Skyrim SE的角落

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Skyrim SE的角落 Mod,由alaken制作。lxl6125在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: alaken Mod版本: 1.3 Mod大小: 1.30 MB 更新时间: 2019-09-24 00:36:17 发布时间: 2019-09-24 00:36:17







幽灵炉膛-一个小型露天小屋,在法尔科斯(Falkreath)附近安放着魔法魔法; Redguard女巫(密涅瓦)的故乡。

Raisegrave Hillock-怀特伦平原北部的一个露天建筑,带有额外的倾斜。死灵法师的家,被称为Magnus Tacitus

Twinsrest-带有手工感觉的海滨房屋,位于孤独的阴影下;北狂战士的故乡,称为Snar The Stout Twin

Thaw Forge-解冻的车间,内部在Windhelm西部;兽人战士的故乡,称为Bul gra-Shura

Ale N'Tale Inn遗址-一座废弃且破败不堪的旅馆,现在正对从Whiterun河排空的大瀑布下面的元素开放; Khajiit争斗者的故乡-Hanushi

Grayfall-露天河边高跷房屋,位于温德赫姆以南的河流上。 Argonian咒语的所在地,称为Knows-Sky-Height


Corners of Skyrim

Corners of Skyrim was originally created and uploaded by alaken in 2013 and has yet to see a update or port to SE until now. My work only seeks to bring over CoS to SE and fix or improve things where needed for others to enjoy a mod I find nostalgic and enjoyable.

Corners of Skyrim fills out the land of Skyrim with multiple small structures and ruins for you to take shelter in or even call home during your adventures. Included with the structures are crafting benches, beds, fireplaces and safe storage depending on which structure it is; each are unique. Each structure also comes with a individual living there with each being protected, follower ready, marriageable, unique in fighting style, race and appearance.

The Locations

Plainwatch - A hunters retreat standing between Riverwood and Whiterun that overlooks both locations with breathtaking rooftop views; home to the Breton Hunter known as Nanna.

Ghostrise Hearth - A small open air cabin with a flair towards the magical that rests near Falkreath; home to the Redguard Witch known as Minerva.

Raisegrave Hillock - A open air structure with additional lean to that rests in in the northern Plains of Whiterun; home to the Necromancer known as Magnus Tacitus

Twinsrest - A seaside home with a hand made feel that rests under the shadow of Solitude; home to the Nord Berserker known as Snar The Stout Twin

Thaw Forge - A frozen workshop with interior that lies to the west of Windhelm; home to the Orc Warrior known as Bul gra-Shura

Ale N' Tale Inn Ruins - A abandoned and crumbling Inn now open to the elements that lies below the large waterfall emptying from the Whiterun River; home to the Khajiit Brawler known as Hanushi

Grayfall - A open air river side stilt home that rests on the river flowing south of Windhelm; home to the Argonian Spellsword known as Knows-Sky-Height




两款物理头发HDT-PE | 小小饰品整合 | 城市:天际线 陆上使用抽水排污循环两用MOD | 上古卷轴5:天际 化蝠飞行v2.1 汉化版 | 辐射4 黑暗版普立德温号 汉化版 | 美女天使 |


  • 两款物理头发HDT-PE
  • 小小饰品整合
  • 城市:天际线 陆上使用抽水排污循环两用MOD
  • 上古卷轴5:天际 化蝠飞行v2.1 汉化版
  • 辐射4 黑暗版普立德温号 汉化版
  • 美女天使