
资源大小:5.72 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的黑暗艺术 Mod,由Mannenyuki制作。霍亨斯陶芬在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Mannenyuki Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 5.72 MB 更新时间: 2019-11-02 22:57:56 发布时间: 2019-11-02 22:57:56


























要求SKSE 64。












































































研究-玩家可以将有关解剖身体的信息存储在三页中的一页(以及第四页,只有在启用欺骗模式时才能解锁)。然后,这些页面可以被引用来创建被解剖的身体的克隆,通过“创造不死”仪式来创造身体不死者的“蠕虫雷尔斯”(Worm Thralls)。









































































Draugr Wight-从死去的NPC中创建。






















Draugr Wight主-从Draugr Wight升级。


























Enderal字体用于SkyRIM SE(邓布利多字体)-如果你像我一样玩过Enderal,就再也不能回到默认的Skyrim字体了。





DCR-十字军王Mega Pack






The Dark Arts


I've always been that guy who plays mage characters in RPGs. Necromancers have always been my favorite class to play for the added difficulty and strategy involved with optimizing them, the preparation required beforehand and the sheer satisfaction when you were repaid for all of the time and effort that went into them. I will never forget all of the fun that I've had with reanimation in Oblivion and Skyrim, but I've always wanted some more complexity in the Necromancy experience and variety in the necromancer builds that can be possible. So I created this mod to hopefully help with that and maybe there are others out there who feel the same way.

This mod DOES a few things:

It creates its own Necromancy skill which is separate from the Conjuration skill, levels up the more its practised and influences a few of the spells.

It introduces a few new mechanics to the Necromancy experience while keeping as close to the lore as possible.

It gives the player an immersive way to gradually improve and expand their Necromancy knowledge via a unique grimoire.

It prevents reanimated thralls from turning to ash when they die, which allows them to be reanimated again. Please note that enemy Necromancers will also benefit from this feature as well so it will make fighting them more challenging.

It adds a few new reanimation spells that eliminate the level cap and opens up the ability to reanimate a larger range of different corpses than before.

it grants players the opportunity to customize the weapons, armor and default outfits of reanimated thralls.

It gives players the ability to summon reanimated thralls.

It offers players the ability to increase the reanimation limit in an immersive manner.

Reanimated thralls raised with the new reanimation spells will not trigger the annoying "That spell looks dangerous" comment from NPCs.

It grants players the ability to dissect corpses and harvest organs and ingredients that are typically difficult to find in the vanilla game.

It gives players the opportunity to see stats for the corpses and reanimated thralls so that players can be well informed regarding plans to optimize their thralls.

It adds a means to safely and permanently store corpses without the need of using risky and unreliable exploits like the infamous permanent corpse exploit.

It grants players the ability to create a wide variety of undead that can be reanimated.

It adds the ability to memorize a large number of humanoids and creatures to create clones.

It includes fixes for a few of the vanilla necromancy bugs, namely the "moonwalking" bug.

It opens up more uses for black soul gems.

It reintroduces the Shade of the Revenant from Oblivion which makes it easier to acquire more black soul gems.

It grants a fair way to resurrect dead NPCs without the need of console commands.

It gives the player the ability to craft unenchanted replicas of the Necromancer's Amulet and the Necromancer's Robes set.

This mod DOES NOT:

Require SKSE 64.

Edit any of the vanilla perks or perk trees.

Edit any of the vanilla spells.

Require a new game.

Add any custom ingredients.

Add a ton of custom miscellaneous items.

Criminalize Necromancy, players won't gain a bounty for practising it.

Localize Necromancy, players can perform it from anywhere without being bound to altars or specific locations.

Disable the moaning sounds from reanimated thralls.

While the primary goals of this mod have been achieved this is still a work-in-progress, so more features and mechanics to Necromancy will be introduced in future updates.

::De Vermis Mysteriis::

De Vermis Mysteriis, also known as "Mysteries of the Worm," is a dark grimoire which serves as teacher and mentor to new necromancers. However, all things come with a price and the grimoire will routinely demand souls in exchange for knowledge and power. It occupies the shield slot when equipped, can be favorited and can be held by the player, despite being flagged as a shield it doesn't provide any armor and will not conflict with the vanilla Mage Armor perk from Alteration. Once equipped the player will be able to begin their journey down the path of Necromancy.

Update Mod - This option only becomes visible whenever a new update of this mod is installed, players will need to press this option to finalize the updating process in-game.

Cast - Grants players the ability to summon marked undead, summon stored dead and banish stored dead back to storage.

Ritual - Allows players to perform the "Soul Harvest" ritual.

Soul Harvest - A ritual that allows players to convert filled black soul gems into the "Souls" currency that's used by the mod.

Stats - The player's necromancy related stats can be viewed with this option.

Player's Chest - This option only becomes available if Cheat Mode is enabled in the mod's settings, it's a magical chest that can be accessed via the book and contains several starting ingredients and tools required for Necromancy. It has also been flagged as safe storage, perfect for all of the cheating criminal scum out there.

Junk Chest - This option only becomes available if the Debugging Mode is enabled in the mod's settings, it is a chest which temporarily stores the belongings of the last 10 corpses that were disposed, thus giving the player another opportunity to access those items should they accidently dispose a corpse with loot that they wanted.

Settings - This allows players to tweak specific aspects of the mod.

Mundane Mode/ Arcane Mode - Mundane Mode requires each of the four embalming tools to create corporeal undead and to perform dissections. Mundane Mode also imposes a requirement of "Souls" to cast spells at zero magicka cost via menu interactions. Arcane mode circumvents the requirements for embalming tools and "Souls" for casting certain spells via the mod's menu interactions. Arcane Mode is basically an "easy mode" for the casuals who think the default mode is too difficult.

Debugging Mode - This mode unlocks the "Debug" button for each unique menu interaction. Debugging will attempt to fix any bug that the player might encounter. This mode also unlocks the "Junk Chest," a chest which temporarily stores the items of the last few corpses that were disposed.

Cheat Mode - This mode sets the mod to ignore the requirements of souls, embalming tools and ingredients to perform Necromancy. It also introduces two new "pages" that expands the amount of clones that can be studied or souls bound to the grimoire - each of those new "pages" can store data on 128 unique corpses. It also grants players access to a "Player's Chest" via the grimoire which can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Shade of the Revenant - This mode, which is disabled by default, enables the Shade of the Revenant. It can be used to create black soul gems from empty grand soul gems just like in Oblivion. Players can find an altar outside the entrance of Rannveig's Fast, more altars will be added in future updates. This option can be toggled on and off whenever the player wishes too. Opening the grimoire on the day of the Shade of the Revenant will prompt a message alerting the player that the event has started and is ongoing.

Next Chapter - This option leads the player deeper into the book to learn the new perks and spells that the mod has to offer. It is the mod's equivalent of opening Skyrim's menu to learn new perks with each chapter being analogous to going higher up a perk tree. All of the perks and spells can be toggled on or off and none of them are forced on the player.

Debug - This option allows players to debug the mod itself and only becomes available when Debugging Mode is enabled. It's recommended that you at least attempt to debug the mod first before filing any bug reports should the issue persists.

Close - This option closes the book's menu.

::Necromancy Skill System::

This mod isolates Necromancy into its own skill which can be leveled up. It can be leveled up by soul trapping, performing rituals, creating the undead, reanimating the dead, dissecting corpses, harvesting ingredients and creating black soul gems via the Shade of the Revenant. It is uncapped, meaning that it's possible to push your Necromancy skill beyond level 100 and the mod is designed in such a way that players will still benefit from pushing Necromancy past 100.

::Souls System::

Souls are needed as a power source for certain rituals (like reanimations with zero magicka cost via menu interactions) and, as the beginning of this section hinted to, as a currency to unlock more chapters to advance one's knowledge in Necromancy. In a way, "Souls" will behave like perk points for the purposes of this mod. To obtain "Souls" the player needs to acquire a black soul gem that's filled with a grand soul and perform the "Soul Harvest" ritual with the book. Players can also do the reverse and channel their "Souls" into empty black soul gems in order to fill them.

::Affinity System::

Necromancy involves the manipulation of souls and the grimoire teaches the basics of how to bend souls to your will. Players can choose one of three affinities: Soul, Frost and Poison. With an affinity the player binds the wandering souls of those who died in a specific and tragic manner. Frost affinity aligns the player with the souls of those who died from the harsh cold of Skyrim, while poison affinity draws its strength from the souls of those who died from poisoning. Soul affinity, the default affinity, draws from the restless souls of those who died prematurely from magical mishaps, so please learn from their example. Affinity affects the visuals of the new reanimation spells in the mod, alters the damage types of certain spells and affects the appearance of certain created undead.

::Novice Necromancy::

The first chapter in the grimoire teaches the player a ritual to create undead, dissect corpses and instructions on how to use your power to expand the limit on the number of dead that can be raised.

Corpse Preparation - This perk allows players to interact with the dead via a menu, perform rituals, dissections and dispose corpses. Be warned though, this perk will temporarily become inactive whenever the player has the Ring of Namira equipped, since it interacts with corpses in a similar manner, unequip the Ring of Namira to reactivate interactions with corpses once more. Corpse Preparation is a very complex system of the mod and will be elaborated on in the next section.

Danse Macabre - This perk uncaps the summon limit for players by tying it to magicka, the player gains an additional reanimated thrall for every 100 points of magicka. This of course means that those who truly want to become a powerful necromancer will need to invest heavily in magicka and less in health resulting in a squishy character which I'd like to think is a fair trade off.

::Apprentice Necromancy::

The second chapter of the grimoire instructs Necromancers on how to better exert their will on their undead servants. It teaches players how to issue commands and how to temporarily bind enemy undead creations to their will.

Undead Follower Overhaul - This perk allows players to interact with their reanimated thralls via a menu to better customize and manage them. It teaches some more advanced rituals to improve the reanimated thralls further and the ability to upgrade and promote undead. Due to how sophisticated this perk actually is, it will be explained in greater detail in another section.

Summon Undead - This follower spell allows players to summon Marked Undead to their side. Marked Undead is a category of undead specific to this mod that will be explained in the separate Undead Follower Overhaul section.

Summon Dead - This follower spell allows players to summon Stored Dead to their side. Stored Dead is a category of undead unique to this mod that will be explained in the separate Undead Follower Overhaul section.

Anathema - This follower spell allows players to order all of the nearby Marked Undead to attack a specific target.

Command Undead - An apprentice necromancy spell which temporarily makes an unbound undead the player's companion. This spell scales with Necromancy level which allows players to influence higher level undead.

::Adept Necromancy::

The third chapter teaches the player the secrets to not only bind more powerful souls, but to do so for much longer periods of time. This is a more advance course on the manipulation of souls and as such builds upon the introductory lessons of affinity. This chapter also informs the player on the steps to commune with greater spirits without requiring the sacrifice of lesser souls.

Undead Thrall - An advanced version of the dead thrall spell with a few key differences. It can work on both NPCs and creatures, it eliminates the level cap for reanimated undead and the spell is delivered directly to a single target rather than via a projectile. It also eliminates the flags that label it as "dangerous" so that NPCs won't comment negatively about the spell if it's active. The only caveat is that you can't reanimate dragons and dwarven automatons for obvious reasons. Affinity alters this spell appearance.

Subjugated Ghost - This works just like Undead Thrall in every way, however, it is different in that it allows players to reanimate a corpse as a ghost instead. Affinity will morph this spell's appearance, for instance, players with Frost affinity will reanimate a chilly ghost instead.

Soul Snare - This adept necromancy spell binds the soul of an enemy to your will upon their death, it behaves similar to the way soul trap requires the target to die while the spell is active. The soul is "animated" by the reanimation spell "Subjugated Ghost." Also this soul is categorized as a Stored Dead and will benefit from the advanced features of this mod.

::Expert Necromancy::

The fourth chapter expands further on the lesson from the previous chapter by teaching the player how to become a conduit for greater spirits. The player learns how to resurrect the dead with their patron's blessing.

Resurrection - This spell allows players to resurrect the dead.

::Master Necromancy::

The final chapter instructs players on how to awaken themselves spiritually by focusing their many lessons on soul manipulation inwards. The player learns how to greatly enhance their skills and continue on their path to transcendence.

Necrology - This perk is identical to the vanilla Necromage perk and will boost spells for the player if they are flagged as undead (via vampirism or lichdom with mods). Designed for those who missed the way that the perk functioned before the Unofficial Skyrim Patch changed it.

::Corpse Preparation::

This section explains the various menu options that become available when the player learns the Corpse Preparation perk and interacts with a corpse while sneaking. This perk unlocks advanced interaction with all corpses with the exception of dragons and dwarven automatons. Those who have used Hunterborn in the past will have a better idea of what to expect as it's similar in a lot of ways. Please note that because of the way that the Ring of Namira interacts with corpses, this perk will temporarily go inactive (by design) if you have that ring equipped, so unequip the ring if you wish to reactivate this option.

Search - This allows players to loot corpses.

Dissect - Grants players the ability to dissect corpses to harvest ingredients and perform other tasks. Dissections require each one of the four embalming tools within the player's inventory for Mundane Mode, while Arcane Mode ignores this requirement. The individual menu options for dissections will be explained in the next section.

Cast - Grants players the option of casting reanimation and resurrection spells with their "Souls" instantly via the menu instead of casting it with magicka. Casting those spells via the menu will be the only way that an unexperienced necromancer can cast those spells until they unlock the actual spells in later chapters of the grimoire. It also allows players to dispel any ongoing magic effects.

Ritual - Allows players to perform the Create Undead ritual.

Create Undead - This ritual opens up the ability to create skeletal, corporeal, incorporeal and accursed undead.

Demote - This option allows players to remove undead from the "Stored Undead" category and transfer them to the "Clean Up" category. All corpses that reside within the "Clean Up" category will be automatically disposed the next time that the player decides to use the "Dispose" button or whenever the player creates more undead.

Dispose - Allows players to safely dispose vanilla corpses and the corpses of the undead that were created with this mod.

Debug - This is an option that's only visible if Debugging Mode is enabled from within the grimoire's settings. It will attempt to fix any bug (vanilla or otherwise) that is affecting a specific corpse.

Cancel - Allows players to exit the corpse preparation menu.

The player can craft four types of undead: skeletal, corporeal, incorporeal and accursed via the Create Undead ritual, which requires the acquisition of a few ingredients beforehand. While the secondary ingredients for each undead type will vary, there are four main ingredients that are required to perform the ritual:

Vial of Corrosive Liquid - This is commonly used to quickly dissolve the corpse's flesh in rituals to create skeletal undead.

Vial of Embalming Fluid - This is used to preserve the corpses of fleshy or corporeal undead.

Vial of Nightshade Oil - This oil is used to anoint corpses for rituals that create incorporeal undead.

Vial of Tainted Blood - This vile blood is used to create accursed undead - creatures that have been infected with the curse of vampirism.

The main ingredients above can all be crafted at cooking pots, with the exception of the Vial of Tainted Blood which can be harvested from dissected vampires. A complete list of all the different undead types that can be created in this mod can be found under "The Undead" section.

::Corpse Dissection::

This section goes into more detail for the dissection menu which can be accessed via the corpse preparation menu. It unlocks a few options that are only made available once a dissection is performed and the player interacts with the dissected corpse while sneaking. Please be warned though the act of dissection will mutilate a corpse in such a state that it can't be used in the creation of undead, however, the corpse can be reanimated and resurrected since those spells "repairs" the dissected corpse. Please note that because of the way that the Ring of Namira interacts with corpses, this perk will temporarily go inactive (by design) if you have that ring equipped, so unequip the ring if you wish to reactivate this option.

Search - This allows players to loot corpses

Harvest - This option allows players to harvest rare ingredients from certain corpses. Players can harvest hearts and flesh from humanoids, daedra hearts from dremora and lurkers, powdered mammoth tusks from mammoths and spriggan sap from spriggans. Players can also extract a Vial of Tainted Blood from vampires which is a main component needed to create accursed undead.

Study - Players can store information regarding the anatomy of a dissected corpse on one of three pages (and a fourth unique page which is only unlocked when Cheat mode is enabled). These pages can then be referenced to create clones of the dissected corpse, called "Worm Thralls" via the "Create Undead" ritual for corporeal undead.

Stats - This option allows players to view more information about the corpse in question and only becomes available to corpses that have been dissected first for obvious reasons.

Cast - Allows players to cast reanimation and resurrection spells with "Souls" via the menu instead of magicka. It also allows players to dispel temporary magic effects.

Mutilate - Grants players the ability to decapitate corpses, which can potentially be used as a strategy against Necromancers to prevent them from repeatedly reanimating corpses now that the mod negates the "corpses turn into ashpiles" mechanic.

Demote - This option allows players to remove undead from the "Stored Undead" category and transfer them to the "Clean Up" category. All corpses that reside within the "Clean Up" category will be disposed the next time that the player decides to use the "Dispose" button. Corpses within the "Clean Up" category will also be disposed automatically whenever the player creates new undead.

Dispose - Allows players to safely dispose vanilla corpses and corpses created with this mod.

Debug - This is an option that's only visible if Debug Mode is enabled. It will attempt to fix any bug that is affecting a specific corpse.

Cancel - Allows players to exit the corpse dissection menu.

::Undead Follower Overhaul::

Reanimated undead will have more options than vanilla should the player "memorize" this perk within the second chapter of the grimoire. This perk, as its name suggests, aims to work just like a follower overhaul but for the undead and opens up more options to customize and carefully tweak reanimated undead. The following list seeks to explain what the various options do in this menu interaction.

Trade - Allows players to exchange items with reanimated thralls.

Command - Issues simple commands to reanimated thralls like "Dismiss" which kills the thrall automatically with more commands that will be added in the future.

Stats - Allows players to view detailed stats on the reanimated thrall like the thrall's level, health, magicka, stamina, resistances, skill levels and more.

Cast - Grants players the ability to dispel magic effects. Marked Undead will allow players to cast non-hostile spells, that are equipped on either their right or left hand, on the reanimated thrall. This feature can be used to apply healing spells, armor spells, light spells, buffs and other utility spells. It is recommend that players stick to simple fire and forget spells and use concentration spells sparingly.

Ritual - Allows players to perform three rituals: Memento Mori, Soul Bind and Create Greater Undead.

Memento Mori - A ritual which makes use of specific ingredients to apply various buffs to the reanimated thrall like human flesh and hearts which can be harvested via the dissection feauture.

Soul Bind - A ritual which allows players to memorize how to create a specific reanimated thrall, this information can then be referenced to create incorporeal clones of that thrall called "Spectral Thralls" via the "Create Undead" ritual.

Create Greater Undead - An advanced ritual which allows players to upgrade some of the undead to more powerful undead, it can also convert a vanilla reanimated thrall directly into a clone of itself which will be compatible with the more advanced features that this mod has to offer.

Equipment - This option allows players to order the reanimated thralls to equip weapons and armor. It has a built-in outfit system which allows players to create new and permanent outfits based on what armor the thralls were ordered to wear. Congratulations, you can finally order your humanoid reanimated thralls to wear full daedric armor. The outfit system also comes with a pre-made version of Tsun's outfit that male NPCs can use, as well as a "blank" outfit should players want Marked Undead to specifically use the best items alone and not revert to their default outfit.

Promote - Allows players to promote reanimated thralls to "Marked Undead" status or demote them back to "Stored Dead" status. These categories will be elaborated on in the next sections.

Debug - This option only becomes visible if Debugging Mode is enabled. It will attempt to fix any bugs that are affecting a reanimated thrall.

Nevermind - Permits players to exit out of the follower menu.

::Stored Dead::

Newly created undead are immediately flagged as "Stored Dead."

They can be stored for later use.

They can be summoned to the player with either the Summon Dead spell or with the grimoire's Cast option.

They can be banished to storage via the Cast option.

A maximum of 25 bodies can be saved in this category.

The number of corpses within this category can be tracked via the "Stats" option from the grimoire's menu.

::Clean Up::

Corpses of created undead can be removed from the Stored Dead category via the "Demote" option and sent to the Clean Up category. Corpses sent to this category will be reserved for the mod's built-in clean up system to prevent the likelihood of save bloating.

They are reserved for the next clean up cycle should the player decides to "demote" Stored Undead.

Corpses within this category are automatically cleaned up each time the player disposes a corpse.

Corpses within this category gets purged automatically each time the player creates undead.

Players can schedule a clean up cycle via the "Debug" option from the grimoire's menu.

The clean up system safely disposes vanilla and modded corpses without destroying the spawn points for enemies.

A maximum of 25 bodies can be sent to this category.

The number of corpses within this category can be tracked via the "Stats" option from the grimoire's menu.

Due to the fact that one of the three triggers to initiate a clean up cycle is the act of disposing a corpse, players should make it a habit to routinely dispose the corpses of created undead that they are not using anymore, instead of just leaving them around. If the corpse is one of the player's favorites then the player can opt to "record" that corpse in the grimoire with either one of the mod's cloning systems: the Study system via corpse dissection or the Soul Bind system via the Soul Bind ritual accessed from the Undead Follower Overhaul's menu.

::Marked Undead::

With the Undead Follower Overhaul perk, players can "promote" created undead to "Marked Undead." There are a few benefits to promoting your undead to Marked Undead:

They will pull out their weapons whenever you do and will automatically equip the best armor and weapons in their inventory.

They will sneak whenever the player sneaks.

They gain 100% resistance to frost, poison and disease resistance.

They can be given outfits.

They are now immune to paralysis, disintegration, decapitation and the Wabbajack.

They can be summoned to the player with the Summon Undead spell.

They can be issued orders like killing specific targets of the "Anathema" spell.

Players can cast non-hostile spells, that are equipped on either their right or left hand, on the reanimated thrall. This feature can be used to apply healing spells, armor spells, light spells, buffs and other utility spells. It is recommend that players stick to simple fire and forget spells and use concentration spells sparingly.

The reanimation effect shaders for Marked Undead will persist across loading screens, unlike vanilla and modded reanimated thralls which loses their shaders due to a vanilla bug.

Swapping affinities will seamlessly update the effect shaders for the reanimation spells without the need to kill and reanimate the thrall.

A maximum of 25 reanimated thralls can be promoted to this category.

The number of undead within this category can be tracked via the "Stats" option from the grimoire's menu.

::The Undead::

The Create Undead ritual grants players the ability to create 32 different types of undead which becomes 92 unique undead once the different classes of these undead types are taken into account. There are a few differences between the undead created with this mod and the ones from vanilla.

They scale with the player's level, so will remain useful at higher levels.

They immediately join the Stored Dead category and instantly gain access to the more advanced features of this mod.

They have been set to not break the player's stealth if the player is sneaking.

They all have the Light Foot perk, so they won't trigger traps.

The player can't resurrect created undead.

New undead can't be made from created undead, but undead can be upgraded to greater undead if they have an upgradable option in the Create Greater Undead ritual.

Incorporeal undead can't be created from "soulless" corpses, that is, corpses that have had their souls used like "clay" to "mold" or create incorporeal undead.

::Skeletal Undead::

Skeleton - Created from the corpses of NPCs. Five different skeleton types can be created based on the classes of the corpses, for instance, one can create skeleton archers from the bodies of those who were skilled in archery. Aside from archers one can create two-handers, one-handers, one-handers with a shield and a spell caster from the body of someone who was skilled with destruction magic.

Corrupted Shade - Players can create 3 different types of corrupted shades - one Stormcloak shade from dead Stormcloaks, an Imperial shade from the corpses of Imperial soldiers and a generic shade from the bodies of those who were unaligned in the Civil War. Just as with the case of Skeletons above each type has 5 different classes, giving players the opportunity to raise a total of 15 different corrupted shades.

Boneman - Created from the corpses of NPCs. Four different classes of bonemen are available, with the mage archetype not being one of them.

Mistman - Created from the corpses of NPCs.

Wrathman - Created from the corpses of NPCs.

Keeper - Created from the corpses of NPCs. Four different classes of keepers are available, with no mages available

::Corporeal Undead::

Worm Thrall - Created from dead bodies and by referencing pages with the anatomical sketches of corpses recorded from studying corpses after they were dissected. This undead is a corporeal clone of the subject that was dissected.

Draugr - Created from dead NPCs. Five different Draugr are possible based on the classes of the corpses that were used, for instance, a Draugr that favors two handed weapons can be created from an NPC that favors the two handed skill (just like in the case with Skeletons and Corrupted Shades above). This rule applies for all other Draugr types below as well.

Restless Draugr - Created from dead NPCs.

Draugr Wight - Created from dead NPCs.

Draugr Scourge - Created from dead NPCs.

Ash Spawn - Created from dead NPCs.

Hulking Draugr - Created from dead NPCs.

Draugr Deathlord - Created from dead NPCs.

Forsworn Briarheart - Created from dead NPCs. Unlike the other corporeal undead the deceased NPC must be a male. Five different classes are available for Briarhearts.

::Incorporeal Undead::

Spectral Thrall - Created from reanimated thralls whose souls were bound by the "Soul Bind" ritual, the bound souls from said ritual are bound to pages of the grimoire which can then be referenced to create ethereal clones of those thralls.

Spectral Warhound - Created from dead canine like dogs and huskies

Spectral Draugr - Created from dead NPCs, just as with the case with other Draugr, one can create five different classes of this type of undead based on the class and equipment of the deceased NPC.

Subjugated Ghost - Created from male dead NPCs, five different classes of ghosts can be produced based on the class and equipment of the corpse that the ritual is performed on.

Headless Horseman - Created from male dead NPCs.

Wisp - Created from any dead corpse.

Wispmother - Created from dead female NPCs.

Spectral Horse - Created from dead horses. This horse has been set to use the same meshes and textures that Frost uses. This means that Spectral Horses will inherit the appearance of Frost from Frost mods like my PermaFrost mod, however, they won't inherit any of the passive and active spells from that mod. The auras of Spectral Horses will adapt to the player's affinity, meaning frost affinity will result in a frosty spectral horse.

::Accursed Undead::

Death Hound - Created from dead canine like dogs and huskies.

Frozen Chaurus - Created from dead Chaurus.

Frozen Falmer - Created from dead Falmer. Five different classes can be raised based on the combat style that the falmer had in life.

::Upgraded Undead::

The Create Greater Undead ritual grants players the ability to upgrade their created undead. At the moment, a total of 6 undead types can be upgraded to their lore-friendly counterparts with more upgradable undead to come in future updates.

Draugr Overlord - Upgraded from Restless Draugr.

Draugr Wight Lord - Upgraded from Draugr Wight.

Draugr Scourge Lord - Upgraded from Draugr Scourge.

Draugr Death Overlord - Upgraded from Draugr Deathlord.

Dragon Priest - Upgraded from Draugr Death Overlord.

Corrupted Shade Priest - Upgraded from generic Corrupted Shades of the mage class.


Skyrim - Latest Version





Before enabling the mod in your load order please kill off any reanimated thrall(s) that you might have with you and make a save or a few saves. It is important that you make a backup save before installing this mod, because this mod makes use of scripts and will corrupt your save should you decide to uninstall the mod on an ongoing save. This pre-installation backup save should be used instead should you want to safely uninstall the mod at a later time. While save cleaners may be another option, I cannot vouch for how reliable they can be in cleaning orphan scripts from your save and might actually make things worse.

After making a pre-installation save, to rollback to should you change your mind about using the mod, you can either Install the mod virtually with your preferred mod manager or copy and paste the contents of the zip files into the Data directory. 


You can update the mod by reinstalling it with the updated version through your mod manager or by manually deleting the mod and installing it again with the updated version. Once in-game equip the grimoire to enter the grimoire's menu, the player will see a new option available called "Update Mod." Click this option and wait for it to complete to finalize the mod's update in-game.


This mod has scripts and shouldn't be uninstalled on an ongoing save that had the mod enabled. If you decide to uninstall the mod then uninstall it and revert to the pre-installation save(s) that was made by following the Installation procedure above.

::Mod Compatibility::

The Dark Arts will serve as a good companion mod to the popular perk overhauls. It was designed with compatibility in mind and will play well with these mods:

::Compatible Mods::

Undeath Remastered

Undead FX

Path of Sorcery - Magic Perk Overhaul

T3nd0's Perkus Maximus SSE

Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim

Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim

Hunterborn SE

SkyrimSouls - Unpaused Game Menus

Skyrim Souls RE - Updated

::Incompatible Mods::

Mods that edit the ReanimateAshPile script within the ReanimateSecondayFFAimed and ReanimateSecondayTargetActor magic effects. If you own such a mod just move this mod under that mod to overwrite it to ensure that this mod will prevent the creation of ashpiles from dead reanimated thralls.

If you found any conflicting mods, then please send me a message, so I can list the conflicting mod by name within this compatibility section for the sake of other users.

::Recommended Mods::

Please note that the following mods aren't actually required for this mod to work:

Better MessageBox Controls - Highly recommended for better navigation through the new menus that are added by this mod.

Enderal Font for Skyrim SE (Dumbledor Font) - If you ever played Enderal like I did and can never go back to the default Skyrim font ever again.

Zombie Voice Remover

Reapers Necromancers Robe Textures Replacer

Black Robe Replacer (Necromancer Themed) 3 Varients - Male Only

Necromancers Amulet Replacement

DCR - King Crusader Mega Pack


Please do not upload my mod to other websites. Anyone can make a translation for this mod and my other mods without seeking my permission. The only thing that I ask is that you at least upload the translation to the Nexus. For those out there who own a website, then it's perfectly fine if you host the translation on other websites, but all I ask is that you please maintain a separate mod page for the translation here on the Nexus in addition to that copy on your website.


Special thanks to D6Damage for all of the necromancy related videos for D&D and Pathfinder which helped to fill the gaps in areas where even the Elder Scrolls lore on Necromancy was scarce.




May_TS4_Hair76F | 小小饰品整合 老货:包括天使恶魔套 包括图内天使光环 | 杀马特风飞蛾颈部纹身 | TDF Aggressive Prostitution | Devious Devices 2.0 | 范围弓 |


  • May_TS4_Hair76F
  • 小小饰品整合 老货:包括天使恶魔套 包括图内天使光环
  • 杀马特风飞蛾颈部纹身
  • TDF Aggressive Prostitution
  • Devious Devices 2.0
  • 范围弓