Witchery Skill(香草炼金术扩展器) - SSE端口

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Witchery Skill(香草炼金术扩展器) - SSE端口 Mod,由DavidTheFalcon制作。lizhixian在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: DavidTheFalcon Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 5.59 MB 更新时间: 2019-08-12 17:02:44 发布时间: 2019-08-12 17:02:44


由DavidTheFalcon提供的令人敬畏的Witchery Skill mod的SSE版本,获得了他的许可。


它的作用是根据The Witcher游戏系列以超过20个新的特权扩展香草炼金术树。它还添加了着名的巫师唱歌作为你的角色使用的权力。



Witchery Skill(Vanilla Alchemy Expander)推出了巫师风格的特权,因为巫师的生活对魔药和酏剂很有影响,炼金术技巧对于那些特技来说是完美的技能。它被重新命名为“Witchery”,并通过添加巫师炼金术(与香草炼金术分开),魔法标志和巫师战斗特权变成了更加面向巫术的技能,主要受益于使用钢剑和银剑。它被称为扩展器而不是替换器,因为所有原始的Alchemy特权仍然存在 - 它们只是稍微调整一下,在大修的振动树中完美地工作,其中包含超过20种所有新的巫师式特权,分为(或多或少)3个分支除了原始的香草分支。

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Perk Tree(来自原始mod页面)


Witchery技能取代了Alchemy的技能,但所有的香草特权都保留在那里 - 从技术上讲,它不会取代炼金术技能,只是重命名它。除了炼金术士之外的所有香草特权保持相同的效果。对于为新分支在perk树中腾出空间的条件和要求进行了一些小的改动。炼金术士为了更好的游戏平衡感到紧张 - 它现在提供10/20/30/40/50奖金而不是20/40/60/80/100奖金。香草炼金术被摧毁和制服,现在Witchery有了新方法来提高技能并从新的福利中受益。香草分支还包括两个新增功能。








突变可以让你对疾病产生25%/ 50%/ 75%/ 100%的抵抗力,能够清除你的毒性并通过休息或冥想来消除魔法效果,以及让你检查目标弱点的巫师感官力量。



您可以在附近有一个炼金术实验室酿造巫师药水和油。或者,您可以选择在休息时让魔药冲泡。 (授予巫师炼金术权力。)




注意:你的库存中必须有药水才能出现补水配方 - 但是药水不会消耗掉。汤剂和油不能补充。






只要附近有壁炉,您就可以冥想 - 并在此期间为您的身体排毒或排毒或获取其他功能。 (赋予巫师冥想力量。)

注意:您只能在壁炉旁冥想。你可以照亮没有燃烧的篝火。如果你有酿造特效,冥想能力可以让你选择酿造药水。如果您拥有On the Path perk,则Mediation power会为您提供在当前位置构建道路标志牌的选项。



注意:由于您只能在篝火附近冥想,因此您可以在这里建造路标。如果您有Campfire mod,您可以在任何可以建造篝火的地方建立道路标志牌。建立你自己的风险 - 使用你的大脑,不要把它们放在可能打破游戏的地方(除非你想)!




你的巫师标志的大小现在随着Witchery技能的扩展,他们的铸造成本降低了10%/ 20%/ 30%。


Aard Sign释放原始力量,推动任何人 - 或任何人 - 站在你的道路上./

Aard Sign释放原始力量,将任何东西 - 或任何人 - 推向你的道路并造成撞击伤害./

Aard Sign释放原始力量,推动任何东西 - 或任何人 - 以不屈不挠的力量站在你的道路上并造成撞击伤害。


Axii Sign可以平息生物和人./

Axii Sign可以平息生物和人,或迫使他们逃离。装备Axii也会使其他人更容易恐吓./

Axii Sign可以平息生物和人,迫使他们逃离,甚至疯狂。装备Axii也可以更容易恐吓他人。


Igni Sign会产生一阵火焰,会造成火焰伤害./

Igni Sign会产生一阵火焰,会造成火焰伤害。火焰可能会略微错开目标./

Igni Sign会产生一阵火焰,会造成火焰伤害。火焰可能会略微错开目标并忽略目标的射击阻力。


Quen Sign创造了一个保护盾,暂时强化你的护甲等级./

Quen Sign创造了一个保护盾,暂时强化你的护甲等级和对魔法的抵抗力./

Quen Sign创造了一个保护盾牌,可暂时强化你的护甲等级和对魔法的抵抗力,并反射一部分受到攻击的伤害。


Yrden Sign在附近的表面上创建一个陷阱。当敌人靠近时,它会爆炸,破坏他们的健康,并使他们的护甲值降低四分之一。

Yrden Sign在附近的表面上创建一个陷阱。当敌人靠近时,它现在爆炸会破坏他们的健康并将他们的护甲等级降低一半造成的伤害。陷阱可以放置得更远./

Yrden Sign在附近的表面上创建一个陷阱。当敌人靠近时,它现在爆炸会损害他们的健康并降低他们的护甲等级与造成的伤害相同。陷阱可以放得更远。


战斗分支主要提供额外的补贴,以提高银和钢武器的性能。 Vanilla Skyrim主要将钢铁武器视为一种占位符,只有在您找到更高级的东西时才会使用。现在你可以获得一些好处,它们实际上对某些对手非常有用。请注意,如果另一个mod在你的游戏中增加了与Daedric武器相同的钢或银武器,就损坏而言,它们将会被一些巫术特权所击败,所以要小心!


你可以制作受巫术技巧支配的剑。 /你可以制作受Witchery技能支配的剑,并且可以具有钢和银材料的特性。



注意:每次在近战中击中某人时,肾上腺素会增加。一旦获得足够的信息,您将收到肾上腺素水平发生变化的通知。当前的肾上腺素效果(如果有)在Active Effects菜单中可见。您的肾上腺素在睡觉或冥想时会重置。 (从某种意义上说,它是Wicher 3和Fallout 4的肾上腺素系统的混合体。)有5个级别的肾上腺素。每一级都会使你造成的伤害提高10%,每次攻击后你造成的伤害提高15%。换句话说,随着肾上腺素的增加和你被战斗狂热消耗,你变得鲁莽并且受到的伤害超过了你的交易,所以要注意你的肾上腺素。因此,“受到伤害”/“受到伤害”修饰语的肾上腺素水平如下:1级:10%/ 0%,2级:20%/ 15%,3级:30%/ 30%,4:40级%/ 45%,等级5:50%/ 60%。除了这些效果之外,某些煎剂可能会使用您当前的肾上腺素值来计算它们的效果。

Parrying(Witcher Gear,25/45/65)

在没有盾牌的情况下,使用剑或巨剑进行阻挡的效果会提高30%/ 60%/ 100%,并且你有30%/ 60%/ 100%的几率使用你的刀刃偏转传入的射弹。

钢剑(Witcher Gear,25/45/65)

你的钢铁武器对人和普通动物造成的伤害提高30%/ 60%/ 100%。

银剑(Witcher Gear,25/45/65)

你的银色武器对来自其他飞机的亡灵,幽灵,狼人和怪物造成的伤害提高30%/ 60%/ 100%。








你讨厌非人类。当对抗高等精灵,黑暗精灵,木精灵,兽人,蜥蜴人或者Khajiits时,你的钢铁武器有机会错开你的对手增加25%。你不能把The Squirrel特权带走。





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 -  DavidTheFalcon用于创建原始mod。

 -  LorSakyamuni  - 巫师3兆资源包。

 -  Oaristys  -  Modder的资源包,Modder的资源包 -  Witcher Extension,Witcher 3 Weaponry。

 - 从Witcher游戏转换而来的网格和纹理由CD Projekt拥有并拥有版权。

 -  Andrzej Sapkowski  - 创造The Witcher。

 - 贝塞斯达游戏工作室 - 我们玩的一些最好的游戏。


The SSE version of the awesome Witchery Skill mod by DavidTheFalcon, ported with his permission.
You can check the original mod here.

What it does is expand the vanilla alchemy tree with a over 20 new perks based on The Witcher game series. It also adds the famous witcher sings as powers for your character to use.

If you find any bugs, I'll try to fix them!

Description (from the original mod page)

Witchery Skill (Vanilla Alchemy Expander) introduces witcher-style perks and because a witcher's life is a lot about potions and elixirs, the Alchemy skill was the perfect skill for those perk. It was renamed to "Witchery" and turned into a more witcher-oriented skill by adding witcher alchemy (separate from vanilla alchemy), magical Signs and witcher combat perks which mainy benefit from using steel and silver swords. It is called expander instead of replacer because all original Alchemy perks are still there - they were just adjusted a little to work flawlessly within the overhauled perk tree which contains over 20 all new witcher-style perks divided (more or less) into 3 branches added in addition to the original vanilla branch.


Perk Tree (from the original mod page)

a) Vanilla Branch
The Witchery skill replaces the Alchemy skill but all the vanilla perks remain there - technically speaking, it doesn't replace the Alchemy skill, it just renames it. All vanilla perks with the exception of Alchemist stay the same effectwise. Some minor changes have been made to conditions and requirements to make space in the perk tree for the new branches. Alchemist was nerfed for better game balance - it now gives 10/20/30/40/50 bonuses instead of 20/40/60/80/100 bonuses. Vanilla alchemy is busted and overpowered as it is and now with Witchery there are new ways to improve the skills and benefit from the new perks. The vanilla branch also includes two new additions.   

Witchers' Oils (Poisoner, 40)
Poisons applied to steel and silver weapons last longer. This effect scales with your witchery skill.

Witcher's Potions (Physician, 60)
Received damage is reduced by 10% as long as you are affected by beneficial effects of a potion.

b) Witcher Alchemy Branch
Witcher alchemy branch allows you to brew witcher potions, oils, decoctions and mutagens, meditate, or clear your body of toxicity and magic effects.

Trial of the Grasses (Alchemist, 20/40/60/80)
Mutations give you a 25%/50%/75%/100% resistance to diseases, the ability to clear your body of toxicity and dispel magic effects by resting or meditating, and the Witcher Senses power that lets you check target's weaknesses.
Note: Your toxicity is reduced and effects dispelled automatically. You don't need to do anything for it nor can you prevent it.

Brewing (Trial of the Grasses, 35)
You can brew witcher potions and oils while there is an alchemy lab nearby. Alternatively, you can choose to let the potions brew while you rest. (Grants the Witcher Alchemy power.)
Note: Use the Witcher Alchemy power when you are close to an alchemy lab to access the witcher alchemy crafting menu. If you have the Meditation perk, you can also use the power while close to a campfire (if you have Chesko's Campfire installed, its campfire should be automatically recognized). If there is no alchemy lab or fireplace around, a message box will pop out giving you the option to brew the potions next time you go to sleep.

Replenishment (Brewing, 60)
You can keep the leftovers of your witcher potions and replenish them later with White Gull to create a duplicate of a potion in your inventory.
Note: You must a potion in your inventory for its replenishment recipe to appear - the potion is not consumed, though. Decoctions and oils cannot be replenished.

Decoctions (Brewing, 70)
In addition to standard witcher potions, you can now brew rare decoctions that provide powerful, long-lasting effects.

Mutagenology (Decoctions, 100)
You can now brew mutagens. Each mutagent gives you an additional perk point.

Meditation (Trial of the Grasses, 35)
As long as there is a fireplace nearby, you can meditate - and brew potions, detoxify your body or access additional features in the meantime. (Grants the Witcher Meditation power.)
Note: You can only meditate near a fireplace. You can light up campfires that are not burning. If you have the Brewing perk, the Meditation power gives you the option to brew potions. If you have the On the Path perk, the Mediation power gives you the option to build a roadsign at your current location.

On the Path (Mediatation, 70/80/90/100)
You can build roadsigns while meditating that allow you to travel between one another. Once placed they cannot be moved! You have 2/3/4/5 roadsigns to use.
Note: Since you can only meditate near campfire, this is where you can build roadsigns. If you have the Campfire mod, you can build a roadsign basically anywhere where you can build a campfire. Build at your own risk - use your brain and do not place them where they might break the game (unless you want to)!

c) Witcher Signs Branch
Sign branch is a simple straightforward branch that allows you to learn the witcher magic. Each Sign has 3 versions: Basic, Expert and Master. You get them by investing perk points into the various ranks of the Sign perks. The enhanced versions of Signs have stronger base base effects (and in some cases new extra effects) at the cost of having an increased casting cost. You can still use the simple versions if you want to, though.

Magical Vigor (Alchemist, 20/50/80)
The magnitude of your witcher Signs now scales with the Witchery skill and their casting cost is reduced by 10%/20%/30%.

Witcher Sign: Aard (Magical Vigor, 30/60/90)
Aard Sign releases raw power that pushes aside anything - or anyone - who stands in your path./
Aard Sign releases raw power that pushes aside anything - or anyone - who stands in your path and deals impact damage./
Aard Sign releases raw power that pushes aside anything - or anyone - who stands in your path with an unrelenting force and deals impact damage.

Witcher Sign: Axii (Magical Vigor, 30/60/90)
Axii Sign can calm down creatures and people./
Axii Sign can calm down creatures and people, or force them to flee. Having Axii equipped also makes it slightly easier to intimidate others./
Axii Sign can calm down creatures and people, force them to flee, or even frenzy them. Having Axii equipped also makes it much easier to intimidate others.

Witcher Sign: Igni (Magical Vigor, 30/60/90)
Igni Sign produces a gout of fire that does fire damage./
Igni Sign produces a gout of fire that does fire damage. The flames may slightly stagger the target./
Igni Sign produces a gout of fire that does fire damage. The flames may slightly stagger the target and ignore the target's resistance to fire.

Witcher Sign: Quen (Magical Vigor, 30/60/90)
Quen Sign creates a protective shield that temporarily fortifies your armor rating./
Quen Sign creates a protective shield that temporarily fortifies your armor rating and resistance to magic./
Quen Sign creates a protective shield that temporarily fortifies your armor rating and resistance to magic, and reflects a portion of taken damage back at the attacker.

Witcher Sign: Yrden (Magical Vigor, 30/60/90)
Yrden Sign creates a trap on a nearby surface. When enemies come near, it explodes to damage their health and reduce their armor rating by a quarter of the damage dealt./
Yrden Sign creates a trap on a nearby surface. When enemies come near, it now explodes to damage their health and reduce their armor rating by a half of the damage dealt. Traps can be placed farther away./
Yrden Sign creates a trap on a nearby surface. When enemies come near, it now explodes to damage their health and reduce their armor rating by the same amount as the damage dealt. Traps can be placed much farther away.

d) Witcher Combat Branch
Combat branch mostly provides perks that improve the performance of silver and steel weapons. Vanilla Skyrim mostly treats iron and steel weapons as a sort of placeholders that you only use until you find something fancier. Now you can take a few perks and they will actually be quite useful against certain opponents. Do note that if another mod adds steel or silver weapons to your game that are on par with like Daedric weapons in terms of damage, they will be pretty overpowered with a few Witchery perks so be careful!

Witcher Gear (Alchemist, 15/75)
You can craft swords that are governed by the Witchery skill. / You can craft swords that are governed by the Witchery skill and may have the properties of both steel and silver materials.

Adrenaline (Witcher Gear, 40)
Hitting enemies in melee combat increases your adrenaline! As its level rises, you deal and receive progressively more damage. Sleeping or meditating resets adrenaline.
Note: Adrenaline increases everytime you hit someone in melee combat. Once you have aquired enough, you will be notified that your adrenaline level has changed. Current adrenaline effect, if any, is visible in the Active Effects menu. Your adrenaline resets upon sleeping or meditating. (In a sense, it is a hybrid of Wicher 3's and Fallout 4's adrenaline systems.) There are 5 levels of adrenaline. Each level increases the damage you deal by 10%, each level after the first increases the damage you take by 15%. In other words, as adrenaline increases and you are consumed by the battle frenzy, you become reckless and take more damage than you deal so keep an eye on your adrenaline. The adrenaline levels of "damage dealt"/"damage taken" modifiers are thus as follows: level 1: 10%/0%, level 2: 20%/15%, level 3: 30%/30%, level 4: 40%/45%, level 5: 50%/60%. In addition to those effects, your current adrenaline value may be used by some decoctions to calculate their effect.  

Parrying (Witcher Gear, 25/45/65)
While bearing no shield, blocking with your sword or greatsword is 30%/60%/100% more effective and you have a 30%/60%/100% chance to deflect incoming projectiles with your blade.

Steel Sword (Witcher Gear, 25/45/65)
Your iron and steel weapons deal 30%/60%/100% more damage to people and regular animals.

Silver Sword (Witcher Gear, 25/45/65)
Your silver weapons deal 30%/60%/100% more damage to the undead, ghosts, werewolves and monsters from other planes.

Griffin School Techniques (Steel Sword OR Silver Sword, 60)
While wearing at least one piece of light armor, at least one piece of heavy armor and no shield, the magnitude of your witcher Signs is increased by 25% and damage from falls is halved.

Bear School Techniques (Steel Sword, 60)
While wearing at least 3 pieces of heavy armor and no shield, power attack damage for your steel and silver weapons is increased by 35%.

Cat School Techniques (Silver Sword, 60)
While wearing at least 3 pieces of light armor and no shield, critical hit damage for your steel and silver weapons is increased by 35% and critical hit chance by 15%.

The Rose (Bear School Techniques OR Griffin School Techniques, 75)
You hate non-humans. Your iron and steel weapons have their chance to stagger your opponent increased by 25% when used against High Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, Orcs, Argonians or Khajiits. You cannot take The Squirrel perk.

The Squirrel (Cat School Techniques OR Griffin School Techniques, 75)
You hate humans. Your iron and steel weapons ignore damage resistance when used against Nords, Imperials, Bretons or Redguards. You cannot take The Rose perk.

A Witcher's Code (The Rose OR The Squirrel, 90)
The code of a certain witcher doesn't approve of killing dragons. You deal 50% less damage to dragons but your steel and silver weapons do 25% more damage to all other enemies.



- DavidTheFalcon for creating the original mod.
- LorSakyamuni - The Witcher 3 Mega Resource Pack.  
- Oaristys - Modder's Resource Pack, Modder's Resource Pack - The Witcher Extension, The Witcher 3 Weaponry.
- The meshes and textures converted from the Witcher games are owned and copyrighted by CD Projekt. 
- Andrzej Sapkowski - for creating The Witcher.
- Bethesda Game Studios - for some of the best games we play.




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  • 【3DM-Sims小组】淡雅出品----【度假别墅】