主菜单音乐替换器主要主题合并ES 3-6

资源大小:5.44 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的主菜单音乐替换器主要主题合并ES 3-6 Mod,由DoxModss制作。wxwang在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: DoxModss Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 5.44 MB 更新时间: 2019-10-21 14:24:59 发布时间: 2019-10-21 14:24:59


Description(说明):复制主菜单音乐,并包含Elder Scrolls主要主题3-6的惊人混搭。此混搭是由youtube频道Ultimate Immersion OST创建的,我只是在游戏中使用了它。这是我到目前为止看到的最好的混搭。对于那些喜欢以前的上级卷轴游戏的人来说,只有两分钟的怀旧之情,而当那些太熟悉的和弦敲打时,人们对于即将出现的情况感到兴奋。 Ultimate Immersion OST并放置一个子,很显然该频道投入了大量时间并值得更多关注。




链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = TIg38mKGWpo




3.在一个安全的地方创建一个新文件夹,例如“ Vanilla Title Music”,因为它是您要存储原始标题音乐的位置,因此您不要松开它。

4.现在,您可以提取文件并合并数据文件夹,或将WAV文件(名为“ mus_maintheme”)移动到“数据”>“音乐”>“特殊”中。

5.如果您按照这些说明操作到“ T”,则应该没有问题,并且在启动游戏时您会听到新的音乐。

说明:该文件之所以被称为“ mus_maintheme”,是因为该名称是游戏尝试播放标题音乐时要查找的名称。任何xwm或mono 16位wav文件都可以重复此过程。有关更多信息,请观看此视频,它确实对我起步有帮助:



免责声明:万一我与实际音乐的创作无关,我只是将其转换为Skyrim引擎可以使用的格式。所有功劳归功于Ultimate Immersion OST,后者花费大量时间来欣赏这种音乐。我敦促您检查其他渠道。


DESCRIPTION: Replaces the main menu music with an amazing mashup of Elder Scrolls main themes 3 - 6. This mashup was created by the youtube channel Ultimate Immersion OST, I merely made it usable by the game. This is the best mashup I have seen thus far. It is two minutes of nostalgia for those of us who loved the previous elder scrolls games and a rush of excitement for what is on the horizon when those all too familiar chords hit. Please go and check out Ultimate Immersion OST and drop a sub, it is very clear the channel puts a lot of time into it's work and deserves more attention.

Here is the link to the channel:

Video of song:

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIg38mKGWpo

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: This is a step by step guide for a clean install of this mod and will give you the basics on how to replace the title music with any other song.

1. Download mod and save it somewhere like your desktop.

2. IMPORTANT: before doing anything else navigate to Data>Music>special in file explorer (if any of these folders do not exist create them)

3. Create a new folder in a safe place like the desktop and name it something like "Vanilla Title Music" as this is where you will store the original title music so that you do not loose it.

4. now you may extract your files and merge the Data folders or move the WAV file (named "mus_maintheme") into Data>Music>special

5. If you followed these instructions to the 'T' there should be no problems and when you launch the game you will here the new music.

Explanation: The reason the file is called "mus_maintheme" is because that is the name the game looks for when trying to play the title music. This process can be repeated with any xwm or mono 16-bit wav file. For more information check out this video that really helped me starting out:

For more help on installation or if you have other issues please leave a comment in the posts section or visit the forums where there are thousands of people who could have the answer you are looking for.

DISCLAIMER: Just in case I was not clear enough before, I have nothing to do with the creation of the actual music I just converted it to and acceptable format for the Skyrim engine to use. All Credit goes to Ultimate Immersion OST who put in a lot of time for us to enjoy this music. I urge you to check out the channels other work and to become a subscriber.




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  • 侠盗猎车4 复古可口可乐外观大众甲壳虫车MOD
  • 欧陆风云4 v1.22超经典时间线延长MOD[2-9999]
  • 上古卷轴5 哈比人的袋底洞MOD
  • 《NBA 2K11》TMAC系列 鞋补
  • 一个萝莉随从Chantez