在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的QUASIPC-Qwinn的统一自动化自动安装补丁集 Mod,由Qwinn制作。majiniya在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Mod作者: Qwinn Mod版本: 2.5.0 Mod大小: 6.70 MB 更新时间: 2019-09-29 13:36:20 发布时间: 2019-09-29 13:36:20
这个MOD中的Bijin补丁是为“BijinAIOSEforUSSEP”插件找到的所有基础Bijin MOD下载页面作为一个可选文件。MEBANTIZA的“Bijin All in One 2019”不受支持。
USSEP+Skyrim 3D景观
USSEP+Skyrim 3D树
USSEP+Skyrim Series Lore
USSEP+Barenziah Quest标记石
(更新!) 裁剪室地板+AI大修+多样性
切割室地板+USSEP的Bijin AIO SE
裁剪室地板+Pandable‘s NPC
WACCF+超越Skyrim Bruma
WACCF+传奇天边弩3.0 Beta
装甲和服装延伸+超越Skyrim Bruma
Ars Metallica+Flora ResearchFix
Ars Metallica+SMIM(2个版本)
Ars Metallica+完全炼金术和烹饪大修
SkyRIM 3D树木和植物+Flora ResearchFix
SkyRIM 3D树木和植物+花卉再生修复+收获大修重做(3路补丁)
SkyRIM 3D树木和植物+完全炼金术和烹饪大修
美国SEP+温特霍尔德浸没学院的Bijin AIOSE
(更新!) 分集+AI大修
(更新!) WICO+AI大修
Beyond 4.0Beta+USSEP 4.1.7:将多个USSEP修复应用于“超越式”-重型装甲脚步声、水平列表修正、对话和任务修复, 此外,添加生存关键字和应用USSEP修复的BR版本的重型道恩卫士和兽人盔甲。由阿尔茨莫授予的权限,以及超出范围的开放补丁权限。
除了SkyRIM-Bruma 1.3.3+USSEP4.1.7+修补程序:随着时间的推移,这个补丁已经大大增加了。Once just a hotfix for a couple of draugr and sabrecat killmove and boss combat music bugs in the DLC Integration Patch,it now adds Update.esm survival keywords to the Bruma version of various armors,corrects all Bruma enchanted Iron Armors that were incorrectly using the Heavy Iron template,corrects one specific Ayleid loading screen that appeared an unbearable 15%of the time no matter where you were to only play within the same Bruma locations that all the other Ayleid loading screens are restricted to,applies all USSEP fixes made to vanilla weapons and armors to their Bruma equivalents,makes sure region data added by both USSEP and Bruma are preserved regardless of their load order,修正武器和盔甲名称中的几个字。阿尔茨莫授予的许可,以及天边之外的许可-布鲁马都有开放的补丁权限.
Bijin AIOSE用于USSEP vAIOSE+USSEP 4.1.7:应用在Bijin AIO上一次更新后添加的单个USSEP修复请注意,这不是为Mebaniza Bijin 2018年AIO版本,这是从3个基本Bijin MODS页面的AIO版本。本安装程序后面提供的BijinAIO-CRF修补程序包括此修复程序,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了CRF,则将自动禁用此修补程序。由阿尔茨莫授予的权限,以及基本的Bijin MOD有开放补丁权限。
SkyRIM 4.2+USSEP 4.1.7的书籍封面:BCS 4.2从至少USSEP 4.1.1开始就没有将USSEP更新集成到其中。此修补程序转发所有新补丁,以便BCS4.2与USSEP4.1.7兼容。适用于原始版本和饱和版本。安装程序后面可用的BCS-CRF修补程序包括所有这些修补程序,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了CRF,则将自动禁用此修补程序。由arthmoor授予的权限,而BCS具有开放权限。
斗篷和披肩1.4+USSEP 4.1.7:USSEP纠正Isran使用重型道恩护卫盔甲,而不是轻型版本,以配合他的技能选择。此补丁防止CAC覆盖USSEP Isran装甲修复。安装程序后面可用的CloaksAndCapes-CRF修补程序包括此修复程序,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了CRF,则将自动禁用此修补程序。第0卷和第2部授予的许可。
SkyRIM 1.2.1+USSEP 4.1.7的斗篷:这个补丁取代了过时的‘披风_USSEP_Patch.esp’,这是天边的斗篷。该补丁解决了一个单一的冲突记录-这个补丁解决了另外3个与USSEP的冲突。“斗篷-道恩卫士”(尤其是与主模块一起提供的)是此补丁所需的主人。这个安装程序后面提供的CloaksOfSkyrim-CRF修补程序包括这些修复程序,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了CRF,则将自动禁用此修补程序。阿尔茨莫的许可,和天空的斗篷有开放补丁的许可。
神圣的天际线人(仅限于男性)2.3c+USSEP 4.1.7+缺失的头发:从最新的USSEP版本中转发了一些尚未被整合到v2.3C中的补丁。此外,还提供了一些KS Hairdos和Apachii的头发纹理,在这种其他优秀的男性替代模式中缺失,从而固定在Gregor(Dawnstar的Housecarl)、Argis the Bulwark(Markath的Housecarl)和Erik the Sayer(罗里克斯特利德)上。如果你在使用DPO+这个补丁时发现其他紫色头发的男人,请告诉我。在安装程序后面可用的DPO-CRF修补程序包括补丁和毛发,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了CRF,则将自动禁用此修补程序。由Tarshana和Arthmoor批准。
SkyRIM SE v1.1+USSEP 4.1.7的鸭子和天鹅:解决一个单一的冲突,USSEP纠正丢失的展望矿的位置设置(没有它,触发器可能无法开火)。塔米拉和阿尔瑟摩尔的许可。
女孩的重型盔甲替换1.6.1/3+USSEP 4.1.7:向前USSEP编辑覆盖女孩的重型盔甲,包括脚步声修复,种族模型设置为受折磨的布列塔尼人,和身体模板护身符/环设置修复。为UUNP和CBBE替换版本工作。此安装程序不能区分替换程序和独立版本。大多数人使用替换程序版本,因此默认安装修补程序。如果您使用的是独立版本,请取消选中该修补程序并检查此修补程序。由ZapgiL和Arthmoor批准。
女孩的重型盔甲-单独使用1.6.1/3+USSEP 4.1.7:将USSEP修正应用于女孩的重型盔甲独立版,包括脚步声修复、布列塔尼人的种族模型设置以及身体模板护身符/戒指设置修复。为UUNP和CBBE独立版本工作。永久绿色注:此安装程序不能区分替换版本和独立版本。大多数人使用替换程序版本,因此默认安装修补程序。如果您使用的是独立版本,请取消该修补程序并检查此修补程序。由ZapgiL和Arthmoor批准。
沉浸式声音简编2.2+USSEP 4.1.7:这个补丁在ISC 2.2的时候已经大大缩小了-它现在只需要将一些修正保留到3个声音描述符上,比如从附近的NPC听起来像是从玩家发出的声音,NPC可能被困在一个循环中的法师光法术准备好的声音,以及法术Atronach法术的一些魔法效果。这个安装程序后面提供的新ISC-CRF修补程序包括这些修复程序,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了CRF,则将自动禁用此修补程序。阿尔茨莫授予的权限和懒散的沉浸式声音简编具有创作共用许可权限。
有趣的NPC 3.4.2+USSEP 4.1.7:恢复由有趣的NPC覆盖的各种修复,包括一些声学空间、位置设置修复,以确保正确触发火灾、水流数据和其他问题。此外,此补丁还删除了3 DNPC添加的单元格中的所有EditorID,这肯定会导致保存在这些单元中甚至CTD中的游戏损坏。 由arthmoor和有趣的NPC授予的权限具有开放修补程序权限。
真实脸1.04+USSEP 4.1.7:更新的USSEP补丁应该取代现实面孔的补丁。简单地说,不要安装或禁用带有真实面孔的‘RFCharacterOverrun_USSEP.esp’插件,而是使用此修补程序。这个安装程序后面提供的逼真的Faces-CRF修补程序包括这个补丁中的所有内容,所以使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了CRF,则将自动禁用此修补程序。阿尔茨莫和曼陀罗的许可。
SkyRIM 3D景观1.0.6+USSEP 4.1.7:新的1.0.6版本的S3DLandscape已经整合了几乎所有的USSEP修复,但是一个水流编辑仍然没有实现,使这个补丁暂时保持活力。在此安装程序后面可用的S3DLandscape-CRF修补程序包括此修复程序,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了CRF,则将自动禁用此修补程序。由math 79和arthmoor批准。
Skyrim大小为Lore 2.1+USSEP 4.1.7:此补丁将大量USSEP编辑转发到SkyRIM大小Lore覆盖的所有种族。在安装程序后面提供的专横的Skyrim大小Lore修补程序包括这些补丁,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了该修补程序,则该修补程序将被自动禁用。由RipperArcanandArmoor批准。
SOFIA 2.51+USSEP 4.1.7:此修补程序解决了与USSEP的一些索非亚对话冲突。特别是,这个补丁应该确保索菲亚在剧本中对“龙”中的孩子们的对话反应是正确的。由阿尔茨莫授予的权限,而索菲亚拥有开放补丁权限。
BarenziahQuest标记的石头1.3.1+USSEP 4.1.7:该补丁将USSEP的几个补丁转发到Barenziah Quest标记的Stones of Barenziah Quest标记中,这两个标记都与Riften中的Maul有关。一个是对任务日志条目的小错误更正,当他告诉您查找VEX时,还有另一个USSEP修复程序-嗯,我不确定USSEP Changelog中与Maul相关的几个任务对话修复程序中的哪一个,但它们对我来说似乎都是相当重要的。今天迪默和阿尔茨穆尔的许可。
猎人再生Aela替代品2.1.2+USSEP 4.1.7:这个ESP补丁允许您使用这个优秀的Aela替换器,由Plooshy完成,而不会丢失USSEP对Aela的对象边界、脚本和技能所做的修复。与任何Aela替代版本(物理或非物理,UNP或CBBE)工作。埃莉诺独立跟随者不需要。由bchick3(移植SSE版本)和arthmoor授予的权限。
WICO 0.9F+USSEP 4.1.7:此修补程序补充了WICO提供的WICO-USSEP修补程序,并要求该修补程序作为主补丁。自WICO 0.9F发布以来,它在USSEP中实现了新的修复,并完成了WICO的USSEP修补程序已经开始但尚未完成的非常重要的任务,即恢复由基本WICO插件制作的数十个NPC上的受保护标志的设置,这是众所周知的,当NPC打算死时,它会导致任务中断。WICO-CRF补丁稍后在这个安装程序中包含该修补程序中的所有内容,因此使用这两个补丁都没有好处。如果安装了CRF,则将自动禁用此修补程序。阿尔茨莫的许可。无法联系到温斯顿HS。根据Nexus的规则,如果WindSong HS反对发布此补丁,它将被删除。
AI大修1.1+裁剪室地板3.1.3:两个MODS添加AI包到Vignar Graymane,两个MODS也编辑Olfina和Ahlam。这个补丁保持两个MODS的编辑工作。注:如果您也使用普通妇女或潘多丽的全国人民代表大会,三个MODS的三路补丁将被取代。阿尔茨莫和蜘蛛侠的许可。
(更新!)AI大修1.1+多样性2.6+裁剪室地板3.1.3:CRF主要增加恢复项目,多样性编辑外观和AIO编辑AI包。这个3路补丁合并替换了三个双向补丁,否则需要合并。阿尔茨莫和蜘蛛侠的许可。无法与NEVERMOREPJM联系。按照Nexus规则,如果NEVERMOREPJM对象发布此修补程序,它将被删除。(更新为AIO 1.1)
(更新!)AI大修1.1+PandablesNPCs1.3+裁剪室3.1.3:CRF主要增加修复项目,PANPC编辑外观和AIO编辑AI包。这个3路补丁合并替换了三个双向补丁,否则需要合并。阿尔茨莫,蜘蛛侠和潘多丽的许可。(更新为AIO 1.1)
(更新!)AI大修1.1+WICO 0.9F+裁剪室地板3.1.3:CRF主要增加修复项目,WICO编辑外观和AIO编辑AI包。这个3路补丁合并替换了三个双向补丁,否则需要合并。阿尔茨莫和蜘蛛侠的许可。无法联系到温松松HS。根据Nexus规则,如果WinterSong HS反对发布此修补程序,它将被删除。(更新为AIO 1.1)
Bijin AIO SE为USSEP vAIOSE+裁剪室地板3.1.3:包括USSEP贝莱瓦尔流血修复,并给予杰纳萨恢复雇用水平项目的意欲。请注意,这不是为Mebaniza Bijin 2018年AIO版本,这是从3个基本Bijin MODS页面的AIO版本。由阿尔茨莫授予的权限,以及基本的Bijin MOD有开放补丁权限。
图书封面SkyRIM 4.2+裁剪室地板3.1.3:补丁几个CRF编辑覆盖的图书覆盖天边,包括一个任务脚本附加在Runil的杂志。包括对USSEP 4.1.7的更新。允许您使用BCS4.2,而不会失去亚瑟的修复和恢复。适用于原始版本和饱和版本。由arthmoor授予的权限,而BCS具有开放权限。
斗篷和盖子1.4+裁剪室地板3.1.3:CRF修复一个未实现的风暴掩体Cuirass。这个补丁合并CRF和CAC水平列表,还包括USSEP Isran装甲修复。第0卷和第2部授予的许可。
SkyRIM 1.2.1+裁剪室层3.1.3:此补丁包括USSEP冲突解决方案,并解决了另外4个与CRF的冲突:两个级别列表和两个装备记录。替换“斗篷_-_USSEP_Patch.esp”,需要‘斗篷-Dawn卫士’。
神圣的天际线人(仅限男性)2.3c+裁剪室地板3.1.3和丢失的毛发:CRF使梅蒂利乌斯上尉非必要,并在城堡周围添加沙箱。它还提供水平装甲和武器给4名雇用人员,由这一模式修改。DPO覆盖它们,此修补程序恢复它们。包括USSEP 4.1.7修复和丢失的毛发。阿尔茨莫和塔尔沙纳的许可。
增强照明为ENB(ELE1.2.2+裁剪室地板3.1.3:这个补丁保留了一些所有权和其他编辑由通用报告格式作出的Thalmor总部。由Jawz和Arthur Moor批准。
沉浸式声音简编2.2+切割室地板3.1.3:此补丁包括USSEP冲突解决,并保留CRF恢复的视觉效果树皮/石头/铁/蜻蜓皮咒语,过去集成在ISC,但在ISC 2.2中恢复。 阿尔茨莫授予的权限和懒散的沉浸式声音简编具有创作共用许可权限。
光度3.1+裁剪室地板3.1.3:在霍罗弗罗斯特石窟和泰尔莫尔总部保持亮度不超过CRF编辑。此外,还实现了两个小的USSEP修补程序,它们可能不值得单独修补。如果也使用此修补程序,请在沉浸式公民修补程序之前加载(可在安装程序后面使用)。由JonnyWang 13和Arthur Moor批准。
潘多丽的NPC 1.3+裁剪室层3.1.3:CRF向Olfina Gray-Mane的库存添加了一封“来自Jon的信”,向Ahlam添加了“ChillFurrow农场的钥匙”,并使Nirya可以结婚。Pandable的NPC会覆盖这些更改,这个修补程序会恢复它们。必须使用Pandable的NPC USSEP兼容性补丁。注意:如果你使用的是Pandable的NPC和普通女性,你只需要一个CRF补丁,你选择了一个覆盖另一个。您可以取消检查修补程序中计划被覆盖的修补程序。潘多丽和阿尔茨穆尔的许可。
浮雕Skyrim 1.0.6+CRF 3.1.3:使浮雕Skyrim 1.0.6与几个CRF修复良好,包括翻新的Thalmor总部,模糊通道(Cidhna矿)和城堡德鲁塔。由Jawz和Arthur Moor批准。
(更新!)SkyRIM 3D景观1.0.6+CRF 3.1.3:更新后的补丁现在转发一些CRF位置设置,防止龙在龙攻击期间飞越修复后的建筑物,移除恢复后的Frost河农场放置的一棵新的浮动树,并保留一个USSEP水流。
编辑。由math 79和arthmoor批准。 (通用报告格式3.1.3更新)
(更新!)SkyRIM 3D树和植物4.0.1+CRF 3.1.3:此补丁转发一些CRF位置设置,并纠正浮动和裁剪树木和植物
在CRF恢复的地区。巴利达克农场和弗罗斯特河农场特别需要。由math 79和arthmoor批准。(通用报告格式3.1.3更新)
普通女性3.0+裁剪室地板3.1.3:CRF在Olfina Gray-Mane的库存中添加了一封“乔恩来信”,给Ahlam添加了“切尔福罗农场的钥匙”,并使Nirya可以结婚。两个覆盖这些更改,此修补程序将恢复它们。必须使用拖车的USSEP兼容性补丁。注意:如果您正在使用
WACCF 1.0.1+裁剪室地板3.1.3:解决冲突的8项记录,包括Ebony刀片,2个吸血鬼装备,布里亚哈特Geis和服装水平名单。在此安装步骤中可用的新的ACE-CRF修补程序包括这些修复程序,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了装甲和服装扩展,此修补程序将被自动禁用。由arthmoor授予的权限,而WACCF具有打开修补程序的权限。
WICO0.9F+裁剪室地板3.1.3:包括USSEP补丁所做的一切,也包括WICO的外观编辑与超过几十个CRF编辑到NPC演员记录。注意:如果你也在使用人工智能大修,一个3路补丁将被取代。阿尔茨莫的许可。无法联系到温松松HS。根据Nexus规则,如果WinterSong HS反对发布此修补程序,它将被删除。
WACCF 1.0.1+音频大修SkyRIM 3.2.0:WACCF和AOS冲突在21项记录中,大部分是武器。你得到的变化取决于装货顺序。这个补丁合并了他们的两个编辑,这样他们就能很好地一起玩。由DylanJamesWasTken和WACCF授予的权限具有打开修补程序权限。
WACCF 1.0.1+超过3.0.0:单个冲突记录的小补丁-Falmer Boot。WACCF及更远的范围都具有开放修补程序权限。
WACCF 1.0.1+超越Skyrim Bruma 1.3.3:这个以前微不足道的补丁已经大大扩展了。它现在将WACCF对武器和盔甲的改变应用于其相当于Bruma的武器和盔甲。此安装程序后面可用的ACE-Bruma修补程序包括此修复程序,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了装甲和服装扩展,此修补程序将被自动禁用。WACCF和SkyRIM Bruma之外都有开放补丁权限。
WACCF 1.0.1+SkyRIM 1.2.1斗篷:此补丁解决了WACCF与Cos之间的五种装备冲突,这些冲突与WACCF对魔法师披风和吸血鬼护身符的改变有关。本安装程序后面提供的ACE-CloaksOfSkyrim修补程序包括这些修复程序,因此使用这两种修补程序都没有好处。如果安装了装甲和服装扩展,此修补程序将被自动禁用。WACCF和Skyrim斗篷拥有开放补丁权限。
WACCF 1.0.1+沉浸式声音简编2.2:关键补丁。75条相互冲突的记录。ISC将覆盖几乎所有的变化,珠宝,宝石和大量的武器,如果加载后,WACCF没有这个补丁。WACCF和ISC都具有打开修补程序的权限。
WACCF 1.0.1+传奇天边弩3.0 Beta:关键补丁。整合弓箭和十字弓的水平列表,使它们按照WACCF的矮人-精灵-兽人的进展下降。没有这个补丁,你要么不会得到LSC十字弓下降,要么你将得到20级兽人弩下降到第6级,这取决于负载顺序。此修补程序不能用于LSC版本2.5。Kelsenellenelvian和WACCF授予的权限具有打开修补程序权限。
WACCF 1.0.1+开放式防护头盔特别版1.0:保留WACCF的几个关键字编辑,如果打开面防护头盔SSE是加载在它之后。如果首先加载,OFGHSE将完全不能工作。WACCF和开放式防护头盔-特别版都有开放补丁权限。
WACCF 1.0.1+RS儿童大修1.1.2:可能在7套儿童服装中解决与WACCF和RSCO的冲突。WACCF和RS儿童大修都有开放补丁权限。
WACCF 1.0.1+TMB香草盔甲1.4.0:允许TMBVAC在WACCF之后加载,而不覆盖WACCF编辑到Karliah的盔甲、灰胡须长袍和夜间装甲(TMB使它们可穿戴),并解决了与Ulfric衣服的许多冲突。14条相互冲突的记录。WACCF有开放权限,我将TMBVAC移植到SSE,所以我当然希望我可以对它进行修补。
盔甲和服装扩展1.0+超过Skyrim Bruma 1.3.3:这个以前微不足道的补丁已经扩展了很多。它现在将WACCF对武器和盔甲的改变应用于其相当于Bruma的武器和盔甲。王牌和天边之外的Bruma都有开放补丁权限。
盔甲和服装延伸1.0+斗篷和Capes 1.4:当弗洛伦提斯被招募到道恩卫士时,ACE会改变他从重道恩护卫盔甲得到的衣服,使他的衣服更适合牧师。这个补丁确保他得到了改变,也得到了CAC想要的斗篷。由volvaa 0授予的权限,ACE具有打开修补程序的权限。
增强照明为ENB(Ele)1.2.2+浸没学院的温特霍尔德5.3:防止Ele和iCow相互覆盖。使用iCow照明时,iCow实际上修改从香草照明(因为它也增加了光源),否则使用Ele的照明方案。Jawz和Grantyboy 050批准。
亮度3.1+Volkihar城堡重建了2.0.4:将光度所做的照明变化与重新构建的城堡所需的更改合并起来,以使玩家的库存不重置以及其他更改。由JonnyWang 13和Arthur Moor批准。
光度3.1+温特霍尔德学院5.3:防止亮度和iCow相互覆盖,并允许两个MOD按任一顺序加载。使用iCow照明时,iCow实际上修改了香草照明(因为它也增加了光源),否则使用光度的照明。由JonnyWang 13和Grantyboy 050批准。
亮度3.1+真实水2 1.11:允许亮度按负载顺序放置在RW2之前,而不需要RW2无效地覆盖9个内部单元的亮度编辑。保存RW2的伪造水固定在地火地下室,如果光度是在RW2之后。由JonnyWang 13和isoku批准。
Ars Metallica 2.0.4+Flora Res对策Fix 2.1.3:菌群再生使野鸡重生,Ars Metallica为它们添加了制作羽毛。那些你得到的取决于插件加载顺序。这个ESP贴片允许野鸡带着细小的羽毛重生。如果安装了CACO,则不应该使用FloraRespawFix,此修补程序将被自动禁用。阿尔茨莫授予的权限,和弗洛拉再生修复有开放的权限。
Ars Metallica 2.0.4+SMIM 2.08合并-只有所有版本:Ars Metallica使制作羽毛可以从Felsaad Tern(龙出生扩展中的一只鸟)和SMIM改变鸟的纹理。你得到哪一个取决于插件的顺序。这个补丁可以让你同时获得工艺羽毛和SMIM的重新设计。用于SMIM的所有合并版本。如果您正在使用CACO,则此修补程序是不必要的,并将自动禁用。一定要确保CACO是在SMIM ESP之后加载的。由arthmoor授予的权限,而SMIM具有打开权限。
Ars Metallica 2.0.4+SMIM 2.08 Xbox Lite版本:Ars Metallica可以从Felsaad Tern(龙出生扩展中的一只鸟)中寻找制作羽毛,SMIM可以改变鸟的纹理。你得到哪一个取决于插件的顺序。这个补丁可以让你同时获得工艺羽毛和SMIM的重新设计。用于Xbox-Lite“无绳索”版本的SMIM。如果您正在使用CACO,则此修补程序是不必要的,并将自动禁用。一定要确保CACO是在SMIM ESP之后加载的。由arthmoor授予的权限,而SMIM具有打开权限。
Ars Metallica 2.0.4+CACO2.0.3:Ars Metallica和CACO都实现了可用于制作的特性。没有这个补丁,你只能得到一个或另一个MODS的羽毛取决于负载顺序。这个补丁使Felsaad Tern、山鸡、鹰和Hargravens能够放下两种MODS制作配方所需的两套羽毛,并使销售商有可能同时出售这两种类型的羽毛。由arthmoor授予的权限,而CACO具有打开修补程序的权限。
SkyRIM 3D树木和植物4.0.1+花卉再生图2.1.3:SkyRIM 3D树和植物ESP编辑薰衣草、杜松树、茄子和山地花卉,以改善它们在风中的摇摆,而FRF则使它们适当地重生。这取决于插件的顺序。这个补丁使三维植物群能够正确地摇摆和重生。如果安装了CACO,则不应该使用FloraRespawFix,此修补程序将被自动禁用。由mathy授予的权限,而Flora ResponseFix拥有打开的权限。
SkyRIM 3D树木和植物4.0.1+花卉再生图2.1.3+收获大修重修植物0.9.1:Skyrim 3D树木和植物ESP编辑薰衣草、杜松树、茄子和山花,以改善它们在风中的摇摆,而FRF使它们适当地重生,收获大修再做的植物使你从它们那里收获更多。你得到了什么取决于在你的装载顺序中排在最后的是哪一个。这个补丁让你增加你的收获,从三维花卉摇摆*和*重生正确。它解决了3个MODS之间的所有冲突。不要使用仅适用于使用2个MODS的其他补丁。如果安装了CACO,则不应该使用FloraResawpawFix或收获大修重新完成的工厂,此修补程序将被自动禁用。许可由Mathy,和弗洛拉再生修复和收获大修重新做都有开放的补丁权限。
SkyRIM 3D树木和植物4.0.1+完成炼金术和烹饪大修2.0.3:该补丁将CACO的成分、收获和再生修复与Skyrim 3D树和植物所需的对象绑定和风摇参数结合在一起。MATY授予的权限,CACO对补丁具有开放权限。
完成炼金术和烹饪大修2.0.3+音频大修SkyRIM 3.2.0:此补丁将CACO对魔法效果中生物抵抗和豁免的编辑与AOS的声音编辑合并为相同的效果。由DylanJamesWasTken和CACO授予的权限具有打开修补程序权限。
完成炼金术和烹饪大修2.0.3+图书覆盖SkyRIM 4.2:这个广泛的补丁不仅解决了与草书由CACO编辑的冲突,它还应用从BCS的网格和纹理所有新的食谱和猎人的笔记由CACO添加。CACO补充的“炼金术士笔记”-实际上是期刊-暂时不加补丁是因为原因。CaCO和BCS都具有开放修补程序权限。
(更新!)完成炼金术和烹饪大修2.0.3+有趣的NPC 3.4.2:这个补丁在QUASIPC中是独一无二的,因为它不是完全由我创建的(Qwinn)。它最初是由Thelrontoads为oldrim开发的,后来由Velgath移植给SSE,后者允许我在QUASIPC中托管它。它不只是解决冲突,它完全整合了这两个模块,如在3 DNPC配方和任务中使用CACO成分。我确实彻底地检查了它,使它独立于Load Order,并且删除了编辑器ID中的下划线,否则他们的工作。CaCO和有趣的NPC都有开放补丁权限。(在“羽毛之鸟”中转发了一些缺失的强制引用,这将阻止任务正常进行。)感谢我为你发现并报告了这件事而杀了你233。)
Bijin AIOSE为USSEP vAIOSE+AI大修1.1:合并令人惊叹的Bijin女士的外观与AI编辑的AI大修。请注意,这不是为Mebaniza Bijin 2018年AIO版本,这是从3个基本Bijin MODS页面的AIO版本。由SpiderAkiraC授予的权限,基础Bijin MOD具有打开修补程序权限。
Bijin AIO SE用于USSEP vAIOSE+Winderhold5.3浸入式学院:修补Brelyna,使她拥有Bijin的外观和ijin的技能、咒语、津贴等。请注意,这不是针对Mebaniza Bijin 2018年AIO版本的,这是从3个基本Bijin Mods页面中获得的AIO版本。Grantyboy 050授予的权限,以及基本Bijin MOD具有打开修补程序权限。
(更新!)一致的老年人4.2+AI大修1.1:融合COP与AI编辑的AI大修。由SpiderAkirac和WinterLove批准。(更新为AIO 1.1)
(更新!)多样性2.6+AI大修1.1:将多样性的外观与AI大修的AI编辑合并。注意:如果你也在使用裁剪室地板,这将不会被选择,因为你有选择的3路补丁选择在这个安装程序的CRF页面。由SpiderAkirac批准。无法与NEVERMOREPJM联系。按照Nexus规则,如果NEVERMOREPJM对象发布此修补程序,它将被删除。(更新为AIO 1.1)
多样性2.6+温特霍尔德5.3浸入式学院:将多样性的外观和编辑合并到iCow的服装、技能、福利和咒语上。总是加载后,我的多样性-CRF补丁。由Grantyboy 050批准。无法与NEVERMOREPJM联系。按照Nexus规则,如果NEVERMOREPJM对象发布此修补程序,它将被删除。
多样性2.6+有趣的NPC 3.4.2:这个补丁防止多样性覆盖了Luaffyn的一些重要变化,Luaffyn在有趣的NPC中扮演了更重要的角色。这包括派别的改变,标记她的任务必不可少,AI包等等。有趣的NPC有开放补丁权限。无法与NEVERMOREPJM联系。按照Nexus规则,如果NEVERMOREPJM对象发布此修补程序,它将被删除。
(更新!)神圣的天边人只有2.3C+AI大修1.1:合并从神人的外观,只有AI编辑的AI大修。由Tarshana和SpiderAkirac批准。(更新为AIO 1.1)
神灵人只有2.3C+浸入式温特霍尔德学院5.3:将来自天边人的神人的外表和编辑合并到ICW的服装、技能、福利和咒语中,并允许这两个摩托按任何一种顺序加载,没有黑脸。由Tarshana和Grantyboy 050批准。
(更新!)PandablesNPCs1.3+AI大修1.1:将来自PandablesNPC的女性的外观与AI大修的AI编辑合并。注意:如果你也在使用裁剪室地板,这将不会被选择,因为你有选择的3路补丁选择在这个安装程序的CRF页面。由潘多丽和蜘蛛Akirac批准。(更新为AIO 1.1)
潘多丽的NPC 1.3+浸入式温特霍尔德学院5.3:将潘多丽的NPC的外观与编辑的iCow的服装、技能、津贴和咒语结合起来。总是在PANPC-CRF补丁后加载。如果你使用的是潘多丽的NPC和普通女性,你只需要一个iCow补丁,你已经选择了一个,以超越另一个。您可以取消检查修补程序的任何模式,您计划被覆盖。由潘多丽和格朗泰博050批准。
潘多丽的NPC道恩卫士1.2+AI大修1.1:合并Sybille Stentor的外观从潘多丽的NPC道恩卫士与AI编辑在人工智能大修。由潘多丽和蜘蛛Akirac批准。
真实面孔1.04+沉浸式温特霍尔德学院5.3:将真实面孔的外观与编辑结合起来,以装备,技能,福利和符咒的iCow。由Mandragorasprouts和Grantyboy 050批准。
SOFIA TheFunny全音随从2.51+警卫对话大修1.6.1:这个补丁解决了一些索非亚对话与GDO的冲突,确保GDO的编辑工作正确,同时允许索菲亚对他们的一些评论做出反应。由Murilognt和Sofia授予的权限具有打开修补程序的权限。
猎人再生Aela替代品+AI大修1.1:合并这个Aela替换的外观与AI编辑的AI大修。包括USSEP修复,所以如果您使用此修补程序,则不需要THRARUSSEP修补程序。由SpiderAkiraC和bchick 3(移植了THRAR的SSE版本)授予的权限。
普通女子3.0+浸没式学院的冬季5.3:合并的外观与编辑的服装,技能,福利和咒语的iCow。总是负载后,拖车-CRF补丁。如果你使用的是潘多丽的NPC和普通女性,你只需要一个iCow补丁,你已经选择了一个,以超越另一个。您可以取消检查修补程序的任何模式,您计划被覆盖。NeusKharp通过他的个人资料和Grantyboy 050的许可。
(更新!)WICO 0.9F+AI大修1.1:将WICO的外观与AI大修的AI编辑合并。要求原始的WICO-USSEP修补程序是活动的,是可安装的.注意:如果你也在使用裁剪室地板,这将不会被选择,因为你有选择的3路补丁选择在这个安装程序的CRF页面。由SpiderAkirac批准。无法联系到温松松HS。根据Nexus规则,如果WinterSong HS反对发布此修补程序,它将被删除。(更新为AIO 1.1)
WICO0.9F+有趣的NPC 3.4.2:这个补丁防止WICO覆盖看起来是对Luaffyn的一些重要更改,Luaffyn在有趣的NPC中扮演了更重要的角色。这包括派别的改变,标记她的任务必不可少,AI包等等。有趣的NPC有开放补丁权限。无法联系到温松松HS。根据Nexus规则,如果WinterSong HS反对发布此修补程序,它将被删除。
协调人-天边9.26+音频大修,SkyRIM 3.2.0:合并的主要变化,协调员所做的两个额外的魔法效果与AOS的声音编辑。如果没有这个补丁,在协调员后加载AOS将恢复疤痕烧伤对香草强烈火焰的影响,并将静态场还原为香草分解。DylanJamesWasTken和EnaiSiaion授予的协调员-SkyRIM的许可具有开放补丁权限。
乡土SOULGEMS 1.0+沉浸式声音简编2.2:将填充的灵魂的视觉变化(以及排序后的名称,如果使用排序版本)与ISC的声音编辑合并。GAMWICH授予的权限和懒散的沉浸式声音简编具有CreativeCommonsLicense许可。
专横-天边的种族7.24+天边的大小,Lore 2.1:合并的变化,专横的种族与编辑的基础高度和其他变化,天空大小的知识。权限由RipperArcane授予,并具有开放兼容性修补程序权限。
除了ESP记录之外,这些补丁中唯一的资产是天边人神人中丢失的三种头发纹理,只有USSEP和CRF贴片。我从KS Hairdos和ApachiiSkyhead SSE都是出色的MODS,他们的工作值得称赞。KS Hairdos具有开放权限,虽然ApachiiSkyhead SSE的作者需要对其使用进行许可,但该作者授予了Skyrim神人(Tarshana)作者使用这些权限的许可,而且该修补程序只是完成了允许的实现,并且只能与其一起使用。
Zeridian,使我意识到ESPFE,他们已经使用了一段时间的Fallout 4调制器,并自由分享他的知识。
有趣的NPC Amalee定制器(按弗罗格夫计算,仅为港口)
有趣的NPC Zora定制器(按弗罗格夫计算,仅为港口)
QUASIPC (pronounced QUASI-P-C) is a massive compatibility patch compendium, all packaged in a single installer which will automatically detect what patches you need, and doesn't even allow you to add patches for which you don't have the required masters. About as user friendly and foolproof as an installer can get.
The patches are grouped in categories. You will be presented with the list of USSEP patches that you have the required masters for, defaulted to install automatically. Then, CRF, WACCF, etc. If a patch matches two of the categories, it'll be found in the first matching category. If you see a patch deselected in the installer that you believe you need, read the information box in the installer or the long description of that patch below to find the most likely reason for it.
The current installation steps in the order they'll appear in the installer are:
Category A: USSEP patches
Category B: Cutting Room Floor patches
Category C: Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes patches.
Category D: Armor and Clothing Extension patches.
Category E: Lighting mod patches
Category F: Patches involving flora and fauna (includes CACO patches)
Category G: NPC Replacer and Follower mod patches.
Category H: Patches for visual and sound effect mods.
Category I: Miscellaneous patches
The Short List Of Patches
USSEP + Beyond Reach
USSEP + Beyond Skyrim: Bruma + Hotfixes
USSEP + Book Covers of Skyrim
USSEP + Cloaks and Capes
USSEP + Cloaks of Skyrim
USSEP + Diversity
USSEP + Divine People of Skyrim (Men Only)
USSEP + Ducks And Swans
USSEP + Girl's Heavy Armors Replacer version
USSEP + Girl's Heavy Armors Standalone version
USSEP + Immersive Sounds Compendium
USSEP + Interesting NPCs
USSEP + Realistic Faces
USSEP + Skyrim 3D Landscapes
USSEP + Skyrim 3D Trees
USSEP + Sofia, the Funny Fully Voiced Follower
USSEP + Skyrim Sizes Lore
USSEP + Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers
USSEP + The Huntress Reborn Aela Replacer
Cutting Room Floor + AI Overhaul
(Updated!) Cutting Room Floor + AI Overhaul + Diversity
(Updated!) Cutting Room Floor + AI Overhaul + Pandorable NPCs
Cutting Room Floor + AI Overhaul + The Ordinary Women
(Updated!) Cutting Room Floor + AI Overhaul + WICO
Cutting Room Floor + Armor and Clothing Extension (ACE)
Cutting Room Floor + Bijin AIO SE for USSEP
Cutting Room Floor + Book Covers Skyrim
Cutting Room Floor + Cloaks and Capes
Cutting Room Floor + Cloaks of Skyrim
Cutting Room Floor + Diversity
Cutting Room Floor + Divine People of Skyrim (Men Only)
Cutting Room Floor + Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE)
Cutting Room Floor + Immersive Sounds Compendium
Cutting Room Floor + Luminosity Lighting Overhaul
Cutting Room Floor + Pandorable's NPCs
Cutting Room Floor + Realistic Faces
Cutting Room Floor + Relighting Skyrim
(Updated!) Cutting Room Floor + Skyrim 3D Landscapes
(Updated!) Cutting Room Floor + Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants
Cutting Room Floor + The Ordinary Women
Cutting Room Floor + Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes (WACCF)
Cutting Room Floor + WICO
WACCF + Audio Overhaul Skyrim
WACCF + Beyond Reach
WACCF + Beyond Skyrim Bruma
WACCF + Cloaks of Skyrim
WACCF + Immersive Sounds Compendium
WACCF + Legendary Skyrim Crossbows 3.0 Beta
WACCF + Open Face Guard Helmets
WACCF + Open Faced Guard Helmets SSE
WACCF + RS Children Overhaul
WACCF + TMB Vanilla Armor and Clothes
Armor and Clothing Extension + Beyond Skyrim Bruma
Armor and Clothing Extension + Cloaks & Capes
Armor and Clothing Extension + Cloaks of Skyrim
Armor and Clothing Extension + Skyrim Immersive Creatures
ELE + Immersive College of Winterhold
ELE + Realistic Water Two
Luminosity + Castle Volkihar Rebuilt
Luminosity + Immersive Citizens
Luminosity + Immersive College of Winterhold
Luminosity + Realistic Water Two
Ars Metallica + Flora Respawn Fix
Ars Metallica + SMIM (2 versions)
Ars Metallica + Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants + Flora Respawn Fix
Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants + Flora Respawn Fix + Harvest Overhaul Redone (3 way patch)
Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants + Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul + Audio Overhaul Skyrim
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul + Book Covers Skyrim
(Updated!) Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul + Interesting NPCs
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul + Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
Bijin AIO SE for USSEP + AI Overhaul
Bijin AIO SE for USSEP + Immersive College of Winterhold
(Updated!) Consistent Older People + AI Overhaul
(Updated!) Diversity + AI Overhaul
Diversity + Immersive College of Winterhold
Diversity + Interesting NPCs
(Updated!) Divine People of Skyrim (Men Only) + AI Overhaul
Divine People of Skyrim (Men Only) + Immersive College of Winterhold
(Updated!) Pandorable NPCs + AI Overhaul
Pandorable NPCs Dawnguard + AI Overhaul
Pandorable's NPCs + Immersive College of Winterhold
Realistic Faces + AI Overhaul
Realistic Faces + Immersive College of Winterhold
RS Children + AI Overhaul
Simple Children + AI Overhaul
Sofia the Funny Fully Voiced Follower + Guard Dialogue Overhaul
Sofia the Funny Fully Voiced Follower + Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
The Ordinary Women + AI Overhaul
The Ordinary Women + Immersive College of Winterhold
The Ordinary Women + Interesting NPCs
The Huntress Reborn Aela Replacer + AI Overhaul
(Updated!) WICO + AI Overhaul
WICO + Interesting NPCs
Deadly Spell Impacts + Audio Overhaul Skyrim
Deadly Spell Impacts + Immersive Sounds Compendium
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim + Audio Overhaul Skyrim
RUSTIC SOULGEMS + Immersive Sounds Compendium
Imperious - Races of Skyrim + Skyrim Sizes Lore
Beyond Reach + Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
Here is the long description of the available patches, though all of this information is in the installer as well:
Beyond Reach 4.0Beta + USSEP 4.1.7: Applies a number of USSEP fixes to Beyond Reach - heavy armor footstep sounds, leveled list corrections, dialogue and quest fixes, as well as adds survival keywords and applies USSEP fixes to the BR versions of Heavy Dawnguard and Orcish armors. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and Beyond Reach has open patch permissions.
Beyond Skyrim - Bruma 1.3.3 + USSEP 4.1.7 + Hotfixes: This patch has grown tremendously over time. Once just a hotfix for a couple of draugr and sabrecat killmove and boss combat music bugs in the DLC Integration Patch, it now adds Update.esm survival keywords to the Bruma version of various armors, corrects all Bruma enchanted Iron Armors that were incorrectly using the Heavy Iron template, corrects one specific Ayleid loading screen that appeared an unbearable 15% of the time no matter where you were to only play within the same Bruma locations that all the other Ayleid loading screens are restricted to, applies all USSEP fixes made to vanilla weapons and armors to their Bruma equivalents, makes sure region data added by both USSEP and Bruma are preserved regardless of their load order, and corrects several typos in weapon and armor names. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and Beyond Skyrim - Bruma has open patch permissions.
Bijin AIO SE for USSEP vAIOSE + USSEP 4.1.7: Applies a single USSEP fix added after the Bijin AIO was last updated - Beleval can now recover from bleedout. Note that this is not for the Mebantiza Bijin 2018 AIO version, this is for the AIO version from the 3 base Bijin mods pages. The BijinAIO-CRF patch available later in this installer includes this fix, so there is no benefit to using both. If CRF is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and the base Bijin mods have open patch permissions.
Book Covers of Skyrim 4.2 + USSEP 4.1.7: BCS 4.2 has not had USSEP updates integrated into it since at least USSEP 4.1.1. This patch forwards all new fixes so that BCS 4.2 is compatible with USSEP 4.1.7. Works for both Original and Desaturated versions. The BCS-CRF patch available later in the installer includes all of these fixes, so there is no benefit to using both. If CRF is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and BCS has open permissions.
Cloaks and Capes 1.4 + USSEP 4.1.7: USSEP corrects Isran to use Heavy Dawnguard Armor rather than the light version in order to match his skill selection. This patch keeps CAC from overwriting the USSEP Isran armor fix. The CloaksAndCapes-CRF patch available later in the installer includes this fix, so there is no benefit to using both. If CRF is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by volvaga0 and Arthmoor.
Cloaks of Skyrim 1.2.1 + USSEP 4.1.7: This patch replaces the outdated 'Cloaks_-_USSEP_Patch.esp' that comes with Cloaks Of Skyrim. That patch resolved a single conflicting record - this patch resolves an additional 3 conflicts with USSEP. The 'Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp' that also comes with the main mod is a required master for this patch. The CloaksOfSkyrim-CRF patch available later in this installer includes these fixes, so there is no benefit to using both. If CRF is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and Cloaks of Skyrim has open patch permissions.
Diversity 2.6 + USSEP 4.1.7: This patch updates Diversity to USSEP 4.1.7, implementing fixes to an additional 13 NPC records. The Diversity-CRF patches available later in this installer include everything in this patch, so there is no benefit to using both. If CRF is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by Arthmoor. NEVERMOREPJM could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if NEVERMOREPJM objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed.
Divine People of Skyrim (Men Only) 2.3c + USSEP 4.1.7 + Missing Hairs: Forwards a few fixes from the most recent USSEP versions that have not been incorporated into v2.3C yet. Also provides some KS Hairdos and Apachii hair textures that are missing in this otherwise excellent male replacer mod, thereby fixing the otherwise purple textureless hair on Gregor (Housecarl of Dawnstar), Argis the Bulwark (Housecarl of Markath), and Erik the Slayer (Rorikstead mercenary). If you find any other purple-haired men when using DPoS + this patch, let me know. The DPOS-CRF patch available later in the installer includes the fixes and hairs, so there is no benefit to using both. If CRF is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by Tarshana and Arthmoor.
Ducks And Swans For Skyrim SE v1.1 + USSEP 4.1.7: Resolves a single conflict with USSEP correcting the location setting of Lost Prospect Mine (Without it, triggers can fail to fire). Permission granted by Tamira and Arthmoor.
Girl's Heavy Armors REPLACER 1.6.1/3 + USSEP 4.1.7: Forwards USSEP edits overwritten by Girl's Heavy Armors, including footstep sound fixes, race model settings for Afflicted Bretons, and Body Template amulet/ring setting fixes. Works for both UUNP and CBBE REPLACER versions. This installer cannot differentiate between the REPLACER and STANDALONE versions. Most people use the REPLACER version, so that patch is installed by default. If you are using the STANDALONE version, uncheck that patch and check this one. Permission granted by ZapgiL and Arthmoor.
Girl's Heavy Armors STANDALONE 1.6.1/3 + USSEP 4.1.7: Applies USSEP fixes to the standalone armors added by Girl's Heavy Armors STANDALONE version, including footstep sound fixes, race model settings for Afflicted Bretons, and Body Template amulet/ring setting fixes. Works for both UUNP and CBBE STANDALONE versions. Permanent Green Note: This installer cannot differentiate between the REPLACER and STANDALONE versions. Most people use the REPLACER version, so that patch is installed by default. If you're using the STANDALONE version, uncheck that patch and check this one. Permission granted by ZapgiL and Arthmoor.
Immersive Sounds Compendium 2.2 + USSEP 4.1.7: This patch has greatly reduced in size as of ISC 2.2 - it now only needs to preserve some fixes to 3 sound descriptors, such as jumping sounds from nearby NPCs sounding as if they emanate from the player, and the mage light spell ready sound cast by NPCs possibly getting stuck in a loop, and some magic effects for Conjure Atronach spells. The new ISC-CRF patch available later in this installer includes these fixes, so there is no benefit to using both. If CRF is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and Immersive Sounds Compendium by lazyskeever has Creative Commons License permissions.
Interesting NPCs 3.4.2 + USSEP 4.1.7: Restores a variety of fixes that are overwritten by Interesting NPCs, including a number of acoustic spaces, location setting fixes which are needed to make sure triggers fire properly, water flow data, and other issues.. This patch additionally removes underscores from all EditorIDs in cells added by 3DNPCs, which definitely causes save game corruption when saving in those cells and reportedly even CTDs. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and Interesting NPC's has open patch permissions.
Realistic Faces 1.04 + USSEP 4.1.7: Updated USSEP patch that should replace the one that comes with Realistic Faces. Simply don't install, or disable, the 'RFCharacterOverhaul_USSEP.esp' plugin that comes with Realistic Faces, and use this patch instead. The Realistic Faces-CRF patch available later in this installer includes everything in this patch, so there is no benefit to using both. If CRF is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by Arthmoor and Mandragorasprouts.
Skyrim 3D Landscapes 1.0.6 + USSEP 4.1.7: The new 1.0.6 version of S3DLandscapes has integrated almost all USSEP fixes, but one water flow edit remains unimplemented, keeping this patch alive for now. The S3DLandscapes-CRF patch available later in this installer includes this fix, so there is no benefit to using both. If CRF is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by mathy79 and Arthmoor.
Skyrim Sizes Lore 2.1 + USSEP 4.1.7: This patch forwards a great many USSEP edits to all of the races that Skyrim Sizes Lore overwrites. The Imperious - Skyrim Sizes Lore patch available later in the installer includes these fixes, so there is no benefit to using both. If Imperious is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by RipperArcane and Arthmoor.
Sofia 2.51 + USSEP 4.1.7: This patch resolves a number of Sofia dialogue conflicts with USSEP. In particular, this patch should make sure that Sofia's scripted dialogue responses to the children in Dragonreach work correctly. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and Sofia has open patch permissions.
Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers 1.3.1 + USSEP 4.1.7: This patch forwards a couple of fixes from USSEP into Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers, both related to Maul in Riften. One is a minor typo correction to the quest log entry when he tells you to find Vex, and the other USSEP fix - well, I'm not certain which of the several quest dialogue fixes related to Maul from the USSEP changelog it applies to, but they all seem potentially fairly significant to me. Permission granted by toaDime and Arthmoor.
The Huntress Reborn Aela Replacer 2.1.2 + USSEP 4.1.7: This ESP patch allows you to use this excellent Aela replacer by Plooshy without losing fixes made by USSEP to Aela's object bounds, scripts and skills. Works with any of the Aela Replacer versions (physics or no physics, UNP or CBBE). Not needed for Eleanor standalone follower. Permission granted by bchick3 (who ported the SSE version) and Arthmoor.
WICO 0.9f + USSEP 4.1.7: This patch supplements the WICO-USSEP patch provided by WICO, and requires that patch as a master. It implements new fixes in USSEP since WICO 0.9f was released, and also completes the very important task, begun but not finished by WICO's USSEP patch, of reverting the setting of the Protected flag on dozens of NPCs made by the base WICO plugin, which is known to cause quests to break when NPCs that are meant to die - can't. The WICO-CRF patches available later in this installer include everything in this patch, so there is no benefit to using both. If CRF is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by Arthmoor. WindsongHS could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if WindsongHS objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed.
AI Overhaul 1.1 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: Both mods add AI packages to Vignar Graymane, and both mods also edit Olfina and Ahlam. This patch keeps both mods' edits working. NOTE: If you are also using either The Ordinary Women or Pandorable's NPC's, a three way patch for the three mods will be installed instead. Permission granted by Arthmoor and SpiderAkiraC.
(Updated!) AI Overhaul 1.1 + Diversity 2.6 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: CRF mainly adds restored items, Diversity edits appearances and AIO edits AI packages. This 3 way patch merges and replaces the three two-way patches that would otherwise need to be merged. Permission granted by Arthmoor and SpiderAkiraC. NEVERMOREPJM could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if NEVERMOREPJM objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed. (Updated for AIO 1.1)
(Updated!) AI Overhaul 1.1 + Pandorable's NPCs 1.3 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: CRF mainly adds restored items, PANNPCs edits appearances and AIO edits AI packages. This 3 way patch merges and replaces the three two-way patches that would otherwise need to be merged. Permission granted by Arthmoor, SpiderAkiraC and Pandorable. (Updated for AIO 1.1)
AI Overhaul 1.1 + The Ordinary Women 3.0 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: CRF mainly adds restored items, TOW edits appearances and AIO edits AI packages. This 3 way patch merges and replaces the three two-way patches that would otherwise be needed. Permission granted by Arthmoor, SpiderAkiraC and by NeusKharp via his profile.
(Updated!) AI Overhaul 1.1 + WICO 0.9f + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: CRF mainly adds restored items, WICO edits appearances and AIO edits AI packages. This 3 way patch merges and replaces the three two-way patches that would otherwise need to be merged. Permission granted by Arthmoor and SpiderAkiraC. WintersongHS could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if WintersongHS objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed. (Updated for AIO 1.1)
Armor and Clothing Extension 1.0 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: Resolves the conflicts between WACCF and CRF, and additionally resolves the two mods' edits to the NPC Actor records for the restored College of Winterhold guard and Rundi from the restored Missing Apprentices quest. Permission granted by Arthmoor and ACE has open patch permissions.
Bijin AIO SE for USSEP vAIOSE + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: Includes the USSEP Beleval bleedout fix, and gives Jenassa the restored hireling leveled items intended by CRF. Note that this is not for the Mebantiza Bijin 2018 AIO version, this is for the AIO version from the 3 base Bijin mods pages. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and the base Bijin mods have open patch permissions.
Book Covers Skyrim 4.2 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: Patches several CRF edits overwritten by Book Covers Skyrim including a quest script attached to Runil's Journal. Includes updates to USSEP 4.1.7. Allows you to use BCS 4.2 without losing Arthmoor's fixes and restorations. Works for both Original and Desaturated versions. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and BCS has open permissions.
Cloaks and Capes 1.4 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: CRF restores an unimplemented Stormcloak Cuirass. This patch merges the CRF and CAC leveled lists and also includes the USSEP Isran armor fix. Permission granted by volvaga0 and Arthmoor.
Cloaks Of Skyrim 1.2.1 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: This patch includes USSEP conflict resolution and resolves an additional 4 conflicts with CRF: two leveled lists and two outfit records. Replaces 'Cloaks_-_USSEP_Patch.esp", requires 'Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp'. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and Cloaks of Skyrim has open patch permissions.
Diversity 2.6 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: If Diversity ever did require CRF or had built in CRF support as claimed on the description page, it was later removed. A patch is very much needed, as Diversity overwrites about a dozen of CRF's edits to NPC Actor records if not patched properly. NOTE: If you are also using AI Overhaul, a 3 way patch will be installed instead. Permission granted by Arthmoor. NEVERMOREPJM could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if NEVERMOREPJM objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed.
Divine People of Skyrim (Men Only) 2.3c + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3 and Missing Hairs: CRF makes Captain Metilius non-essential and adds sandboxing around Castle Dour. It also gives leveled armor and weapons to 4 hireling men modified by this mod. DPOS overwrites them, this patch restores them. Includes USSEP 4.1.7 fixes and the missing hairs. Permission granted by Arthmoor and Tarshana.
Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) 1.2.2 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: This patch preserves some ownership and other edits made by CRF to the Thalmor Headquarters. Permission granted by Jawz and Arthmoor.
Immersive Sounds Compendium 2.2 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: This patch includes USSEP conflict resolution and also preserves the CRF-restored visual effects for bark/stone/iron/dragonskin spells that used to be integrated in ISC but were reverted in ISC 2.2. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and Immersive Sounds Compendium by lazyskeever has Creative Commons License permissions.
Luminosity 3.1 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: Keeps Luminosity from overriding CRF edits in Hoarfrost Grotto and Thalmor Headquarters. Also implements 2 small USSEP fixes that were missed that probably aren't worth a standalone patch. Load before Immersive Citizens patch if also using that (available later in the installer). Permission granted by JonnyWang13 and Arthmoor.
Pandorable's NPCs 1.3 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: CRF adds a "Letter from Jon" to Olfina Grey-Mane's inventory, a "Key to Chillfurrow Farm" to Ahlam, and makes Nirya marriageable. Pandorable's NPCs overwrites those changes, this patch restores them. MUST use Pandorable's NPCs USSEP compatibility patch. NOTE: If you are using Pandorable's NPCs AND The Ordinary Women, you only need a CRF patch for the one that you've chosen to override the other. You can uncheck the patch for whichever one you plan to be overwritten. Permission granted by Pandorable and Arthmoor.
Realistic Faces 1.04 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: Replaces the 'RFCharacterOverhaul_USSEP.esp' patch that comes with Realistic Faces. Also resolves a few conflicts with CRF. Note that if any hireling characters are naked after installing this patch in an ongoing game, target them with the console and type 'resetinventory'. Permission granted by Arthmoor and Mandragorasprouts.
Relighting Skyrim 1.0.6 + CRF 3.1.3: Makes Relighting Skyrim 1.0.6 play well with several CRF restorations, including the refurbished Thalmor Headquarters, Obscured Passage (Cidhna Mine) and Castle Dour Tower. Permission granted by Jawz and Arthmoor.
(Updated!) Skyrim 3D Landscapes 1.0.6 + CRF 3.1.3: This updated patch now forwards some CRF Location settings, keeps dragons from flying through restored buildings during dragon attacks, removes one new floating tree placed by the restored Frost River Farm, and preserves a single USSEP water flow
edit. Permission granted by mathy79 and Arthmoor. (Updated for CRF 3.1.3)
(Updated!) Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants 4.0.1 + CRF 3.1.3: This patch forwards some CRF location settings, and corrects floating and clipping trees and plants
in the areas restored by CRF. Particularly needed at Barleydark Farm and Frost River Farm. Permission granted by mathy79 and Arthmoor. (Updated for CRF 3.1.3)
The Ordinary Women 3.0 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: CRF adds a "Letter from Jon" to Olfina Grey-Mane's inventory, a "Key to Chillfurrow Farm" to Ahlam, and makes Nirya marriageable. TOW overwrites those changes, this patch restores them. MUST use TOW's USSEP compatibility patch. NOTE: If you are using
Pandorable's NPCs AND The Ordinary Women, you only need a CRF patch for the one that you've chosen to override the other. You can uncheck the patch for whichever one you plan to be overwritten. Permission granted by NeusKharp via his profile and by Arthmoor.
WACCF 1.0.1 + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: Conflict resolution for 8 records, including the Ebony Blade, 2 vampire outfits, Briarheart Geis and a clothing leveled list. The new ACE-CRF patch available in this install step includes these fixes, so there is no benefit to using both. If Armor and Clothing Extension is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and WACCF has open patch permissions.
WICO 0.9f + Cutting Room Floor 3.1.3: Includes everything the USSEP patch does, and also patches WICO's appearance edits with over a dozens of CRF edits to NPC actor records. NOTE: If you are also using AI Overhaul, a 3 way patch will be installed instead. Permission granted by Arthmoor. WintersongHS could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if WintersongHS objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed.
WACCF 1.0.1 + Audio Overhaul Skyrim 3.2.0: WACCF and AOS conflict in 21 item records, mostly weapons. Which changes you got depended on load order. This patch merges both of their edits so they play well together. Permission granted by DylanJamesWasTaken, and WACCF has open patch permissions.
WACCF 1.0.1 + Beyond Reach 3.0.0: Tiny patch for a single conflicting record - Falmer Boots. WACCF and Beyond Reach both have open patch permissions.
WACCF 1.0.1 + Beyond Skyrim Bruma 1.3.3: This previously trivial patch has expanded tremendously. It now applies the changes WACCF makes to weapons and armor to their Bruma equivalents. The ACE-Bruma patch available later in this installer includes this fix, so there is no benefit to using both. If Armor and Clothing Extension is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. WACCF and Beyond Skyrim Bruma both have open patch permissions.
WACCF 1.0.1 + Cloaks of Skyrim 1.2.1: This patch resolves five outfit conflicts between WACCF and CoS related to WACCF's changes to mage robe hoods and vampire outfit gauntlets. The ACE-CloaksOfSkyrim patch available later in this installer includes these fixes, so there is no benefit to using both. If Armor and Clothing Extension is installed, this patch will be automatically disabled. WACCF and Cloaks of Skyrim have open patch permissions.
WACCF 1.0.1 + Immersive Sounds Compendium 2.2: Critical patch. 75 conflicting records. ISC will overwrite virtually every change made to jewelry, gems and a great number of weapons if loaded after WACCF without this patch. WACCF and ISC both have open patch permissions.
WACCF 1.0.1 + Legendary Skyrim Crossbows 3.0 Beta: Critical patch. Integrates the leveled lists on bows and crossbows so that they drop in accordance with WACCF's Dwarven-Elvish-Orcish progression. Without this patch, you either won't get LSC crossbow drops or you'll get level 20 orcish crossbows dropping at level 6, depending on load order. This patch won't work with LSC version 2.5. Permission granted by Kelsenellenelvian, and WACCF has open patch permissions.
WACCF 1.0.1 + Open Faced Guard Helmets Special Edition 1.0: Preserves several keyword edits made by WACCF if Open Faced Guard Helmets SSE is loaded after it. OFGHSE won't work at all if loaded first. WACCF and Open Faced Guard Helmets - Special Edition both have open patch permissions.
WACCF 1.0.1 + RS Children Overhaul 1.1.2: Possibly significant patch resolving conflicts with WACCF and RSCO in 7 sets of children's clothing. WACCF and RS Children Overhaul both have open patch permissions.
WACCF 1.0.1 + TMB Vanilla Armor and Clothes 1.4.0: Allows TMBVAC to be loaded after WACCF without overwriting WACCF edits to Karliah's Armor, Greybeard Robes and Nocturnal Armor (TMB makes them wearable), and resolves a lot of conflicts with Ulfric's Clothes. Fourteen conflicting records. WACCF has open permissions, and I ported TMBVAC to SSE, so I certainly hope it's okay for me to patch it.
Armor and Clothing Extension 1.0 + Beyond Skyrim Bruma 1.3.3: This previously trivial patch has expanded tremendously. It now applies the changes WACCF makes to weapons and armor to their Bruma equivalents. ACE and Beyond Skyrim Bruma both have open patch permissions.
Armor and Clothing Extension 1.0 + Cloaks and Capes 1.4: When Florentius is recruited to the Dawnguard, ACE changes the clothes he gets from heavy Dawnguard armor to robes more befitting a priest. This patch makes sure he gets that change and the cloak intended by CAC as well. Permission granted by volvaga0, and ACE has open patch permissions.
Armor and Clothing Extension 1.0 + Cloaks of Skyrim 1.2.1: This patch resolves the five outfit conflicts between WACCF and CoS, and resolves an additional outfit conflict for clothes and cloaks worn by Hunters that exist between ACE and CoS. Requires 'Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp' as a master. ACE and Cloaks of Skyrim have open patch permissions.
Armor and Clothing Extension 1.0 + Skyrim Immersive Creatures 6.6a: This patch merges leveled list records between ACE and SIC. There are no conflicts between it and WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp, so no need to worry about placing after it in the load order. Permission granted by Kelsenellenelvian, maintainer of the SIC Official Patch (highly recommended), and ACE has open patch permissions.
Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) 1.2.2 + Immersive College of Winterhold 5.3: Keeps ELE and ICoW from overwriting each other. Uses ICoW lighting when ICoW actually modifies lighting from vanilla (since it also adds light sources), otherwise uses ELE's lighting scheme. Permission granted by Jawz and Grantyboy050.
Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) 1.2.2 + Realistic Water Two 1.11: This patch merges some interior worldspace ELE lighting changes with RW2's water flow edits. It also allows RW2 to be placed after ELE in your load order without it overwriting several ELE cell edits. Permission granted by Jawz and isoku.
Luminosity 3.1 + Castle Volkihar Rebuilt 2.0.4: Merges the lighting changes made by Luminosity with the changes needed by Castle Volkihar Rebuilt to make player inventory not reset and other changes. Permission granted by JonnyWang13 and Arthmoor.
Luminosity 3.1 + Immersive Citizens 0.4: Merges the lighting changes made by Luminosity with the faction, ownership and other changes required for Immersive Citizens to work correctly. Permission granted by JonnyWang13 and Shurah.
Luminosity 3.1 + Immersive College of Winterhold 5.3: Keeps Luminosity and ICoW from overwriting each other, and permits the two mods to be loaded in either order. Uses ICoW lighting when ICoW actually modifies lighting from vanilla (since it also adds light sources), otherwise uses Luminosity's lighting. Permission granted by JonnyWang13 and Grantyboy050.
Luminosity 3.1 + Realistic Water Two 1.11: Allows Luminosity to be placed before RW2 in the load order without RW2 uselessly overwriting Luminosity's lighting edits in nine interior cells. Preserves RW2's forge water fixes in Hearthfire basements if Luminosity is placed after RW2. Permission granted by JonnyWang13 and isoku.
Ars Metallica 2.0.4 + Flora Respawn Fix 2.1.3: Flora Respawn Fix makes pheasants respawn, and Ars Metallica adds crafting feathers to them. Which of those you get depends on plugin load order. This ESP patch allows the pheasants to respawn with crafting feathers. If CACO is installed, you should not be using Flora Respawn Fix and this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and Flora Respawn Fix has open permissions.
Ars Metallica 2.0.4 + SMIM 2.08 Merged-All Version Only: Ars Metallica makes crafting feathers lootable from the Felsaad Tern (a bird in the Dragonborn expansion) and SMIM changes the bird's texture. Which one you get depends on plugin order. This patch allows you to get both the crafting feathers and SMIM's retexture. For use with the Merged-All version of SMIM. If you are using CACO, this patch is unnecessary and will be automatically disabled. Do be sure CACO is loaded after the SMIM ESP. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and SMIM has open permissions.
Ars Metallica 2.0.4 + SMIM 2.08 Xbox Lite Version Only: Ars Metallica makes crafting feathers lootable from the Felsaad Tern (a bird in the Dragonborn expansion) and SMIM changes the bird's texture. Which one you get depends on plugin order. This patch allows you to get both the crafting feathers and SMIM's retexture. For use with the XBox-Lite "No Ropes" version of SMIM. If you are using CACO, this patch is unnecessary and will be automatically disabled. Do be sure CACO is loaded after the SMIM ESP. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and SMIM has open permissions.
Ars Metallica 2.0.4 + CACO 2.0.3: Ars Metallica and CACO both implement feathers usable in crafting. Without this patch, you only get one or the other mods' feathers depending on load order. This patch enables Felsaad Tern, pheasants, chickens, hawks, and Hargravens to drop both sets of feathers needed for both mods' crafting recipes, and for vendors to potentially sell both types as well. Permission granted by Arthmoor, and CACO has open patch permissions.
Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants 4.0.1 + Flora Respawn Fix 2.1.3: The Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants ESP edits lavender, juniper, nightshade, and mountain flowers to improve their sway in the wind, while FRF makes them respawn properly. Which you get depends on plugin order. This patch enables 3D flora that sway and respawn properly. If CACO is installed, you should not be using Flora Respawn Fix and this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by mathy, and Flora Respawn Fix has open permissions.
Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants 4.0.1 + Flora Respawn Fix 2.1.3 + Harvest Overhaul Redone Plants 0.9.1: The Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants ESP edits lavender, juniper, nightshade, and mountain flowers to improve their sway in the wind, while FRF makes them respawn properly, and Harvest Overhaul Redone Plants increases your harvest from them. Which you get depends on which comes last in your load order. This patch lets you increase your harvest from 3D flowers that sway *and* respawn properly. It resolves all conflicts between the 3 mods. Don't use other patches that apply to using only 2 of the mods. If CACO is installed, you should not be using either Flora Respawn Fix OR Harvest Overhaul Redone Plants, and this patch will be automatically disabled. Permission granted by mathy, and Flora Respawn Fix and Harvest Overhaul Redone both have open permissions for patches.
Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants 4.0.1 + Complete Alchemy And Cooking Overhaul 2.0.3: This patch merges the ingredient, harvesting and respawn fixes made by CACO with the object bound and wind sway parameters needed by Skyrim 3D Trees and Plants. Permission granted by mathy, and CACO has open permissions for patches.
Complete Alchemy And Cooking Overhaul 2.0.3 + Audio Overhaul Skyrim 3.2.0: This patch merges CACO's edits to creature resistance and immunities in magic effects with AOS's sound edits to the same effects. Permission granted by DylanJamesWasTaken, and CACO has open patch permissions.
Complete Alchemy And Cooking Overhaul 2.0.3 + Book Covers Skyrim 4.2: This extensive patch doesn't just resolve conflicts with vanilla books edited by CACO, it also applies the meshes and textures from BCS to all new recipes and Hunter's Notes added by CACO. 'Alchemist Notes' added by CACO - which are actually journals - are unpatched for the time being because reasons. CACO and BCS both have open patch permissions.
(Updated!) Complete Alchemy And Cooking Overhaul 2.0.3 + Interesting NPCs 3.4.2: This patch is unique in QUASIPC as not having been created entirely by me (Qwinn). Originally developed for oldrim by Thelrontoads, it was ported for SSE by Velgath, who gave permission for me to host it in QUASIPC. It doesn't just resolve conflicts, it fully integrates the two mods, such as using CACO ingredients in 3DNPC recipes and quests. I did review it thoroughly, made it load order independent and removed an underscore in an editor ID, otherwise their work. CACO and Interesting NPCs both have open patch permissions. (Forwarded some missing forced references in the Birds Of A Feather quest that would prevent the quest from playing out properly. Thanks to ikillyou233 for spotting and reporting this.)
Complete Alchemy And Cooking Overhaul 2.0.3 + Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Final: This patch merges CACO and RDO edits to the jobs where you can sell gathered crops (wheat, gourds, etc.) to the farmers that will buy them. CACO and RDO both have open patch permissions.
Bijin AIO SE for USSEP vAIOSE + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges the stunning Bijin ladies' looks with the AI edits from AI Overhaul. Note that this is not for the Mebantiza Bijin 2018 AIO versions, this is for the AIO version from the 3 base Bijin mods pages. Permission granted by SpiderAkiraC, and the base Bijin mods have open patch permissions.
Bijin AIO SE for USSEP vAIOSE + Immersive College of Winderhold 5.3: Patches Brelyna so that she has Bijin's appearance and ICOW's skills, spells, perks, etc. Note that this is not for the Mebantiza Bijin 2018 AIO version, this is for the AIO version from the 3 base Bijin mods pages. Permission granted by Grantyboy050, and the base Bijin mods have open patch permissions.
(Updated!) Consistent Older People 4.2 + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges what COP does with the AI edits of AI Overhaul. Permission granted by SpiderAkiraC and winterlove. (Updated for AIO 1.1)
(Updated!) Diversity 2.6 + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges the looks from Diversity with the AI edits of AI Overhaul. NOTE: If you are also using Cutting Room Floor, this won't be selected as you had the option for a 3 way patch selected on the CRF page of this installer. Permission granted by SpiderAkiraC. NEVERMOREPJM could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if NEVERMOREPJM objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed. (Updated for AIO 1.1)
Diversity 2.6 + Immersive College of Winterhold 5.3: Merges the looks of Diversity with the edits to outfits, skills, perks and spells of ICoW. Always load after my Diversity-CRF patch. Permission granted by Grantyboy050. NEVERMOREPJM could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if NEVERMOREPJM objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed.
Diversity 2.6 + Interesting NPC's 3.4.2: This patch keeps Diversity from overwriting what appears to be a number of important changes to Luaffyn, who takes a much greater role in Interesting NPCs. This includes faction changes, marking her as quest essential, AI packages and so forth. Interesting NPC's has open patch permissions. NEVERMOREPJM could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if NEVERMOREPJM objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed.
(Updated!) Divine People of Skyrim Men Only 2.3C + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges the looks of the men from Divine People of Skyrim Men Only with the AI edits of AI Overhaul. Permission granted by Tarshana and SpiderAkiraC. (Updated for AIO 1.1)
Divine People of Skyrim Men Only 2.3C + Immersive College of Winterhold 5.3: Merges the looks of the men from Divine People of Skyrim Men Only with the edits to outfits, skills, perks and spells of ICW, and allows the two mods to be loaded in either order without blackface. Permission granted by Tarshana and by Grantyboy050.
(Updated!) Pandorable's NPCs 1.3 + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges the looks of the women from Pandorable's NPCs with the AI edits of AI Overhaul. NOTE: If you are also using Cutting Room Floor, this won't be selected as you had the option for a 3 way patch selected on the CRF page of this installer. Permission granted by Pandorable and SpiderAkiraC. (Updated for AIO 1.1)
Pandorable's NPCs 1.3 + Immersive College of Winterhold 5.3: Merges the looks of Pandorable's NPCs with the edits to outfits, skills, perks and spells of ICoW. Always load after the PANNPCs-CRF patch. If you are using Pandorable's NPCs AND The Ordinary Women, you only need an ICOW patch for the one that you've chosen to override the other. You can uncheck the patch for whichever mod you plan to be overwritten. Permission granted by Pandorable and by Grantyboy050.
Pandorable's NPCs Dawnguard 1.2 + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges the looks of Sybille Stentor from Pandorable's NPCs Dawnguard with the AI edits made to her in AI Overhaul. Permission granted by Pandorable and SpiderAkiraC.
Realistic Faces 1.04 + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges the looks of Realistic Faces with the AI edits of AI Overhaul. Permission granted by Mandragorasprouts and SpiderAkiraC.
Realistic Faces 1.04 + Immersive College of Winterhold 5.3: Merges the looks of Realistic Faces with the edits to outfits, skills, perks and spells of ICoW. Permission granted by Mandragorasprouts and by Grantyboy050.
RS Children Overhaul 1.1.2 + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges Dorthe's appearance edit from RS Children Overhaul with the AI edits of AI Overhaul. Permission granted by SpiderAkiraC, and RS Children Overhaul has open patch permissions
Simple Children 1.0.0 + AI Overhaul 1.1. Merges Dorthe's appearance edit from RS Children Overhaul with the AI edits of AI Overhaul. Permission granted by SpiderAkiraC, and tetchystar.
Sofia The Funny Fully Voiced Follower 2.51 + Guard Dialogue Overhaul 1.6.1: This patch resolves a number of Sofia dialogue conflicts with GDO, ensuring that GDO's edits work correctly while allowing Sofia to respond to a number of their comments as intended. Permission granted by Murilognt, and Sofia has open patch permissions.
Sofia The Funny Fully Voiced Follower 2.51 + Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Final: This patch aims to make sure that Sofia's scripted responses to some of Nazeem's and Carlotta's dialogue lines work correctly in tandem with RDO's intended changes. RDO and Sofia have open patch permissions.
The Huntress Reborn Aela Replacer + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges the looks of this Aela replacer with the AI edits of AI Overhaul. Includes USSEP fixes so the THRAR USSEP patch isn't required if you use this. Permission granted by SpiderAkiraC and bchick3 (who ported the SSE version of THRAR).
The Ordinary Women 3.0 + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges the looks of The Ordinary Women with the AI edits of AI Overhaul. NOTE: If you are also using Cutting Room Floor, this won't be selected as you had the option for a 3 way patch selected on the CRF page of this installer. Permission granted by SpiderAkiraC, and NeusKharp via his profile.
The Ordinary Women 3.0 + Immersive College of Winterhold 5.3: Merges the looks of TOW with the edits to outfits, skills, perks and spells of ICoW. Always load after the TOW-CRF patch. If you are using Pandorable's NPCs AND The Ordinary Women, you only need an ICOW patch for the one that you've chosen to override the other. You can uncheck the patch for whichever mod you plan to be overwritten. Permission granted by NeusKharp via his profile and by Grantyboy050.
The Ordinary Women 3.0 + Interesting NPC's 3.4.2: This patch keeps The Ordinary Women from overwriting what appears to be a number of important changes to Luaffyn, who takes a much greater role in Interesting NPCs. This includes faction changes, marking her as quest essential, AI packages and so forth. Permission granted by NeusKharp via his profile, and Interesting NPC's has open patch permissions.
(Updated!) WICO 0.9f + AI Overhaul 1.1: Merges the looks of WICO with the AI edits of AI Overhaul. Requires the original WICO-USSEP patch to be active to be installable. NOTE: If you are also using Cutting Room Floor, this won't be selected as you had the option for a 3 way patch selected on the CRF page of this installer. Permission granted by SpiderAkiraC. WintersongHS could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if WintersongHS objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed. (Updated for AIO 1.1)
WICO 0.9f + Interesting NPC's 3.4.2: This patch keeps WICO from overwriting what appears to be a number of important changes to Luaffyn, who takes a much greater role in Interesting NPCs. This includes faction changes, marking her as quest essential, AI packages and so forth. Interesting NPC's has open patch permissions. WintersongHS could not be contacted. Per Nexus rules, if WintersongHS objects to the release of this patch, it will be removed.
Deadly Spell Impacts 1.70 and Audio Overhaul Skyrim 3.2.0: Merges the decal and impact edits of DSI with the sound edits of AOS. If you experienced CTDs after killing dragons using DSI without this patch, try with this and please report results. I can't reproduce the CTD even without the patches. No additional patch needed if using the DSI "Two-Fires" add on ESP. Permission granted by isoku and DylanJamesWasTaken.
Deadly Spell Impacts 1.70 and Immersive Sound Compendium 2.2: Merges the decal and impact edits of DSI with the sound edits of ISC. If you experienced CTDs after killing dragons using DSI without this patch, try with this and please report results. I can't reproduce the CTD even without the patches. Load after AOS patch if using both. No additional patch needed if using the DSI "Two-Fires" add on ESP. Permission granted by isoku, and Immersive Sound Compendium by lazyskeever has Creative Commons License permissions.
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim 9.26 + Audio Overhaul Skyrim 3.2.0: Merges the major changes Ordinator makes to two perk related magic effects with AOS's sound edits. Without this patch, loading AOS after Ordinator would revert the effect of Scarring Burns to vanilla Intense Flames, and revert Static Field to vanilla Disintegrate. Permission granted by DylanJamesWasTaken, and Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim by EnaiSiaion has open patch permissions.
RUSTIC SOULGEMS 1.0 + Immersive Sounds Compendium 2.2: Merges the visual changes of filled soulgems (and the sorted names, if using the sorted version) of RUSTIC SOULGEMS with the sound edits of ISC. Permission granted by Gamwich, and Immersive Sounds Compendium by lazyskeever has Creative Commons License permissions.
Imperious - Races of Skyrim 7.24 + Skyrim Sizes Lore 2.1: Merges the changes Imperious makes to races with the edits to base height and other changes made by Skyrim Sizes Lore. Permission granted by RipperArcane, and Imperious has open compatibility patch permissions.
Beyond Reach 4.0Beta + Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Final: This patch preserves Chrystanna's unique innkeeper greeting when entering the Drowned Land Inn, rather than delivering one of the four default greetings. Both Beyond Reach and RDO have open compatibility patch permissions.
Seriously couldn't get any easier. Install with your mod manager. Then hit Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Next, Install. You only have to slow down if you want to see which patches have been automatically chosen for you and read the same descriptions as above about what problems they'll fix for you.
If you're upgrading to a newer version of QUASIPC, install the new version first, THEN uninstall the old version. This will make sure that your mod manager can always find the plugins as listed in your plugin order, preserving their positions. If you uninstall the old version first and then install the newer version of QUASIPC, your mod manager would likely forget the order of the patch plugins in the interim and add them all back in at the bottom of the list.
Also couldn't get any easier. Just uninstall with your mod manager. There's no scripts of any kind in any of these patches (yet - always adding more!), only ESP's, with some meshes and textures packed in a BSA for two patches. No need to clean your saves. Utterly harmless to uninstall, aside from your mods no longer being patched for conflicts, and the fact that you'll be missing some ESP's and get a warning about it next time you load a save that had them, but honestly without scripts involved I've never had a problem doing that.
Whenever you add or remove a mod that makes you newly eligible or ineligible for one of my patches, tell your mod manager to reinstall QUASIPC. If MO2 asks you to "Merge" or "Replace", pick "Replace". It'll detect all your changes, remove what you no longer need, and add whatever you now do need. This makes maintaining these patches a breeze. Don't forget to move any new patches to their proper place in the plugin order (it should almost always be as high as possible), but aside from that, zero additional maintenance required.
I nearly always recommend that patches be placed immediately after the last master that the patch addresses. And this doesn't just pertain to these patches, but pretty much all patches. Do NOT move them any further down in your plugin order than necessary unless you really know what you're doing and it's achieving a specific purpose to do so. Aside from merging leveled lists, DON'T create merged patches unless you absolutely need to AND you know exactly why you need to do so. To move them further down than absolutely necessary (and merged patches inherently require this) is about 10x more likely to cause a problem than it is to resolve one. In fact, making it painless to place the patches where I'm advising is the main purpose of my investigating, testing and releasing the Featherweight ESPFE Patches.
If you want a VERY lengthy and detailed discussion of how ESPFE patches work, as well as why I recommend placing patches where I do with examples of how moving them further down than necessary can introduce unnecessary conflicts, see the following article:
You can place QUASIPC anywhere you want in the install order. It contains only plugins and a couple of BSA's loaded by the plugins, so anywhere you want is fine.
In addition to the many thanks and credit I happily extend to all of the above terrific mod authors for their great work, many must also go to ElminsterAU and the rest of the XEdit development team for the fantastic SSEEdit, an amazing modding tool which makes finding and fixing conflicts easy. I encourage everyone to try it, learn it, and use it to find out what conflicts you have, since you likely use many mods I don't (yet). My producing these patches is by no means an attempt to help people to stop using this tool on their own mod lists, but I do hope to allow people to deal with *these* conflicts easily so they can spend more time checking over their *other* mods in SSEEdit.
The only assets in these patches aside from ESP records are the three missing hair textures in the Divine People of Skyrim Men Only USSEP and CRF patches. I acquired what I needed from KS Hairdos and ApachiiSkyhair SSE, both excellent mods whose work deserves great credit. KS Hairdos has open permissions, and while the author of ApachiiSkyhair SSE requires permission for their use, that author granted permission to the author of Divine People of Skyrim (Tarshana) for their use, and this patch is both merely completing that permitted implementation and only usable in conjunction with it.
Zeridian, for making me aware of ESPFE's, that they've been used by Fallout 4 modders for some time now, and freely sharing his knowledge of them.
My Fallout New Vegas Mods:
QRNVR3 - Qwinn's Refined New Vegas Redesigned 3
My Skyrim Special Edition mods:
QUASIPC - Qwinn's Unified Automated Self Installing Patch Compendium
QRVAE - Qwinn's Refined Visual Animated Enchants
Improved Redbelly Mine Mist Fix (Replaced patches for ELE-USSEP and Luminosity-USSEP)
QUARK - Qwinn's Ultimate Amulet Restoration Kit
QUSTR - Qwinn's Universal Skin Texture Replacer
Scoped Bows Compatibility Kit
IDRS - Improved Disabled Race Scaling
Critters Ain't Snitches - Animal and Monster Crime Reporting Fix
Interesting NPCs Amalee Customizer (by frogf, port only)
Interesting NPCs Zora Customizer (by frogf, port only)
TMBE Enhanced Body for SSE (by Robton, port only)
TMB Vanilla Armors and Clothes (by Robton, port only)
My Dragon Age Origins mods:
Qwinn's Ultimate Dragon Age Origins Fixpack
Tougher Merchants
Rudy ENB SE for Vivid Weathers-生动天气 | 《无双大蛇》黑衣女战士星彩 | 环世界 b18动物远程攻击MOD | 侠盗猎车手5 高纹理经典木质AK MOD | 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 新水果和蔬菜MOD | 上古卷轴5 韩系大眼萝莉小夜独立随从MOD |