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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的装甲的小丑服装 Mod,由WolfsTrinity制作。836429992在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: WolfsTrinity Mod版本: 1.0SSE Mod大小: 1.31 KB 更新时间: 2019-10-31 00:51:39 发布时间: 2019-10-31 00:51:39


屏幕截图注意:我将重新获取SSE的屏幕截图。 。 。最终。在此之前,请注意,屏幕截图是在经过严格修改的oldrim中制作的。这纯粹是一个统计模式。


这个快速的小模组可以同时使用两个版本的Jester Outfit Cicero穿着,并将其转变为真正的轻型装甲。您可以在不杀死他的情况下获得的通用版本也是可以制作的(在Ebony下),并且不再附魔。统计数据基于“古代裹尸布”集(在找到它们之前可以轻松获得),并且可以在上面套圈。

或者,您可以获取独立版本,它接受了我对通用Jester's Outfit所做的所有更改,并将它们重新创建为一个单独的集,完全不涉及香草服装。大多数纹理/网格替换器仍将适用于它,因为它仍然指向那些相同的位置。但是,无论出于何种原因而改变的替代品,无论是在Jester的Outfit还是Cicero的Outfit试图查找其网格/纹理的位置上,都不会出现在独立设备上。











Bethnet /控制台:我不在乎将其上传到更多地方,所以目前还没有。但是,如果有人要求我这样做,并不是很难。







由于此mod不会触及任何已平衡列表,因此您无需重建废弃的修补程序或其他任何东西。如果愿意,您甚至可以将其添加到补丁中并禁用我的.esp-结附会继续进行,因为它们很奇怪,而且其他所有内容都很简单,Wrye Bash可以毫无问题地复制它。








Screenshots Note: I will retake screenshots for SSE . . . eventually. Until then, note that screenshots were made in a heavily-modded oldrim. This is purely a stats mod.

What Do?
This quick, little mod takes both versions of the Jester Outfit Cicero wears and turns it into really good light armor. The generic version you can get without killing him is also craftable(under Ebony) and no longer enchanted. Stats are based on the Ancient Shrouded set(which you can easily get before finding them) and you can wear circlets with them.

Alternately, you can can grab the standalone, which takes all the changes I made to the generic Jester's Outfit and recreates them as a separate set that doesn't touch the vanilla outfits at all. Most texture/mesh replacers will still apply to it since it still points at the same places for those. Any replacer that for whatever reason changes where the Jester's Outfit or Cicero's Outfit looks to find its meshes/textures will not show up on the standalone outfit, though.

Crafting Info:
A: You can find the Jester's Clothes under Ebony and craft them using leather, leather strips, ebony, and linen wraps. The recipes are the same as for leather armor with one additional ebony ingot and linen wrap each for everything except the torso, which takes two of each.
B: Temper them at the workbench as usual using leather. To get the doubled improvement bonus, you need the Ebony Smithing perk.
C: You need to finish "The Cure for Madness" before you can craft the Jester's Clothes. This is the quest where you actually find the original -- you can craft multiple sets to enchant but my mod does not let you get the outfit before you're supposed to.

Things this mod does NOT do:

1: Add any new items.

2: Change any models or textures in any way. If you have a replacer, it will still work perfectly fine unless your replacer makes the two sets look different from each other. In that case, I would probably need to make a patch.

Oldrim? Bethnet? Consoles?
Oldrim Workshop.
Bethnet/Consoles: I don't care to upload this in even more places so currently no -- but if someone asks me to, it wouldn't be very difficult.

Other Recommended Mods:

Amazing Follower Tweaks or some other thing that makes it easier to manage your followers' outfits. You'll need one to get Cicero out of his clothes so you can improve them.

Not Compatible With:

The base version is incompatible with any other mod that changes the stats of these two outfits. They definitely exist but I made this in the first place because none of the ones I could find seemed like they did all the things -- that is: they all looked like they were incomplete in one way or another. Now that I've actually fixed my own mod, it does do all the things.

The standalone should work with just about everything.

Merges, Bash Patches, Load Order, That Sort of Thing:

Since this mod doesn't touch any leveled lists, you don't need to rebuild your bashed patch or anything. You can even add it to the patch and disable my .esp if you'd like -- enchantments carry over because they're weird and everything else is simple enough that Wrye Bash can duplicate it no problem.

For Load Order, this can basically go anywhere. Not many things touch these outfits so any mod that conflicts with this one is probably a mod that you shouldn't be using with it at all. There is one exception: Utter Uniques Upgrade might be semi-compatible depending on how it works. If it only touches the enchantments specifically, Cicero's Outfit(and only it) should have both. Otherwise? Put my mod below that in your load order if you prefer the armor or above it/disabled/just get rid of it if you prefer the enchantments.


Hey, so you know how some(crazy) people recommend completely restarting your game every time you so much as touch any mod? That does not apply here. The only issues you might have from uninstalling would be with the actual clothes so to be cautious about that:
A: Make sure you're not actually wearing any of this stuff just in case. Cicero might have some extra armor rating if you don't bother stripping him but is otherwise fine. Save your game.
B: remove mod.
C: use the console to cheat in a fresh set of the clothes just in case -- might not be needed. Not really sure.




GDG's Scout, Submarines, Ranger, Nuclear Submarine Ignore Bo | Pixelsimdreams_CheekyBabyBlush 幼儿皮肤 | 辐射4 高堡奇人版开场动画MOD | VStancer v0.2.2 | Chiliad(红木,雪松树+小屋)的森林[Add-On | YMAP] 2.1 | 上古卷轴5 让龙也有好身材MOD |


  • GDG's Scout, Submarines, Ranger, Nuclear Submarine Ignore Bo
  • Pixelsimdreams_CheekyBabyBlush 幼儿皮肤
  • 辐射4 高堡奇人版开场动画MOD
  • VStancer v0.2.2
  • Chiliad(红木,雪松树+小屋)的森林[Add-On | YMAP] 2.1
  • 上古卷轴5 让龙也有好身材MOD