(SJG)灯亮-法术发射光(与Ordinator-Apocalypse-Sacrosanct-Shadow Spell

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的(SJG)灯亮-法术发射光(与Ordinator-Apocalypse-Sacrosanct-Shadow Spell Mod,由Skeleton Jack制作。路过你的天堂在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Skeleton Jack Mod版本: 1.4.1 Mod大小: 26.0 MB 更新时间: 2019-09-30 18:54:59 发布时间: 2019-09-30 18:54:59


有没有想过你的咒语应该像一个光源?沮丧,您无法手持法术的火炬吗?感觉自己手中有咒语时,应该就能看到眼前的东西吗?我有适合你的mod !!




仅修改mod中的“ Light”类别。不是“咒语”,“魔术效果”或其他任何内容。




包括支持Ordinator,Apocalypse,Sacrosanct和Shadow Spell Package的替代选项。





《 Spells Emit Light》的作者做出了一些对外部观察者来说是任意的价值选择。它们似乎与Torch的值没有任何关联,而我的则直接基于Torch。此外,该MOD错过了一些法术之光条目,包括动态标志(Dynamic flag),该标志导致冲突,导致无法达到Dynamic Light上限,并且不提供对其他MOD(包括法术)的支持。















人们遇到了问题。 Mods也...

这可能与任何编辑“ Light”值的mod冲突,例如“现实照明大修”或“ ELFX”。在这样的mod之后加载灯光。 Lights On不能正常工作Lights Off,这两个mod完全相反。

并非所有咒语都能在第一人称视角下正常发光。不幸的是,这是Casting Art NIF文件(在Skyrim BSA中)和/或第一/第三人称视角的缺陷。可能的答案是重做NIF(超出我的技能水平)或将铸造艺术替换为现有的可行铸造艺术。我已经测试过了,而且行得通。 Mod中留下了两个工作示例(Resurgence和Apocalypse的Azure重构)以证明这一点。


当前,任何冲击法术,一些变更法术和一些幻觉法术都不会在第一人称视角正确发光。但是,如果您不玩电击法师,那么这对您的影响不会太大。 (请注意!“第三人称”可以很好地工作!)最终,如果我无法解决此问题,答案将是返回并仅使“魔术效果”条目指向当前正在运行的同一所学校的不同“铸造艺术”条目(例如我进行了中兴和Azure重建)。但是我想看看是否有另一种解决方案可以朝着这种脚的方法迈进。

如果您想知道为什么某些咒语的颜色不匹配(例如,咒语咒语在您的手中是紫色的,而发出的是红色的光芒),这些都是有关法术或Mod设计者的。它们与Casting Art颜色与Emitted Light颜色不匹配。我只是使光更可见。我与选择颜色托盘无关。


非常感谢EnaiSiaion,G_ka,jonnyWang33,sabrio204,Nassens,matortheeternal,以及我错过的其他人,这些人帮助我实现了这个mod。我的mod LIGHTS OFF的创建导致了它的克星,即LIGHTS ON。


我还有其他mod !!


(SJG)OMEGA-重型装备-MorrowLoot Ultimate的武器AIO Mod

(SJG)OMEGA-Asrow SSE招商和培训师MorrowLoot Ultimate

(SJG)灯亮-法术发射光(与Ordinator-Apocalypse-Sacrosanct-Shadow Spell Package兼容)









Ever thought your spells should act like a light source?  Frustrated you can't carry a Torch with spells in your hands?  Feel like you should be able to see what's right in front of you when a spell is in your hand?  I've got the mod for you!!

What does LIGHTS ON do?
It does what it says.  It's Boss like that!

Any spell you hold in your hand will emit light.  Pretty simple eh?  Nice!

Only modifies the "Light" category in mods.  Not "Spells", "Magic Effects", or anything else.

Spells will now emit light similar to a torch.

There are three versions: Dim, Normal and Bright.

Light emitted will be of the same color as the school of magic used.  

Includes alternative options to support Ordinator, Apocalypse, Sacrosanct, and Shadow Spell Package.

Compatible with Spell Mods that use vanilla Hand Light values.

Emitted light creates shadows.  I know of no way to remove/alter that effect.

But...what about Spells Emit Light?
Not the same mod.  Not at all.

The author of Spells Emit Light made several value choices that seem arbitrary to an outside viewer.  They don't seem to have any correlation to the values of a Torch, whereas mine are directly based off a Torch.  Also that mod missed a few spell Light entries, includes the Dynamic flag which causes conflicts hitting the Dynamic Light cap, and doesn't offer support for other mods including spells.

See the pictures above to see an example of the range from Dim to Bright.


Dim: 512 (torch)

Normal: 768 (50% more than torch)

Bright: 1024 (double torch)

Near Clip

Dim: 9 (half torch)

Normal: 18 (same as torch)

Bright: 36 (double torch)


Dim: 0.68 (1/2 torch)

Normal: 1.35 (same as torch)

Bright: 1.35 (same as torch)

Known Issues
People got issues.  Mods do too...

This can have conflicts with any mod that edits "Light" values such as Realistic Lighting Overhaul or ELFX.  Load Lights On after mods like these.  Lights On will not work Lights Off, those 2 mods do entirely opposite things.

Not all spells will emit light properly in 1st person perspective while they do work in 3rd person.  This is unfortunately a flaw with either the Casting Art NIF files (in the Skyrim BSA's) and/or the 1st/3rd person camera perspectives.  The likely answer would be to redo the NIF's (beyond my skill level) or to swap the casting art to existing casting art that works.  I've tested that and that works.  Two working examples (Resurgence and Azure Reconstruction for Apocalypse) were left in the mod to prove the point.

However as Shock spells will not emit light properly in 1st person I've not gone down this road yet bc it would simply look stupid to have a conjuration or frost casting art in your hands when holding a shock spell.  Though this would solve issues with a few spells from Illusion and Alteration.

Currently any Shock spell, a few Alteration spells, and a few Illusion spells will not emit light in 1st person properly.  However if you're not playing a Shock mage then this won't impact you much.  (Note!  3rd Person works perfectly fine!)  Eventually if I can't solve this problem the answer would be to go back and just make Magic Effect entries that point to different Casting Art entries for the same school that currently do work (like I did for Resurgence and Azure Reconstruction).  But I'd like to see if there's another solution to moving towards that ham-fisted approach.

If you're wondering why some spells have mismatching colors (such as a Conjuration spell being purple in your hand, yet emitting say red light) that is all on the Spell or Mod designer in question.  They didn't match the Casting Art color to the Emitted Light color.  I just made the light more visible.  I had nothing to do with choosing the color pallets.


Serious thank you's to EnaiSiaion, G_ka, jonnyWang33, sabrio204, Nassens, matortheeternal and anyone else I missed who helped me on the path that lead to this mod.  The creation of my mod LIGHTS OFF lead to it's nemesis, LIGHTS ON.

Any other cool stuff?!
I've got other mods!!

(SJG) OMEGA - The Modular Gameplay Overhaul for SSE
(SJG) OMEGA - Heavy Armory - The Weapon AIO Mod for MorrowLoot Ultimate
(SJG) OMEGA - Ashara SSE Merchants and Trainers for MorrowLoot Ultimate
(SJG) Lights On - Spells Emit Light (Compatible with Ordinator - Apocalypse - Sacrosanct - Shadow Spell Package)
(SJG) Lights Out - Spells Emit No Light (Compatible with Ordinator - Apocalypse - Sacrosanct - Shadow Spell Package)
(SJG) Dual Wield Parrying Reimplementation for SSE (Works for Spell Blades as well)
(SJG) Better Sounding Female Dragon Shouts
(SJG) Quick Light Patch (based upon in game Torch values for light settings)
(SJG) UPF Patcher - See the Encounter Zone level in the name of the zone

Skeleton Jack
-Suffer Well Brothers and Sisters...




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