小屋

ps46183,用于Orc梳妆台和Orc Buffet的mod全功能Orc家具资源

适用于Mod Pegasus MLP脚本的NoxyGame和DOSMaster完全可运行,“可以随意使用/增强该脚本/ nif / mod,但要感谢作者”

JSnider193在他的mod中使用了Chaurus Hunters(Blood,Reptilian,Pebbled)的新纹理(《 Modders资源和教程》):Critter Variants(“您可以根据需要进行修改和使用”)

Grohiik用于沼泽/泥炭沼泽Chaurus Hunters的网格/纹理,Lifestorock用于mod Skyrim沉浸生物中的飞行Scrib的网格/纹理,由lifestorock

Stroti -Tamira-Arion在mod中的某些内容Stroti的蘑菇屋资源,Stroti的树屋资源,Rockinghorses(摇马的原始模型:Walery Nowak)和Teddybears(泰迪的原始模型:Abitor)


Ortecish Sabre的atomec(«您可以在未经允许的情况下使用此文件中的资产,只要您将我记为我»)


RoboBirdie / Berkian for the Teddies中的泰迪熊


如果坐骑消失(无法拆卸):请耐心等待几秒钟,或者使用滚轮或FAST TRAVEL缩小





Fully Flying Chaurus Hunters SE The 6 Flying Mounts Blood/Reptilian/Pebbled/Swamp/Peat Bog Chaurus Hunters + Flying Scrib are around an Orcish Hut located between the Western Watchtower and Whiterun; You have also with the Giant Wasp , the 7 Summonable Flying Mounts

This mod works fine with the new Skyrim Script Extender 64 (SKSE 64) (ALPHA BUILD) ... the creatures could really fly into the sky ...

(You have to download the "Current SE build": "7Z archive". You can ignore the folder "src", but put the folder "Data" and the other files in ...Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition)

ATTENTION: You must launch Skyrim SE with "skse64_loader"

This mod also works without SKSE but the creatures fly at ground level !

Grommok is an orc who lives in a hut near Whiterun.

It is a hunter who moves with his tamed flying creatures that are nearby.

It is also a woodcutter, who uses wood for his fire, but also to make the small toys, which his son Junior collects ...

Grommok est un orque qui vit dans une cabane près de Blancherive.

C’est un chasseur qui se déplace avec ses créatures volantes apprivoisées qui se trouvent à proximité.

C’est aussi un bucheron, qui utilise le bois pour son feu, mais aussi pour fabriquer des petits jouets, que son fils Junior collectionne…

If your mount disappears (with impossibility to dismount): Be patient a few seconds or Zoom out with the scroll Wheel or FAST TRAVEL

To have the SUMMONABLE Mounts, you must buy the “Spell tome: Summon XXXX”, at Farengar Secret-Fire in Dragonsreach/Fort Dragon (Whiterun) or with an other "Spell Vendor" (ex: Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace/Palais bleu in Solitude).

With the books, you have the spells (Duration of the summon: 10 min.) ...

You can easily DISMISS when you want ! with an other "Spell tome: Dismiss Summoned Flyable Chaurus Hunter" 

Controls (with SKSE 64)

->->->->->->If you have SKSE 64 you can really fly !<-<-<-<-<-<-

UP: Left Shift

DOWN: Left Ctrl

DOWN to the ground quickly: E or Space

W (or Z): forward

S: backward

A (or Q): turn left

D: turn right

You MUST mount the Summoned Chaurus Hunter, dismount and re-mount again before flying !

Thanks to Supertin/FeuerTin for this video :



INSTALLATION (very important)

Only for the manual installation: 

1) You have to put the folder « Data » in "... \Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition"

For the manual and the NMM installations: 

2) You must place the .esp at the bottom of the list in the Data Files when you launch the game to obtain the 8 books...(Normally, this is done automatically)

3) (Only if you have download other mods "Summon...") You must INSTALL the summons (my other mods "summon") ONE BY ONE ! to obtain the books (ALL my mods are STANDALONE !)

You can find the “Spell tome: Summon XXXX”,at Farengar Secret-Fire in Dragonsreach/Fort Dragon (Whitherun/Blancherive) or with an other Spell Vendor (ex: Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace/Palais Bleu in Solitude).

Duration of the summon: 10 min.

4) You can put in your Skyrim.ini ( user /Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition) the following settings (you can copy / paste the following): 



These settings allow you to see all mounts (of my mods) correctly, whether your character takes his weapon out or not


Markus Liberty for the Orcish Hut in his mod Orcish Hut Kit 

ps46183 for the Orc Dresser and the Orc Buffet in his mod Fully Functional Orc Furniture Resources 

NoxyGame and DOSMaster for the script of the mod Pegasus MLP fully flyable “feel free to use/enhance the script/nif/mod, but give credits to the authors”

JSnider193 for the new textures of the Chaurus Hunters ( Blood, Reptilian, Pebbled) in his mod (« Modders resources and tutorials »): Critter Variants ("You can modify and use as needed")

Grohiik for the meshes/textures of the Swamp/Peat Bog Chaurus Hunters and Lifestorock for the mesh/textures of the Flying Scrib in the mod Skyrim Immersive Creatures by lifestorock

Stroti -Tamira - Arion for some stuff in the mods Stroti's Mushroom House Resource , Stroti's Treehouse Resource , Rockinghorses (Original model of the rockinghorse: Walery Nowak), and Teddybears (Original model of the teddy: Abitor)

MihailMods for the Giant Wasp (model and sound) in his mod Giant Wasps- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- ESO) 

atomec for the Orcish Sabre («You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me ») 

digger23 for the Wooden toys (« They are free to use as you see fit »)

RoboBirdie/Berkian for the Teddies in Teddies 

Bugs or Problems

If your mount disappears (with impossibility to dismount): Be patient a few seconds or Zoom out with the scroll Wheel or FAST TRAVEL

Fully Flying Mounts in my mods :

Fully Flying Chaurus Hunters SE 

Mihail's Birds Mounts SE 

Creatures House SE 

Master of the Eagles SE 

New Gryphons Mounts and Armies SE 

Chimeras Mounts and Armies SE 

Fully Flying Dragons SE 

Griffins Mounts and Armies SE 

To access in Vvardenfell (Morrowind) and Cyrodiil (Oblivion) with these mounts you have the 2 mods WIP: SKYWIND and SKYBLIVION




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  • 我的世界 1.7.10超能英雄整合包
  • 我的字符0.9.6
  • 辐射4 新式欧洲长剑MOD
  • 侠盗猎车5 Dick Dastardly卡通肥圆战斗机MOD
  • 辐射4 派普居里凯特重置MOD
  • 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 锁链装甲连体裙MOD