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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的燃烧钢铁兄弟会 Mod,由BoBabuh制作。jgfhjjhg在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: BoBabuh Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 4.72 KB 更新时间: 2019-10-09 16:50:58 发布时间: 2019-10-09 16:50:58






Nizeer Aukneez:来自Hammerfell的Redguard战士。他是重建《燃烧的钢铁兄弟会》的人,现在是首席


Valkar Steel-Born:巨人北部,伟大Hormvoar Steel-Born的后代。他是坦克,承受了不可思议的伤害。他是“上级血统”,换句话说,是第二指挥官


格罗达格(Gro-Dag Ogredesh):白化兽人,伟大的真钢血统的后裔。他很坚强,如果不是因为他那么固执,他将成为第二指挥。


娜塔莉亚·罗克霍尔德(Natalia Rockhold):她是唯一的女性,直到阿根廷人到达。这位年轻的北方女人坚强而坚强。她是Michelle Rockhold的后代,潜力无限


阿诺里·沃克斯(Anori Vox):这群人中唯一的邓默/黑暗精灵,也是唯一的法师,直到再次出现氩气。他老而又聪明。如果不是因为他那么谦虚,他可能只是因为他的经验和力量而成为了首席。


敏捷的达里克(Dar'iq the Nimble):达里克(Dar'iq)总是按照自己的规则行事,直到尼泽尔(Nizeer)能够使他专注于兄弟情谊而不是他自己的自私欲望。他是一个弓箭手,敏捷,或者很敏捷。







我的蒸汽:o KO37 o




7 diverse followers spread across Skyrim, all part of the Burning Steel Brotherhood: An old werewolf guild back from the 2nd era, brought back to life with their descendants. All generic basic followers for now. I'm hoping I will be able to add MUCH more to them, and maybe even a quest in the future, but for now, enjoy what I've got here.

This IS my second ever mod posted publicly, the first being only 1 of the 7 followers by himself (Nizeer) so technically this is my first.

These companions are a part of some lore I've created but it is not cannon, so whether or not you want to say it is, thsts up to you. If you just want to use one or two of them for something else, then by all means, of course, have at it. They are after all generic companions. They can be whatever you want them to be. But they were made to be together, and part of the same guild.

This mod includes 7 followers:

Nizeer Aukneez: Redguard warrior from Hammerfell. He was the one to recreate the Burning Steel Brotherhood, and is now the Chief
Location:Riverwood-Sleeping Giant Inn

Valkar Steel-Born: A GIANT Nord, descendant of the great Hormvoar Steel-Born. He's a tank, and takes incredible amounts of damage. He is the 'Blood-Superior' or in other words, the second in command
Location:Riverwood-Sleeping Giant Inn

Gro-Dag Ogredesh: An Albino Orc, descendant of the great True Steel Lineage. He's tough and strong, and if it wasn't for how stubborn he was, he'd be second in command.
Location:Dawnstar-Windpeak Inn

Natalia Rockhold: She was the only female until the argonian arrived. The young nord woman is tough and strong. She is the descendant of Michelle Rockhold, and she shows great potential
Location:Whiterun-Drunken Huntsmen

Anori Vox: The only dunmer/Dark elf of the group, and was the only mage until, again, the argonian arrived. He's old and wise. If it wasn't for him being as humble as he is, he might've been the chief just because of his experience and power.
Location:Grey Quarter/Windhelm-New Gnisis CornerClub

Dar'iq the Nimble: Dar'iq is a khajiit that always played by his own rules until Nizeer was able to get him to focus of the brotherhood instead of his own selfish wants. He's an archer, quick and or course nimble.
Location:Dragon's Bridge-Four Shields Tavern

Fights-For-Family: The only argonian of the group. She is a decent mage, and is very ambitious in her efforts to learn more spells, and become a true Blood-Sister
Location:Riften-Bee in Barb

(Fights is supposed to be a healer but i failed lol. I will go back and try to fix her up but I might just end up making her a destruction mage or battlemage)

Future Plans:I am new to modding and the CK confuses the dooky out of me. I want to make this into a big quest and faction mod for the player, but I've already tried this before and gave up. Hopefully, I can get it done in this attempt. So I'd say dont expect it, but maybe keep it in mind, that this mod COULD become more than just a bunxh of dry followers.

If you're willing to help, you can let me know of any bugs or tell me what you think of the mod, either directly or in the forums or posts. And if you REALLY want to help, and you have lots of experience with quest mods, you can direct message me either on Steam or Discord (More active on Discord)  and offer to help me with any problems. Enough help and I'd be able to make this idea of my mod into a reality, and I'd be much more grateful than you can imagine

My Steam:o KO37 o
(There are no zeros in my name. Only Os)

My Discord:Tax Evasion#1413




高清天際美化Skyrim HD...無esp,只有textures | 十字军之王2 DarkWorld汉化版 | MOD、u.s.n(美国海军)波士顿号无畏舰(地牢) - U.S.N BOSTON DREADNOUGHT V4 | VR的现实挖掘 | DOA5 ZERO_SUIT_HELENA_BODY MOD | 辐射4 圣诞武器MOD |


  • 高清天際美化Skyrim HD...無esp,只有textures
  • 十字军之王2 DarkWorld汉化版
  • MOD、u.s.n(美国海军)波士顿号无畏舰(地牢) - U.S.N BOSTON DREADNOUGHT V4
  • VR的现实挖掘
  • 辐射4 圣诞武器MOD