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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的游戏板PLUS PLUS Mod,由dunc001 MrNeverLost制作。呀呀ya在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: dunc001 MrNeverLost Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 236 KB 更新时间: 2019-06-29 15:05:49 发布时间: 2019-06-29 15:05:49


LE版本|不和谐|常见问题|安装| iEquip


Gamepad ++解锁了许多新功能,允许无缝播放控制器作为主要输入和无限热键的键盘无冲突。这个全新版本的Gamepad ++已经从头开始重写,以提供与iEquip的完全兼容性和集成。

如果不使用像XPadder这样的第三方软件,就没有将控制器按键组合设置为热键的“原生”方式,这一直是一个令人沮丧的问题。你可能希望的最好的是使用自定义controlmap.txt,它使组合模拟键盘1-8 SkyUI收藏夹/装备设置热键,这一切都很好,但我从来没有使用它们!然后我遇到了NeoH4x0r的Better Gamepad密钥支持(SKSE插件)。虽然它在与Neo的对话之后本身并没有像我那样做,但却产生了最终导致GAMEPAD ++的代码片段。


大多数香草单击按钮操作保留,但棒击,RB /右肩和B除外。

LB /左肩,RB /右肩和B按钮现在充当组合键(见下文)。













将几乎所有键盘键分配为所有其他mod MCM中的热键,然后指示Gamepad ++ Action Keys和Key Combos模拟它们

与iEquip完全集成,让您可以访问iEquip提供的所有功能,以及最多48个Key Combos!


在各种mod MCM中设置键盘热键时,以及在Gamepad ++ MCM中设置链接时,您需要禁用控制器以按键盘键进行注册。 Ne0的输入模式从旧版本切换可能会在某个时刻返回,而不是现在。

不要将任何Gamepad ++键指定为任何其他mod MCM中的热键。如果你这样做,你将同时使用Gamepad ++动作和来自其他mod的动作同时触发。唯一的例外是如果你正在使用iEquip,在这种情况下,两个mod将引导你进行正确的设置(但你已经新了,因为你已经看过上面的视频,对吧......)。

确保按正确的顺序按下组合键(首先是组合键然后是操作键),否则它们将无法工作。 RB + X与X + RB不同!


如果您选择启用第四个组合键,那么请确保您选择的任何一个键都没有一个会发生冲突的按键操作(即绘制/鞘武器,潜行等)。我个人使用A来做这个,但是只使用A +组合来做我不需要的东西,我通常会按A换别的东西(打开/激活/充电spellsword等),所以对于像Build这样的东西篝火,切换动作(移除头盔,神模式等)。

旧版本的放大/缩小功能已被删除。为了获得更好的功能,我们强烈建议您通过fadingsignal在A Closer Look上使用其中一个热键组合。

如果显示QuickLoot Loot菜单,则现在阻止DPad向上/向下操作,允许您在不触发任何其他操作的情况下进行导航。


如果您正在使用带有iEquip的Gamepad ++,请不要合并。但是,如果你没有使用带有iEquip的Gamepad ++(为什么不!),合并应该是完全安全的。





   通常使用您首选的mod管理器安装Gamepad ++,加载顺序无关紧要。

   确保Gamepad ++中的controlmap.txt没有被另一个mod覆盖。


   打开Gamepad ++ MCM并按照说明操作。

   如果您正在使用带有iEquip的Gamepad ++,请观看上面的设置视频!


   Gamepad ++不会触及任何香草记录,因此应与所有内容完全兼容。新的键组合热键链接是通过使用一个非常轻量级的脚本来实现的,该脚本侦听按钮组合并调用HoldKey和ReleaseKey来模拟您设置每个组合以模拟的键盘按键。

   Gamepad ++包含一个稍微编辑的favoritesmenu.swf版本,允许在不破坏SkyUI组/取消组合功能的情况下使用RS点击进行Sneak。如果您正在使用自己的controlmap.txt,它将RS单击为Toggle POV,只需从G ++中删除或隐藏favoritesmenu.swf即可恢复为SkyUI原始文件。


LE Version | Discord | FAQ | Installation | iEquip

At last fellow gamepad players no longer need you feel constrained by the restricted vanilla functionality of your controller!

Gamepad++ unlocks many new features allowing seamless play with both your controller as the primary input AND your keyboard for endless hotkeys without conflict.  This all-new version of Gamepad++ has been rewritten from the ground up to give full compatibility and integration with iEquip.

It has always been a major frustration that without the use of third party software like XPadder there has been no ‘native’ way of setting controller keypress combinations as hotkeys.  The best you could hope for was using a custom controlmap.txt which enabled combos to emulate the keyboard 1-8 SkyUI favourites/equip sets hotkeys, which is all well and good but I never use them!  Then I came across Better Gamepad key support (an SKSE Plugin) by NeoH4x0r.  Whilst it in itself does not do what I was after a conversation with Neo yielded the code snippet which ultimately led to GAMEPAD++.

Yeah, yeah, very good.  But what does this actually do?  Well I'm glad you asked...

Most vanilla single click button actions retained with the exception of stick clicks, RB/Right Shoulder and B.

LB/Left Shoulder, RB/Right Shoulder and B buttons now act as Combo keys (see below).

Quick direct access to Inventory, Stats, Magic and Map through new combos, plus Tween Menu still available through new combo.

Favourites moved to a new button combo to free up DPad Left and Right.

New button combos to access console, quicksave, quickload, and native screenshot.

Four way scrolling in Map using DPad (left stick still works as cursor as well).

Right stick click on Map to place custom marker.

Scroll in menus and Favourites using left stick.

In addition to all of this nearly all keyboard mapping has been removed allowing you to use almost any keyboard key as a mod hotkey.  This also removes the need to disable your controller when typing in console, entering your character name in RaceMenu or any number of other occasions when having the controller enabled whilst using the keyboard would cause weirdness.

We also removed some of the mouse mapping allowing you to use the mouse to navigate the ENB configuration panel without it also moving the camera or drawing/swinging your weapon.  One minor side effect of this is that to expand subsections you need to hover over the header with the mouse cursor and then use the keyboard right arrow to expand as for some reason it doesn’t register the mouse click.

Four main Action Keys (DPad by default) and three Combo Keys (LB, RB and B by default)

Optional fourth Combo Key

Option to enable Extended Controls giving double press, triple press and hold Action Key presses and Combos

With the fourth Combo Key and Extended Controls enabled this gives you a total of up to 80 key emulations!

Assign almost any keyboard keys as hotkeys in all your other mod MCMs then direct the Gamepad++ Action Keys and Key Combos to emulate them

Fully integrates with iEquip, giving you access to everything iEquip has to offer, plus up to an additional 48 Key Combos!

Unleash the power of your 'pad

When setting your keyboard hotkeys in your various mod MCMs and also when you come to set the links in the Gamepad++ MCM you will need to disable your controller for the keyboard key presses to register.  Ne0's input mode toggle from the old version may make a return at some point, just not for now.

Do not assign any of your Gamepad++ keys as hotkeys in any other mod MCM.  If you do you will end up with both the Gamepad++ actions and those from the other mod triggering at the same time.  The only exception to this is if you are using iEquip, in which case both mods will guide you to the correct setup (but you already new that because you have already watched the video above, right...).

Make sure you are pressing the button combos in the correct order (combo key first then the action key) otherwise they will not work.  RB+X is not the same as X+RB!

If you are loading this on an existing game and you find some of the buttons or combos not working as advertised open the main game settings/controls panel and Reset Defaults.  Also make sure you do not have Controlmap_Custom.txt in your main Skyrim folder.

If you choose to enable the fourth Combo Key then make sure whichever key you choose does not have a single press action which will conflict (ie draw/sheath weapon, sneak, etc).  I personally use A for this but only use the A+ combos for things I'm not going to need in situations where I'd normally be pressing A for something else (opening/activating/charging spellsword and so on) so for things like Build Campfire, Toggle Actions (remove helmet, god mode, etc).

The zoom in/zoom out feature from the old version has been removed.  For far better functionality we highly recommend you spend one of your hotkey combos on A Closer Look by fadingsignal.

DPad Up/Down actions are now blocked if QuickLoot Loot Menu is showing, allowing you to navigate without triggering anything else.

You may find when navigating the ENB config panel with the mouse you can use the wheel adjusters no problem, but single mouse clicks don't register so to expand subsections simply hover over the header with the mouse and use the right/left arrows on your keyboard to expand/close them.

DO NOT MERGE if you are using Gamepad++ with iEquip.  However if you are NOT using Gamepad++ with iEquip (WHY NOT!) it should be completely safe to merge. 

  SKSE, SkyUI and JContainers

   Delete Controlmap_Custom.txt if present in your main Skyrim folder.
   Install Gamepad++ normally with your preferred mod manager, load order does not matter.
   Make sure that the controlmap.txt from Gamepad++ is not being overwritten by another mod.
   On first load you will need to open the main game Settings/Controls panel and select Reset Defaults for the new keymapping to take effect.
   Open the Gamepad++ MCM and follow the instructions.
   If you are using Gamepad++ with iEquip please watch the setup video above!

   Gamepad++ does not touch any vanilla records and as such should be fully compatible with everything.  The new key combo hotkey links are achieved through the use of a single extremely lightweight script which listens for the button combinations and calls the HoldKey and ReleaseKey to emulate whichever keyboard key press you have set each combination to emulate.
   Gamepad++ includes a slightly edited version of favoritesmenu.swf to allow using RS click for Sneak without breaking the SkyUI Group/Ungroup functionality.  If you are using your own controlmap.txt which leaves RS click as Toggle POV simply delete or mohide favoritesmenu.swf from G++ to revert to the SkyUI original file.




Beta LSPD Cop Ped模型 | 少妇芹姐 | 辐射4 N7防弹衣MOD | 侠盗猎车5 沙王Trail定制版 | 侠盗猎车:圣安地列斯 蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士人物服装MOD | 求生之路2 Farquhar-Hill狙击猎枪MOD |


  • Beta LSPD Cop Ped模型
  • 少妇芹姐
  • 辐射4 N7防弹衣MOD
  • 侠盗猎车5 沙王Trail定制版
  • 侠盗猎车:圣安地列斯 蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士人物服装MOD
  • 求生之路2 Farquhar-Hill狙击猎枪MOD