Werebats- Mihail怪物与动物(SSE PORT)

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Werebats- Mihail怪物与动物(SSE PORT) Mod,由Mihail制作。happyhaoyu在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Mihail Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 25.1 MB 更新时间: 2019-09-30 16:14:17 发布时间: 2019-09-30 16:14:17



他们似乎在充满血迹的洞穴中崇拜Hircine,那里有质朴的祭坛献给王子,还有奇怪的骨雕,死去的动物在杆子上以及臭黑的水坑。这听起来类似于契约性的Noxiphilic Sanguivoria的仪式,这种形式的吸血鬼可能是或不属于当他们以狼毒法形式契约时所增加的吸血鬼疾病类型。












Mihail- wasbat模型,纹理,动画,声音,效果,咒语,





Vampires specially addicted to the act of the hunt may end worshipping Hircine in the search to increase the joy of tearing apart their preys. Commonly the vampire blood does not allow the development of the lycanthropy (in the context of TES this includes not only werewolves, but all werebeast transformations), specially when contracted due to contact with werebeasts, but in this case, the vampires turned into werebats were turned directly by Hircine himself. Commonly they were not specially strong vampires, and with not so dominant forms of vampirism,just an inmense lust for hunting and bloodspreading.
They seem to worship Hircine inside blood covered caves, with rustic altars to the Prince, with strange bone sculptures, dead animals on poles, and puddles of stinky black blood. This sounds similar to the ritual to contract Noxiphilic Sanguivoria, a form of vampirism that may or not be the vampire disease type they add when contracted the form of lycanthropy they have.
No matter the type of vampirism, its still clear they rettain the condition, due to their usage of blood magic also when transformed. They can absorb life with their sharp wing slashes, and their sonic screech.
We can consider, maybe, the werebat as the perfect hybrid between a lycanthrope and a vampire, in a certain way.
Commonly they live in caves in remote places, and you will find allways an alpha leading a small group.
Its also important to clarify that people of tamriel commonly have very small contact with real werebats, and when they encounter giant bats (first appeared on ESO, and are a thing for other mod), due to their certain humanoid details, commonly people believe they are a type of vampire, and, well, a werebat.
This is completely wrong, and not only a Giant Bat is not a type of Vampire, but also the undead variant of the giant bat, contamined with vampirism by vampires, can't be considered so.
Due to the simple fact they are not a sentient race turned into a werebeast, to call a giant bat or an undead giant bat a werebat, is wrong and does not make sense.
(yep i know eso made the shit to call the undead variant of the giant bat as werebat, but im correcting this, since its bullshit, also Legends messed it a lot too, since their Giant Bat is just a big common bat, while they have 2 werebat cards, one is just a Giant Bat from ESO, is the one is a bipedal common bat with some humanoid traits, so lets ignore all that disrespect with the lore they are doing that pisses me the most)

- 1 new type of enemy- giant bat, with new spells, loot, effects, sound, etc

- new caves

- more vampire lore


Mihail- werebat model, texture, animations, sound, effects, spells, 
new areas concept and mounting of part of the caves

Some assets used on this mod belong too:

Phitt- in order to save time i used some modular cave models already partially mounted on the basic structure (for example part of the walls and ceilings) from him




自改的北冥和左右互搏结合的内功 | 我的世界 v1.11墓地MOD | 河岩村 | 《星际争霸2:自由之翼》RPG地图之骑士与商人 | 深盘JDM轮组第1卷 | 饥荒 史诗世界MOD |


  • 自改的北冥和左右互搏结合的内功
  • 我的世界 v1.11墓地MOD
  • 河岩村
  • 《星际争霸2:自由之翼》RPG地图之骑士与商人
  • 深盘JDM轮组第1卷
  • 饥荒 史诗世界MOD