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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的强大的Mjolnir(古代北欧版) Mod,由DGM2401制作。donkeylqr在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: DGM2401 Mod版本: 1.5 Mod大小: 4.99 MB 更新时间: 2019-11-22 00:23:22 发布时间: 2019-11-22 00:23:22



古老但威武的Mjolnir刚被拾取时,将不会赋予“最后的龙骨”权力。它将沉重而缓慢,但幸运的是锤子并不是很久以前从裂谷上掉下来的唯一东西。附魔的金属(Dragonborn可以学习用Tamrielic金属来制作),除了雷电的知识以及Daedric和奥术物品的锻造知识之外,还可以用来唤醒Mjolnir的力量。 Mjolnir可以击打任何用锤子击中的敌人,让它们以强大的挥杆飞行,每天授予它一次短暂升空的力量(毕竟您仍然是凡人,Mjolnir拒绝多次这样做安全起见),并让亡灵恐惧,因为它会对亡灵造成额外伤害。

如果您被卡住,只需要锤子等,然后单击下面的“ SPOILER”按钮,所有内容都会显示出来。






Long ago, a rift opened in Tamriel and a mighty explosion cracked the sky. Out of this great tear between realities came a powerful hammer that punched a hole in a mountain in Skyrim. Warriors, treasure hunters, and countless others had attempted to lift the hammer but none could even budge the thing. One day, a powerful and learned warrior was able to lift the hammer and restore the power within. He felled many foes and few could dare challenge him. Eventually, the warrior disappeared, along with the hammer. Imperial scholars in the Fourth Era have reason to believe that the final resting place was where the hammer first struck: Bleak Falls Barrow. Such legends have been lost to time and few even know of the hammer's existence and even fewer still know any details of its whereabouts, but Bleak Falls Barrow seems as good a place as any to begin the search, particularly since its inner sanctum has a hole in the ceiling that some say the gods could gaze through.

The ancient but mighty Mjolnir when first picked up will not grant the Last Dragonborn its powers. It will be heavy and slow, but luckily the hammer was not the only thing to fall from the rift so long ago. Enchanted metal (which the Dragonborn can learn to craft with Tamrielic metals), in addition with the knowledge of lightning storms and the smithing knowledge of Daedric and arcane items, can be used to reawaken the power within Mjolnir. Mjolnir can call down lightning upon any foe struck with the hammer, send them flying with a powerful swing, grant one the power to ascend to the sky briefly once a day (you are still mortal after all and Mjolnir refuses to allow it more than once a day for your safety) and turn the undead in fear for it deals extra damage to the undead.

If you are stuck, just want the hammer, etc., then click on the SPOILER button below and all shall be revealed.



And that concludes the spoiler section! If you've read everything up to this point, thank you and I hope you got everything you needed from it. If not, feel free to ask any questions (and of course comment).
If you've downloaded this mod, thanks so much and I hope you enjoy it! You can find the MCU version of Mjolnir at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29454 and everything here applies there.

The only conflicts should be with mods that have items with the exact same ID's or that modify the game setting variable fJumpHeightMin.




BDO Valkyrie Venslar Retouched【含UUNP BodySlide数据】 | BDO Elf Armor UNPB | 足球/足球[射击,得分,演习等] 2.0 | 我的世界 v1.7.10这么多东西MOD | NBA2K14 林志玲游戏主菜单v2.0 | 纱织窗帘壁纸(收起版) |


  • BDO Valkyrie Venslar Retouched【含UUNP BodySlide数据】
  • BDO Elf Armor UNPB
  • 足球/足球[射击,得分,演习等] 2.0
  • 我的世界 v1.7.10这么多东西MOD
  • NBA2K14 林志玲游戏主菜单v2.0
  • 纱织窗帘壁纸(收起版)