建立自己的Breezehome SSE

资源大小:20.5 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的建立自己的Breezehome SSE Mod,由plymster制作。maxfeng2199在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: plymster Mod版本: 1.13 Mod大小: 20.5 MB 更新时间: 2019-08-20 20:32:33 发布时间: 2019-08-20 20:32:33






你喜欢Breezehome,但希望它有一个奥术附魔师和图书馆吗?或者你有没有想要一个秘密房间来存储和展示所有盗贼公会物品和Barenziah's Stones?或许你想要一个史密斯配有大量的武器展示和展示盔甲的地方?或者只是放啤酒的地方?还是一个精心制作的博物馆,展示你的龙爪,龙祭司面具,以及游戏中的其他小装饰品?


请注意:此住宅需要SKSE(Skyrim Script Extender)。






Bathing RoomSpoiler的其他装饰:展示


烹饪锅上方的钢包架(为Dancing Hosklund添加,因此他可以更轻松地使用“制作需要工具”模块)




此外,还必须重新构建以下项目:“MS:Dagger Display Case”和“MS:Mage的显示案例”(由于某些更改)。对于那个很抱歉。


自动存储激活器 - 只需单击一下,一些容器将自动获取特定类型的所有项目(除了收藏项目,配备项目和任务项目)并将它们添加到存储容器中。


存储配置 - 使用地幔上的Whiterun标牌配置存储。您可以将项目添加到某些存储容器中以自动获取,或将容器设置为采用每种项目中的全部或仅1种。


沐浴室 - 擦配音。在新的沐浴室(就在Wood Chopping Block旁边)清洁干净。


导航网格修复 - 最后一个修复,以防止你的随从在所有该死的时间(门愿意)跑出门。希望这可以解决被收养的孩子一直在消失的问题,但是我并没有真正收养这些小家伙,所以我担心你必须自己测试一下。

更新的书架 - 书架更新为使用我的新mod,单个对象书架(它允许模型构建器只将书架作为单个对象而不是摆弄触发器,激活器,书籍标记等)的功能

新员工持有人 - 用于五线谱的新品牌(基于Single Object Bookshelves mod)


无玻璃匕首显示器 - 不再看那个匕首展示柜,想知道匕首看起来像什么,直到你到达那里。现在,匕首只是以一个角度躺在那里,让你看到它的一切荣耀。









手动 - 将BYOBreezehome.bsa和BYOBreezehome.esp文件存入



自动 - 单击“下载(NMM)”按钮,然后使用Nexus Mod Manager


此mod主要供想要显示项目的人使用。您可以在显示点(龙爪,篮子,盘子,乐器,书籍,甚至墨水和羽毛笔)上放置几乎任何错误的物体。武器饰板和武器架装饰在大部分家中,横幅柱(用于在2楼用织机构造的装饰性横幅)也是如此。装甲架和展示柜衣柜散落在整个家中,所以你可以炫耀你的花哨盔甲,而不必用你的人体模型磨掉你的电脑系统(但不要担心 - 你也可以使用一些人体模特展示最新的北欧时装)。



您的卧室 - 为您的地毯,展示架和武器牌配备了一些显示点,存储空间和一些颜色选项。

你的阁楼 - 用可定制的神龛(只需插入你的神的护身符来召唤神社),织机(用于制作横幅),以及大量的书架和武器牌匾。

你的书房(或孩子们的房间) - 几本书和杂物的完美场所。 (或标准的孩子的房间)

您的厨房 - 配有工作烤箱,烹饪锅,奶油搅拌器,食品室(大多数未煮熟的食品展示)和餐具柜。烤箱甚至配备了一些用于合法用餐的定制食谱。

您的起居室 - 配有方便的储物箱(可升级 - 见下面的Summonable Chest)和休息区。

您的餐厅 - 配有适合家庭入住的房间和供您喜爱的饮料的酒吧。

您的Woodshop  - 从Avenicci购买Woodshop(就像任何其他房间装饰一样),并根据您的喜好尽可能多地建造。这是你可以......



召唤胸部 - 厌倦了回到家园?在完成对Binding Stone的追求后,建立自己的召唤胸部。

必须的,过于复杂的分拣机 - 选择您想要排序的内容以及您希望它最终使用过于复杂的设置按钮。

炼金术角 - 配有药水架,配料架,杂物罐架,甚至还有一些特殊药水的展示点(如白色药瓶)

一个秘密房间 - 带有变脸镜,大量展示衣柜,展示盗贼公会和黑暗兄弟会盔甲和横幅,特殊物品展示架,保险箱,甚至是Barenziah石头的特殊展示柜。

史密斯 - 带有锻造,冶炼厂,工作台,磨刀石,晒黑架,以及装甲,武器,珠宝和矿石的存储

军械库 - 武器架,武器牌,人体模型和引入装甲架(不像人体模型那样耗费资源,但只能使用Immersive Armors mod的标准装甲和护甲)。在这里显示所有你最喜欢的盔甲和武器。

法师的圣殿 - 配有奥术魔法师,附魔储物柜,法师任务物品的展示柜,用于存放/展示Kahvozein's Fang的展示柜(所以你无需随身携带匕首),展示衣柜你的迷人装备或大法师的长袍,用于展示五线谱的武器架和牌匾,甚至还有一个用于心脏石头和无魔法五线谱的木板制作工作台(这样你就可以在没有前往索尔斯特海姆的情况下制作五线谱)。

Wood Chopping Block  - 扩展Woodshop并添加一个特殊的木质砧板(非常适合切割您想要的所有家具所需的所有木柴),以及用于小型生长灯操作的空间。你甚至可以加入一扇门......

地下室 - 一些额外房间的第二个较低楼层(如果你愿意)

军营 - 可容纳6名粉丝的房间,可以在这里闲逛,做饭,守护你的...

Daedric Hall  - 一个北欧风格的博物馆,供您使用特殊物品(龙爪,牧师面具,一些盔甲,武器,当然还有Daedric Weapons,Armors和物品)。

奖杯室 - 因为你需要额外的空间来容纳你的冒险所有的武器,小饰品,盔甲和其他各种纪念品

图书馆 - 可存放更多书籍,武器,舵,甚至黑书和上古卷轴的特殊存储库


更容易显示 - 不是进入你的库存,装备铁剑,然后点击武器牌匾,将每个武器架,武器牌或装甲架像一个容器一样,你要添加一个可显示的武器/物品。就这么简单。

大量的游戏书籍 - 几本书解释了房子以及每个可以制作的物品是什么和做了什么(如果有什么不够直观的话)

膳食食谱 - 每顿饭都是一个准备过程,但给你8小时的好处(如增加速度,承载能力,健康,耐力,magicka或magicka再生)

寻找高岩石遗物 - 从过去的时代追踪失落的遗物,以增强你的奥术魔法师,可能使其效力加倍,或找到绑定石头来建立你的召唤胸部,或寻找Portal Anchor,让你立即传送回Breezehome。这些任务是通过阅读你在建造法师圣殿时发现的书籍开始的。

横幅 - 制作自己的横幅,在家中装饰横幅。当你加入不同的团体(同伴,盗贼公会等)并体验不同的冒险(遇到米拉克崇拜,杀死夏日阴影等)时,你可以解开新的横幅来制作。

场所设置 - 最后用你磕磕绊绊的那些愚蠢的叉子,刀子和勺子做点什么。

Cheat Chest  - 隐藏在Woodshop中是一个激活作弊箱的按钮,如果你只是不想收集所有的木柴,铁配件,巨魔脂肪,粘土,山羊角等来构建你的梦想Breezehome。只需翻阅壁炉旁的Whiterun家居装饰指南 - 最新版本,然后跳到最后一页。

关注性能 - 虽然这个mod中有很多东西,但我已经付出了一些努力来限制系统的性能。从建造Armor Stands和Display Wardrobes(而不是资源密集型Mannequins),到建造定制的迷你Doomstone Shrines,到使用Portals和Rooms,我试图保持这个mod尽可能高效。也就是说,如果你构建了所有东西并加载了所有的书架和显示器,那么期待一个缓慢的游戏(除非你有一套很好的装备)。

最重要的是......只有你想要的东西 - 如果你不想在我的无聊任务中寻找各种各样的东西,或者建造那个可怕的军械库,或者在你的谦虚的Whiterun家中的博物馆里存放小装饰品,这违反了每一个角色扮演骨骼在你的身体,然后不。如果你只想在地下室里有一个秘密的铁匠铺和一个神秘的魔法师,你可以只建造那些东西。

如果你想要一个超级缩小,非常简单的小玩家,我推荐我的其他mod,Imperial Haven。

另一方面,如果你想要一个地方存储游戏中的所有东西,那么Build Your Own Breezehome就是你正在寻找的东西。



沉浸式武器 - 用于展示更多武器

独特的唯一身份 - 用于展示更酷的独特物品

书籍封面天际 - 更好看的书籍(我使用了他的Whiterun家居装饰指南封面)

独特的Booze Bottles HD  - 用于更好看的Brewskies。


以下资源mod用于创建此Player Home(它们都非常出色)

Lolicept的资源 - 适用于小装饰品,垃圾篮和大网眼

Oaristys的Modders资源包 - 用于其他网格,以及Direnni Orbs的原始灵感


Jokerine的杂项资源 - 用于织机网格(我已经修改了一下)

床和东西 - 用于多色床上用品纹理

模块化制作表 - 用于我修改的网格,以制作我自己的Staff Crafting Station

非常感谢Darkfox127,他的教程(尤其是Nifskope上的教程)是一个有价值的指令集,其mod是一个巨大的灵感。 (你会发现他的mods分散在NexusMods周围,但我特别喜欢Riverside Shack。)

Darkfox127  - 这是他的主页


我使用的流失剧本属于Omeletter的Workable Churn's Mod,如果你想使用流失,请先获得他的许可。否则,只要您不为它充电,请随意使用此mod。所有其他脚本和网格都是由我自定义构建的。


v1.13  - 包括手动压缩的“High Rock of Relones”书中图片的JPG。它们被意外地从BSA文件中省略。 (非常感谢KitoryAku指出这一点)

v1.12  - 增加了金爪的配方(如果你已完成任务,如果原始爪仍在Riverwood Trader中)

v1.11  - 升级到书架,改变洗澡间和钢包挂架。如果要升级现有实例,请特别小心(请参阅说明顶部)。

v1.1  - 大升级 - 升级到此版本时要特别小心(清除书架上的所有书籍,在升级现有Breezehome之前从Breezehome外面开始)。添加自动存储激活器,存储配置,浴室,新Dagger显示器,显示点升级,导航网格修复,

v1.03  - 替换了Elder Scroll Display,以便它支持原始Elder Scroll(Dragon)以及Dawnguard版本(如果您已经为此修复生成了它,则必须重建Elder Scroll显示才能生效)。添加了首选路径,以减轻跑进和跑出的跑步者和随从


1.02  - 剥夺了Player和Lydia的编辑。固定在孩子房间的床位。将前门设置为最小使用。

1.01  - 添加了Thalmor Banner,为床添加了缺失的纹理。

1.00  - 原始上传(现已删除)



Link to the original mod by plymster
More details for SSE coming soon™
Yes, SKSE is required

Build Your Own Breezehome

Do you love Breezehome, but wish it had an Arcane Enchanter and a Library?  Or have you ever wanted a secret room to store and display all those Thieves Guild items and Barenziah's Stones?  Or maybe you wanted a Smithy complete with loads of weapon displays and places to show off your armor?  Or just a place to put a beer down?  or an elaborate museum to show off your Dragon Claws, Dragon Priest masks, and every other trinket in the game?

Then this mod is for you.

Please note:  SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) is required for this home to work.  
If your bookshelves, displays, etc. are not working, please verify that you have SKSE installed.

New in Version 1.11
Upgrade Warning:  Before updating this mod to version 1.11, please remove all books from your bookshelves and your staves from the staff holder, then save your game with your character outside Breezehome.  Failure to do this may cause you to lose your books/staves, and may cause certain functions to behave incorrectly.

Version 1.11 includes:

Correction of an exploit to the Single Object Bookshelves

Additional decoration in the Bathing RoomSpoiler:  Show

A cabinet that will allow you to quickly unequip and re-equip for bathing in the Bathing Room

A ladle holder above the Cooking Pot (added for Dancing Hosklund so he can use the "Crafting Requires Tools" mod a bit easier)

New Version 1.1
Upgrade Warning:  Some of the changes between versions 1.03 and 1.1 include container changes and bookshelf modification.  It is highly recommended that you remove all books from shelves before you upgrade (otherwise, your books will be dumped all over the floor).

Also, when upgrading an existing game, be sure to start outside of Breezehome so that some objects (bookshelves and displays) have a chance to automatically adjust their positions if necessary.

Additionally, the following items will have to be re-built: "MS: Dagger Display Case", and the "MS: Mage's Display Case" (due to some changes).  Sorry about that.

Version 1.1 includes:
Auto Storage Activators - With just a single click, some containers will automatically grab all of the items of a particular type (except favorited items, equipped items, and quest items) and add them to the storage container. 
Spoiler:  Show

Storage Configuration - Use the Whiterun Placard on the mantle to configure your storage.  You can add items to some storage containers to automatically take, or set a container to take all or just 1 of each kind of item.
Spoiler:  Show

Bathing Room - Rub a dub-dub.  Get squeaky clean in the new Bathing Room (just next to the Wood Chopping Block).
Spoiler:  Show

Nav-mesh fix - Finally a fix to keep your followers from running out the door all the damn time (God willing).  Hopefully this fixes problems with adopted kids disappearing all the time too, but I don't really ever adopt the little guys, so I'm afraid you'll have to test this out yourself.

Updated Bookshelves - Bookshelves are updated to use functionality from my new mod, Single Object Bookshelves (which allows mod builders to just place a bookshelf as single object instead of fiddling with triggers, activators, book-markers, etc)

New Staff holder - a brand spanking new holder for staves (based on the Single Object Bookshelves mod)
Spoiler:  Show

Glassless Dagger Displays - No more looking at that dagger display case and wondering what the dagger looks like until you get there.  Now the dagger is just laying there at an angle for you to behold in all it's glory.

If you load this mod and notice walls that have been disappeared, beds that have vanished or moved, or random furniture moved to where it shouldn't be, then try moving BYOBreezehome down in your load order.  I'm getting a few reports of this and the issue seems to be some mods with dirty edits accidentally mucking with the original Breezehome objects (some of which I used in building this mod).

You'll be best off with a fresh game (as opposed to an old, heavily modded saved game).

Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Hearthfire
SKSE (Darkfox127 has an excellent tutorial on installing this)

If you plan on using this on an existing save, then be sure to remove everything from Breezehome before you install this mod.  

Manual - deposit the BYOBreezehome.bsa and BYOBreezehome.esp files into the 
Skyrim\Data directory.  Include them in your "Data Files" by 
checking "BYOBreezehome"

Automated - Click the "Download (NMM)" button, and use the Nexus Mod Manager

Display Everything

This mod is primarily intended for people who want to display items.  You can place almost any miscelaneous object on a Display point (Dragon claws, baskets, plates, musical instruments, books, even the ink and quill).  Weapon plaques and weapon racks adorn most of the home, as do banner posts (for decorative banners you construct with the loom on the 2nd floor).  Armor Stands and Display Wardrobes are scattered throughout the home so you can show off your fancy armor without having to grind your computer system to a halt with mannequins (but don't fret - you can also use a few mannequins to display the latest Nordic fashions). 

Standard Rooms

Breezehome has the standard layout, and still looks rather unassuming from the exterior (though it's now completely made of stone).  You can buy decorations from Avenicci for:

Your Bedroom - Equipped with a few display points, storage, and some color options for your rugs, display shelves, and weapon plaques.

Your Loft - Decked out with a customizable shrine (just insert your god's amulet to call up a shrine), a loom (for crafting banners), and loads of bookshelves and weapon plaques.

Your Study (or the children's room) - the perfect place for a few books and miscellaneous objects.   (Or the standard kid's room)

Your Kitchen - Featuring a working oven, cooking pot, butter churn, pantry (with displays for most uncooked foodstuffs), and a dish cupboard.  The oven is even equipped with a few custom recipes for legitimately useful Meals.

Your Living Room - Complete with a handy storage chest (upgrade-able - see Summonable Chest below) and sitting area.

Your Dining Room - complete with room for the family and a bar for your favorite beverages.

Your Woodshop - Purchase the Woodshop from Avenicci (just like any other room decor), and build out as much or as little as you like.  This is where you can...

Build Your Own Furnishings and Rooms

Deck out your Living Room with 8 extra weapon and shield plaques.  Ideal for displaying your hard earned Thane weapons.  Hold shields may be purchased at the Blacksmith or the Inn (if there is no blacksmith) at the capitol of each hold.  

Summonable Chest - Tired of trekking back to the homestead?  Build your own summonable chest after completing a quest for the Binding Stone.

Obligatory, Over-complicated, Sorting Machine - Choose what you want to sort and where you want it to end up with the overly complicated settings buttons.

An Alchemy Nook - with potion shelves, ingredient shelves, a shelf for bug jars, and even a couple of display points for special potions (like the White Phial)

A Secret Room - with a face-changing mirror, plenty of display wardrobes to display thieves guild and dark brotherhood armors and banners, a display shelf for special objects, a safe, even a special display case for Barenziah's Stones.

A Smithy - with a forge, smelter, worktable, grindstone, tanning rack, and storage for armors, weapons, jewelry, and ores

An Armory - with Weapon Racks, Weapon Plaques, Mannequins, and introducing Armor Stands (not as resource intensive as mannequins, but only work with standard armor and armor from the Immersive Armors mod).  Display all your favorite armors and weapons here.

A Mage's Sanctum - Complete with Arcane Enchanter, Enchantment locker, display case for Mage quest items, display case for storing/displaying Kahvozein's Fang (so you don't have to lug that dagger around with you everywhere you go), a display wardrobe for your enchanting gear or Archmage's Robe, weapon racks and plaques for displaying staves, and even a stave crafting station with recipes for heart stones and unenchanted staves(so you can build staves without journeying to Solstheim).

Wood Chopping Block - Expand the Woodshop and add in a special wood chopping block (perfect for chopping all the firewood you need for all the furniture you want), and space for a small grow-lamp operation.  You can even add in a door to the...

Sub-Basement - a second lower level for a few extra rooms (if you like)

Barracks - Room for 6 followers to hang out, cook, and guard your...

Daedric Hall - a Nordic-style museum for your special items (Dragon Claws, Priest masks, some armors, weapons, and of course Daedric Weapons, Armors, and items).

Trophy Room - Because you need extra space for all those weapons, trinkets, armors, and other assorted memorabilia from your adventures

A Library - with space for even more books, weapons, helms, and even a special repository for the Black Books and Elder Scrolls

But don't download this mod yet, because you also get...
Easier Displaying - Instead of going into your inventory, equipping an Iron Sword, and then clicking on the weapon plaque, treat each weapon rack, weapon plaque, or armor stand like a container that you are adding a displayable weapon/item to.  It's just that easy.

Loads of in-game Books - Several books explaining the house and what each craftable item is and does are included (in case anything isn't intuitive enough)

Meal Recipes - Each meal is bit of a process to prepare, but gives you 8 hours of benefit (like increased speed, carrying capacity, health, stamina, magicka, or magicka regeneration)

Quests for the Relics of High Rock - Track down the lost Relics from a bygone age to enhance your Arcane Enchanter, potentially doubling its effectiveness, or locate the binding stone to build your summonable chest, or hunt for the Portal Anchor which allows you to instantly teleport back to Breezehome.  The quests are started by reading the books you unearth when you build the Mage's Sanctum.

Banners - craft your own banners to adorn banner posts throughout your home.  As you join different groups (Companions, Thieves Guild, etc) and experience different adventures (meeting the cult of Miraak, slaying the Summerset Shadows, etc) you unlock new banners to craft.

Place Settings - Finally do something with those stupid forks, knives, and spoons you've been stumbling across.

Cheat Chest - Hidden in the Woodshop is a button to activate a cheat chest, if you just don't want to gather all of the firewood, iron fittings, troll fat, clay, goat horns, etc to build out your dream Breezehome.  Just flip through the Whiterun Home Decorating Guide - Latest Edition available by the fireplace, and skip to the last page.

An Eye on Performance - While there is a lot of stuff in this mod, I have gone to some effort to limit the performance hit to your system.  From building out Armor Stands and Display Wardrobes (instead of resource-intensive Mannequins), to building custom mini- Doomstone Shrines, to using Portals and Rooms, I've tried to keep this mod as efficient as possible.  That said, if you build out everything and load up all the bookshelves and displays, expect a sluggish game (unless you have a great set of gear).

And best of all...Only what YOU want - If you don't want to traipse all over creation hunting down my boring quests, or building out that hideous armory, or storing trinkets in a museum under your modest Whiterun home that violates every role-playing bone in your body, then don't.  If you just want a secret smithy in the basement and an arcane enchanter, you can build out only those things.

If you want a super scaled down, very simple little player home, I recommend my other mod, Imperial Haven.

On the other hand, if you want a place to store just about everything in the game, then Build Your Own Breezehome is just what you're looking for.

Recommended Mods:
Immersive Armors ... and the Prisoner Cart Fix for it
Immersive Weapons - for more weapons to display
Unique Uniques - for cooler looking unique items to display
Book Covers Skyrim - for much better looking books (I used his Whiterun Home Decorating Guide cover)
Unique Booze Bottles HD - for much better looking brewskies. 

The following resource mods were used in the creation of this Player Home (they are all truly outstanding)
Lolicept's Resources - for loads of little knick-knacks, baskets of junk, and great meshes
Oaristys' Modders Resource Pack - for other meshes, and the original inspiration for the Direnni Orbs
Workable Churns 
Jokerine's Misc Resources - for the loom mesh (which I've modified a bit)
Beds and Stuff - for the multi-colored bedding textures
Modular Crafting Table - for the meshes that I modified to make my own Staff Crafting Station

And much thanks to Darkfox127, whose tutorials (especially the one on Nifskope) were a valuable instruction set and whose mods were a tremendous inspiration.  (You'll find his mods scattered around NexusMods, but I especially liked the Riverside Shack.)
Darkfox127 - Here's his Homepage

The script for the churn that I have used belongs to Omeletter's Workable Churn's Mod, so get his permission first if you want to use the churn.  Otherwise, feel free to use this mod as you like as long as you're not charging for it.  All of the other scripts and meshes are custom built by me.

Version Tracking:
v1.13 - includes JPGs of the pictures in the "Relics of High Rock" books manually zipped in.  They were accidentally omitted from the BSA file.  (Much thanks to KitoryAku for pointing this out)
v1.12 - adds in a recipe for the Golden Claw (if you have completed the quest, and if the original claw is still in the Riverwood Trader)
v1.11 - Upgrades to bookshelves, changes to bathing room, and a ladle hanger.  If you're upgrading an existing instance, take special care (see top of description).
v1.1 - Big Upgrade - take special care when upgrading to this version (Clear out all books on the bookshelves, start outside Breezehome before you upgrade an existing Breezehome).  Adds Auto Storage Activators, Storage Configuration, a Bathing Room, new Dagger Displays, Display Point upgrades, nav-mesh fix, 
v1.03 - Replaced Elder Scroll Display so that it will support original Elder Scroll (Dragon), as well as the Dawnguard version (You have to rebuild the Elder Scroll display if you already built it for this fix to take effect). Added Preferred pathing to mitigate rugrats and followers running in and out of the 
front door.
1.02 - Stripped out Player and Lydia edits.  Fixed bed placement in kid's room. Set front door to Min Use.
1.01 - Added Thalmor Banner, added missing textures for beds.
1.00 - Original upload (now deleted)

Please let me know of any new bugs you encounter, though if you notice any disappeared walls, please try dropping BYOBreezehome down to the bottom of your Load Order (ie: last to load) to see if that resolves the issue.




墙壁管道装饰 | 《上古卷轴5:天际》超級召唤马MOD汉化版:Spectral Horde | Karliah Armor 2-SE | 更好的纹理 - 香草树 | 2018年丰田凯美瑞1.0 | 合金装备5:幻痛 全图自动回收MOD |


  • 墙壁管道装饰
  • 《上古卷轴5:天际》超級召唤马MOD汉化版:Spectral Horde
  • Karliah Armor 2-SE
  • 更好的纹理 - 香草树
  • 2018年丰田凯美瑞1.0
  • 合金装备5:幻痛 全图自动回收MOD