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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Engarde Mod,由tudoru制作。blaze99yan在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: tudoru Mod版本: 2.0 Mod大小: 263 KB 更新时间: 2019-05-12 01:46:02 发布时间: 2019-05-12 01:46:02




















我们都看到了,有些人在Youtube上玩天际,在前5秒的力量攻击中度过了他所有的耐力,除了空气之外什么都没有击中,但仍然轻松杀死所有强盗。 vanila Skyrim中的Stamina不是很有用。



在我的第一次Skyrim游戏中,我重新使用了Walk / Run键,因为根本没有理由走路。在3种不同运动模式下花费的时间是:99%跑步,1%短跑,0%步行。如果你问我,浪费了潜力。


短跑 - 速度没有变化,但是根据磨损的护甲重量,每秒的耐力消耗更多。

跑步 - 比vanila慢,没有耐力消耗,但也没有耐力恢复。

走路 - 比香草更快,还有耐力。

也许是时候将Walk / Run键重新映射回来......










附:双持阻止动画在可选下载中,信用:Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and Parrying




剑与剑是一种更具防御性的风格,旨在有效打击单一老板型对手。盾牌可以阻止攻击而不会导致耐力丧失,现在只能使用盾牌进行强力攻击并保证中断。 Swordwise,side和back power攻击将具有大约0.3~0.5秒的不可靠时间。实际击中敌人左侧或右侧的侧面攻击力会对敌人施加额外的减益效果。这类似于Wildcat的伤害系统,但更简单,没有随机性。有关详细信息,请参阅种族文章。

双重风格是华而不实的,并依赖机会的大写时刻。由于左手和右手不共享相同的功率攻击冷却,他们能够快速连续执行两次攻击。双重正常攻击现在有了全新的动画,可以作为更接近的差距。双重攻击已被广泛调整并将打破对手的阻挡,请参阅Dual Wield Power攻击文章了解详细信息。



匕首:+ 75%几率对暴力攻击造成爆击,双重暴击伤害。

剑:对持久力攻击的爆击几率为+ 50%,长距离增加15%,交错率为-15%。

斧:速度+ 10%,伤害+ 10%,达到-20%。

梅斯:动力攻击+ 50%左右。

双手剑:持续攻击力+ 25%几率,+ 15%达到,-15%错开。

双手斧:+ 10%伤害,+ 50%交错攻击,-20%达到。

双手锤:+ 10%交错,+ 50%交错攻击,-10%速度。


弩:+ 50%错开。



工作和计划中有更多的功能,接下来的两个是“David and Goliath”和“Basher Smasher”




这种方法适合那些只想尝试mod的人,不推荐用于严肃的游戏(除非你真的只玩Vanila + DLC + USLEEP + costmetic mods)



安装Patched Animationdatasinglefile





安装zEdit https://github.com/z-edit/zedit/releases

下载“zEdit patcher module”文件,解压缩到zEdit的modules文件夹中,之后你应该有

例如:zEdit_Alpha_v0.5.3 _-_ Portable_x64 \ modules \ mct


你有Skyrim \ Data \ meshes \ animationdatasinglefile.txt吗?

如果不这样做,请安装“Patched Animationdatasinglefile”,然后就完成了。


运行Skyrim \ Data \ meshes \ MCT_AttackMoveDataPatcher.vbs







在游戏中,找到MCM菜单 - > Toggleable-> Deactivate







 - 暂时将mod名称从近战战斗调整改为Engarde

 - 增加了通过修补程序调整暴击诅咒的能力。

 - 针对EnaiRim的测试兼容性,请参阅文章了解详细信息。

 - 为运行修补程序时遇到问题的人添加了预生成的MCTPatch.esp和预修补的animationdatasinglefile.txt。请注意,这些文件是使用Vanila + DLC + USLEEP加载顺序生成的。

 - 版本1.3添加了关闭交错效果的选项,请参阅有关如何的错误配置文章


 - 版本1.4添加:






 - 版本2.0添加:




有了这个版本,Engarde现在只需要Skyrim + SKSE!






极端延迟是脚本滞后的一个标志,你应该真正减少你的脚本mod,但是,即使在最好的情况下,仍然有大约0.3秒的延迟。 这是由于Skyrim的脚本事件如何工作,在我弄清楚如何编写SKSE插件之前我无能为力。



 - 错误修复和平衡调整

 - 完成编写配置文章

 -  Enderal转换

 -  SSE转换

 -  SKSE插件转换


Combat fixes that makes sense

oldrim version

While there are alot of combat mods that added alot of interesting mechanics, I felt that none really attempt to fix the problems with the base game mechanics, such as stamina, and un-interesting power attacks. Thus the focus of this mod is to fix as much as possible while being as compatible as possible.
My philosophy:

Everything that exists in game must exist for a reason, focus on fixing useless actions more than creating new ones. For exmaple, fixing and rebalancing walking vs running, making the different type of power attacks actually worthwhile.

Be compatible and customizable, everything is implemented using the most compatible and most performant method I can dig up. Most features can be turned off or are simple to disable.

I want a "thoughtful" combat experience, I want the player to care whether the opponent is using a long weapon vs a short weapon, heavy armor or light armor.

The history:
A little over a year ago, I set out to create a mod list that can offer the best combat experience possible. I added to the list, remove from the list, tinker with each one to make them balance and play nicely with each other. It wasn't long before that urge kicked in, the urge to make just that one little modification to make it all perfect, but of-course no one little mod is ever going to be enough, and before I realize it, I was learning papyrus scripting, learning how to create animation, learning to read and modify the havok behavior file, and the list goes on and the changes piled on.

Now, a little over a year later, I finally arrive at a package that I think is complete enough to present to the rest of the community. The final result no longer resembles much of the modlist I started with, but I still wish to thank the original authors of these mods for the inspiration and showing me the ropes. The modlist that I started with are Mortal Enemies, Attack Commitment, Weapon range fixes, Action Combat, Ultimate Combat.

Rather then list down each changes and tweaks, I'll list down what problems I see with Skyrim's melee combat and details how I think this mod could help fixing them.

"Skyrim's combat is a slapping contest"

Not my quote, but struck a cord with me the first time I heard it. The combat tempo of death by a thousand cuts has got to go. Thankfully, this is rather easy to fix. Just raise the damage, pretty much every overhaul mod or combat mod out there does this already. However, achieving a good overall balance between magic, archery, poison, and melee is lot harder task. Thus this mod will offer you the ability to fine tune the damage level by using a zEdit patcher. You can balance other source of damage through other mods and then ramp up or down the creature and weapon damage as you see fit. The changes are made at base record level by applying a multiplier to weapon/unarmed damage, so they will be compatible with any other mod.

"I just took off 1/2 of that bandit's health with a war hammer and he didn't even bat an eyelash"

With the damage ramped up, some form of impact must occur or the combat just wouldn't make sense. Thus, a stagger on hit effect is added. This is not just visual and works on player, NPCs, and creatures. While this effect isn't new (Ultimate combat has poise system, Wild Cat causes stagger when breaking through health thresholds), this mod is the only one that I know of that just uses a simple formula of comparing the weight of the weapon vs the weight of the target. I feel this simple approach fits Skyrim's simplified combat mechanics better, and is a lot closer to vanilla than other mods. To summarize, any hits (instead of just power attacks) can now cause stagger, a heavy enough weapon will always stagger, no chance or any other mechanics involved. For details, see the stagger configuration article.

"Stamina? what stamina?"

We all seen it, some guy playing Skyrim on Youtube, spent all of his stamina in the first 5 second of the fight on power attacks that hit nothing but air, but still kills all the bandits with ease anyway. Stamina in vanila Skyrim is just not very useful.
Not anymore! Now you can't attack nor block when out of stamina, swinging any weapon will also now drains alot of stamina, but will recover quickly too. This is very much like how Souls-Game handle stamina. However, unlike how other mods that implement soul-like stamina mechanic, this mod doesn't touch stamina regen rate. This allows all the stamina regeneration related enchants, potions, and buffs to still keep their relevancy by allowing you to sprint/dodge more (those stamina will not be recovered by this mod).

"More than just running"

During my very first Skyrim playthrough, I remapped the Walk/Run key away because there was simply no reason to walk, ever. The amount of time spent in the 3 different movement mode is: 99% running, 1% sprinting, 0% walking. Wasted potential if you ask me.
The movement mode are tweaked as follows:

Sprinting - no change in speed, but lot more stamina drain per second based on the worn armor weight.

Running - slower than vanila, no stamina drain, but no stamina regen either.

Walking - faster than vanila, and also regens stamina.

Maybe it's time to remapped that Walk/Run key back...

"Skyrim's full of them aimbot cheats!"

Mortal enemies has been a great fix to this. However, after using it for a few playthroughs, I aim to improve it a bit.
Instead of decreasing turning speed, I change it to decreasing turning acceleration. This gives it a illusion that NPC is taking a brief split second of time to react to the player, much like how a human would. The second big change is that instead of universally decreasing the angle of effective hit cone, I actually look at every attack animation of each race, and modify the angle accordingly. For example, a troll's right hand swinging attack will now actually hit a wide angle to his right side. A dwarven sphere's charge will hit within a narrow range just slightly to his right side. This makes it so that you'll need to judge whether or not to side step or back step instead of just blinding strafing your opponent. The last change is to move everything into zEdit patcher, thus eliminating incompatibility issues.

"No! no... I didn't want to do that power attack..."

Ever accidentally hold the button too long and do a unwarranted power attack? Let go of attack button too early? Ever want to do a forward power attack but end up doing a standing one? or the reverse?
This annoy me enough that I implemented a new dedicated key/button to trigger power attacks, there is now a single key, default to middle mouse button, that performs power attacks, the type of power attack you perform is also entirely depended on the direction key you are holding down at the moment the power attack key is pressed instead of a split second later. In additon, to make power attacks warrant the stamina they cost, they now have more additonal effects (more about this in the style section). To prevent abuse, they also have a configurable cool down time.

"It's all about control"

Almost all modern action games with melee combat uses third person camera, and with good reasons. Skyrim, on the other hand, allows the player to play in either third or first person. This freemdom, however, is not without cost, and forced some perculiar design choices. This mod attempts to make Skyrim's melee combat play more like other modern third person action game.
Free movement during normal attack is removed, a small amount is still retained to simulate momentum, but you should expect movement to be tied to the attack you are performing instead of being able to freely skate around while swinging your sword. Normal sprint attack is now repurposed to be used instead of forward normal attack, NPCs will also perform this attack often now instead of that easily punished forward power attack. Dual wield blocking is implemented, and is performed by the same key as other styles. Attacking while dual wielding will alternate between right and left hand weapons, and will progressively speed up to make dual wielding actually faster than just swinging your right hand weapon twice.

P.S. The dual wield blocking animation is in the optional download, credit: Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and Parrying

"Lets fight... in style"

The two handers, sword and boards, and the dual wields style in vanila plays largely the same, wait for your opponent's predictable forward power attack, let it miss and punish. While perks can add some differentiation, I felt that the different style should be different even at fundamental level.

Two hander now mimicks a Samurai sort of fighting style, normal movement are slow, yet able to do explosive power attacks. All of their directional power attacks will trigger a brief slow time effect. They will also turn the player to face the direction of attack, such as turning 180 degree with backward power attacks to attack any enemy that creeps up behind you. As added bonus, any attack made with two hander while not running or sprinting will sweep through multiple enemies.

Sword and board is a more defensive style, designed to effectively fight a single boss type opponent. The shield can block attacks without incurring stamina lost, power bash can now only be performed with a shield and will gurantee an interrupt. Swordwise, side and back power attacks will have roughly 0.3~0.5 seconds of invinciblility time. Side power attack that actually hit an enemy's left or right side will apply additional debuffs onto the enemy. This is similar to Wildcat's injury system but simpler and no randomness involved. See the racial article for details.

Dual wield style is flashy and rely on capitalizing moments of opportunity. Since left and right hand do not share the same power attack cool down, they are able to perform two power attacks in rapid succession. Dual normal attack now have brand new animation and serve as gap closer. Dual power attacks have been extensively tweak and will break opponent's block, see the Dual Wield Power attack article for detail.

"A sword is not an axe and not a mace"

Last but not least, further differentiated the different type of weapons, they are just too similar in Vanilla, and while overhauls like Requiem did a good job to make them different, it could do with a bit more.

Dagger: +75% chance to crit on standing power attack, double crit damage.

Sword: +50% chance to crit on standing power attack, +15% longer reach, -15% stagger.

Axe: +10% speed, +10% damage, -20% reach.

Mace: +50% stagger with power attacks.

Two hand sword: +25% chance to crit on standing power attack, +15% reach, -15% stagger.

Two hand axe: +10% damage, +50% stagger on power attacks, -20% reach.

Two hand hammer: +10% stagger, +50% stagger on power attacks, -10% speed.

Bow: no change.

Crossbow: +50% stagger.

In summary, axes hurts but is short, blunts is heavy but slow, swords are long but don't stagger well.

"More to come!"

More features are in the work and planning, next two are "David and Goliath", and "Basher Smasher"

"Alright, I'm convinced, how do I install?"

Quick and dirty installation:
This method is for those who just want to try out the mod, it is not recommended for a serious playthrough (unless you really play with just Vanila + DLC + USLEEP + costmetic mods)

Install the main file

Install the pre-generated patch

Install the Patched Animationdatasinglefile

That's it.

Full installation in gist for experienced modders:
To ensure compatibility, this mod is more complicated to install than normal mods, so please at least read the following instructions.

Install the main file

Install zEdit https://github.com/z-edit/zedit/releases

Download the "zEdit patcher module" file, extract into zEdit's modules folder, so afterwards, you should have

eg: zEdit_Alpha_v0.5.3_-_Portable_x64\modules\mct

Run the zEdit patcher

Do you have a Skyrim\Data\meshes\animationdatasinglefile.txt?

If you don't, install the "Patched Animationdatasinglefile" and you're done.

If you do, run FNIS or Nemesis

Run Skyrim\Data\meshes\MCT_AttackMoveDataPatcher.vbs

Full installation in detail (with pictures!):

Vortex users

MO2 users

"Sorry, can't uninstall, you must reformat your entire hard drive"
"Alright alright, if you must"

In game, find the MCM menu->Toggleable->Deactivate

Save game, exit Skyrim

Remove all main file preferably with a mod manager

Remove MCTPatch.esp

Re-run FNIS or Nemesis

Change List:
- Changing the mod name tentatively from Melee Combat Tweaks to Engarde
- Added ability to tweak crit damge via patcher.
- Tested compatiblity against EnaiRim, see article for detail.
- Added a pre-generated MCTPatch.esp and pre-patched animationdatasinglefile.txt, for those people who are having trouble running the patcher. Please note that these files are generated using a Vanila+DLC+USLEEP load order.
- Version 1.3 added options to turn off stagger effects, see stagger configuration article on how

- Version 1.4 added:

Lessen the stamina cost of power attacks, it was a little excessively high, especially at the lower levels.

Tweaked the visual effect of two hand power attack slow time, to distinguish it from a normal "magical" slow time effect

When dual wielding, forward + left hand attack will block instead of left hand sprint attack. You can still left hand sprint attack by manually sprint then press left hand attack button

Rework how crit effect is applied to victims, this remove the requirement on Game Events and is the 1st step towards SSE conversion

- Version 2.0 added:

Make normal attack changes and tweaks togglable through patcher setting

Make power attack changes and tweaks togglable through patcher setting

Reworked slow time implementation, this removed ConsoleUtils requirement

With this version, Engarde now requires nothing but Skyrim+SKSE!

This is a breaking change, users who were using 1.4 will need to deactivate, save , uninstall all files, save game, and install 2.0

Running out of space on this page, please see the article section for compatibility issues and recommended settings.


Why is there a small delay between being hit and target staggering?

Extreme delay is a sign of script lag, and you should really cut down on your script mods, however, even in the best scenario, there is still around 0.3 second of delay. That is due to how Skyrim's script event works, not much I can do until I figure out how to write SKSE plugin.

What's roadmap for this mod?


- Bug fix and balance tweaks

- Finish writing configuration articles

- Enderal conversion

SSE conversion

- SKSE plugin conversion




可种植自定义绿辣椒 | Valentino Rossi 01 Shirt T恤 | 多功能交通2018.07.31 | 饥荒:联机版 行如风MOD | 自制三枚首饰,需要的拿走 | Blades Hakama Extended |


  • 可种植自定义绿辣椒
  • Valentino Rossi 01 Shirt T恤
  • 多功能交通2018.07.31
  • 饥荒:联机版 行如风MOD
  • 自制三枚首饰,需要的拿走
  • Blades Hakama Extended