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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的无限手套官方SSE端口 Mod,由FafnirEtherion制作。llaisi在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: FafnirEtherion Mod版本: 3.0 Mod大小: 24.9 MB 更新时间: 2019-05-07 01:12:29 发布时间: 2019-05-07 01:12:29


这是我的“The Infinity Gauntlet”mod的官方SSE端口。它包含了对原始mod的一些改进,例如改进的模型,小错误修复,重新修改的石头位置等...我将允许其他版本留在SSE Nexus,因为我已经允许我的mod上传。









Power Stone:冬天的大法师Shalidor使用过,你可以期待在他的迷宫中找到它。



Power Stone  -  Sream基本上是一个放大的照明风暴法术

Power Stone  - 类似于Alduin的火球般的火球,只有更强

Power Stone  -  Shatter Star召唤流星击中你的目标





在一个非常特殊的工作人员里面,心灵石被用来操纵别人的精神。类似于来自Dragonborn的“Bend Will”的作品。




当安装在护手上时,它会产生相同的效果,并给予玩家两个法术:Soul Tear,其功能与呼喊完全相同,“Raise Thralls”就像Ritual Doom Stone一样,但效果更强,效果更强。


找到时不太有用,它也可以安装在工作人员身上,召唤一个小团队的falmer minion为你而战。




奖励:使用完成的Infinity Gauntlet,你可以用手指对你周围的每一个实体造成几次伤害(如果不是完全杀死)。如果他们死了,他们甚至会变成灰尘。

清道夫狩猎始于Shalidor的迷宫。快来准备好好战!你可能会在那里找到一本期刊和你的第一本Infinity Stone。


 - 常见问题和已知的问题和修正 - 

你可以在其中一块石头上添加X法术吗? /你会添加更多内容吗?

 - 也许吧。如果它足够合理,我可以尝试添加两个咒语,甚至是新效果。对不起!我的新电脑不支持Blender(不再为我建模),由于某些原因,我再也无法编译脚本了,所以也没有新的法术。我只能使用Creation Kit调整一些内容并修改纹理。对不起!


 - 应从版本2开始修复


 - 抱歉:/如果还有法语版的话,我会在Creation Kit中查找,但我可能会留下一些东西:/


 - 将长手套或任何无限石放在胸前。保存。退出游戏。使用“保存工具”清除保存文件的mod脚本。加载游戏,拾取手套并装备它。它现在可能已修复。否则,只需解开手套,保存,卸载mod,加载你的游戏并保存,重新安装mod,它应该被修复......但你要么必须再次挑选所有的石头或控制台命令你的无限笞刑。


 - 他们不应该!重新安装mod应该解决这个问题。


 - 由mod添加的护甲套装仅限男性。唯一的例外是,Thanos'Armor以及Gauntlet和Ring,两者都是男女皆宜的。


 - 确实如此,但我尽我所能为Marvel粉丝提供一些粉丝服务...... DC粉丝也会有一些东西,不用担心。


 - 我可能会这样做,如果您认为我“借用”了我不应该拥有的东西,请查看信用标签或本页底部。如果您认为某些事情已经结束,您可以随时联系我或发表评论。我会删除或更改首先不应该存在的内容。


 - 由于我的改装技能的限制,太空石的力量仍然受限于2个生物的天际召唤上限。像Unlimited Summons一样安装mod去除帽子可以解决问题....对不起。


 - 我重新设计了纹章纹理,我完全重塑了Thanos的Armor并制作了一个女性版本。 Soul Stone现在被放置在一个保险箱内,而不仅仅是漂浮在周围,因此在与Durnevir的战斗中它不太可能松开它。 Orb,Aether和Tesseract都进行了整容。 Orb现在处于最终的Labyrinthian细胞中。 Thanos收到了一个无石头的手套,现在需要制作最后的Infinity Gauntlet。 Daedric Perk的要求已不复存在。



T3alrose为Loki Mod


LordBaraban和LordOfWar为Witcher gau刑使用作为可选文件

SoverusBaine为他的Dragon's Dogma拼写包

他的Bingles Buff Armors的bingles

感谢您下载并播放此mod ^^!

This is the official SSE port of my "The Infinity Gauntlet" mod. It contains some improvements over the original mod, such as improved models, minor bug fix, reworked stone location and the like... I'll allow the other version to stay on the SSE Nexus since I had given my permission for the mod to be uploaded. 

The DLCs are required for this mod to work.

At the dawn of the Universe, 6 gems were created along with the Universe.
The 6 Stones were used, lost, misplaced, hidden and exploited by multiple ill-intended being throughout History.
At the dawn of a new crisis, the stones have awaken again, and are waiting to be found so that the balance can be restored.

Inspired by Avengers : Infinity War and Avengers : Endgame, this mod adds a tiny adventure to find the 6 Infinity Gems and eventually restore the Infinity Gauntlet, an artifact of great power capable of accomplishing anything the user thinks.

Disclaimer :
This mod can be considered a work in progress... You can consider this a fully fledged beta... If anyone with more modding skills than me is willing to help me out or even restart the mod from scratch using these assets, they have my blessing. The only thing that I demand is crediting the original authors. Thank you for your comprehension.

The gems and their powers are as follows :

The Power Stone : Used by Archmage Shalidor of Winterhold eons ago, you can expect to find it inside his Labyrinth. 
Can be used to forge a very powerful hammer with magical properties.
When mounted on the Gauntlet, the stone grants 3 Unique spells : 
Power Stone - Sream which is basically a scaled-up Lighting Storm spell
Power Stone - Fireball which is similar to Alduin's fireball shout, only stronger
Power Stone -  Shatter Star calls upon a meteor to strike your target

The Reality Stone : Kagrenac used this gem's power to fashion his tools used to harness the power of the Heart Of Lorkan.
Useless when found, it may be mounted on a staff to be used much like Wabbajack, with almost limitless charge. 
When mounted on the gauntlet, it adds the staff's spell to the player. It also gives a spell to the player which works just like Alduin's fire rain shout along with another disarming spell.

The Mind Stone : When he was known as "Loki", Miraak used this stone mounted on a staff to carve out words of power capable of controlling the spirit of any beast. You may find his old staff stashed in his old temple.
Inside a very special staff, the mind stone is used to manipulate other people's spirits. Works similar to the " Bend Will " shout from Dragonborn. 
When mounted on the gauntlet, it grants the staff's spell to the player and a spell to lift and throw people and creatures around ( Yes. The Mind Stone has this power ).

The Soul Stone : Long ago, Mannimarco sacrificed everything to use this stone's power. After his demise, they were both send to the Soul Cairn.
Mounted on a ring, it grants 50% resistance to Ice, Fire and Shock ; 100 points and 50% regen to Magicka, Health and Stamina ; and 100 armor points.
When mounted on the Gauntlet, it grants the same effect and gives the player two spells : Soul Tear, which functions exactly like the shout and " Raise Thralls " which works just like the Ritual Doom Stone but with stronger and longer effects.

The Space Stone : Used by the Snow Prince of the Falmer to conjure up his troops, the Tesseract was eventually lost and refound by a certain collector of oddities in Windhelm.
Not really useful when find, it too can be mounted on a staff to summon a small team of falmer minion to fight for you.

The Time Stone : Worn like a pendant by some kind of Sorcerer Supreme. Being out of time, you'll never be able to find him... However, chances are HE will find you during your quest, and challenge you.
The Eye of Agamoto can be used to slow down time, much like the " Slow Time " shout, without the downsides but with a longer casting time.
When mounted on the gauntlet, it also gives the player a AoE paralyzing spell.

BONUS : With the completed Infinity Gauntlet, you can snap your fingers to severally damage ( if not outright kill ) every single entity around you. If they die, they will even turn into dust.

The Scavenger hunt begins at Shalidor's Labyrinth. Come prepared for a good fight ! You'll probably find a journal and your first Infinity Stone there. 
The journal contains everything you need to know about the mod. So have fun ! 


Can you add X spell to one of the stones ? / Will you add more content ?
- Maybe. If it's reasonable enough, I can try to add a spell of two, or even a new effect. Sorry ! My new computer doesn't support Blender ( no more modeling for me ) and for some reason, I'm unable to compile scripts anymore, so no new spells either. I can only tweak a few things with the Creation Kit and modify textures. Sorry !

There is a invisible area above my right hand when I equip the gauntlet !
- Should be fixed as of version 2

Something is written in french !
- Sorry :/ I looked up in the Creation Kit if anything was still in french, but I may have left a few things out :/

After an update, I don't get the new powers !
- Put the gauntlet or any Infinity Stone in a chest. Save. Exit the game. Use Save Tool to clean my mod scripts of your save file. Load your game, pickup the Gauntlet and equip it. It's probably fixed now. Otherwise, just unequip the gauntlet, save, uninstall the mod, load your game and save, re-install the mod and it should be fixed... But you'll either have to pick all the stones again or to console command your Infinity Gauntlet.

Characters added by the mod have gray faces !
- They shouldn't ! Re-installing the mod should fix this.

The armors added by the mod look exactly like vanilla armor sets !
- The armor sets added by the mod are MALE ONLY. The Only exception being, Thanos' Armor along with the Gauntlet and the Ring, both of which are unisex.

Your mod sucks !
- It does, but I try my best to offer a bit of fan service to Marvel fans... DC Fans will have something too, don't worry.

Do you have the permission to use X or X ?
- I probably do, check the credits tab or the bottom of this page if you think I " borrowed " something I shouldn't have. If you think something is off, you can always PM me or comment. I'll either remove or change what shouldn't have been there in the first place.

When I use the Space Stone's power, I only summon one falmer !
-Due to limitation of my modding skills, the Space Stone's power is still limited by Skyrim summon cap of 2 creatures. Installing a mod to remove the cap likeUnlimited Summons fixes the problem.... Sorry.

What are the improvements unique to the SSE version ?
-I reworked the gauntlet textures a bit, I totally reshaped Thanos' Armor and made a female version too. The Soul Stone is now placed inside a strongbox, instead of just floating around, so that it's less likely to loose it during the battle against Durnevir. The Orb, the Aether and the Tesseract all received a facelift. The Orb is now in the final Labyrinthian cell. Thanos has received a stoneless gauntlet, now required to craft the final Infinity Gauntlet. The Daedric Perk requirement is no more. 

CREDITS : Permissions were asked or otherwise the assets were stated safe to use

Saerileth and Gamwich for their textures.
T3alrose for the Loki Mod
Nikinoodles for the Cloaks of Skyrim mod
LordBaraban and LordOfWar for the Witcher gauntlet used as an optional file
SoverusBaine for his Dragon's Dogma spell pack
bingles for his Bingles Buff Armors

Thank you for downloading and playing this mod ^^ !




崔佛的新发型和头部包MOD | 死的现在活了——Dead Now Live | 求生之路2 生或死5女天狗MOD | 群星 v1.8让你成为龙裔MOD | 《上古卷轴5:天际》Q-Ta''s Pre-war Outfit 女裝MOD | LabiaVariants 真實的HUA瓣...只需HDTPE |


  • 崔佛的新发型和头部包MOD
  • 死的现在活了——Dead Now Live
  • 求生之路2 生或死5女天狗MOD
  • 群星 v1.8让你成为龙裔MOD
  • 《上古卷轴5:天际》Q-Ta''s Pre-war Outfit 女裝MOD
  • LabiaVariants 真實的HUA瓣...只需HDTPE