在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Konahrik The Priest - A Quest Mod Mod,由grasscid制作。skystar1990在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Mod作者: grasscid Mod版本: 1.1 Mod大小: 26.1 MB 更新时间: 2019-07-17 04:54:19 发布时间: 2019-07-17 04:54:19
这是一个任务mod,旨在为独特的面具Konahrik添加一些传说,并在某种程度上改善它的魅力。要开始这个任务,去Labyrinthian的Bromjunaar避难所,阅读躺在那里的骨架下的新血腥记录(不是雇佣的暴徒的信件;这是一个全新的注释)。从那里,你将被引导到那个死人的同事,他将要求你从Bromjunaar带他去Konahrik面具。然后,在他的指导下,你将接受强大的Keeper Dragons重新组装Konahrik的灵魂宝石并将他带出去。一旦你击败同名牧师,你将获得一个改进版的Konahrik面具,其功效比原版更强大。
升级后的面具与原始面具有一些关键差异。火焰斗篷和治疗能力现在在它上面有一个风暴,以更好地分配任何直接的威胁。罕见的龙祭司召唤效应已经被毁灭性的流星雨风暴召唤所取代。由于Storm Call只能在户外使用,因此罕见效果的机会增加了一倍以弥补这一点。最重要的是,面具现在也具有被动结界效果;你的健康越低,你的武器造成的伤害就越大。每失去10%的健康,你会获得10%的额外伤害,当你的生命值降到一半以下时,你可以获得额外的50%伤害。
Just Skyrim。我非常特别不包括任何DLC资产,所以任何拥有游戏的人都可以享受这个mod。
哦,还有一个相当常见的Creation Kit错误,当你第一次尝试与他们交谈时,自定义NPC没有启动任何对话。如果您试图与Sirus交谈,并且他拒绝对您说任何话,请站在他面前保存游戏,然后重新加载保存,这将显示对话线。
Non-SE version available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88189
Konahrik, the champion of the dragon priests, was never dead. Though he was felled in battle during the dragon war, his soul was preserved in a soul gem and divided amongst powerful dragons for safekeeping. Now that the Dragons have risen up again, Konahrik's return may soon be at hand. It's up to you to stop this great evil from rearing its ugly head once more.
The Konahrik mask to me was disappointing in two ways. The first is that the enchantment it has isn't all that interesting, especially considering the amount of work you have to put in to actually get the mask. The second is that there's no story to it, except some dead guy who was trying to get it for himself. No sign of any Konahrik dragon priest, no explanation as to why it's locked away, it's just kinda there. This mod attempts to address both these grievances.
This is a quest mod that aims to add some lore behind the unique mask, Konahrik, as well as to improve it's enchantment somewhat. To begin the quest, go to Bromjunaar sanctuary in Labyrinthian and read the new bloody note under the skeleton lying there (not the hired thug's missive; this is an entirely new note). From there, you'll be directed to the dead man's colleague, who will ask you to bring him the Konahrik mask from within Bromjunaar. Then, with his guidance, you'll take on the mighty Keeper Dragons to re-assemble Konahrik's soul gem and take him out for good. Once you defeat the eponymous priest, you'll get an improved version of the Konahrik mask with an even more powerful enchantment than the original.
The upgraded mask has a few key differences to the original. The flame cloak and healing ability now has a firestorm on top of it to better dispense of any immediate threats. The rare dragon priest summon effect has been replaced with a devastating Meteor Shower Storm Call. Since Storm Call only works outdoors, the rare effect's chance has been doubled to make up for this. On top of that, the mask also has a passive enchantment effect now; the lower your health drops, the more damage your weapons do. You gain 10% extra damage for every 10% of health that you're missing, up to an extra 50% when you drop below half health.
Just Skyrim. I was very particular about not including any DLC assets so that anyone who has the game can enjoy this mod.
I've only noticed one so far during my several test-runs, and that's that the quest might not advance when you pick up the new version of the mask from Konahrik's corpse. It only happened once to me, but if it happens again just reload an earlier save from before you defeated him.
If you notice any other bugs, please report them to me in the comments and I'll try to fix them ASAP.
Oh and there's also the fairly common Creation Kit bug of custom NPCs not initiating any dialogue when you try to talk to them for the first time. If you try to talk to Sirus and he refuses to say anything to you, save the game while standing in front of him and then re-load the save, that will get the dialogue lines to show up.
Is the quest fully voiced?
Yes, by none other than me. Thankfully there's only one NPC to talk to.
I already have the Konahrik mask, can I still start the quest?
Yes, you will be able to start the quest regardless of whether you have the mask or not. After you speak to Sirus for the first time, he will ask you to bring him the mask; if you already have it, you can hand it right over to him, and if you don't have it then he will tell you to go get it.
What if I want the original version of the mask back?
Once you complete the quest, you can switch back and forth between the new and old Konahrik mask at a tanning rack. Do note that this will reset any smithing bonuses you've given it, but the option is still there if you want it. If you're not sure which version of the mask you have, look at the value; the new one is worth slightly more.
You took away the dragon priest summon? How could you!? You monster!
Once you complete the quest, you'll be given a spell tome as a reward that will allow you to summon the dragon priest at will, just like any other conjuration spell.
Is this compatible with retextures and remodels?
Fully compatible with retextures, 95% chance it's compatible with remodels of the mask as well. Any other mod unrelated to the mask should be fully compatible.
Is this compatible with Konahrik's Accoutrements and/or Konahrik's Privilege?
This mod is fully compatible with these two mods, but they'll only affect the original version of the mask and not the new one (hence why I added the ability to swap between the original and the new one at a tanning rack).
Enjoy! this has been a labor of love for me with plenty of frustration along the way, but I'm happy to have it finished and to finally be able to share it with the world.
v1.24Akaka的躲猫猫v2.4.1 | 魔兽争霸3 三国群英传之崛起v1.30b地图 | 坎巴拉太空计划 v1.3EVE美化包 | 梅赛德斯 - 奔驰W140 AMG | 设备耐久性体系 | 上古卷轴5:天际 v1.35夏暮岛DLC汉化补丁[DragonReach] |