
资源大小:73.5 KB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的孤独的杂草丛生 Mod,由DoxModss制作。84659646在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: DoxModss Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 73.5 KB 更新时间: 2019-10-23 01:16:08 发布时间: 2019-10-23 01:16:08






兼容性:应该与大多数mod兼容,当然,如果另一个mod将对象添加到孤独世界空间中,则有可能被此mod添加的对象覆盖。当我使用此Mod时,我试图通过不断检查游戏中是否存在此问题来确保不会发生这种情况,但是我没有安装所有的solitude mod,因此取决于您安装的内容,您可能会或可能不会遇到此问题。对于那些使用开放城市的人来说,此mod似乎不会改变任何东西,因为它仅改变了孤独世界而不是Skyrim / Tamriel世界。如果我对此表示正确,并且其中一位知道如何在开放城市中使用它,请参阅下面的权限。




鸣谢:我只使用了原始skyrim.esm中的资产,但是我想让大家知道,我从razorkid的Beyond Reach mod中的Evermore市获得了这个mod的灵感。如果您还没有尝试过,那么您肯定会错过我认为是联系上最好的新土地/任务模组之一的东西。

关于我:我才刚刚开始改装,所以这对我来说仍然是新手,如果有任何问题,请给我发送电子邮件至DoxModss@gmail.com,主题为“ MOD SUPPORT”,后跟mods名称,我将尝试我尽力解决它。再次,我仍然是一个新手,因此请在发送电子邮件之前做一些研究,谢谢。 :)


Description: More than doubles the amount of flora in the solitude world space. Adds several fountains and statues including a statue of Talos that will only appear after the Stormcloaks win the war. Also adds a way to get to the top of Emperor's tower for easier hawk surfing. The goal of this mod was to make solitude an even more beautiful place. This is the Solitude that I always wanted to see.
The fountains are located: near the market place, near the hall of the dead, and behind victoria vici's house

Requirements: Skyrim.esm

Compatibility: Should be compatible with most mods, of course if another mod adds an object to the solitude world space there is a chance that it will be covered by an object added by this mod. While I worked on this mod I tried to make sure this didn't happen by constantly checking in game for this issue but I didn't have every solitude mod installed so depending on what you have installed you may or may not have this issue. For those of you using open cities this mod will probably not appear to change anything because it only changes the solitude world space and not the Skyrim/Tamriel world space. If I am right about that and one of you know how to make it work with open cities see permissions below.

Permissions: I give anyone full permission to edit and re-upload this mod so long as proper credit is given (In fact I encourage it because I would hate for users to have to choose between this mod and another.) For those who know how to port mods to Xbox, VR etc, feel free to do so as I am moving on to another project and don't have the time to keep messing with this mod.

Installation: I suggest using a mod manager, but if you prefer manual that's also fine. As far as load order this is a very lightweight mod with no scripts so it really doesn't matter where it is placed. 

There is an additional file for those of you who have JK's Skyrim installed. It features a few less trees and rocks and is missing one of the fountains.

Credits: I only used assets from the vanilla skyrim.esm, However I would like to let everyone know that I got inspiration for this mod from the city of Evermore in razorkid's  Beyond Reach mod. If you haven't tried it out yet you are definitely missing out on what I think is one of the best new lands/quest mods on the nexus.

About me: I Just started modding so this is all still new to me, If there are any issues please send me an email at DoxModss@gmail.com with the subject as "MOD SUPPORT" followed by the mods name and I'll try my best to resolve it. Again I'm am still very much a novice at this so please do some research before emailing me, Thank you. :)




花植物2 | 小秘书制服 | 伯莱塔92FS“短剑” 1.1 | Michelle Chang Tekken 1.1 | 模拟人生4 v1.31Cantoria女士刺绣镂空面尖头高跟鞋MOD | 《龙腾世纪:起源》去除头盔补丁 |


  • 花植物2
  • 小秘书制服
  • 伯莱塔92FS“短剑” 1.1
  • Michelle Chang Tekken 1.1
  • 模拟人生4 v1.31Cantoria女士刺绣镂空面尖头高跟鞋MOD
  • 《龙腾世纪:起源》去除头盔补丁